Short Story About Life Of A Student

Short Story About Life Of A Student

write a short story about life of an ict studentusing chronology of a pattern of development​

Daftar Isi

1. write a short story about life of an ict studentusing chronology of a pattern of development​


Once upon a time, there was a young ICT student named Jack. Jack was a bright and motivated student who was determined to make the most of his ICT education.

At first, Jack was intimidated by the sheer volume of information he had to learn. He was overwhelmed by the sheer number of programming languages, databases, and other technologies he had to master. But Jack was determined to succeed, so he threw himself into his studies.

Jack quickly learned the basics and began to focus on more advanced topics. He studied networking, security, and system administration. He became an expert in the use of Linux and Windows operating systems.

Jack also started learning about web development. He studied HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. He soon became proficient in web design and development.

Jack was now ready to apply his knowledge in the real world. He started looking for internships and jobs in the ICT field. He was able to secure an internship at a local software company and eventually landed a full-time job as a web developer.

Jack was now living his dream. He was able to use his ICT skills to help businesses grow and develop. He was able to use his knowledge to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions.

Jack was now a successful ICT professional. He was able to use his skills to help businesses succeed and make a positive impact on the world. He was living proof that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.


message me if you want to join my gc thnks

2. 1. create a short story about a student who strives hard in time of pandemic to study for his or her future. 2. share your insight on the following questions. a. what are the different ways to share your story to others? b. what are the relevance of the characters and the story in your daily life?​


1.) 02 June 2020

At 7 A.M. one morning, Moreyna woke up with renewed enthusiasm. As she did every school day prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, she showered, had her breakfast, and put on her school uniform. She then asked her mother to take her to school in the hope that “everything had gone back to normal.”

But she learned soon enough that her school was still closed. She became morose.

“I don’t like it because I can’t see my friends and teachers,” she moaned.

It was then that Moreyna’s mother, Maria Morin, realized that her daughter needed all the help she could get. “I decided to help her study more often,” she said. “It was the only way to make this new reality more bearable for my daughter.”

pa follow at pà brainliest lang po

3. Instructions: Create a flow chart with steps in creating photo essay. Follow the steps below:1. For your photo essay, take pictures about your life as a student during this pandemic.2. Choose four pictures.3. Arrange the pictures on one short bond paper.4. Write a story about the pictures you have chosen with the title written on top.​


just follow the instruction

4. 8. The Maranao folklore, The Origin of this world is an example of A. Fable B. Myth C. Parable D. Poetry 9. A story that is told mostly through dialogue and is meant to be performed on stage. A. Fable B. Myth C. Play D. Poetry 10. Joan is fond of reading short stories. Her favorite story is the "The Hare and Turtle." This story is an example of A. Fable B. Legend C. Myth D. Parable 11. Jemima is a Grade 7 student. Her teacher asked her to write a story of her life. Her write up is called A. Autobiography B. Biography C. Documentary D. News 12. These are narrative or stories that are produced by imagination of the writer and are not necessary based on facts; a story about characters that may not be realistic and events that could not happen. A. Creativity B. Documentary C. Fiction D. Non Fiction 13. A single item of important news that is aired separately and often interrupts other programs is called A. Documentary B. News Flash C. Movie clip D. Trailer 14. A program that is informative and can be accessed through the website is called A. Documentary C. News Flash B. Internet-based Program D. Movie clip​


