Duties Of A Doctor Essay

Duties Of A Doctor Essay


Daftar Isi



Doctors, also known as physicians, are licensed health professionals who maintain and restore human health through the practice of medicine. They examine patients, review their medical history, diagnose illnesses or injuries, administer treatment, and counsel patients on their health and well being.


Duties of a doctor

Monitoring and caring for patients in hospitals and clinics.

Investigating, diagnosing and treating the health conditions of patients.

Prescribing and reviewing patients' medication.

Taking accurate notes, as a legal record and for other healthcare professionals to use

2. what is roles/duties of doctor? ​


Monitoring and caring for patients in hospitals and clinics

Investigating, diagnosing and treating the health conditions of patients

Prescribing and reviewing patients’ medication

Taking accurate notes, as a legal record and for other healthcare professionals to use

Working with other doctors, healthcare professionals and management staff

Educating people about their health

Teaching and supervising trainee doctors.

3. what are the fuction and duties of the doctors​


Doctors, also known as Physicians, are licensed health professionals who maintain and restore human health through the practice of medicine. They examine patients, review their medical history, diagnose illnesses or injuries, administer treatment and counsel patients on their health and well being.


function of a doctor is to take care and ensure the safety of the patients


duties are

- undertaking patient consultations and physical examinations

- organising workloads

- performing surgical procedures

- providing pre and post-operative care

- monitoring and administering medication

4. Primary or Secondary. 1.Encyclopedia 2.Actual photo of nurses and doctor performing their duty.3.English textbook4.President duterte's speech.5.Diary ​









5. what is roles/duties of doctor? ​


to help people that have head ache or etc

6. an essay on how are you going to perform your household duties at home?​

I'll discipline my self and do all my chores on time. I'll know my duties and performed them on time. I'll schedule my duties, so that it wouldn't block me from doing other things aside from those.

7. what is roles/duties of doctor? ​


Doctors, also known as physicians, are licensed health professionals who maintain and restore human health through the practice of medicine. They examine patients, review their medical history, diagnose illnesses or injuries, administer treatment, and counsel patients on their health and well being.


8. 3 paragraphs essay on how to fulfill the duties and responsibilities as adolescents ​


Adolescence Essay: Adolescence is the phase of transition between childhood and adulthood. It involves the physical and psychological growth and development of a person during the puberty period and is usually marked by the teenage years. The ages between 10 to 24 are generally said to be adolescence period

9. write the duties and responsibilities of the following community human resources.1. Dentist.2. Doctor.3. Nurse.4.pediatrician​


1. Dentist

- recognize, promote and uphold fundamental human rights and the rights of their patients;

-represent, defend and advocate for both the oral health needs and best interests of patients and the public;

-provide safe, quality, competent and fair oral healthcare to every patient;


- Assess symptoms.

-Diagnose conditions.

-Prescribe and administer treatment.

-Provide follow-up care of patients, refer them to other providers, and interpret their ---laboratory results.

-Collaborate with physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and other health professionals.

3. Nurse

- Record medical history and symptoms.

-Collaborate with team to plan for patient care.

-Advocate for health and wellbeing of patient.

-Monitor patient health and record signs.

-Administer medications and treatments.

-Operate medical equipment.

-Perform diagnostic tests.

-Educate patients about management of illnesses.

4. Pediatrician

- Conducting thorough examinations on newborns and young children to check and record their health and normal physical development.

-Examining sick children and reaching an informed diagnosis.

-Prescribing medications and giving detailed instructions for administration.

10. 2. Give an essay about the Duties and Responsibilities of the Filipino citizenIn your own words please thanks​


What are the duties and responsibilities of a Filipino citizen?


Support and defend the Constitution.

Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.

Participate in the democratic process.

Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.

Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.

Participate in your local community.

Similarly, what makes you a Filipino citizen? You are a citizen if any of your parents is a Filipino citizen on your birth date according to the Philippine Nationality Law. By Naturalization according to the Bureau of Immigration of the Philippines is the judicial act of adopting a foreigner and clothing him with the privileges of a native-born citizen.

With rights come responsibilities. It is irresponsible to say and do things merely because you have the right to say and do them, particularly when you completely disregard the harm it causes. They once again focus on a constitutionally protected right – the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.


