Rizal s Life Higher Education And Life Abroad

Rizal s Life Higher Education And Life Abroad

Reflection about the Rizal's life higher education and life abroad.​

Daftar Isi

1. Reflection about the Rizal's life higher education and life abroad.​


Rizal’s life: Higher Education and Life Abroad 2. Introduction This chapter deals with an analysis and evaluation of Jose Rizal's life: his quest for higher education and struggles and challenges in his life abroad. He was not only busy academically but he spent much of his time in self-improvement via selfeducation. In his spare time he also learned sculpture, painting, languages and kept up with the latest research in philosophy and science. It will also examine the contributions of Rizal as the leader of the propaganda movement that awakened the Filipino people from the abuses of the Spanish colonizers.

2. what ideas and personages can associate with Rizal's higher education and life abroad​

and He's on 1918 He alive

3. Describe the life of Dr. Jose Rizal pursuing higher education here in the Philippines and abroad.​


1.Title of the Module Chapter 4: Rizal’s life: Higher Education and Life Abroad 2. Introduction This chapter deals with an analysis and evaluation of Jose Rizal's life: his quest for higher education and struggles and challenges in his life abroad. He was not only busy academically but he spent much of his time in self-improvement via selfeducation. In his spare time he also learned sculpture, painting, languages and kept up with the latest research in philosophy and science. It will also examine the contributions of Rizal as the leader of the propaganda movement that awakened the Filipino people from the abuses of the Spanish colonizers.an unwavering campaign for political and social freedoms. In this module, students are initiated to a reflective study about the aspects of Rizal’s life, a genius with many talents and most importantly his good traits and virtues that are worthy to be emulated. 3. Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, the students should be able to: a. Analyse and evaluate the important events in the life Rizal abroad; b. Reflect on the importance of Higher Education to the life of Jose Rizal; c. Explain the principles of assimilation advocated by the propaganda movement; d. Appraise Rizal’s relationship with other propagandists; e. Examine Rizal’s growth as a propagandist and disavowal of assimilation. 4. Learning Content Now, let us discuss important ideas and information regarding Rizal’s life: Higher Education and Life Abroad.


#Hope it helps

#Carry on Learning <33


Chapter 5: Rizal's Higher Education and Life Abroad

- Rizal completed his medical studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid.

- He traveled to different countries in Europe such as France, England, and Germany to study and learn different cultures.

- Rizal wrote several literary works during this time, including his famous novel "Noli Me Tangere."

Chapter 6: Rizal's Arrest, Exile, Imprisonment, Trial, and Execution

- Rizal was arrested upon his return to the Philippines and was charged with inciting rebellion.

- He was exiled to Dapitan and spent four years there, continuing his academic pursuits and contributing to the community.

- Rizal was brought back to Manila and was put on trial. He was found guilty and sentenced to death.

- Rizal was executed on December 30, 1896, at Bagumbayan (now called Rizal Park) in Manila.

Chapter 7: Related Events before and after Rizal's Death

- The Philippine Revolution broke out just months after Rizal's execution.

- The Acta de la Proclamacion de la Independencia del Pueblo Filipino was signed in Kawit, Cavite, declaring Philippine independence from Spain.

- The American occupation followed and the Philippines became a territory of the United States.

- Rizal's works and sacrifices became a symbol of the Filipino spirit and the country's struggle for freedom.


sana makatulong to

5. Rizal Secound Tour to abroad U S A A?​


3main events of the stone cutter

6. 4. Briefly discuss the life of Dr. Jose Rizal abroad. In your discussion include the strugglesand challenges he encountered and how he surpassed all those struggles and challenges.​

hai Po you can go back to the way we use to be. I wanna feel your scream



No because he can study here in the Philippines but if he really wants to study abroad then i'm gonna support him of what he wants

8. I have come to realize that life abroad is...​

'I have come to realize that life abroad is where you go in foreign country or where your separated from a country you live.."