9, C


11 A



14 D


Hope you like this

5. Directions: Read the statements very carefully and tell whether it is a MANUSCRIPT, MEMORIZED, EXTEMPORANEOUS, or an IMPROMPTU speech. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. With all confidence, Aja Gray delivered Martin Luther’s “I Have A Dream,” one of the most popular declamation pieces before a large crowd during their English Fest. 2. Mr. Insong was scheduled for a teaching demonstration. He chose the topic he was most comfortable with and rehearsed his demonstration. Because he didn’t want to forget the order of his presentation, he made an outline of his lesson on an index card to remind him of the flow of the topics or ideas. 3. Father Delos Santos reads every single word from the Holy Scripture to the mass goers. 4. Mommy Rose reads the story of “Pedro Pinduko” to baby Ralph. 5. Karen Davila reported the news written on a teleprompter. 6. Reina Eunice was asked by Jean to give a short message for the couple during the reception. She wanted to decline but didn’t want to disappoint her friend, so she talked whatever came to her mind anyway. 7. Mirasol was heading home from work when Cecilia came up to her and asked where she could find the nearest Palawan Pera Express Padala Center in the area. 8. Vincent rehearsed his valedictory address weeks before the graduation. On the day of the graduation, he delivered it without bringing any notes. 9. Mr. San Juan delivered an inspirational talk. In the beginning of his talk, he appeared very certain and inspiring but seemed to lose connection with the audience at the middle of his speech and started groping for words to say next. 10.Mr. Lloyd, being the master of ceremonies, reads the educational achievements of Dr. Eugene, being the guest of honor in their graduation rites. 11.Mr. Alvarico showed his Grade 12-Phosphenes students a picture. He gave them a minute to look at it, then asked Andy to share to the class what she thought about the picture. 12.Jonathan slowly came inside the room hoping he would not be noticed by Mr. Jeremias. Just as he was about to sit on his chair, his teacher asked him for his reason for coming to class late. 13.Jenelyn, being the class president, read aloud to the class the announcement and the dictated exam that Mrs. Lourdes, the TLE teacher, asked her to read during their time, since she was still in a meeting with the principal. 14.Reynaldo, the reception host, called Julian, who never had any part or role in the entourage, to go on stage and share to the group his fun memories with Denver, the groom. 15.Mr. Jacaba was invited to talk about his struggles in life and how he managed to overcome them. He was very certain what points he would include in his talk and in which order. To guide him through the speech, he brought with him a notecard containing the outline of the points he wanted to discuss.
















My answers are based on my own understanding. :)

6. ______41. An electronic device used to record, copy, playback, broadcast, and display moving visual media. A. Tag cloud B. Slideshow presentation C. Text tula D. Video ______42. A short entertaining or interesting story about a real incident or person. A. Poem B. Memory C. Diary D. Anecdote ______43. Purpose of anecdote where stories pop up anywhere and these are just sometimes making people laugh to brighten their mood. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______44. Purpose of anecdote where people are talking about their experiences in the past. They try to look back on moments in their lives and share the joy of that time with others. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______45. Purpose of anecdote where giving rules for individuals is not effective. Sharing to them frightening stories of dangers can be helpful for them to realize the possible consequences of their actions. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______46. Purpose of anecdote where people share stories on how they surpassed their struggles in life. These, most of the time, give encouragement to others who have been in similar situations. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______47. Identify the purpose of this anecdote: At the dinner, a Grade 11 learner shared his story on his first day at school when he got lost and attended a wrong class. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______48. Identify the purpose of this anecdote: A mother tells her children a story about her life in the province when she was teenager. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______49. Before beginning a lecture on not following traffic rules, a father tells his son an incident of collision that caused many lives due to ignoring traffic signs. The purpose of this anecdote is________________. A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ______50. Chester wrote an anecdote that goes like this: Before beginning a remedial class, the teacher tells the students how a boy who used to struggle in reading managed to be a proficient reader. Based on the given information, which of the following is the purpose of Chester’s anecdote? A. To bring cheer B. To reminisce C. To caution D. To persuade or inspire ​