11. write 10 sentences about the roles/duties of doctor or chef profession using modal adverbs ​


Base on paranormal abnormal critical illegal astronomical physical tragical musical potential kinetic authentic subtraction multiplication division trio algebra mic on solar punnel under the earthquake in under the sun and the gravity of the moon then I realized that this photo is a pictureBase on paranormal abnormal critical illegal astronomical physical tragical musical potential kinetic authentic subtraction multiplication division trio algebra mic on solar punnel under the earthquake in under the sun and the gravity of the moon then I realized that this photo is a picture@TRH • BigbossPlays:Item sa kaja:

Arcane boots

Calamity reaper

Shadow TwinBlades

Holy crystal

Divine glaive

Feeting time[FFF3B5] you have muted[00F11FF] Warning Freestyle iNSECTiON

TIKTOK KA SAKEN[0000ff][b]AKO--LNG--MALAKAS-[FF00FF]-MAG-[FF00FF]-GUSION-[ff00ff]-SA-[00ff00] SA EARTHI'm No 1 philippines [00FF00] dinuo pero iniwan din sa dulo ⃢

12. What are the duties of referee in Volleyball Game?essay​


The referee is responsible for officially recognizing team requests, substitutions, time-outs and communicating with the coaches at the appropriate times. There are often multiple referees in a match, according to the Strength and Power for Volleyball website.

13. write an essay regarding the ethical and unethical behavior of a social worker in your latian with other duties and responsibilities and duties and accountabilities?​


my suggest ako sayo mag download ka ng module key sa play store solve na problem mo

pa brainliest


to make a decision making in life to support their lives, achieved your goals in life then you will become a successful person. love is patient, and true love to those who wait, and then try and try until you success in life. before you fall in love with someone, make sure that you have a money.


14. identify the subordinating conjunction used in each sentence. the doctor wakes up early because he has a morning duty at the hospitals.




15. 5. SERUN- duties include communicating between patients anddoctors, caring for patients, administering medicine​


Nurse po Yan


no explanation.

16. kailan nag du- duty ang mga nurses at doctor​


it's depends on there schedule

correct me if im wrong

or report my answer


17. 3.Kailan nagdu-duty ang mga itinalagang nurses at doctor?please po kailangan kopo ito ngayun​


24 oras. sabuong linggo

pa brainliest naman pls.

18. Essay about valuing responsibilities duties and accountability of the social work practitioners

Core Social Work Values: 5 of the Most Important

Integrity, individual dignity, compassionate care, social justice, and human connections are among the more than five key social work ideals. The efficacy of social work activities and programs is dependent on these key beliefs. These core codes have a specific function. They lay the moral groundwork for the social worker's organization, for example, and they outline the ethical ideas that are utilized to create professional standards and govern social work activities. These codes assist social workers in identifying professional responsibilities as well as legal conflicts of interest. The guidelines serve as public standards against which social workers can be held responsible.

1. Service

The fundamental purpose of social workers is to provide excellent public service by assisting needy individuals in addressing, managing, and resolving a variety of social issues. Social workers must always prioritize public service before personal gain and self-interest. Social workers utilize their skills and experience to assist clients in overcoming major social issues such as drug addiction, child abuse, homelessness, and criminal conduct.

2. Equality in the workplace

Social workers seek to promote social fairness and combat injustice. They provide vulnerable persons and oppressed groups with social assistance and resources. They raise public awareness of social justice concerns and encourage people to value cultural variety and genetic variation. They advocate for fair opportunities and a healthy client relationship.

3. Values

Each person's dignity and worth is respected by social workers. Each client is treated with care and respect, taking into account individual characteristics, cultural norms, and ethnic diversity. They encourage clients to make socially responsible decisions based on their personal principles. Social workers work to help their clients change, meet their own needs, and become more self-sufficient.

4. Relationships between people

Human interactions are of paramount significance to social workers. They recognize that interpersonal interactions are critical vehicles for change, advocacy, and equity. Clients, other professionals, and community program personnel are all included as partners in the healing and assisting process by social workers. They work to repair and enhance the functionality of clients, their families, and communities through improving interpersonal interactions.

5. Integrity

Social professionals must always behave with integrity. They must be mindful of their organization's goal, their profession's principles, and their own personal ethical standards at all times. To inspire their coworkers and promote their company, social workers must conduct themselves in public in an honest and responsible manner.

1. define social work;

2. explain the context and the basic concepts of the social work;

3. describe the goals and scope of social work;

4. discuss the principles of social work, and

5. explain the core values of social work.​



19. write a sentences about the roles or duties of a doctor using modal adverbs

1. They cure people with diseases.

2. They help some person with cancer.

3. This pandemic they are our heroes cause they cure people with Corona Virus even the exchange of it is they wouldnt see there family.

