Corporal Punishment Should Be Reintroduced In Schools

Corporal Punishment Should Be Reintroduced In Schools

Corporal punishment should be allowed in school?

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1. Corporal punishment should be allowed in school?


Corporal punishment sets clear boundaries and motivates children to behave in school. Children are better able to make decisions about their behavior, exercise self-control, and be accountable for their actions when they understand the penalty they face…


that's all thx

2. Corporal punishment should be abolished in school? Oppose this motion.


Question: Corporal punishment should be abolished in school? Oppose this motion.


Why Should Corporal Punishment Be Banned?

Research has shown that corporal punishment in the classroom is not an effective practice, and can cause more harm than good. The research shows that children who are beaten and abused are more likely to be prone to depression, low self-esteem and suicide.


3. corporal punishment at school position paper​


hope this will help you : )

4. Pang sang ayon sa corporal na punishment​


opo sang aton ako sa corporal punishment dahil ito ay dumudulot ng magandang sigurashon.


sana make tolong

5. corporal punishment a beating​


Where is the given question I cant answer it if without the question

6. the comparison of possitive discipline with corporeal punishment​


Discipline is a positive method of teaching a child self-control, confidence, and responsibility. ... Punishment focuses on past misbehavior and offers little or nothing to help a child behave better in the future. When punishment is used, the person who punishes the child becomes responsible for the child's behavior.


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7. Explain this kind of article. A group of parents and teachers tried unsuccessfully to use Article 9 to overturn the ban on corporal punishment of children in schools. They believed that part of the duty of education in the Christian context was for teachers to assume the parental role and administer physical punishment to misbehaving children. The House of Lords rejected the case because the parents’ rights under Article 9 were restricted by the need to protect children from the harmful effects that corporal punishment might cause – a punishment that involves deliberately inflicting physical violence. The House of Lords concluded that the vulnerability of children made the legislation necessary and that the statutory ban on corporal punishment in schools pursued a legitimate aim and was proportionate. P.s pleaseeeee 99 points!!!

it seems that the upper government is against the article 9, because they want to protect the children's from harm

8. Should the schools punish the bullies or take the chance of the parents punishing them?

if the student doesn't know how to respect, gave them a school punish

9. what is corporal punishment?​


Corporal punishment or physical punishment is a punishment intended to cause physical pain to a person. When practised on minors, especially in home and school settings, methods include spanking or paddling. When practised on adults, it may be practised on prisoners and slaves.

10. corporal punishment ; a beating ​


it's is a copabeat


kasi naka corporal a biting

11. Corporal Punishment in Teaching Practical Research 2?​


are u okay


okay okay u can do it with me in the kama

12. What is corporal punishment?​


physical punishment, such as caning or flogging.

punishment under law that includes imprisonment and death.

Corporal punishment

A corporal punishment or a physical punishment is a punishment which is intended to cause physical pain to a person. When it is inflicted on minors, especially in home and school settings, its methods may include spanking or paddling. When it is inflicted on adults, it may be inflicted on prisoners and slaves.


13. corporal punishment is a away of children's problem behavior​


The evidence that corporal punishment (such as spanking, smacking, or slapping) can impair child development is compelling. ... Children who have been subjected to corporal punishment are also at greater risk of problems in adulthood, such as substance and alcohol abuse.

14. corporal punishment in school is a way of disclipining unruly pupils. Make a sentence about it and put agree or disagree ​


I think corporal punishment should be enhance and our schools should give a heavier punisment for those students who keeps going against the school rules. (AGREE)

NOTE: This sentence is my own sentence so if ever you don't agree with corporal punishments you can make your own sentence. Again this is an opinion thank you.

15. Discussed the capital punishment and corporal punishment. Give example​


Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial. ... The phrase 'capital punishment' comes from the Latin word for the head. A 'corporal' punishment, such as flogging, takes its name from the Latin word for the body.


16. corporal punishment ; a beating​




if the child do the beating and never stop

17. corporal punishment.​


corporal punishment or a physical punishment is a punishment which is intended to cause physical pain to a person. When it is inflicted on minors, especially in home and school settings, its methods may include spanking or paddling. When it is inflicted on adults, it may be inflicted on prisoners and slaves

18. Should schools punish inappropriate student behavior?​




For students to be well-disciplined and to think first before they do action.

19. sang ayon ako sa corporal punishment​


Asan po yung picture kuya?