41. d. video

42. D. Anecdote

43. A. To bring cheer  

44. B. To reminisce

45. C. To caution

46. D. To persuade or inspire

47. A. To bring cheer

48. B. To reminisce

49. C. To caution

50. D. To persuade or inspire


7. vainly to warn Snow White, knowing what will happen when she bites into the apple. This shows dramatic irony. G. Theme. Theme is the meaning or concept left to the readers after reading a piece of fiction. A theme usually depicts and unifies the central topic of the story. It gives the reader a deeper significance of the work to people's day to day lives. Moral/lesson of the story is not the theme of the story. Theme is the author's way of sharing ideas, perceptions, and feelings with readers, and it may be directly stated or it may only be implied. The theme unifies the concept of the story. It must adhere to the following requirements: 1. The theme must account all the major details of the story. 2. The theme must not be contradicted by any detail of the story. 3. It must not only rely on supposed facts- facts not actually stated or clearly implied by the story. Furthermore, let us take time and consider some suggestions in creating a theme of a work of literature by Laurence and Thomas Arp, 1993. 1. Theme should be expressed in a statement form having a subject and predicate. 2. Theme must be stated as a generalization about life. 3. Do not make the generalization larger (or smaller) than is justified by the terms of the story. 4. Theme unifies the concept of a story. Therefore, a theme accounts all the major details of the story, it is not contradicted by any detail of a story and it does not rely upon supposed facts. 5. There is no single way of stating a theme. 6. Avoid using statement that reduces the theme to some familiar saying, proverb, or axiom. HOME BASED ACTIVITIES TASK 1: CHARACTER SKETCH BE LIKE! What recent movie or television series have you watched? Recall the character that strongly gets your attention and describe below all his/her features. Character's Name: (you may focus on physical description such as color, shapes of the eyes, height/weight, speech, or personality and behavior). TASK 2: RECALL A CHARACTER YOU KNOW HOW AND WHY CHARACTERS CHANGE Character's Name: Directions: Provide evidence from the story to support your conclusions. At the beginning... How the character changed At the end... TASK 3: Why the Character Changed Directions: Read the short passages below. Answer the question by identifying an implied character trait. Explain your answer by referencing the text. Jason is an excellent accountant who works full-time for his best friend's company larger accounting firm contacts Jason and offers to pay him twice if he will work for them. Jason thanks the company for their offer but declines. He doesn't even tell his friend that he received the offer. What character trait does Jason demonstrate? Enc's car broke down in the woods and his phone wasn't getting a signal. He used his car antenna as a spear and caught fresh salmon. He started a fire with sparks from his car battery, and he ate the cooked salmon while waiting for help. What character trait does Eric demonstrate? 3. After coming home late from a party, Mae's father questioned her. She wanted to tell him that she was studying at a friend's place and lost track of time, but she told him the truth instead: she was at a party. What character trait does Mae demonstrate? 4. The teacher told the students that they were not to start testing until everyone received all of the testing materials. He went on to explain that the test booklet was to remain sealed until he had read through all of the directions. Immediately after receiving the test booklet, Chris raised his hand and asked if he could start testing. What character trait does Chris demonstrate? 5. Katie's mother came home from a long day of work and noticed that the entire house had been cleaned from top to bottom. She figured that Katie must have cleaned it. The strangest thing was that she didn't even ask Katie to clean. Then she found a note on the counter from Katie asking for permission to sleep over at her friend Heather's house. Katie's mother smiled. What character trait does Katie demonstrate?​


