Judge Symbol

Judge Symbol

An emblem is a distinctive badge, a design, a pictorial image that symbolizes a concept or a person like a king, saint, or knight. Design an emblem based on the characteristics of your favorite judge in the Book of Judges.​

Daftar Isi

1. An emblem is a distinctive badge, a design, a pictorial image that symbolizes a concept or a person like a king, saint, or knight. Design an emblem based on the characteristics of your favorite judge in the Book of Judges.​

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2. to judge or not to judge​

Not judge is a good choice. However, whatever we do, we are humans. We cannot avoid judging others. We must not act self-righteous. As much as not to judge sounds good, we mustn’t ignore the fact that we always make mistakes and end up rating other people.


Definitely not to judge


Kase hindi mo naman. Kilala ang tao kaya wag kayong mang judge sabi nga nila don't judge the book by its cover

3. symbol that support the idea of the "When you post and share an image, Make sure it could not cause damage. Know facts- there are judges. Be guided by your five senses." stanza.


"The symbol that supports the idea is your smile, because sharing your smile in the world resembles peace, happiness and your confidence so show it... and feel the peace."


Guided By My Five Senses


4. What did the judge do with the case filed by the rich man?The case_________by the judge. ​


where's the story? i need it so I can answer your question

5. Gods self-revelation to Moses is represented by three (3) symbols.1. 2.3. Reason for the success of the Israelites leaders. 1. 2. The judges who stand out for their outstanding leadership.1.2.auto report nonsense answers.​

[tex] \boxed{\underline{\large{\mathbb{ANSWERS:}}}}[/tex]

♛God's self-revelation to Moses is represented by three (3) symbols.

Moses at the Burning Bush

Possible Meaning - Deity and humanity of jesus,power of the holy spirit.

Moses staff converted into a snake

Possible Meaning - He will be facing the power of enemy.

Picking up the Serpent

Possible Meaning - He is under God's Control.

♛Reason for the success of the Israelites leaders.

God’s designated leaders, prophets, armies, and all the people of Israel.He leads the nation into battle, he executes judgment when necessary, and he attempts to hold the people to the terms of the covenant God made with the Israelites at Mt. Sinai.

♛The judges who stand out for their outstanding leadership

The office of judgeship in the tribal confederacy of the Israelites, which was centred at a covenant shrine, was not hereditaryThe judges arose as Yahweh saw fit, in order to lead an erring and repentant people to a restoration of a right relationship with him and to victory over their enemies.


6. you judgequestion: how to judge a sunset trees in the paintings?ans:​


Do you paintings am sand or lake or flowers

7. "The Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge"1. What was the clamor of the widow to the wicked judge?2. Why did the widow keep on coming to the judge every day?3. How come did the judge give in to her request?​Please help me :-( :-(


1. she kept on coming to the judge to ask for justice

2. to ask for justice for someone is treating her badly

3. because he neither fear God or the people he helped the widow to have justice so that the widow will not bother him anymore

8. The scores of Miss World candidates from seven judges were recorded as follows:8.45,9.20,8.56,9.13,8.67,8.85,and 9.17.find the 60th percentile or P60 of the judges scores.what is the P35 of the judges scores?


P60 = 9.13

P35 = 8.67

Step-by-step explanation:

To get the percentile in a given set of data, the data should be sorted from lowest to highest. In the given, the sorted data is shown below:


Next is to apply the formula in getting Percentiles. The formula is:

[tex]R = \frac{Percentile}{100} (n + 1)[/tex]

where n is the total number of data in the data set.

Applying the formula, we will get the following:

For the P60:

[tex]P60 = \frac{60}{100} (7 + 1)\\P60 = \frac{3}{5} (8)\\P60 = 4.8 = 5[/tex]

We rounded up P60 to 5 and what it means is that the P60 is the 5th rank of the sorted data set.

[tex]P60 = 5th\\P60 = 9.13[/tex]

For the P35:

[tex]P35 = \frac{35}{100} (7 + 1)\\P35 = (0.35)(8)\\P35 = 2.8 = 3\\[/tex]

We rounded up P35 to 3 and what it means is that the P35 is the 3rd rank of the sorted data set.

[tex]P35 = 3rd\\P35 = 8.67[/tex]

Links related to percentiles:




9. Complete the cycle in the life of the Israelites under the judges (Okay if short 1. God raised a judge 2. 3. 4. 5. Judge Died 6. 7. 8. 9.


10. 1. The one who was slain was B. the judge's bull A. the judge C. the farmer D. the farmer's bull 1. The one who was slain was B. the judge's bull A. the judge C. the farmer D. the farmer's bull​


D.The Farmer's Bull


Correct me if I wrong!

11. Since Othniel was a warrior-judge, do you think he was a firm, authoritative judge?​


Othniel is a firm and authoritative judge as he is God’s lion. In this, he was a person who proved to live up to his given name (God’s Lion). He is likewise denoted as the first and best judge.


