My Rights And My Responsibilities Action Plan

My Rights And My Responsibilities Action Plan

my rights and my responsibilities action plan​

Daftar Isi

1. my rights and my responsibilities action plan​

My rights is that is woking up early and doing household chores to help my mom, and my responsiilities is that is babysitting of my younger sister and study hard to have an award so my parents are going to be proud of me.


2. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan​



Sana Makatulong

3. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan​


Child's Rights

• Right to express their views and opinion.

• Right to live a full life.

• Right to get and share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or others.

• Right to be born well.


• Balance study routine with leisure time.

• Get enough sleep and healthy food.

• Read what I have studied and learned.

• Create a schedule and daily to do list.


• Follow all the commands of my parents.

• Doing household chores.

• Taking care of my siblings or pet.


• Share the blessings and be a good example.

• Watch / read news about our country's current situation.

• Following the health protocols of the government.

• Keeping clean the environment.


4. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan THINGS TO DOHome: Assist siblings or any family member in their academic endeavors1. Share knowledge on HEALTHY PROTOCOLS during this COVID-19 pandemic1. report​tignan po ninyo yung nasa picture!kung ano ang Home at Community ng Child's Rights at Self​


Healthy protocols during covid 19

1.wear a facemask/faceshield

2.stay at home

3.Social distancing (maintain a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others)

4.Avoid touching your face

5.Wash your hands frequently with soap for 20 seconds each time

6.. Don’t share personal items


comb,make up,phone etc

7.Stop shaking hands and hugging people-for now


pabrainliest thank you

5. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action PlanTHINGS TO DOChild's RightsHomeSelfCommunityRight to beeducatedpakid​


picture nga po salamat po

6. my rights and my responsibilities action plan​


Child Right's

right to legally registered name and nationality


go to the citizen evidence and you have register to proved your nationality


Be hospitality


Be proud of being Filipino


7. my rights and responsibilities action plan


I wish that my answer could help you.

Merry Christmas

8. Activity 3: WHAT I CAN DO My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan THINGS TO DO Given the child's rights, write things that you can do to responsibly practice your rights to YOURSELF, AT HOME and IN THE COMMUNITY. Ex. Right to be educated Self: Apply effective study habit Home: Assist siblings or any family members .Community: Share knowledge on HEALTH PROTOCOLS during COVID 19 pandemic.Child's Rights1.Right to get and share information Self: Home: Community: 2. Right to legally registered name and nationality Self: Home: Community: 3. Right to express their views and opinions Self: Home: Community:​please:(​


1. self: you have right to pick at your own

home: you have right to stay there because your parents own it ,

community:you have right to do whatever you want just dont break a rules

3. self: you have right to think that youre beautiful

home : you have right to express what your problem is but in respecful way

community : if youre part of lgbt you have right to wear whatever you want ,dont let other make you insecure just beacause youre a part of lgbt , be your self

9. my rights and my responsibilities action plan


Just look at thr picture below..

10. Done with all the activities? If yes, you were now ready for the next step! Categorize the following to whether they are right or wrong indications of being independent and responsible student. Put a check (V) if you believe that the statement is right and an (X) if the statement is wrong. 1. The lack of trust in your job and the well-being of your family. 2. Blaming others for their errors and shortcomings. 3.Participate in lectures, labs and workshops, ready and on time. 4. Missing deadlines set by teachers. 5. Usually, I would try to do my class work even if others were messing up. 6. Avoiding difficult jobs and programs, not taking chances. 7. Regularly whining about unequal treatment by team leaders and team members - and self-pity. 8. The things in my bedroom and school are organized. 9. Avoid taking initiatives and being dependent on others for work, advice, and guidance. 10. Lack of confidence in team members and leaders. 11. I'm trying to learn from my mistakes. 12.Completion of scheduled work in a timely manner with respect to quality of work, 13. Identify, build, and execute the plan to achieve the educational objectives. 14. Common excuses - they will always say, "It's not my fault" or "It's unfair." 15. Avoid making excuses for their actions.​






5. /



8. /

9. /

10. X

11. /

12. /

13. /

14. X

15. /

11. my rights and responsibilities action plan brainly


thanks for the points I appreciate it

12. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action PlanTHINGS TO DOChild's RightsSelfHomeCommunity7 in child's Rights ​

Child rights:

Right to a name and nationality

Right to free primary education

Right to be protected

Right to not be abducted or sold

Right to express their views on matters

Right to not be tortured

Right to have many opportunities

Effective study habits:

Create a study schedule

Quite study place

Eat healthy food

Flashcards and notes

Teach other or talk out loud



That's the only thing i could answer, but i hope it helps you, Goodluck

13. my rights and responsibilities action plan suggested time allotment 10 minutes

hi my English grade's is 94 do you want some answer about your module?

14. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan THINGS TO DO Self Home Community Child's Rights Right to be educated ngo le EA PEUT Gde den​


It is important to know your rights so that if people try to take them away you can stop them. Responsible people know what their rights are and respect the rights of others. Being responsible means you care about other people's rights.

15. You Can Do It My Rights and Responsibilities Action Plan Now, to assess if you really understand your rights, you are going to make an action plan on how you are going to exercise these rights as a child, which will help you to become responsible for yourself, your home and your community. Copy this activity on a clean sheet of paper or one short bond paper and fill out the blank spaces. An example has been given ​


It is essential to understand one's rights and responsibilities as a child in order to become a responsible member of the community. To assess if you truly understand your rights, I urge you to create an action plan on how you will exercise these rights. This plan will help you to become accountable for yourself, your home, and your community. To begin, copy this activity onto a clean sheet of paper or one short bond paper and fill out the blank spaces. An example has been provided to guide you. I strongly encourage you to take this task seriously and use a formal, forceful tone to indicate your approval of the topic.

paki brainliest naman po

16. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan In Community Give 3 Sentences

1.clean room the chores that your parents give you

3.always help older one



Be responsable


Hope makatulong

17. My Righes and My Responsibilities Action Plan THINGS TO DO Child's Rights Home Seir Right to be educated.​


Child's Rights

• Right to express their views and opinion.

• Right to live a full life.

• Right to get and share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or others.

• Right to be born well.


• Balance study routine with leisure time.

• Get enough sleep and healthy food.

• Read what I have studied and learned.

• Create a schedule and daily to do list.


• Follow all the commands of my parents.

• Doing household chores.

• Taking care of my siblings or pet.


• Share the blessings and be a good example.

• Watch / read news about our country's current situation.

• Following the health protocols of the government.

• Keeping clean the environment.




18. my rights and my responsibilities action plan child's right-self-home-community-​

Right & ResponsibilitiesChild’s


Get love from parentsGetting EducationGet protection from parentsGet basic needs fulfilledGet health care and attention when sick


Study hard. The ability of their children to develop into intelligent adults who will succeed in the future should make parents happy. A child can easily honor his parents in this way.Respect your parents evenly and keep the image and reputation positive.Assist in relieving work stress. As an example, children can help families in keeping the house tidy and peaceful by sweeping or cleaning their own room. By consoling and listening to their parents' complaints when they have difficulties, children can help lessen their parents' suffering.Be kind to every member of the family.Love the young and respect the elderly.



Get a proper educationChasing dreams


Maintain physical and mental healthCarry out obligations both as individuals and others.

Children's Rights at Home

Getting Attention and AffectionFulfillment of Needs and Prosperity of LifeGet Protection and SecurityGetting Guidance and Life Lessons

Children's Obligations at Home

Appreciating and Loving Family MembersStudy diligentlyMake parents happyKeeping the House Clean



The right to a decent place to liveThe right to be respected and appreciatedThe right to get access to public servicesThe right to obtain legal protectionRight to educationRight to express the opinion


Help those who need assistanceParticipate in activities going on in my areaUphold societal principles including truthfulness, equity, reciprocal collaboration, morality, empathy, and so forthbeing in charge of regulating social life in the neighborhood by offering advice, criticism, and fixes for neighborhood issues

What are the rights and responsibilities of parents?​


19. homeroom guidancemy rights my responsibilities action planchilds rights self home community 2-10​


Brainly is Annoying it doesn't let me post my answer


I hope this helped you

can you put me on brainliest ty

20. 0 You Can Do It My Rights and Responsibilities Action Plan Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes DepED 20 Now, to assess if you really understand your rights, you are going to make an action plan on how you are going to exercise these rights as a child, which will help you to become responsible for yourself your home and your community Copy this activity on a clean sheet of paper or one short bond paper and out the blank spaces. An example has been given ANG​








Thats tha anwer

21. my rights and responsibilities action plan at home


ano po questions

diko gets eh

22. my rights and responsibilities action plan community


Child's Rights

• Right to express their views and opinion.

• Right to live a full life.

• Right to get and share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or others.

• Right to be born well.


• Balance study routine with leisure time.

• Get enough sleep and healthy food.

• Read what I have studied and learned.

• Create a schedule and daily to do list.


• Follow all the commands of my parents.