vrenly helping others im so happy here helping to me or other

8. Quipper School PREMIUM Teaching Guide READING AND WRITING SKILLS Unit 11: Development of a Text- Grade 11/12 Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Technician Education Can Fuel Financial Success NewsUSA It doesn't take a college degree to understand that a four-year education may not be the end-all and be-all it once was, according to a new survey of U.S. high school students. With rising costs for higher education and the way it equates to a career, more high school students say costs will be a "deciding factor in which college they attend or whether they end up going at all," according to the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit College Savings Foundation. The survey, which is in its 10th year, found that of the 500 students polled, this year saw the highest percentage (55 percent) say they are thinking about technical schools and career schools in the same way they look at traditional universities. This is good news for technical schools (most notably transportation technology and repair), that to date have had trouble attracting students through their doors. "There is more computer code in today's cars than there was used to put a man on the moon," says Jennifer Maher, chief executive officer of the TechForce Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports students through their education into successful careers as professional technicians. "These are skilled, well-paying, technical jobs. "To put this into perspective, according to Motor Authority, a Ford GT has more than 10 million lines of code and the new Ford F150 pickup has more than 150 million lines of code. Compare that to the shuttle's primary flight software, which contains approximately 400,000 lines of code, and it becomes easy to see the necessity of skilled technicians and the job security the industry represents. According to data from the 2020 AutoCare FactBook, the auto care industry added approximately 41,500 jobs in 2018, and automotive repair and maintenance showed the greatest increase ip average hourly wages among technician jobs from 2009 to 2018 More good news: The demand for skilled technicians continues to rise as older technicians retire. Additionally, those numbers increase as technicians move into other industries, and new positions open up. To this point, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the replacement rate plus the growth rate will translate to 78,200 per year from 2016 to 2026. TechForce's publicity campaign, "Because I'm a Tech," encourages technicians to share their Quipper School PREMIUM Teaching Guide READING AND WRITING SKILLS Unit 11: Development of a Text Grade 11/12 stories about how they have succeeded in skilled technician careers. Some of their comments: "i bought my first house at age 27," "I get to do something I love every day." "I have a good work/life balance and have time for my hobbies." Technician jobs can be an ideal alternative for many nontraditional learners who can think outside the box, and who enjoy working with their hands and solving problems. Plus, there's the fact that technicians can learn their skills as soon as two years after high school and put them to use right away without the time and expense of a traditional, four-year college degree. TechForce's FutureTech Roadmap to the transportation technology career highlights some of the traits that make for well-paid, successful technicians and how parents and students can identify these valuable skills. Middle School: Sixth-graders to eighth-graders who like to tinker; those who fix the wobbly bike wheel or design the winning car in the scouts' soapbox derby, may benefit from a technical school rather than a traditional college education. High School: The high schooler who helps design and build the sets for the school play may be the next great technician. Also, students with diagnoses of ADHD who learn best with hands-on lessons and struggle with lengthy, desk-bound assignments are ideally suited to many technician careers. Post-Secondary School: High school graduates with a strong interest in science and technology can launch fulfilling careers with training at an ASE-certified program. The more certifications and degrees earned, the higher the tech's earning potential from future employers. Short Response Questions Answer the following questions. Responses should be backed up by textual evidence, and opinions should be clearly explained. 1. Who is the possible audience for this text? 2. Who could benefit from the information presented in this text? Justify your answer. 3. What could have possibly influenced the author to construct this text? 4. Create an alternative title for the text. 5. Is the text appropriate for the Philippine context? Justify your answer.​


High schools students

2. High school students

9. Goal Your task is to inform or communicate visually to other people. This should be useful in helping to better understand the concept by composing a script and proper execution of the scene. Role You are an Artist/Illustrator, Cartoonist and Storyteller Audience The target audience are the students and parents. Situation The challenge involves dealing with detailing out a story about the uses and effects of the electromagnetic spectrum in your real-life experiences. You can share your insights and reflections as part of your own story idea. Product/ Performance You need to create a short storyboard that has your own story ideas about the electromagnetic spectrum concept. It should consist of illustrations or images displayed in sequence or timeline. A finished storyboard looks like a comic strip, it is similar to a script, but the two aren't quite the same – storyboards are visual, while scripts are text-based. Standards and Criteria for Success You have two choices in creating a storyboard, either a hand – drawn or a storyboarding software. In making a manual storyboard: Step 1: Create a template. Draw a series of rectangles on the paper provided, as you were creating a comic strip. Step 2: Add the script. Under each drawn rectangle, write the line of script or dialogue that corresponds to that scene. Step 3: Sketch out the story, make it as creative as possible. Step 4: Add some notes.