20. a. adults believe when children ______ they may grow up_______. b. children have____ their parents or teachers' parents. c. corporal punishment is a way of ________ children's problem behavior. d. but in shocking conclusion to one study, most teachers find corporal punishment an________ means of discipline. e. most children grew up _________with corporal punishment at home by parents and school by teachers. f. corporal punishment is done as____________. A.ineffective B. Means of descipline C. InflectedD. Tendency to testE. UndisciplineF.go unpunished G. Controlling ​


Go unpunished


tendency to test




means of discipline

21. Should learners in school be punished for not using English while at school? Support with reasons.​


It depends on the context and the specific policies and rules that are in place at the school.

In general, schools often have policies in place to encourage students to use the language of instruction, whether that is English or another language. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as to ensure that students are able to fully participate in class and to promote language development.

However, it is also important to consider the individual needs and circumstances of the students. For example, if a student is an English language learner and is still developing their proficiency in the language, it may be more appropriate to provide additional support and accommodations rather than punishment.

Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to punish students for not using English (or the language of instruction) should be based on a careful consideration of the goals of the school and the needs of the individual students.



Learners should not be punished for not using English while in school as it is important for learners to feel comfortable and confident in the classroom. Encouragement and support are much more effective ways to help learners progress in their language acquisition goals.

22. english activity 3 corporal punishment opinions English​


what is the sentence


cant answer it withoutthe question sorry

23. make a coherent paragraph in this sentences.A. adults believe when children go unpunished they may grow up undiscipline B. Children have tendency to test their parents or teachers' parent C. Corporal punishment is a way of controlling children's problem behavior D. But in shocking conclusion to ine study, most teachers find corporal punishment an ineffective means of discipline E. Most children grew up inflected with corporal punishment at home by parents and school by teachers F. Corporal punishment is done as means of disciplinePasagot po thank you... ​


B. D. C. E. F. A.


sana po maka tulong yan

24. If a child is okey to receive a corporal punishment.




because a parent must know how to handle a misbehaving child and punishing the kid physically would make it a lot worst. The child will get used to the punishment and it wouldn't listen to the parent anymore.

25. 6- How many countries still permitted corporal punishment in school according toUNESCO?​


Australia, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia all join the US in allowing corporal punishment in some or all schools.


ewan kung tama yan

26. Activity 3Directions. Read the article on Corporal punishment and give your opinion regarding it. Makesure to have a clear stand. Be guided with the rubricsCORPORAL PUNISHMENTIn article 233 of Family Code 1987 and was also confirmed in the Public SchoolsService Manual 1992 and the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools 1992, corporalpunishment is prohibited in both public and private schools. Corporal punishments includespanking, slapping, yelling, and pinchingDespite that many studies have shown that physical punishment can lead to increasedaggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury and mental health problems for children, stillsome believed that corporal punishment is a discipline method to a child's unacceptablebehavior or inappropriate language which can prevent its recurrence and set an example for orhers​


sorry po hindi ko po alam

27. statement 1 . corporal punishment should be allowed in school 2 . parents are always right 3 . health is better than wealth 4 . wearing a face mask at home is advisable five . kids with parents working aboard are lucky reasons (for)reasons (against)​


2.nope not all of them

3.thats right

4.yes thats true

28. corporal punishment to develop gmrc​


Children subjected to corporal punishment suffer from lowered self-esteem, clinical depression, and suicide ideation all so that parents can instill fear and artificial control. Aside from the negative psychological effects, the use of corporal punishment has negative implications as it teaches children that it is acceptable and sometimes necessary to solve their problems using violence. With that being said, school administrators, teachers, and parents instill high levels of moral capacities onto children only for them to grow up into a world that applies force and violence at every nonconforming moment. Corporal punishment is still wrong, but the hypocrisy culture on the issue drives a wedge in the progress of eliminating this ideology.


29. "Capital punishment (the death penalty) should be reintroduced in the UK". Arguments to support this statement including purposes of capital punishment, religious views and quotes from the Bible and Qur'an. Arguments against the reintroduction of the death penalty including purposes of punishment, religious views and quotes from the Bible and Qur'an.

I don't think that it would be best to have a Capital punishment or Death penalty in U.K. Punishment can't be on the Hands of a Human But of God. There was no Word in the Scripture that tells that one has to punish others because We are not Perfect and all was capable of doing sins. Even if a Person is A murderer and everything you can name but it was not enough a Reason for killing him/her.

30. if a child misbehave, is it okay for them to receive a corporal punishment?



Hope it helps

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