As A Rule Man s A Fool Poem

As A Rule Man s A Fool Poem

Does rule rhythm with fool?​

Daftar Isi

1. Does rule rhythm with fool?​


1 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Fool. Boole. Boule. Brule. Buhl. Col. Cool. Cruel. Drool. Dule. Fuel. Ghoul. Joule. ...

2 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Fool. Abdul. Ampoule. Ampul. Awol. Carol. Dual. Enrol. Extol. Ferrule. Ferule. Frivol. ...

3 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Fool. Istanbul. Minuscule. Molecule. Overrule. Ridicule. Supercool. Vestibule.

2. song of the river fool poem analysis


The poem appears under the title "Inland Waters: Highlands Song of the River." It's a short poem, just three stanzas long. Its central idea is that a river can be symbolic of both cleanliness and filth, and both sin and purity of the soul. it is actually representing the contradictory of the story


3. song of the river fool poem reflection

The poem appears under the title "Inland Waters: Highlands Song of the River." It's a short poem, just three stanzas long. Its central idea is that a river can be symbolic of both cleanliness and filth, and both sin and purity of the soul. it is actually representing the contradictory of the story


4. what might the thief's feeling whenever he can't fool the old man​

feeling of pity, because everyone can reach old age



5. please answer it no fooling arround please, fool arround and i will report it​









6. in this activity, you will use what you have learned from the beginning of this module by evaluating the fluency, tone, correctness, and cohesion of the poem. Use this criteria as your fool for evaluation.​


Hindi ko po makita


7. what is the meaning of the wise may learn more of fools than fools of the wise?​


wise men always try to learn from everything.


wise men try to learn from the fool's perspective and see what they can learn from it, while fools will keep talking like they know everything.

8. 3. In what way was he able to get his lunch?a. He was able to fool the fish.b. He was able to fool the duck.c. He was able to fool the rock.d. He was able to fool the bug.​




dahilyan ang answer

9. Direction: Give what is asked.1) In the poem “Songs of the River Fool”:a. Who is the sender?b. Who is the persona of the poem?c. What thing is being personified?d. Give a line from the poem that shows personificationpls answer​


sorry po hindi kopo masagotan kong walang story or pic

10. Find out one word of this sentence. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool. A. SenilityB. SuperannuationC. DotageD. ImbecilityBrainliest the correct answer ​




THATS my answer on my test

11. "If I can fool a bug, I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bug." -E.B. White what does it mean?​


it means that they think they are wise, but they're just fooling people around and it's not good.

12. what can be inferred in the line “Love ’s no time ’s fool”?​


only a fool believes in love


13. A wager is a fool's argument


1. a wager is a fool's argument.

a. agreement b. battle c. debate d. fight


is this the question?

d. fight

I think correct me if I'm wrong

14. Reflection:Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.”― Charles Spurgeon​


When the topic calls for a comparison between a "wise man" and a "fool", no one else appears to be more worthy of illustrating this than Socrates Himself.

Most people use to think that the more they know the wiser they become, that is because they don't really understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom. "To know", is not synonymous with "to understand." A lot of people may claim that they know you inside-out, but in reality, it appears that only a few could really understand you.

A knowledgeable person is not always considered a wise person. In fact, a person who knows a lot may sometimes be mistaken as a fool, but a man who is full of wisdom can never be a considered a fool.

Socrates never considered himself wise, instead, he always tells his student that the only he knows, is that he knows nothing; and that is the reason why Socrates is considered the wisest of all. Only fools brag of their wisdom, but the wise will never do so.

"Fools are known for their speech, while wise men are known for their silence."



15. 3. In what way was he able to get his lunch? a. He was able to fool the fish. b. He was able to fool the duck. c. He was able to fool the rock. d. He was able to fool the bug.​


3.  d.


pa brainliest po



The bug came buzzing by "hello mr.frog! what are you doing? asked the bug. " l'm having my lunch ! slurp! said the frog Mr Frog Smiled.


its possible that he ate the bug

sana makatulong


16. a fool tells you what he will do, a boaster what he has done. the wise man does it and says nothing meaning


is that even a question


A fool tells you what he will do BUT do nothing. He is more on stateting things rather than doing it.

A boaster what he has done. It's like hypocrisy, doing things so he has something to brag.

The wise men does it and says nothing. A person that has good morales and is opposite to a fool and boaster.

17. "a wise man speaks because he has something to say. a fool beacusehe has to say something." please elaborate​

A wise man share his knowledge/information to the others unlike a fool who only speaks because he needed to make excuses for himself.

18. become pototoy mando you know fools garden​




thinks I know a bout it is cut your kings hear


Fools Garden is a German musical band formed in 1991 in the city of Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg. The founders of the group and the only permanent members are vocalist Peter Freudenthaler and guitarist Volker Hinkel.




19. What the summary of call a fool a fool

To begin the author writes an essay for a class in the form of how the many people write; with obvious content and writing what people want to hear. The author, Paul Roberts, begins with writing how most students begin a paper, wanting to put it off and dreading a 500 words minimum. The paper is then treaded along writing what everyone else has written, with no excellent detail and counting every word. Then goes on to give major suggestions to make writing and reading what has been written more interesting.

Avoiding obvious content is the first and major point. This means don’t write about what everyone has heard before because the rest of the writers have already though of that idea also. Each writer should have the own distinctive reason why they have a particular feeling towards that subject. To steam off of avoiding obvious content it is also suggested to take the unusual side of the argument. Hearing the other perspective is also writing something most readers haven not read, keeping the reader interested in what is being said.