nasa pic sagot pa branly po please

10. ASSESSMENT Read and answer each question. Write the letter of your answer on your answer sheet. 1. What is a factual text? a. A text that is false b. c. A text that is true d. A text that is short A text that is entertaining 2. Contrary to most people's belief, high-school students should not work part time; such work hinders their academic performance and does not give them any skills that will be useful in later life. Moreover, they may spend their earnings on alcohol or drugs. What is the purpose of the text? a. To persuade c. To entertain b. To explain d. To inform 3. A persuasive text tries to a. Describe something c. Instruct you b. Encourage you to do something d. Make you feel happy 4. A novel aims to a. Advertise something c. Entertain you b. Gives you facts d. Explain something 5. It gives a personal opinion on a novel, play or film, referring to parts within the passage. a. Expository b. Personal Response c. Explanatory d. Persuasive 6. Which is not an example of a factual text? V3 a. Flow charts b. proposal 7. c. noveld. New article Which is not an example of a literary text? a. Short story b. film c. Personal response d. labelled diagrams 8. "What did you like about that artwork and why?" answering this question will make you write a text. C. Narrative b. Personal Response c. Expository d. Persuasive 9. What are the two main types of text? old a. Narrative & Persuasive c. Explanatory & Narrative B. Expository & Personal Response d. Factual & Literary 10. Which is not a type of factual text? a. Personal response b. Explanatory c. Expository d. Persuasive ayeld,solask sonalon anochio estilo 2008​










sorry yan lng po yung alam ko ehh

11. ACTIVITY 1.4 In this module, we have learned that as we approach the speed of light, time slows down. if we move at exactly the same as the speed of light, theoretically, time will stop. This will imply that if we move faster than the speed of light, then time will theoretically move backwards, essentially moving you backwards on time! In this activity, to will create a short story with a plot that revolves around time travel. You may also produce a short video out of the story you createdThe plot of the story is:1. You are a student who is not happy about what is happening to your life. 2. These problems occurred because of a decision that you have made in the past when you were younger. 3. You encountered a machine that moves faster than the speed of light, which essentially can move you back into the past. 4. You decided to travel back to the time when you made the decision that caused your problems and unhappiness. 5. After changing the past, you board the ship again and decided to travel back to the present time. 6. Your video should focus on unintended consequences of your decision to change the past. 7. The video must not exceed 5 minutes. ​


His world was dark, gritty and twisted, and he was a monster in it. His quest for power had taken him to the dark corners of the world which were better left unexplored. He couldn’t remember the number of people he had killed and it hardly mattered as no one had what it takes to kill him now. He traveled in time to take care of one final matter, he walked to the man who ruined his entire life and shot him in the chest. He returned to present and fell on his knees as the blood poured out of his chest and struck the ground. The world he lived in was indeed twisted as there was a thirty second delay in time travel. He coughed up blood as he thought to himself how true his final words were: no one had what it takes to kill him, no one but him! In his final moments as he laid on the ground drenched in his own blood, he couldn’t help but think how all of this was a little poetic as he was the only person who responsible for ruining his life .

12. a short Activity 1.4 The Time Travelling Student slows down. If we move at exactly the same as the speed of light, In this module, we have learned that as we approach the speed of light, time speed of light, then time will theoretically move backwards, essentially theoretically, time will stop. This will imply that if we move faster than the moving you backwards in time! In this activity, to will create a short story with a plot that revolves around time travel. You may also produce video out of the story you created. The plot of the story is: 1. You are a student who is not happy about what is happening to your life. 2. These problems occurred because of a decision that you have made in the past when you were younger. 3. You encountered a machine that moves faster than the speed of light, which essentially can move you back into the past. 4. You decided to travel back to the time when you made the decision that caused your problems and unhappiness. 5. After changing the past, you board the ship again and decided to travel back to the present time. 6. Your video should focus on the unintended consequences of your decision to change the past. 7. The video must not exceed 5 minutes.​


His world was dark, gritty and twisted, and he was a monster in it. His quest for power had taken him to the dark corners of the world which were better left unexplored. He couldn’t remember the number of people he had killed and it hardly mattered as no one had what it takes to kill him now. He traveled in time to take care of one final matter, he walked to the man who ruined his entire life and shot him in the chest. He returned to present and fell on his knees as the blood poured out of his chest and struck the ground. The world he lived in was indeed twisted as there was a thirty second delay in time travel. He coughed up blood as he thought to himself how true his final words were: no one had what it takes to kill him, no one but him! In his final moments as he laid on the ground drenched in his own blood, he couldn’t help but think how all of this was a little poetic as he was the only person who responsible for ruining his life.

