Past Perfect Tense Timeline

Past Perfect Tense Timeline

analyze the timeline below.construct a sentence based on the timeline using a Past Perfect Tense of the verb. anna had cleaned the house when her mother arrived​

Daftar Isi

1. analyze the timeline below.construct a sentence based on the timeline using a Past Perfect Tense of the verb. anna had cleaned the house when her mother arrived​


Anna had been cleaning the house.

O pwede naman palitan ng

I had been cleaning the backyard.


Pa brainliest po

2. fill out the timeline chart below with your milestone achievement in learning to be patient . then , write a sentence using the past perfect tense to describe what you wrote in your timeline​


when i was a baby: i cry and cry

when i was in preschool:I was playing with my friends

when i got to grade 5:I became smart because of studying well


hope it helps

3. fill out the timeline chart below with your milestone achievement in learning to be patient . then , write a sentence using the past perfect tense to describe what you wrote in your timeline​


when l was in preschool:l play alout with may friend.

before l got to grade 5: l meet new classmate and new friend,and new learning

4. ACTIVITY TIMELINE Directions: Write the history timeline of origami, from the start to present. Timeline


Origami, which is the art of paper folding, is one of the most iconic cultural contributions of Japan. When did it get its start? Where did it get its start? How did it get its start? These are all questions answered in this lesson.

Historians are unable to pinpoint an exact date for the beginnings of origami, but it most likely began soon after paper was invented by the Chinese nearly 2,000 years ago, sometime around the year 100 CE. Approximately 500 years later, Buddhist monks brought paper to Japan. Historians speculate that the practice of paper folding is most likely as old as paper itself, so the Chinese probably practiced some form of paper folding before the Japanese.

The name ''origami'' is fairly new compared to the art form's long history. In 1880, the art of Japanese paper folding was changed from orikata, which means ''folded shapes,'' to origami, from the Japanese oru (meaning ''to fold'') and kami (meaning ''paper'').

5. Timeline of WWII Make it simple and no copy paste Pls And no bull sheet


[tex]\red{ \rule{10pt}{1000pt}} \orange{ \rule{10pt}{1000pt}} \color{yellow}{ \rule{10pt} {1000pt}} \green{ \rule{10pt} {1000pt}} \blue{ \rule{10pt} {1000pt}} \purple{ \rule{10pt} {1000pt}}[/tex]


[tex] \rule{40pt}{99999pt}[/tex]

6. The timeline of significant events in the past refers to ________? a. Environment b. History c. Language d. Culture

B. History
B. History
B. History
B. History
B. History
B. History

7. Personal Technology Timeline Make a timeline of the means of communication that you have used. You can draw or paste cut-outs of pictures from magazines or newspapers. Example 2000 2005 Nokia 3210 Nokia 1100 2010 2020 Desktop PC Laptop Figure 1: Personal Technology Timeline illustrated by Pastora B. Berondo (2021)​


Time line is time that has a line on his time

8. Directions: Complete the sentences based on your understanding of social influence in relation to important past or present life events using the timeline below. Use the fourth quadrant of your paper to present your timeline.​


•I see

-Social influence comprises the ways in which individuals change their behavior to meet the demands of a social environment.

•I saw

-you will realize why social influence is such an important part of our everyday life.

They have

•beliefs and values of the majority causing them to re-think / re-evaluate their beliefs.



9. Create a timeline that will reflect the events that happened to you in the past


when i was young me and my friends are playing in field court we are all happy to each other we are sharing our food and we are not greedy to each other.but suddenly our place got demolish so we are all sad to said that we are going to loss each other.


please brainliest me

10. Describe the action shown in the timeline using past perfect tense. Supply the necessary subjects and the connector of the two clauses1. (cook, arrive) when2. (play, come) before3. (study, play ) after4. (sleep, watch) when5. (eat, sleep) before​


1 after 2 when 3 before 4 when


sana makatulong

11. Analyzer the given visual timeline below. The choose the correct tense based on what the visual timeline has presented.Write the answer on the space provided below the picture.​


as an na ang given





12. Directions: Complete the sentences based on your understanding of socialinfluence in relation to important past or present life events using the timelinebelow. Use the fourth quadrant of your paper to present your timeline,they have,I saw,I see Pa help po mga lods pleas po​

–they have been planning about this vacation.

–I saw how the result turned out.

–I see the stars at night as it shines bright this very moment.

13. Ano ang timeline??Ano ang timeline???

answer in English:

A timeline is a list of important events arranged in the order in which they happened. ... Timelines are often used in history textbooks and biographies — they explain what happened during a certain period of time or to a particular person, starting with the earliest event and moving forward through time.

answer in tagalog:

Ang timeline ay listahan ng mahahalagang pangyayaring inayos sa pagkakasunud-sunod ng mga ito. ... Ang mga timeline ay kadalasang ginagamit sa mga textbook sa kasaysayan at talambuhay — ipinaliliwanag nila ang nangyari sa isang partikular na panahon o sa isang partikular na tao, simula sa pinakamaagang kaganapan at pagsulong sa pamamagitan ng oras.