12. it is an apinion of a judge or group judges that accompanies and explain an order in a controversy before the Court​


A "judicial opinion" or "opinion of the court" is an opinion of a judge or group of judges that accompanies and explains an order or ruling in a controversy before the court. ... Judicial opinions are discussed further in the articles on common law and precedent.

remind me if the answer is wrong

13. Why do we judge ourselves by our intentions but judge others by their actions?​


We judge ourselves by our intentions and everyone else by their actions. Whenever we do something wrong we rationalize how we didn't mean for that outcome or that we really did it for a good reason. When other people do something wrong we never give them that same slack. They simply are wrong.

14. what did judge do with the case filed by the rich man?the case by the judge​


we will help them clear the case and defeat the opponent.

15. How will you judge the following? pic of bawal judge mental​


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pa brainliest pls


Give 5 products or services that are current needs or demands in your school or community


salamat nalang ta point

16. 12 judges from the book of judges and their mission.​


Book of Judges

• Othniel.

• Ehud.

• Shamgar.

• Deborah.

• Gideon.

• Abimelech.

• Tola.

• Jair.


yan lng alam ko huhu

17. what did the judge do with the case filed by the rich man?the case blank by the judge




Sorry i dont quite understand it who's the judge?

and also what's the story of the rich man?

18. What is the difference between the judges in the Old Testament and the Judges of today?​


All Biblical Judges performed judicial duties and the institute of Judges was separated from the institute of King. Their main task was to obtain justice for the tribes of Israel in the face of their enemies, annihilate or drive out their oppressors, and bring salvation, rest and peace to the land.

19. What is the difference between the judges in the Old Testament and the Judges of today?


The difference between the Judges of the Old Testament from the Judges of Today's generation lies in the "Law" thay they uphold, interpret and enforced.


They are the same judges that are fallible if we base our argument from the fact that they enforce the law.

However, they differ if we put in place the context of the law to which they enforce.

The Judges in the old Testament enforced the law of Yahweh (Torah) that was handed down to Moses.

Whereas the Judges of today enforce the law that was enacted by our congress or the very constitution itself.

The former is accountable to God, while the latter is accountable to the people it serves.


20. explain with a long explanation the slogan "judge yourself before you judge others."​

you must judge yourself first before the others because if you are talking with a person in high level ,maybe you say a bad word to that people without knowing that he/she is more superior than you.

21. some people is soo judge mental. why somepeople is so judge mental to other people ? ​


because they judge people on something that they don't have or own thats why they judge others

22. The following judges are major judges except:a. Gideonb. Othnielc. Jephthahd. Shamgar​




23. how do you understand this bible verse "do not judge or you too will be judge. for in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7: 1-2​



Non-believers, unfortunately, have a widespread misconception about Christians. Judgment is an issue that is frequently mentioned in the Bible, indicating that it is crucial to our faith, life, and progress in Jesus Christ. As a result, we need to learn more about it.

Although the Bible does not condemn judgment as a form of sin, it does issue several warnings and admonishments. We locate the verses in Matthew 7 when we read it.

"Don't judge, or you'll be judged as well." You will be judged in the same way that others will be judged, and you will be measured in the same way that others will be measured.

Why do you concentrate on the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye while ignoring the plank in your own? When there is always a plank in your own eye, how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck out of your eye?" You hypocrite must first remove the speck from your brother's eye before you can see clearly enough to remove the plank from your own."

In verse 6, Jesus’ tone on judgment changes:

The tone of Jesus' condemnation shifts in verse 6:

"Don't give your pearls to pigs; don't give your sacred things to dogs." They may trample them under their feet if you do, and then turn and tear you to pieces if you do."

We should judge someone's character to see if they are a dog (see above in verse 6) or a false prophet (see later in the chapter) before we judge them (verse 15). The caution he delivers in verses 1 and 2, followed by verse 5, gives the Christian a framework for how we should judge and how we should not judge others. Simply expressed, we are not to judge in a self-righteous or hypocritical manner.

24. Pa tulong please smatWhat are the hand signals for service judge and line judge?​




thanks me later

25. the scores of miss world candidates from seven judges were recorded as follow: 9.23,9.45,8.20,8.56,9.56,9.13 and 8.21a. find the 70th percentile or p70 of the judgesb. what is the p45 of the judges scores? ​


Ang sumosunod ay mga layunin ni Rizal sa pasulat niya ng Noli maliban sa Isa

26. 3. The judge was relieved when the jury was finally ready to announce its verdict.a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved.b. The judge asked the jury to arrive at a verdict.c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict.d. The jury welcomed the judge's relief.​


A. when the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved.




Sana makatulong.

27. if the victim is the father of the judge's son, what is the judge's decision?


the only decision is final and the father was victim is ipakulong nyo na yung ama

28. Explain how major judges distinct from minor judges​


Some scholars have inferred that the minor judges were actual adjudicators, whereas the major judges were leaders and did not actually make legal judgements.

29. Gods self-revelation to Moses is represented by three (3) symbols1.2.3.Reason for the success of the Israelites leaders.1.2.The judges who stand out for their outstanding leadership1.2.​


Gods self-revelation to Moses is represented by three (3) symbols




30. if you are one of the judges of an art competition, what do you this is needed for you to be a fair judge?​


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