Author s Reasoning

Author s Reasoning

5.what is called to the author 's reason for writing?​

Daftar Isi

1. 5.what is called to the author 's reason for writing?​


An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition. An author writes with one of four general purposes in mind: 1.

2. enumerate the steps on how to judge an author s reasoning?​


Step 1: Identify the Author's Assumptions.

Step 2: Identify the Types of Support.

Step 3: Determine the Relevance of the Support.

Step 4: Determine the Author's Objectivity.

Step 5: Determine the Argument's Completeness.

Step 6: Determine if the Argument Is Valid.

Step 7: Decide if the Argument Is Credible.


Evaluate the credibility of an author's argument by analyzing the manipulation of language, as well as the range, sufficiency, quality, relevance and validity of the claims. Evaluate the author's acknowledgement of opposing points of views and the reasoning and evidence the author uses to refute these views.

3. true or false an author s reasoning is sound if the explanations of the author include evidence from different sources​


thank a lot of dogs and a loll them marias ohh pall


sana makatulong po


Useless po yung una ang tama pong sagot ay true.


Sana nakatulong.

4. MELCs: Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes, defend a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidence, and write various kinds of position papers DIRECTIONS: Write T if the statement is TRUE and E if FALSE: Write your answers on long pad paper. 1. In writing, the meaning of the word "argument is same as the meaning used in the real world where an argument denotes "light" or "conflict 2 Analyzing an argument means breaking it down into is components in order to determine whether or not it is strong or weak, effective, or not. 3. A writer's appeal is a group of statements or reasons used to persuade the readers that what he/she believes is true. 4. Deductive arguments proceed from specific ideas or facts to the general 5. The three major ways authors present arguments are through reasoning, argument, and appeal 6. A claim is also called an opinion. 7. Logical appeals contain the authors' support to their claims can also draw from a variety of techniques such as citation of recognized experts on the issue and illustration of deep knowledge on the issue 8. In logical appeals, authors use logic to support their claims by including a combination of different types of evidence 9. Authors cannot appeal to the emotions of their readers. 10. In presenting your claims, you can fabricate what the meaning of a sentence was or add/subtract words to suit your needs 11. The position paper includes a thesis statement 12. Using passive voice in your position paper strengthens your arguments. 13. A position paper presents one side of a debatable opinion about an issue 14. Considering the other viewpoint may help you understand both sides of an issue. 15. You do not have to choose a side and argue in favor of your point of view in a position paper because you can be neutralPA ANSWER PO PLEASE! THANKYOU​


Sculptures on Relief. - High Relief. - Low Relief. - Bas Relief. - Sunken Relief.

Carved Sculptures.

Full Round Sculpting.

Cast Sculptures.

Modeling Sculptures.

Assembled Sculptures.

Installation Sculptures.

Kinetic Sculptures


5. What are the presentedwhat wwgon/s se stanca?Nes ogalent)Do you agree with the ideo presented by the author in his work? Explain why you think that wayCut an article orth a newspaper or magazine that contains author bias ond paste it in your notebook Read the article constuly/Then denly the bicos you hors andymed wille pieceexploration to prove your portV. ASSESSMENT20 HsinNote: if you have a way to connect to the inteet, you may search on it, INSTRUCTIONS de tatements below. Then paint out the seasthat favor the author and those that don' 1. Nations will he and fat but equality remains the idea. The even aim is to achieve respect for the entire human race not for theABA fouoward in lavor ofs og net in favor of 2. Love thould have no utemativa love should be the reason for long love onthould spring ofA Bay for/teward in favor of Roxagonal that in favor of3 want our people to be sa dove tree shong and and standing on thede unataid of the ringtide lighting and the stom content of in trength<<-Manuel QueVI. REFLECTIONA. Sa fol/foward jin fovara), as ogah that in tovor ofwite your personal nighs about the hearing the prompts belowunderstand Trece that morPrepared by:Inpoct to seomstore gbout Checked by:​


play genshin to pass on ur assignments, exams and quizes


Stan baizhu

6. C. Assessment/Application and Output 1. Directions Read and analyze each sentence. Identify the author's purpose whether to Inform, Entertain or Persuade. State your reason for choosing your answer. 1. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Crisis in a certain area in the 1930's. Answer: Reason: 2. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930's Answer: Reason: 3. An instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone. Answer: Reason: 4. A medical report describing the effects of steroids on the human body. Answer. Reason: 2​


