Plaintiff In Spanish

Plaintiff In Spanish

5An utterance indicating the defendant is talkinga. The plaintiff accused / the defendant is lying #b. The plaintiff / accused the defendant/ is lyingThe plaintiff accused the defendant/ of lying *​

Daftar Isi

1. 5An utterance indicating the defendant is talkinga. The plaintiff accused / the defendant is lying #b. The plaintiff / accused the defendant/ is lyingThe plaintiff accused the defendant/ of lying *​


its c.


because the utterance Indicating is talking (pramis)

2. What is the meaning of plaintiff


What does a plaintiff means?

plaintiff, the party who brings a legal action or in whose name it is brought—as opposed to the defendant, the party who is being sued. The term corresponds to petitioner in equity and civil law and to libelant in admiralty.


3. information about Negligence Doctrines Generally Favoring the Plaintiff, ​


Elements find law's team

4. similarities between Pre-spanish and spanish​


when we discussed history we consider continuities.though the Spaniards and other coloniders have imposed


d ko n po hahabaan

search po

5. How do you say "Spanish" Spanish...?​


If you would like to say the word “Spanish” in Spanish, you would simply say, “español”.






6. why did the spanish missionaries translate the proverbs in Spanish?​


time, rovelli contends, is merely a perspective rather than a universal truth, it's a point of view that humans share as a result of our biology and evolution, our place on earth and the planet's place in the universe


they can understand more by their language

7. spanish missionaries (translated / had translated) the proverbs to spanish



8. what are the differences of pre spanish period and spanish period​


pre-Hispanic” or “pre-Spanish”, it pertains to a period in a particular nation's history that was not yet colonized by Spain, while Spanish period Spaniards spread Christianity as a technique in luring us and making their influence take over our beliefs thus our freedom.

I just gathered up all the information I found on Internet, hope it help:)

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9. manuela speaks spanish but rochelle and sandra_____not _____speaks Spanish​


_does_ not

hindi ko na po alam kasunod

10. What is the spanish word of spanish bread? ANSWER THIS ASAP​




pan Spanish word of bread.

11. Spanish Sentence in paper Spanish

El papel es tan hermoso y debe ser apreciado.


12. Math and Spanish Spanish Word of "Polynomials" Spanish Word of "Vectors"








13. John asked 100 adults whether they had studied Spanish, English or Filipino inschool. Out of 100 adults, 52 studied Filipino:63 studied English: 25 studiedSpanish: 24 studiedboth Filipino and English. 9 studied Filipino and Spanish: 11studied Spanish and English and 4 studied all the three languages. How many hadstudied1. Filipino but not Spanish;2.English but not Spanish;3. Filipino and Spanish;4. Filipino or Spanish: and5. Füipino and Spanish but not English?​


1. 52





14. Why did the Spanish missionaries translate the proverbs in Spanish?​


The spanish missionaries was our "priest" in the early days they wanted us to learn their religion which was roman catholic and since we were colonized by them thy decided to change our proverbs in spanish and number one thing they want about us was our spices, minerals and land but it did not happen for not all filipino was pleased by that until the day we got sold.

15. Bad Spanish officials and Spanish friars . Explain


that's my pleasure to help you please brainliest me


The friars also served as mediators who quelled insurrections. It was because of the friar's spiritual function that people believed and feared him. He was also influential because of his knowledge of the native language and his ordinarily long stay in a town.

16. ano tawag sa spanish ang spanish bread​




A traditional spanish bread hailing from antequera

17. To win a defamation case, what does a plaintiff must show?​

To prevail in a defamation lawsuit, a plaintiff must prove that the defendant made a false and defamatory statement about the plaintiff that was communicated to a third party. ... The plaintiff can usually succeed by showing the communication was either intentional or at least negligent

18. Can you cite instances where a. Justice was lawfully served to those who seek it?b. Justice seems to be elusive for the plaintiff (the oppressed)patulong please :)​




syempre hinanap mo ung justice.

19. Dog in spanish,ruler in spanish,picture in spanish?​

Dog = perraruler = gobernantepicture = imagen



20. Pa Help po sa Spanish. Spanish Subject:​


ano po yung question para ma sagutan na po?

21. The Spanish Alphabet? (yung tama bigyan ko branliest) (spanish version di mexican or latin spanish alphabet)


Espero eso ayude



22. Spanish BreadSpanish Bread​


malambot na kakauta haha








23. spanish colonization symbol?what are the symbol of spanish colonization?​


The Magellan's Cross represents the dawn of Christianity in the Philippines, Start of their conquest in the Archipelago. A great historical land in the Philippines.


No lo sé hermano. es esa su tarea o módulo. eso lo que aprendiste.

