Rock Deformation Ppt

Rock Deformation Ppt

Faults are result from? *brittle deformation of rocksall of these.ductile deformation of rocks.folding of rocks​

Daftar Isi

1. Faults are result from? *brittle deformation of rocksall of these.ductile deformation of rocks.folding of rocks​










2. Which of the following statements about rock deformation is false? (: :) Choices: deep crustal rocks are more likely to deform ductility than shallow crustal rocks. hotter rocks are more likely to deform ductility than cooler rocks. Most sedimentary rocks are more deformable than igneous rocks. Rocks under low confining pressure are more likely to deform ductility than rocks under high confining pressure.


Rocks under low confining pressure are more likely to deform ductility than rocks under high confining pressure

hope this help


Within the Earth rocks are continually being subjected to forces that tend to bend them, twist

them, or fracture them. When rocks bend, twist or fracture we say that they deform (change

shape or size). The forces that cause deformation of rock are referred to as stresses (Force/unit

area). So, to understand rock deformation we must first explore these forces or stresses.

3. Which of the following analogy/ies is/are correct?A. ductile deformation : breaking of rockB. plastic or ductile deformation : bending or folding of rock. elastic deformation : rebounding of rockAll of the choices are correct analogies.​


B and C


Choice "A" is wrong because, Ductile deformation means, that rocks are able to respond to stress by undergoing undergoing a large degree of vicous or plastic deformation. And not breaking.

4. What causes deformation of rock? *


Stress causes rocks to deform, meaning the rocks change size or shape.


5. explain how rock is subject to deformation​


Within the Earth rocks are continually being subjected to forces that tend to bend them, twist them, or fracture them. When rocks bend, twist or fracture we say that they deform (change shape or size). The forces that cause deformation of rock are referred to as stresses (Force/unit area).

6. how are rocks deformed

Rocks are deformed if extreme heat is appllied to the rock. Example are molten rocks in the asthenosphere.

7. the different between the deformed rock and metamorphic rock

Differential stress - Plate tectonic forces cause larger stress in one direction than in other directions. This difference in stress is responsible for the deformed nature of metamorphic rocks. ... The mica is still pervasive and mixed evenly between quartz and feldspar grains in a rock called a schist.

8. How are rocks on earth's crust deformed?​


sometimes when its hit by water or contaminate in lava,stampled,or heat rays, but sometimes it depends in the type of rock,

9. 25. Which of the following statements about rock deformation is FALSEa Deep crustal rockls are moe likely to undergo ductile deformation than shallow crustal rocks.b. Hotter rocks are more likey to have ductile deformation than cooler rocksc. Most sedimentary rocks are more deformable than igneous rocks.d. Rocks under low confining pressure are more likely to have ductile deformation than rocks under highpressure.​




thanks me later...

correct me if I'm wrong


The answer is letter

d. Rocks under low confining pressure are more likely to have ductile deformation than rocks under high pressure.

That's The false about rock deformation


#Let's Study

10. How are rocks on earths crust deformed?


Rocks become deformed when the Earth's crust is compressed or stretched. The forces needed to do this act over millions of years – deformation is a very slow process!

11. how rocks are deformed

Faults that show such ductile shear are referred to as shear zones. Whenrocks deform in a ductile manner, instead of fracturing to form faults or joints, they may bend or fold, and the resulting structures are called folds. Folds result from compressional stresses or shear stresses acting over considerable time.When rocks deform in a ductile manner, instead of fracturing to form faults or joints, they may bend or fold, and the resulting structures are called folds. Folds result from compressional stresses or shear stresses acting over considerable time.

12. what are the harmful aftermaths of rocks deformations?​




When rocks deform they are said to strain. A strain is a change in size, shape, or volume of a material. We here modify that definition somewhat to say that a strain also includes any kind of movement of the material, including translation and tilting.

13. how are rock on earth crust deformed​


Rocks become deformed when the Earth's crust is compressed or stretched. The forces needed to do this act over millions of years – deformation is a very slow process.