Roberts writes to avoid use of obvious padding. Avoid filler content to try to add to the word count. When sentences can be written in a few words it shouldn’t be turned into a paragraph to make a word minimum, it is more than likely repetitive and becomes less exciting to read. That just because a sentence can be said in forty-five words instead of seven does not mean that is the route that should be taken. Roberts says that more real content should be found and written about to make that minimum, really get to know the subject that is being written.

The writer continues to say “call a fool a fool” leave out this “in my opinions” and “I believes”. Say beliefs with certainty it gets the points across better and makes one a stronger writer. Roberts also says to use euphemism to make writing and reading more exciting. A reader would reader would rather read a cliché such as “Kicked the bucket” over the man died. It causes the reading more colorful and enjoyable to read.

Avoiding pat expressions is also told by Roberts while they will happen in writing it is recommended to use them as few and far between as possible. Roberts included examples of pat expressions such as; “took the easy way out”, “parted the best of friends”, “from where I sit”, and “to the ends of the earth”. Though these expressions at one point were meaningful and better described a situation, now the words are more clue-like and have lost their intensity. The other downside to pat expressions due to lack of clarity is they become more padding, without real meaning behind the phrases they become “padding” which is Roberts also advises against.

To make the reading more intriguing Roberts recommends using “colorful words”. These are words to grab the reader’s attention and keep them wanting to read more. Colorful words are words with a preexisting association with them. The author chose the example “mother” the majority of people find a pleasant connection with the word mother. Therefore, when trying to describe a close relationship saying “she was like a mother to me” shows a close, nurturing, and caring relationship for most. While some colored words can have a very positive effect within the writing, there are also negative colored words that can do the same in when describing less then pleasant situations. Roberts uses the word “mother-in-law” as a model to negate what is being written. There are also intellectual colorful words which have a very literal meaning but have their own meaning to each reader. Examples of intellectually colorful words given by Roberts include; communist, schoolteacher, liberal, socialist, radical, and salesman. Color words are a way to greatly enhance what the writer is writing.

The author also suggests avoiding use of colorless words. These words are quite literally words that have no color they are very broad and generalized. Roberts uses the words such as; attitudes, cases, nice and circumstances that should be avoided in writing.

“How to say nothing in 500 words” is an article that gives great suggestions on how to become a better writer. There are not only ways to cut out unnecessary information but ways to enhance what is already written. Many students, speakers, and writers would benefit from reading this.

20. Identify the fool/s in the picture Write the name and uses on the space provided

where is the picture

kailangan po do ba ng picture

21. We can fool the world but we can't fool our selves​

di nalang ako mag tell..

22. 1. As they were walking along, a countryman passed them and said,"You fools, what is a donkey for but to ride upon."What did the man say about the old man and his sons?​


he said that what is a donkey for if you don't ride it.



The man says about the usefulness of a donkey. However, it is not a good statement for the reason that it criticized the old man and his sons.

23. a wager is a fool s argument



24. 3. In what way was he able to get his lunch?He was able to fool the fish.b. He was able to fool the duck.c. He was able to fool the rock.d. He was able to fool the bug.​

Where is the story behind the question

25. 8. Poems are made by fools like me. But only God can make a tree.The underlined phrase is aA metaphorB. simileC. hyperboleD. personification​




It means that people can write their own story but only God can give us life.

26. 2. pool, fool, polePlease do not ________me.The old man is carrying the bamboo ______________Frogs and mosquitoes lay in the___________​

please do not FOOL me

the old man is carrying the bamboo POLE

Frogs and mosquitoes lay in the POOL

27. explain this quote "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control"​




Individuals utilize an assortment of terms for self-control, including discipline, assurance, coarseness, resolve, and backbone. Therapists ordinarily characterize self-control as the capacity to control practices to keep away from enticements and to accomplish objectives The capacity to defer satisfaction and oppose undesirable practices or inclinations. Investing in some opportunity to survey a circumstance and pick the proper reaction versus an enthusiastic reaction can make your days run all the more easily. Individuals with great self-control will quite often experience the ill effects of less episodes of stress and nervousness than the people who are inadequate in self-control.

There are ways of rehearsing self-control, with many investing in some opportunity to learn techniques best for them to accomplish long haul objectives. How self-control is advanced additionally relies upon the situation. Guardians can assist their kids with learning self-control through play and by proposing elective practices. Research has observed that self-control is a restricted asset. In the long haul, practicing self-control will in general reinforce it. Rehearsing self-control permits you to further develop it over the long run. Notwithstanding, self-control in the present moment is restricted.

ano ang ibig sabihin ng self control -


28. what is the meaning of the "wise may learn more of fools than fools of the wise"​


A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise person


Wise person can learn from fools because wise observes the wrongdoings of a fool so that he'll never attempt to do the same way.

29. do you agree with plato when he said that if you do not take interest in the affairs of your government, then you are deemed to live under the rule of fools? Why? why not? explain




because everybody don't need to follow rules that just cared about the penny from government.For me,democracy is the best noneed to dependent cause we need to be independent

30. give me a word that symbolize RESEARCH (research acrostic)R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H-ill report if there is a fool answer​


R - Recent Investigation Achieve

E - Experimental Investigation Enquire

S - Scrutinies Hunt

E - Electric Field Annotate

A - Actual Examination Review

R - Recent Finding Research

C - Careful Inquiries Inquire

H - Histological Findings Complete

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