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7. Activity: Read the informational text below. Then, answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. One Mirror, Two Images: Views on Singlehood and Marriage By Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr.Questions1. what is the general idea expressed by the author in the informational text?2. what key pointd did the author plan to cover in the informational text?3. what significant material was used by the author in supporting the factors that determine the sphere of influence parents have on the future of their children?4. what is your appreciation of the relevance and worth of the author 's ideas as reflected in his sound reasoning and effective presentation?​


1. The idea expressed by the author in the informational text is that "Parents have a strong tendency to condition the certainty of their children's future."

2. The author planned to cover the following in the informational text: quality of parents' lives, the relationship pattern within the family, the educational level attained by the parents, and the time factor involved in accomplishing all parental duties and responsibilities.

3. The author used findings in various researches on family studies as supporting ideas to the factors that determine the sphere of influence parents have on the future of their children.

4. The relevance and worth of the author's ideas are valid, truthful, and precise representations of family relations especially between parents and their children. The author was able to showcase sound reasoning and effective presentation throughout the article that ensured a better understanding of the issue raised.


here ty!!

8. CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDINGDIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. If the statement is correct,write TRUE. If the statement is false, change theunderlined word/s to make it correct.1. An author may try to entertain or instruct you to do something.2. Descriptive text simply compares something.3. Cause and Effect text structures aim to provide a reason oran explanation for an event.4. Compare and contrast involves a comparison involving multiplethings, revealing how they are alike and how they aredifferent.5. In a cause and effect text structure, the author identifies aproblem and details a solution to this prohl​





9. Mr. S is the MIS Director of the Social Security System (SSS). Mr. S’s mother is working in a private firm and had incurred SSS loan equivalent for a five (5) month salary. Her mother wanted to apply for another loan but was disapproved for a reason that she has a pending SSS loan. To help his mother, Mr. S altered the actual data from the SSS Information System to make it appear that her mother had no more pending loan from the SSS. Ms. SS, the approving officer of the loan, in relying on the computer – generated output of the SSS Information System approved the loan of Mr. S’s mother.1. Do you think that Mr. S is guilty of Computer Related Forgery? Why or Why Not?2. Is Mr. S is guilty of Computer – Related Fraud? Why or Why Not?3. If Ms. SS, the approving authority is aware of the scheme made by Mr. S, then is Ms. SS also guilty of computer related forgery. Why or Why Not?4. If Ms. SS, the approving authority did not approve of the loan application of Mr. S’s mother, then is Mr. S will not anymore guilty of computer related forgery? Why or Why Not?

Social Security System Loan Approval (COMPUTER FORGER AND FRAUD)

1. Yes, Mr. S is guilty of Computer Related Forgery.

Definition: Computer Related Forgery is altering information for means of impersonating of stealing an identity.

Mr. S changed data and information to help his mother have a loan approved.

2. Yes. Computer fraud is defined as an offense that consists of using or falsifying data stored, being processed or in transit, in order to derive personal benefits or financial gain.Since Mr. S's purpose is to take out some loan and so this is considered as fraud. He is defrauding the Social Security System.

3. No.  If the approving officer is aware of the scheme she would not be guilty of it but she will be considered as an accomplice. Or she will be charged for Negligence.

4. No, she will not. Since the loan did not go through, the fraud also would have been null and void. And so, if for example, authorities discovered that Mr. S. attempted to defraud the SSS, then he will still be charged of the same crime. To which it would not find Ms. SS to be at fault, whether she detected the con or not, because she did not approve of it.