Answer:Rocks become deformed when the Earth's crust is compressed or stretched. The forces needed to do this act over millions of years – deformation is a very slow process!

14. what causes deformation of rock​


Stress causes rocks to deform,meaning the rock change size or shape.


there are different kinds of stress that rock experience, and these determine how the rocks deform.

15. Which statement is TRUE for the deformation of rocks to occur? A. Deformation must be applied abruptly B. pressure must exceed the internal strength of rock C. The lower and the temperature of the rock, the more elastic it becomes. D. The rock material must gave the ability to deform under pressure and heat




yan answer ko ehhh yan yong answer ko sa module ko pa mark na brainlest

16. 8. What is elastic rebound?a.the sudden return of deformed rockto its undeformed shapeb. the gradual return of deformed rockto its undeformed shapeC. the sudden return of undeformedrock to its deformed shaped. the gradual return of undeformedrock to its deformed shape​

Elastic rebound is what happens to the crustal material on either side of a fault during an earthquake. ... The rock becomes distorted, or bent, but holds its position until the earthquake occurs, and the rock snaps back into an unstrained position, releasing energy that produces seismic waves.

17. why are rocks in the asthenosphere easily deform?

rocks in the asthenosphere are easily deformed because of the high temperature, the rocks are softened and eventually they will melt
Because asthenosphere is said to be the weak and ductile layer under the lithosphere

18. What is rock deformation


Stress causes rocks to deform, meaning the rocks change size or shape. There are different kinds of stress that rocks experience, and these determine how the rocks deform. Tensional stress is when rock is stretched apart. ... Compressional stress is when rock is pressed together.


19. what are the possible contributions of rocks deformation?​


The factors that influence the strength of a rock and how it will deform include temperature, confining pressure, rock type, and time. Rocks deform permanently in two ways: brittle deformation and ductile deformation.

20. What are the possible contributions of rock deformations​


sedimentation po ata?


kasi po pag nag break down nabubuo po ulit siya

21. which of the following cause rock deformation​


asan yung choices? :))



22. which rock deformations would result because of the stress on these rocks?​


Reverse Faults - are faults that result from horizontal compressional stresses in brittle rocks, where the hanging-wall block has moved up relative the footwall block.

23. whaf are the possible contributions of rock deformation.​


When rocks deform they are said to strain. ... likely to fracture because the pressure of the surroundings tends

24. what are the words connected to rock deformation​


Stress causes rocks to deform, meaning the rocks change size or shape. There are different kinds of stress that rocks experience, and these determine how the rocks deform. Tensional stress is when rock is stretched apart. ... Compressional stress is when rock is pressed together.



25. why are rocks in the asthenosphere easily deformed?

because the asthenosphere is the weak part of the earth and its plasticity.

26. What are the different types of rock deformation?

Elastic deformation-rock returns to its original form after the removal of stress
Non elastic deformation-once the limit has reached, the rock either flows (ductile) or fractures (brittle)

27. 4. What will happen if rock is over deform?A. strainC. elastic deformB. plastic deformD. rupture​


C.elastic deform


Deformation of Ductile Rocks

When rocks deform in a ductile manner, instead of fracturing to form faults or joints, they may bend or fold, and the resulting structures are called folds. Folds result from compressional stresses or shear stresses acting over considerable time

28. What causes deformation of rock?


Stress causes rocks to deform, meaning the rocks change size or shape. There are different kinds of stress that rocks experience, and these determine how the rocks deform. Tensional stress is when rock is stretched apart. ... With shear stress, the rock is being pulled in opposite directions but on different ends.

29. it is the region where the rocks deformed​




that show such ductile shear are referred to as shear zone

30. what is the region of deform rocks ​


orogenic belt ata di aq sure search ka nalang


When rocks deform in a ductile manner, instead of fracturing to form faults or joints, they may bend or fold, and the resulting structures are called folds. Folds result from compressional stresses or shear stresses acting over considerable time.



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