13. What's New The next activity will introduce you to the next level of learning about applying coping skills in life. Story of Us Read the short conversation and answer the questions that follow. for her all over the school compound and saw Aides sitting alone on a bench at the One afternoon, a grade 7 student was looking for her friend Aida. She looked back of the school Mini Park. Liza: Hi! I've been looking for you since this morning. Why are you sad and alone? Aida: Some of my classmates are teasing me because of how I look. They say I'm dark and ugly. Liza: Don't mind them Aida. Don't feel sad about your looks. Focus on your talents and be thankful for what God has given you. Your family and friends love you because you are a good person. I'm here for you. Come! Iu help you. Let us inform our class adviser about this. Aida: Thank you Liza. You are a true friend. Activity 1: Try to Reflect! Directions: After reading the dialogue, answer the following questions. (Write your answers in your journal.) 1. How do I feel after reading the conversation? 2. What is the message of the text for me? 3. Do I have a friend? 4. Was there a time when I consulted a friend? 5. How did he/she help me solve my concern/problem? 6. Is a friend important to me?​


How do you feel about reading the conversation

14. REMEMBER before doing this task:《¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪》NO NEED to do the VIDEO, I need to create a SHORT STORY with a PLOT that revolves around TIME TRAVEL. Short story po.《¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪¤▪》"The Time Travelling Student"In this module, we have learned that as we approach the speed of light, time slows down. If we move at exactly the same as the speed of light, theoretically, time will stop. This will imply that if we move faster than the speed of light, then time will theoretically move backwards, essentially moving you backwards in time! In this activity, to will create a short story with a plot that revolves around time travel. You may also produce a short video out of the story you created. The plot of the story is: 1. You are a student who is not happy about what is happening to your life.2. These problems occurred because of a decision that you have made in the past when you were younger. 3. You encountered a machine that moves faster than the speed of light, which essentially can move you back into the past. 4. You decided to travel back to the time when you made the decision that caused your problems and unhappiness. 5. After changing the past, you board the ship again and decided to travel back to the present time. 6. Your video should focus on the unintended consequences of your decision to change the past. Pa answer po good answer = brainliest nonsense = reported​

Hi I m Ben and I m a time traveler I traveler every time even future but something happened

In the future there will be a zombie apoloclyps

And I need to save the world and i travel in the future I put humans in the safe places which is a no zombie can go in so I defeat it and I win and people cheer up and I was happy that I save the future.

The end

Sorry kung mali yung spelling ng apoloclpys

I Tama na lng po yung spelling

Sana makatulong

15. Instructions: Create a flow chart with steps in creating photo essay. Follow the steps below: 1. For your photo essay, take pictures about your life as a student during this pandemic. 2. Choose four pictures. 3. Arrange the pictures on one short bond paper. 4. Write a story about the pictures you have chosen with the title written on top.