14. timeline make a timeline on the development of the of the particulate nature of matter​

Elementary particles from the Standard Model of particle physics that have so far been observed. The Standard Model is the most comprehensive existing model of particle behavior. All Standard Model particles including the Higgs boson have been verified, and all other observed particles are combinations of two or more Standard Model particles.

15. Create a timeline that will reflect that events happened to you in the past. Guide Questions.1. What is a timeline?2. Why is timeline significant?fls help, need ko lang ngayon, thanks and keep safe!​


1.graphic representation of the passage of time as a line.

2.Timelines are essential to any project. They are not only helpful in organizing the work that needs to be done, but it holds everyone accountable for completing the work. ... Timelines provide a simple visual overview of a project from start to finish and lead to increased work efficiency among teams.

16. picture out a history of your life, create a timeline that will reflect that events happened to you in the past?​


Guide in writing a Timeline Events of one's personal life


A timeline provides clarity and structure for your life story.

In creating a timeline, it is not necessary that it needs

to be written in a Chronological way, in fact, it can make it easier to be creative

with your own structure of your life.

Writting a timeline of your life establishes your content, structure

and theme in a clear and concise format.

Step 1: Brainstorm - write down all the important and unforgettable

moments or events in your life.

Step 2: Creating a Timeline Template - fill this template with the  

Key events in your life.

Step 3: Reflect on the result of the template and fill the

missing gaps.


For more information about the life timeline please visit this link:


17. what's inactivity 1: my life in timelinedirections:picture of a story of your life create a timeline that will reflect the events happened to you in the pastguide questions:1. what is a timeline?2. why is timeline significant? ​


1. That timeline is a conductor of that time.

2. Is it important the significant at the period.


Perfectly ready by Brainliest.

18. Activity 11: Sequence of Events Directions: Below are some key events happened in the past. Create a timeline that will show the sequence of events of the history of life. Use the information below as your guide. You may just use the keywords as part of your timeline.pasagot po please​

Sequence of Events

1. Prokaryotes-3.5 billion.

2. Simple eukaryotes-1.6-2.1 BY.

3. Animals-sponges-665 MY.

4. Charnia-560 MY.

5. Land plants-416-359 MY.

6. First mammals-Eozostrodon-210 MY.

7. Homo sapiens-2.3-2.4 MY.


Why Should I Study the History of Life?

History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. The past causes the present, and so the future.

Studying history makes us aware that what is sown today will bear fruit in the future. So, studying history provides education for the future and how to organize ourselves and even the country so that the future is bright. Those are the various functions and benefits of historical studies for human life.

History offers a storehouse of information about how people and society behave. How can we judge war if the nation is in a state of peace unless we use historical materials? How can we understand genius, the influence of technological innovation, or the role that belief plays in shaping family life today, if we do not draw on what we know from past experiences? Some social scientists try to formulate laws or theories about human behavior. But even these sources rely on historical information, except in limited and often artificial cases.

More about history


19. Create a timeline that will reflect the events happened to you in the past


Base po sainyo yan :D


20. timeline simula nung ikaw ay ipinanganak. perfect answer brainliest


Ikaw lang po ang makakagawa niyan. Gawa ng hindi naman po namin alam kung kelan ka ipinanganak at kung ano ang mga nangyari sayo pero ito po ang example ng isang timeline


hopee it helpss!! :))


21. past and present and itsss show timeline plss makikisagot po‍♀️

Answer is in the picture. Hope it helps.

22. CREATE A TIMELINE! Illustrate the history of the Earth using the Geologic Time Scale (GTS). You may use histogram, a timeline, a flow chart and the like. Your illustration must include from the time the earth was born (4.6) billion years ago up to the present era. You may draw in a bond paper then paste it here.​

nasaan yung pic?


nasaan po yung pic?

23. Activity 1 Part I: My Life in Timeline: Direction: Picture out a history of your life. Create a timeline that will relles events happened to you in the past. My Life in Timeline Guide Questions 1. What is a timeline? 2. Why is timeline significant​


Timeline of my Life

Here is a quick timeline of my life:

Late 20th century – My mother gave birth to me at a public hospital in Bulacan Five years old – this is the first time that I visited a museum and it was during our field trip. Six years old – I started attending grade school Seven years old – this is the first time that I saw a volcano in real life (Taal Volcano) Twelve years old – I graduated from grade school Thirteen years old – I started attending high school


A timeline is a short summary of historical events. Normally, the most important events or the milestones are the ones highlighted in a timeline. Timelines are important because it helps us know about the history of a person, place, item, or event at a glance.