Sorry thats all I can think!!

ㅉ디채ㅡㄷ ㅑㅜ ㅁㅇ품ㅊㄷ!

20. Roles and duties of a doctor using modals​




because some doctors are affected of virus

21. In essay form explain the duties and responsibilities IT as a profession​


Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.IT professionals work to create the computer, network, and communication systems that an organization needs, and then work to ensure that these systems are working correctly and efficiently. They must ensure that systems stay secure, technology support is available, and that updates are made as needed.

22. use "an off-duty doctor" in a sentence Nonsense=Report​

An off-duty doctor sprung into action on a long-haul flight when a woman sitting next to him suddenly went into labour on the plane.

23. use "an off-duty doctor" in a sentence.​


mario is an off-duty doctor today


Luckily, and off-duty doctor came to the rescue when the man was about to be in a serious predicament.

24. essay about valuing responsibilities duties and accountability of the social work practitioners


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25. There were 10 nurses and 7 doctors duty in the Emergency unit of Pillar hospital, 8 of the nurses and 5 of the doctors were female. What is the probability that a person chosen at random will be male or a nurse? ​



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Ok lez go to third sea bye im gonna go to third sea bye im gonna go to third sea bye im gonna gogo to to third sea bye im gonna gogo to to third sea butbye im stunninggonna kyou whateverim heyI frostlook

26. Duties and Responisibility of a Student answer me in essay please

As a student they know their duties how they make their activities like their have presentation this is the time that they do their task,And also they know their responsibility for example the teacher said,this day of submmision of the project so they are responsible to do as much as they can.

27. Was William Chambliss fair in performing his duty as a police officer? Create an essay to answer this question.


william chambliss a police studied as saints person..otherwise..fault or mistakes arw both sins of justice..as a police williams did the best accuracy to accuse the groups wth none diffination of false as a crime needed to testify the origin of happenings from the gruops..neither he necessarily used the justification in own hand by in good ways to find out yhe real accusing upon the groups..whatever happened as a lwayer you need to be fair feom both side and filtration of case must be out personaly and after beyond the since..

28. Pretend that you are a doctor who is on duty in the community health center.Two patients came in to be checked.Refer to the pictures below.For each patient,list down their signs and possible symptoms.​

Answer: the possible signs of their illness is

1. tickly throat, a runny or stuffy nose, and sneezing, & Headache,

2.Upset stomach,  Stomach cramps,  Nausea,  Vomiting,  Diarrhea, & Fever



1.Common Cold

2.Runny Nose


1.Food Poisoning

2.Spoiled Foods

3.Acute Watery Diarrhea

29. ESSAY about doing my duties and responsibilities​


People are seems very very busy everyday .Time is very fast and yet many people are very very busy. They have many things to do in their daily life. They have some mission to do, they have goal in their life and duties and responsibilities and more. But what is responsibilities ?

Responsibilities- the state or fact of having a duty to deal on something or of having a control in someone.

a thing that one is required to do as part of a role, job ,or legal obligation.

I have a many things to do in my daily life . Especially my duties and responsibilities . Example , My responsibilities in school , house city ,and more. And i have a duties in my life to do. But what is Duties ?

Duties - is a moral or legal obligation ; a responsibility

a task or action that someone is required to perform

Since i know what is the meaning of responsibilities and duties , I have to do it right now.

Some examples of Duty:

Duty of careDuty of candour.Duty to defendDuty to settle , in insuranceDuty to rescueDuty to retreatDuty to report a felonyDuty to vote ( in countries with mandatory voting)Duty to warnDuties of employment

I have many things to do in my life . Especially my responsibilities and duties in my daily life.


Sorry kung mali :(


30. Make an essay on the status of caregivers abroad and here in the Philippines. Make a point on their importance, duties and responsibilities.​


This chapter examines the multiple and evolving roles of caregivers of older adults and the impact of assuming these roles on caregivers' health and well-being. It describes caregiver tasks, the dynamic nature of caregiving over time, the increasing complexity and scope of caregiver responsibilities, and issues involved in surrogate decision making. Family caregiving is more intensive, complex, and long lasting than in the past and caregivers rarely receive adequate preparation for their role. A compelling body of evidence suggests that many caregivers experience negative psychological effects. Some caregivers are at higher risk than others, especially those who spend long hours caring for older adults with advanced dementia. Caregivers should have access to high-quality, evidence-based interventions designed to mitigate or prevent adverse health effects.

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