10. It pertains to the author’s reason for writing the paragraph. R U S H O A T P R O S U E P


authors purpose


pabrainliest po thanks

11. encirle the letter of the correct answer.1.what is the purpose of an argumentative essay? convince the entertain narrate an event teach a lesson2.which is not a feature of an argumentative essay? states the claim or position of the narrates an event in a chronological provides reasons and supporting evidence presents opposing views and explains its weakness3.statistics expert opinion quotation and personal experience can be used in an argumentative essay's position b.main ideac.supporting evidencesd.topic be more convincing the main idea of the essay should be supported by a.clear statement of opposing viewsb.detailed discussion of current events c.logical reasons and evidences d.narration of a personal experience​






not sure but I hope it helps

12. tivity 2 your opinion(s) corresponding to your decision, then, on the line provided, write the reason behind your choice. Directions: Decide whether you agree (1st box) or disagree (2nd box) on the given statement. Check the box AGREE DISAGREE 1. A Conclusion statement should indicate the overall evaluation of the work 2. Summary should be longer than evaluation parts of critique essays. 3. Recommendations for improvement on the work may be appropriate. 1 4. To support the Critical Evaluation, one must provide evidence from the work itself, such as a quote or example. 5. In the Summary, you should name the work being reviewed as well as the date it was created and the name of the author/creator. ctivity 3 mun Raner below is described in each item. Write the letter on the sPATULONG PO HUHU BRAINLEST KO MAKASAGOT HEHE​


thank you for the points

13. DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. If the statement is correct,write TRUE. If the statement is false, change theunderlined word/s to make it correct.1. An author may try to entertain or instruct you to do something.2. Descriptive text simply compares something.3. Cause and Effect text structures aim to provide a reason oran explanation for an event.4. Compare and contrast involves a comparison involving multiplethings, revealing how they are alike and how they aredifferent.5. In a cause and effect text structure, the author identifies aproblem and details a solution to this problem.​


1) true

2) compares - describes

3) true

4) true

5) details a solution to this problem - problem and the effect of it

14. Instructions: Each set contains one topic, one thesis statement, and two supportingsentences. Label each item as T for the topic, TH for the thesis statement, and S forsupporting sentences. Write the answer in your activity notebook.Set A.A. People listen to audiobooks while doing other tasks, such as commuting orExercisingB. Audiobooks are more convenient than printed books for several reasonsC. Listeners hear dramatization of a printed by actual author or an actor.D. Audiobooks.​


Topic: D.

Thesis Statement: B.

Supporting Sentences: A. & C.

15. 1 The earth is made up of three layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. The the mantle, which is 2,895 kilometers thick. The core, which is 3,475 kilometers thick surrounded by the mantle. The innermost part is solid (the inner core) while the outer part is liquid layer called the crust , is between 16 and 40 kilometers thick. It floats on a thicker layer as (the outer core) The purpose of the author is to 2. An old man suffering from a nagging back ache went to see his doctor. The doctor wrote the prescription and told the man to apply it on his back. After a week, he came back still complaining about the pain The doctor asked him if he followed the directions. The man turned and on his back was the prescription firmly posted. The purpose of the author is to At no time in history have humans produced so much waste. Ours is a throw-away society No matter which area is examined, it is found that for health, safety, advertising, or other reasons, we produce more waste. We have to implement ways to make use of people's waste to prevent further damage to humanity The purpose of the author is to 3 4. The year is 2020 Global warfare is raging. Not one country against another. This is all-out war-humans against computers Back in 2018 - Back in 2018 - what seems ages ago - the Athan Computer Group perfected a revolutionary new chip that enable computers to learn. And learn they did - at a rate incomprehensible to humans. The purpose of the author is to 5 Residents of a small village in Nueva Vizcaya can now look forward to a continuous supply of clean and safe water with the completion of a water system project. The new water system in Barangay Bangaan. Here, which was funded by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter- Day Saints, was formally inaugurated last week. The purpose of the author is to C. Assessment Application and Output 1. Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Identify the author's purpose whether to Inform Entertain or Persuade State your reason for choosing your answer 1. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Crisis in a certain area in the 1930's. Answer. Reason 2. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930's Answer: Reason: An instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone Answer: Reason: A medical report describing the effects of steroids on the human body Answer: Reason:​







sana nakatolong

16. Activity evaluate the essay and fill the chart below it •topic•The author is favor or against•Reason/s•proposed solution•sound or unsound reasoning•effective or ineffective​



Open-pit mining causes negative environmental consequences

The author is favor or against

The author is against


Mining leads to flooding,deforestation,habitat depletion,pollution, amd other harmful effects on nature, humans, plants, animals.