• Doing household chores.

• Taking care of my siblings or pet.


• Share the blessings and be a good example.

• Watch / read news about our country's current situation.

• Following the health protocols of the government.

• Keeping clean the environment.


23. my rights and responsibilities action plan​


Working in small groups, students could reflect on the learning experiences they have participated in earlier. They construct a charter or poster that identifies their rights and those of others in the class (for example, the right to be accepted, listened to, and included) and the reciprocal responsibilities that accompany these (for example, the responsibility to be assertive, to respect other people’s rights, and not to bully or harass others).

Students could also include in their poster the attitudes and values needed to achieve a positive classroom environment and how these values can be demonstrated by actions.

Students can identify any rights and responsibilities that are not currently being met as well as they could be. They develop a plan of action to improve or implement these and evaluate this plan after an appropriate interval of time.

24. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan pa help thanks​


Child to be indifindence

Expand knowledge of other things

Help guide simple family decision

Help remind those who forget the protocols during this pandemic

25. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan plss help meee (sorry pictures a little blurry )​


It's great that you have made an action plan to address your rights and responsibilities related to education! Here are some additional actions you might consider adding to your plan:

Right to be educated:

Self: Attend all classes, pay attention in class, and ask questions when you don't understand something Home: Make sure you have a quiet, well-lit place to study, and set aside dedicated time for homework and other academic activitiesCommunity: Offer to tutor or mentor other students who may be struggling with their studies, or volunteer at a local school or educational organization

Right to health:

Self: Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and practice good hygiene to maintain your physical and mental healthHome: Help to maintain a clean and safe home environment, and encourage others to do the sameCommunity: Participate in community health initiatives, such as organizing a neighborhood clean-up or promoting healthy lifestyle habits

Remember that your rights and responsibilities are interconnected, and that by fulfilling your responsibilities, you can help to protect and defend your own rights and the rights of others.


26. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action Plan Child's Rights Right to be educated THINGS TO DO Self Home Community​

Here are some actions you can take to exercise your right to be educated and fulfill your responsibilities as a student:


Attend school regularly and arrive on time.

Complete all assignments and homework on time.

Ask questions and participate in class discussions.

Take advantage of opportunities to learn outside of the classroom, such as field trips, guest speakers, or extracurricular activities.

Set personal learning goals and track your progress.


Communicate with your parents or guardians about your education and share your progress with them.

Create a quiet and comfortable study space at home.

Limit screen time and prioritize studying and homework.

Read books and engage in intellectual discussions with your family.

Take responsibility for your own learning and seek help when needed.


Participate in community-based education programs and activities, such as tutoring or mentorship programs.

Advocate for access to education for all children in your community.

Use your education to contribute to your community, for example, by volunteering or participating in community service projects.

Attend school board meetings and voice your opinions on educational policies and decisions.

Serve as a positive role model and encourage others to prioritize their education.


Can you please make this brainliest I need to rank up

27. SHEETMy Rights and Responsibilities Action PlanTHINGS TO DOSelfHomeChild's RightsCommunity​


Child's Rights

• Right to express their views and opinion.

• Right to live a full life.

• Right to get and share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or others.

• Right to be born well.


• Balance study routine with leisure time.

• Get enough sleep and healthy food.

• Read what I have studied and learned.

• Create a schedule and daily to do list.


• Follow all the commands of my parents.

• Doing household chores.

• Taking care of my siblings or pet.


• Share the blessings and be a good example.

• Watch / read news about our country's current situation.

• Following the health protocols of the government.

• Keeping clean the environment.

sorry if kulang hope it helps :)

28. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action PlanTHINOS TO DOChild RightsHomoCommunityRight to beeducator​


Child's Rights

• Right to express their views and opinion.

• Right to live a full life.

• Right to get and share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or others.

• Right to be born well.


• Balance study routine with leisure time.

• Get enough sleep and healthy food.

• Read what I have studied and learned.

• Create a schedule and daily to do list.


• Follow all the commands of my parents.

• Doing household chores.

• Taking care of my siblings or pet.


• Share the blessings and be a good example.

• Watch / read news about our country's current situation.

• Following the health protocols of the government.

• Keeping clean the environment.


29. My Rights and My Responsibilities Action PlanTHINGS TO DO-Child's Rights-Self-Home-Community​

right to childs rights

love lot

love home

love community

yan basic lang

30. homeroom guidancemy rights my responsibilities action planchilds rights self home community 2-10​




wala po akong masagot kasi HOMEROOM po yan eh HOMEROOM GUIDANCE

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