24. The roman catholic bishop of nueva segovia, as representative of the roman catholic apostolic church, plaintiff-appellant, vs. the provincial board of ilocos norte, et al.,


The plaintiff, the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, represented by the Bishop of Nueva Segovia, possesses and is the owner of a parcel of land in the municipality of San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, all four sides of which face on public streets. On the south side is a part of the churchyard, the convent and an adjacent lot used for a vegetable garden, containing an area off 1,624 square meters, in which there is a stable and a well for the use of the convent. In the center is the remainder of the churchyard and the church. On the north is an old cemetery with two of its walls still standing, and a portion where formerly stood a tower, the base of which still be seen, containing a total area of 8,955 square meters.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

As required by the defendants, on July 3, 1925 the plaintiff paid, under protest, the land tax on the lot adjoining the convent and the lot which formerly was the cemetery with the portion where the tower stood.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The plaintiff filed this action for the recovery of the sum paid by to the defendants by way of land tax, alleging that the collection of this tax is illegal. The lower court absolved the defendants from the complaint in regard to the lot adjoining convent and declared that the tax collected on the lot, which formerly was the cemetery and on the portion where the lower stood, was illegal. Both parties appealed from this judgment.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The exemption in favor of the convent in the payment of the land tax (sec. 344 [c] Administrative Code) refers to the home of the parties who presides over the church and who has to take care of himself in order to discharge his duties. In therefore must, in the sense, include not only the land actually occupied by the church, but also the adjacent ground destined to the ordinary incidental uses of man. Except in large cities where the density of the population and the development of commerce require the use of larger tracts of land for buildings, a vegetable garden belongs to a house and, in the case of a convent, it use is limited to the necessities of the priest, which comes under the exemption.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In regard to the lot which formerly was the cemetery, while it is no longer used as such, neither is it used for commercial purposes and, according to the evidence, is now being used as a lodging house by the people who participate in religious festivities, which constitutes an incidental use in religious functions, which also comes within the exemption.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The judgment appealed from is reversed in all it parts and it is held that both lots are exempt from land tax and the defendants are ordered to refund to plaintiff whatever was paid as such tax, without any special pronouncement as to costs. So ordered.chan

25. Spanish authorities and Spanish Friars treated the Filipino women during their reign as Spanish colonialists.

Abuses of the Spaniards towards Filipinos (Spanish Colonization)



Sexual Abuse

Spaniards tend to have heavy taxes known as the tribute and the bandalâ.






Many Filipino women were sexually abused by a lot of Spaniards way back then. (Self-explanatory)



It could be in cash or kind, with tobacco, chickens, produce, gold, blankets, cotton, rice, or other products depending on the region of the country and was initially fixed at 8 reales, later increased to 15 reales, apportioned as follows: ten reales buwis, one real diezmos prediales (tithe), one real to the town community chest, one real sanctorum tax, and three reales for church support.

It is an annual forced sale and requisitioning of goods such as rice.


Some Examples of Abuses


The state of education from the Spanish Colonization is quite infuriating. It is because of that the Spaniards limited the education degree as well as its teachings so that there would be no Filipinos to revolt or go against them using education.



Sexual Abuse


Regardless of the age, many Filipinos were forced to work on several jobs like building structures, defending the territory (military), and trading goods to other countries. Examples : Polo y Servicio, Galleon Trade, and the Encomienda System


Polo y Servicio

In theory, the receiver of the grant was to protect the natives from warring tribes (given to the receiver) and to instruct them in the Spanish language and in the Catholic faith: in return they could extract tribute from the natives in the form of labor, gold, or other products. In practice, the difference between encomienda and slavery could be minimal. Many natives were forced to do hard labor and subjected to extreme punishment and death if they resisted.

The Polo y Servicios is the forced labor without compensation. In this system, all men 16-60 years old forced to work heavy work for town activities such as roads, churches, bridges, schools, government buildings and public structures.

26. 6. It is the Architectural style of Miag-ao Church. a. Spanish and American Style. b. Spanish and Modern Style. c. Spanish and Native Style. d. Spanish and Renaissance Style​


6.) It is the Architectural style of Miag-ao Church.

A) Spanish and American Style

B) Spanish and Modern Style

C) Spanish and Native Style

D) Spanish and Renaissance Style

B) Spanish and Modern Style

27. why did the spanish missionaries translate the proverbs in spanish?​


so that the others will understand it and others will learn to speak spanish

28. To win a defamation case, what does a plaintiff must show?​


To win a defamation case, what does a planiff must show


To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things

1) a false statement purporting to be fact

2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person

3) fault amounting to at least negligence

4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

29. Hello in spanish? And goodbye in Spanish?


hello hola

goodbye adios

30. the plaintiff was wasting the court time and prejudice my client what is the parallel structure there​


The plaintiff was wasting the court’s time and prejudicing my client


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