Hope it helps

16. 1.What was the turtle doing before the scorpion approached him? *1 pointa. taking a bathcleaning his houseplaying his housewashing dishes2. How would you describe the turtle in responding to the scorpion? *1 pointkind-hearted.hesitantindifferentstrong-willed3. What did the scorpion want from the turtle? *1 pointan important businessswimming chorehelp in swimmingride across the river4.What did the scorpion do to the turtle? *1 pointit bit his backit bit its played a trick on repaid him5.What word will describe the scorpion? *1 pointfriendlygenerousunkindtreacherous6. What do you think happened next? *1 pointThey became friends.The scorpion thanked the turtle.Only the scorpion drownedBoth the scorpion and the turtle drowned.7".I " in the third sentence refers to_________. *1 pointturtlescorpionmanwomanOption 58." They" in the last sentence refers to________. *1 pointturtlescorpionscorpion and turtlescorpion and man9. What word in the paragraph means suffering or agonizing? *1 pointterriblyterrificexcruciatingbiting10. What kind of story is it? _______ *1 pointlegendfablemythfolktaleB.Word Building / Affixation:Directions:Form new words out of the underlined words.11. The poet creates songs,poems and rhymes. He is a ___________ writer. *1 pointcreativecreationcreativenesscreativity12. The red color of the flag signifies bravery. It has historical _____________. *1 pointsignifysignalsignificancesignificant13. Scrabble as a game has its worth. Students are asked to spend their free time in_____________ activities. *1 pointworthyworthwhileworthinessworthless14.The writer describes Mount Mayon by using ____________words. *1 pointdescriptivedescribeddescriptiondescrptively15.To be free is the most exciting feeling a person can have, but __________is only temporary. *1 pointfreemanfreedfreedomfreeingLITERATURE - Identify the different terms used in literature. 16. They are stories that tell the origin of something. *1 pointsettingfablelegend17.The place or time in which the story occurs. *1 pointsettingfablelegend18.A short imaginative narrative that teaches a lesson about life. Its characters are usually animals. *1 pointsettingfablelegend19.A fictitious or imaginative story of gods and goddesses. *1 pointmythlegendepic20. A long narrative poem of some heroic deed or event. *1 pointmythlegendepicTypes of Sentences: 21. Eli loves going to the beach. *1 pointdeclarativeinterrogativeimperativeexclamatory22. Are you really happy about our situation? *1 pointdeclarativeinterrogativeimperativeexclamatory23. What a beautiful place you have there, Luis! *1 pointdeclarativeinterrogativeimperativeexclamatory24. Go to a quiet place and review your lessons there. *1 pointdeclarativeinterrogativeimperativeexclamatory25. The sun rises in the east. *1 pointdeclarativeinterrogativeimperativeexclamatory​




rory yan lamg mga natandaan ko kayo na bahala sa iba

17. Learning Competency and Code: LESSON 6 ANALOGY 1. MELC 5: Summarize key information from text. 2. MELC 6: Use analogy to describe or make a point. A. Analyze the following statement. Identify which technique in writing is used in the following situation, Write SUM if it is summarizing and PAR for paraphrasing. 1. Mikaela will write a short version of the story "Cowrie Shell." 2, Dennis tries to retell the lines from his favorite movie Avengers: End Game 3. The teacher asked her learners to write a short paragraph about the documentary that they had watched without adding their opinion, 4. Pia was tasked to explain the idea of the poster presented by their teacher in her own words, 5. The student was given an activity to write the important details of Harry Potter based on the original piece. B. Classify each sentence below as to SIMILE or METAPHOR 6. The fountain tossed its water, up and up, like silver marbles. 7. The oil upon the puddles dries to colors like a peacock's eyes. 8. How long shall I tarnish the mirror of life, a spatter of rust on it's polished steelf 4. You glow in my heart, like the flames of uncounted candles. 10. The stars sit on its velvet sky. C. Identify the relationship between the first pair of words given below. From the four choices, choose the pair of words that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 11. chef: knife:: A. computer: hard disk B. famous: renowned 12, 2, Botany: plants::. 12,2, A horse: grass B. Zoology: animals 13, scientist: laboratory:: A. beautician: parlor B. court: lawyer 14. question answer:: Apen: write B. shoes: socks 7. create: destroy ::. A, never: always B. assign: a lot C sink: drown D. warrior: sword C Cardiology: Physiology D. rabbit: leap C. theater: artist D. Factory worker C. binocular: view D. table: sit C. house: home D. enormous: huge​


hello thanks stay safe always

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