9. summary about rizal's life abroad​


Disillusioned with how Filipinos in the Philippines were regarded as second-class citizens in institutions of learning and elsewhere, the National Hero Jose Rizal left the country in May 1882 to pursue further studies abroad. He enrolled in a course in medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid in Spain.

10. if you had the chance would you want to work and life abroad? Why or why not​


If I had a chance I've probably work on abroad because they paid a high salary to the workers than on our country.


If I have a chance to work and have a life abroad, I would gladly do so. Because I want to experience what life can be abroad, and I want to have a new journey wherein I can have a friend from other country and have a title in that country. Overall, sometimes, working abroad will give you more income than what your own government can give to you.


11. How did you evaluate the life and education of Rizal s abroad​


How did you evaluate the life and education of Rizal s abroad?


For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people's mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination.





12. 1. Rizal left home and country and went to Europe in orderto educate himselfDo you think Rizal went abroad to havea good time and enjoy life?​

-No he is there to educate his self and have a better future but sometimes we need to treat ourselves
I hope it helps
Pa brainliest po

13. how to Make a Time line for rizal's education, life,and travel abroad?​

how to Make a Time line for rizal's education, life,and travel abroad?

Creating a timeline for Jose Rizal's education, life, and travels abroad can be a great way to organize and understand the major events that occurred during his lifetime. Here's how you can make a timeline:

1.) Gather information: Start by gathering all the important dates and events related to Rizal's education, life, and travels abroad. You can use various sources such as books, biographies, and websites to get the information.

2.) Create a template: Create a template for your timeline on a piece of paper or using a software tool such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. You can create a horizontal line with time markers and add events and dates above or below the line.

3.) Add the dates and events: Once you have your template ready, start adding the dates and events you have gathered in chronological order. Begin with Rizal's birth and early childhood, followed by his education, travels abroad, and major milestones in his life.

4.) Use colors and images: To make your timeline more visually appealing and engaging, you can use colors and images to highlight important events and people in Rizal's life. For example, you could use red to highlight significant dates, and add pictures of Rizal and his family to the timeline.

5.) Review and revise: After completing your timeline, review it to ensure that all dates and events are accurate and in the correct order. You can also revise and make changes as needed to ensure that your timeline is easy to read and understand.

Note: This is just a sample timeline, and you can add more events or details as needed based on your research.

14. Reflect on the travel and life of jose rizal abroad​

Jose Rizal is said to be the most traveled Filipino hero in history. The travel and adventure of Jose rizal are an important surface of his education and mission for the Philippines. Because of his broad knowledge of different culture he learned from his journey, it became his inspiration for Reform. Upon his travel Jose Rizal experience struggle that lead reform to the Philippines.

15. how does their decision in working abroad affect their life? their families?​


This paper studies the impact of short-term migratory movements by parents on the educational outcomes of teenagers in a region of Poland.


Going abroad may affect ur relationships with ur family either your love ones or ur children will be sad and miss u or they forget u but the good thing is u will able to help them financially

16. Answer the following questions. 1. Why was Rizal sent abroad? What are the reasons? 2. What were the challenges Rizal faced in his life and studies abroad? 3. Describe the places of Rizal visited.


1. Rizal was sent abroad by his parents to pursue higher education and broaden his knowledge in various fields such as medicine, languages, and philosophy. The primary reason for sending Rizal abroad was to protect him from the oppressive Spanish authorities, who saw him as a threat due to his nationalistic views and his involvement in the Propaganda Movement.

2. Rizal faced several challenges in his life and studies abroad. He experienced homesickness, financial difficulties, and discrimination due to his race. He also encountered academic challenges, such as adjusting to a new education system and language barriers. Additionally, Rizal had to deal with personal and family problems, such as the loss of his mother and his brother's mental illness.