Sound or unsound reasoning

Sound reasoning

Effective or ineffective

The essay show effective presentation as it informs the reader about the negative effects og mining


17. 1. What form/s of imagery was used in the poem? Write the lines that suggest the said imagery. 2. What do you believe to be the author's main reason for writing the poem? 3. How does the author's use of imagery impact the overall work? 4. Discuss the message that the poem is trying to convey5. What emotions does this poem evoke in you?Pasagot naman po lods:)​


wow amizing app and amizing answer im syper happy for this answer

18. 1. What form/s of imagery was used in the poem? Write the lines that suggest the said imagery. 2. What do you believe to be the author's main reason for writing the poem? 3. How does the author's use of imagery impact the overall work? 4. Discuss the message that the poem is trying to convey 5. What emotions does this poem evoke in you? Pasagot naman po lods:)​

hey ☺️ I can do that you can correct it ☺️ I can get it

19. 20 points Patulong po ASAP need ko na po bukas answer the following questions about President Obama's address1. What is the issue presented in the speech?2. Are the terms used clearly defined and applied throughout the message?3. Is the thesis (the point to be made) clearly and directly stated? What is the thesis statement?4. Are facts provided as evidence? if so identify them5. Is the reasoning sound and logical? (Does one point follow from another?)6. What persuasive devices or propaganda techniques does the author use (examples: appeal to emotions, name-calling, appeal to authority)?7. Does the author succeed in persuading you to accept his argument?8. Is there an issue sinailar to the one presented here in the Philippines? Explain your answer?9. How is this article related with the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression of the 1930's in America?​


1.) Obama addressed the subjects of racial tensions, white privilege, and race and inequality in the United States, discussing black "anger", white "resentment", and other issues as he sought to explain and contextualize Wright's controversial comments.

2.) As the former president Barack Obama said, "Let's be clear, There are no winners here" as he signed the stop-gap bill. He explained fully the enumerated implementations and its advantages and future benefits. ... But still, some people don't put their trust on Barack Obama's words.

3.) A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific ...Always stated in your introduction.

4.)He said that the fact is, democracy has never been easy and our Founding Fathers argued about everything. We waged a Civil War. We overcame depression. We’ve lurched from eras of great progressive change to periods of retrenchment.

5.) The statement of obama is sound and logical.

6.) the readers' emotions; name calling is an invalid argument that deviates from a certain topic and attacks the person; and, appeal to authority uses authoritative support to win an argument.

7.) For me yup. because I understand Obama’s speech he wants all people to be equal for everyone no matter what kind of color everyone has. And regardless of the status of different people, for Obama everyone has equal rights

8.) Yes, there is an issue similar in the Philippines the issue is that,The Poverty and Inequality in the Philippines remains a challenge until now.The discrimination is always have even in the Philippines.

9.) Wall Street Crash and Great Depression of the 1930's in America.This situation is still facing until current administration. President Obama’s Wall Street reform law created an independent agency to set and enforce clear, consistent rules for the financial marketplace.

20. what is your appreciation of the relevance and worth and worth of the author 's ideas as reflected in his or her sound reasoning and effective presentation.​


The relevance and worth of the author's ideas are valid,truthful,and precise representations of family relations especially between parents and their children.The author was able to showcase sound reasoning and effective presentation throughout the article that ensured a better understanding of the issue raised.