For more information about timelines, please click the link below:


24. Plot are breaks in the story's normal timeline that show what happened in the past or what will happen in the future. True or false




Basta un ang sagot

25. Why do you think making a geological timeline is helpful in today's study about the past?​


To illustrate the order in which events on Earth have happened.


Hope it's helps u

check me if I'm wrong


The geologic time scale is used by scientists to depict the sequence of events on Earth. Scientists devised the geologic time scale after noticing differences in fossils as they progressed from oldest to youngest sedimentary strata.

26. What I Can Do Directions: Complete the sentences based on your understanding of social influence in relation to important past or present life events using the timeline below. Use the fourth quadrant of your paper to present your timeline.• They Have• I saw• I seepa help po pls​


• They have a hat

• I saw a bird

• I see the clouds


pabrainliest po plsssss

27. Performance Task #3: Make a visual timeline 1. Compose a group of 8-12 members. Make a visual timeline of the important inventions and inventors of the Industrial era (Industrial Era can be read in our previous lesson about The Evolution of Traditional to New Media2. Make your timeline as informative and attractive as possible. Cut and paste pictures of the inventions and their inventors and include a short, descriptive, informative labels to stick onto your timeline. he following​


The Industrial Era was a period of immense invention and innovation. Here is a timeline of some of the most important inventions and inventors during this period:

1804 - Robert Fulton creates the first commercial steamboat.

1814 - George Stephenson develops the first commercial steam locomotive.

1825 - Joseph Henry develops the first electric motor.

1829 - William Sturgeon invents the electromagnet.

1836 - Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.

1837 - Charles Babbage develops the Analytical Engine, a precursor to the modern computer.

1844 - Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail develop the Morse Code.

1846 - Elias Howe invents the sewing machine.

1847 - Thomas Edison invents the phonograph.

1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.

1879 - Thomas Edison invents the light bulb.

1886 - Karl Benz builds the first automobile.

1888 - George Eastman invents the Kodak camera.

1890 - Jacob Schick patents the electric razor.

1894 - Guglielmo Marconi invents wireless telegraphy.

1895 - Auguste and Louis Lumiere invent the cinematograph.

1898 - Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio.

1903 - The Wright Brothers invent the first successful airplane.

1908 - Henry Ford introduces the Model T.

1911 - Charles F. Kettering invents the electric starter for automobiles.

1913 - E.W. Scripps invents the rotary printing press.

1923 - Edwin Armstrong invents FM radio.

1925 - John Logie Baird invents the television.

28. Directions below are some key events happened in the past. Create a timeline that will show the sequence of events of the history of life the keyword is modern humans​


Directions: Below are some key events happened in the past. Create a timeline that

your guide. You may just use the keywords as part of your timeline.

will show the sequence of events of the history of life. Use the information below as

The genus Homo gave rise to modern humans, Homo sapiens, us. It

is estimated that they have been around for 2.3-2.4 million years,

coinciding with the first evidence of stone tool usage.

The first mammals are our most direct ancestors, evolved from

Amniotes. One of the earliest known mammals was Eozostrodon

lived about 210 million years ago.

• Studies of fossils from the Devonian Period 416-359 MYA indicates

that land plants had evolved features we recognized today, such as

leaves, roots and secondary wood.

• Simple eukaryotes, but more advanced organisms, thought to

developed 1.6 - 2.1 billion years ago

Oldest known fossilized prokaryotes have been dated approximately

3.5 billion years ago​


29. Activity 1 Part I: My Life in Timeline: Direction: Picture out a history of your life. Create a timeline that will relles events happened to you in the past. My Life in Timeline Guide Questions 1. What is a timeline? 2. Why is timeline significant​


1.orbits is a great place to work for you and your business needs to be a great asset to your business and your business needs to provide a better solution than any of our services in your area of interest in the future what are the things you will buy and what you want for your business and

30. time. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet ofpaper1. What should be the tense when the time expressions are used to expressdaily life actions?A. futureB. pastC. present D. present perfect2. His family goes to ManilaA. every yearB. last monthC. next yearD. since3. These are short phrases that tell us when, in a timeline, an action happens.A. action verbsC. tenses of verbsB. forms of verbsD. time expressions4. Does heuse his cell phone for long distance calls?A. alwaysB. every yearC. last week D. since5. Time expressions can only have how many positions? A. 1 B.2 C. 3 D.4 6.go to the church.A. todayB. last week C. every weekD. usually​


Lego I am not sure if you are aware but I am interested in the job ha I am not sure if you are aware but I am interested in the in your person and for your answers and to help help you out with the your business needs to get infinite a lot lot of people money and out to of you your life own business is a the best best way for of your your business and


bubu naman mag aral kakasi ng mabuti puro ka copya bubu ka

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