3. Rizal visited several places during his travels abroad. He lived in Madrid, Spain, where he pursued his studies in medicine and other fields. He also visited other European cities, such as Paris, where he studied art, Heidelberg, where he pursued further medical studies, and London, where he conducted research on the British Museum's collections. In addition to these places, Rizal also traveled to other countries in Asia and the Middle East, including Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Egypt. These travels gave Rizal a broader perspective on different cultures and societies, which influenced his nationalist and reformist views.

17. If you were Dr. Jose Rizal, how would you write your life story without neglecting the role of a National Hero. Would you still go back to the Philippines knowing your life is in danger or would you stay abroad and find another way to fight the oppression of the Spaniards?​


I will stay in the place of Philippines like of the Dr.Jose Rizal ,and I will serve my life to all just to protect the people or any one.


If I were Dr. Jose Rizal I would write my life story without negelecting the role of a National Hero by doing the most smart tactic available.

I would stay abroad in order for me to learn more knowledge for me to find another way to fight the oppression of the Spaniards. Then I would write my life story proudly.


Hope it helps.

18. briefly discuss the life of Dr. Jose Rizal abroad. In your discussion include the struggles and challenges he encountered and how he surpassed all those struggles and challenges ​

it's hard to copy and paste everything here but if you wanna take some notes about this topic i suggest you go to the link I'll provide, some screenshots i took might come out as blurry or not cutted out properly there's also a limited to maximum 5 photos and i think the answer isn't complete yet,I'm trying to help as best as i can


heres the link -


19. Complete the sentence below: Life abroad is ________________ because___________________.​


hard. becase it needs sacrifices and hardwork


mahirap maging ofw

20. reflect on the travel and life of dr jose rizal abroad​


By just travelling from others places or countries, you can gain knowledge from that specific country's system, culture and etc. that could be your useful weapon to help your compatriots just like what Jose Rizal did to our country, Philippines.

21. narrate and destination of rizal in abroad​


From Hong Kong, Rizal traveled to Macau and Japan before going to America. Entering San Francisco, California, in April 1888, he visited the states of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Illinois, and New York. He jotted down his observations of the landscape in his diary. Rizal arrived in England in May 1888.

Jose Rizal. Rizal's World is basically a world map that highlights the 13 countries, including the Philippines, that Rizal had set his foot on from 1882 to 1887.After finishing the fourth year of his medical course, Jose Rizal left the country in May 1882 to pursue further studies abroad. ... He particularly chose this branch of medicine because he wanted to cure his mother's eye ailmentHis first trip abroad and his secret mission To observe keenly the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and government and laws of the European nations in order to prepare himself of the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people from Spanish tyranny. ...The maps teach students not only world geography—as Rizal's route is traced from the Philippines to Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Egypt, Yemen, Austria, Czech Republic and Switzerland—but also history as accounts of the hero's activities in a particular time and city are retold

22. what was the reason why the first revolutionary plot of simoun failed?a .Maria clara got sick and died b.lack of weapons and resourcesc.simoun was caught by Spanish authorities d.Basilio confessed the identity of simoun to the governor general which of the following is not one of the hardships of Jose Rizal in publishing El filibusterismo?a.infidelity of Leonor Riverab.Del Pilar and Rizal rivalryc.Poor life abroad d.Jose Rizal 's feeling of homesick ​


1. C

2. C


Simoun was caught because in his appearance

Poor life abroad is not one

23. What were the most important works of Rizal during his life abroad?​


Making people have strength in their heart, soul, and mind. And making books especially his novels Noli Me Tangere and El El Filibusterismo


hope it helps :D

24. describe the life of Dr. Jose rizal while pursuing higher education here on the philippines and abroad​


Rizal's Higher Education and Life Abroad ... While at Ateneo pursuing the surveying course, ... Dr. Jose Rizal was considered as the “Most Travelled Filipino Hero”.


his sakrifise him self to protecting his family

25. why rizal went abroad?​


Rizal had a personal reason as well as an altruistic reason for his decision to study abroad. He wanted to become an eye specialist in order to cure her mother from an eye ailment. He also wanted to study the cultures, laws and governments of European countries in order to help his countrymen.