21. give reasons to support one's opinion.A.Conclusion B.Critical analysis C.Personal reflection D.summary2. it includes critical questions as what the author"s purpose in writing storyA.Conclusion B.Critical analysis C.Personal reflection D.introduction​Need help guys pa sagot


1. A.

2. B.



22. estngvee2. In which paragraphs is the claim or the author's position in the essay found?A. Paragraphs 1 & 2B. Paragraphs 1 & 4C. Paragraphs 1 & 5D. Paragraphs 1 & 73. What is presented in paragraph 5?A An argument that animals should be used in testingB. Claim that animals should not be used in laboratoriesC. Reason and evidence that animals should not be used in testingD. The author's position, reason and evidence about animal testing4. What is the purpose of paragraph 3?A present the claim or the author's positionB. present the counterargument and attack itC. present evidence of the usefulness of animal testingD. present the reason why animals testing is bad5. How many reasons why animals should not be used in experiments arepresented in the essay?A. 2B. 4C. SD. 86. What type of evidence is used in this sentence?Zoologist Ann Speirs says that animals may suffer even more thanpeople do, because they can't understand what's happening tothem.A. example. B. expert opinion C. personal experience D. statistics ​


2. d


4. b


6. b


yan po right answer

23. the author"s purpose to give facts and reasons to get the point across​


The answer is to inform


24. what was the reason why the first revolutionary plot of simoun failed?a .Maria clara got sick and died b.lack of weapons and resourcesc.simoun was caught by Spanish authorities d.Basilio confessed the identity of simoun to the governor general which of the following is not one of the hardships of Jose Rizal in publishing El filibusterismo?a.infidelity of Leonor Riverab.Del Pilar and Rizal rivalryc.Poor life abroad d.Jose Rizal 's feeling of homesick ​


1. C

2. C


Simoun was caught because in his appearance

Poor life abroad is not one

25. When you get married and have a family, what kind of family and type of authority will you adopt or observed? Give your reason/s.


For Me Kind Of Family Of Observed Beacuse To Make Your Life Easiler And Keep Safe Always Indoor Or Oudoor To Make You Chance To Pursue Your Own Goals.


The Life Is Not Already Easy To Achieve What Are They To Do Think Befeore To Do What's Right.

26. SD2. What is another word for young?A. juvenile B. oldC. small[3. What do you think would make an appropriate tA. My First PuppyC. Why Puppies MaB. Dogs and Puppies D. All About Puppie4. This passage consists primarily ofA. facts B. reasons C. humor5. What do you think is the author's purpose in writiA. to persuade B. to explainD. evc to​



3.A. my first puppy?

4.A.facts? explain?

27. what is/are the reason/s behind the cavite Mutiny based on the testaments of Spanish Authorities?​


It was traced that the primary cause of the mutiny is believed to "be an order from Governor-General Carlos to subject the soldiers of the Engineering and Artillery Corps to personal taxes, from which they were previously exempt.


dk f that's the exact findings but i tnk it does. lol.

28. Task 2:List down titles and authors of your well-read/favorite fiction, poem and drama. Writereason/s why you like these, and what you learned from them. (five points each totalling45 points​


Hunter x Hunter — Yoshiro Togashi (Japanese manga artist)

Hunter x Hunter anime taught me to enjoy the small things of life and everything is possible if we put effort and believe in ourselves (◠‿◕)

Naruto — Masashi Kishimoto (Japanese manga artist)

Naruto anime taught me not to easily give up in my dreams 。◕‿◕。

29. Topic : BRINGING CELLPHONE IN SCHOOL The BODY comprises THREE or more paragraphs that explain the reasons to  support the thesis. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence stating  the reason/claim and should be supported by evidence/s.  ➢ Included in the body of an argumentative essay is the author’s rebuttal in  which the writer addresses an opposing point of view to disprove it by  presenting his counter-arguments.


the body is the cellphone of my life

30. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. Write your answers on a separateanswer sheet.are written to explain or describe. They are usually labelledand have detailed diagrams that help the readers understand the concept better.Informational text has structures. They are:describes something. It starts with an introduction andprovides descriptions of the subject, idea, or characterin the text.idcovers few purposes such as sequentialinstructions, chronological events, and arguments,explains the reasons and results.Proinvolves a comparison of multiple things, revealinghow similar and how different they are.involves two parts: the author identifies problems anddetails solutions to the problems.S​




4.cause and effect and contrast

6.problem and solution

Explanation: yan po answer ko Sana maka tulong

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