26. What are the reasons why people now in the present times are traveling abroad, is it still for education or is it the same reasons as to why Rizal is traveling?


In high school and college it is likely that you will receive some kind of encouragement to travel, study or work abroad. It may seem like you have a lot going on so you don’t seriously consider these opportunities or maybe you write them off since you plan on traveling later in life. I would encourage traveling at any age, but the earlier you can learn the lessons travel teaches the better.

When you are young you are still finding yourself and preparing for your school and career. The skills and experience you gain from traveling abroad can give you life-long personal benefits as well as a leg up in the professional world.

In high school and college you have the luxury of having flexibility since you can study anywhere in the world and have relatively long study breaks. It is a prime time to take advantage of your freedom and youth.



27. What is the reason why Rizal is determined to continue and finish his college education especially abroad ​


Rizal studied abroad to continue his study on Medicine wanting to cure his mother's deteriorating eyesight. He also continued studying Philosophy and Letter in order to expand his political knowledge.


Rizal studied abroad to continue his study on Medicine wanting to cure his mother's deteriorating eyesight. He also continued studying Philosophy and Letter in order to expand his political knowledge.

28. Rizal’s two novels, the Noli Me Tangere and its sequel El Filibusterismo, chronicle the life and ultimate death of Ibarra, a Filipino educated abroad, who attempts to reform his country through education. TRUE OR FALSE


True po


hope na makatulong

29. Hello! Pa help po gumawa ng infographics ito po Yung title every module po Life's and Works of RizalChapter 5: Rizal's higher Education and life abroadChapter 6: Rizal's arrest, exile imprisonment trial and executionChapter 7: Related events before and after Rizal's deathinfographics ​


Sure, I can help you create infographics for the given titles. Here are some design tips and ideas that you can use to create infographics for each module:

Module 1: Life and Works of Rizal

- Use an image of Rizal as the central element of the infographic, surrounded by key events and milestones of his life.

- Use a timeline to show the major events in Rizal's life, along with key dates and locations.

- Include short descriptions or quotes from Rizal's works to highlight his literary contributions.

- Use icons and symbols to represent key themes in Rizal's life and works, such as nationalism, education, and social justice.

Module 2: Chapter 5 - Rizal's Higher Education and Life Abroad

- Use a map to show the different countries and cities where Rizal lived and studied during his travels abroad.

- Use icons and symbols to represent the different fields of study that Rizal pursued, such as medicine, literature, and philosophy.

- Include images of the universities and institutions where Rizal studied, along with brief descriptions of his experiences and achievements.

- Use charts or graphs to show statistical data related to Rizal's education, such as the number of degrees he earned or the languages he spoke.

Module 3: Chapter 6 - Rizal's Arrest, Exile, Imprisonment, Trial, and Execution

- Use a timeline to show the sequence of events leading up to Rizal's arrest, exile, imprisonment, trial, and execution.

- Use images and icons to represent the different people and groups involved in Rizal's case, such as the Spanish authorities, the Katipunan, and Rizal's supporters.

- Include short descriptions of the key events and legal proceedings that took place during Rizal's trial and imprisonment, along with quotes from his letters and speeches.

- Use charts or graphs to show statistical data related to Rizal's trial and execution, such as the number of witnesses who testified or the date of his execution.

Module 4: Chapter 7 - Related Events Before and After Rizal's Death

- Use a timeline to show the key events that took place before and after Rizal's death, such as the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution, the signing of the Treaty of Paris, and the establishment of the First Philippine Republic.

- Use images and icons to represent the different people and groups involved in these events, such as the revolutionary leaders,

30. 2. Choose one among the topics listed below, then create a graphic organizer depending on your creativity. • Changes in the nineteenth-century Philippines • Rizal’s childhood and early education • Rizal’s higher education and life abroad ​



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