What Is The Lightest Element In The Periodic Table

What Is The Lightest Element In The Periodic Table

What is the lightest element in the periodic table?

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1. What is the lightest element in the periodic table?

It is the first element on the periodic table, with an average atomic mass of 1.00794.

2. What is the lightest element in the periodic table?​


Hydrogen, H, is the lightest element found on the periodic table of elements. At room temperature, hydrogen is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Hydrogen is most abundant, making up approx.




Hydrogen is the lightest element and exhibits the simplest atomic structure.

Mark me as a brainliest

3. What's the lightest element in the periodic table? Explain.​


With an atomic weight of 1.00794, hydrogen is the lightest element in the periodic table. Atomic weight is the average mass of atoms of an element. Which all atoms of an element have the same number of protons, different versions of an element (isotopes) can have extra neutrons, which makes them heavier. Most hydrogen atoms contain only one proton and one electron, with no neutrons. Rare isotopes of hydrogen contain one, two or three neutrons as well as the single proton and electron, and it's those rare neutrons that bring the average atomic weight up from 1.0 to 1.00794. The mass of electrons is negligible.

4. this is the lightest element in the periodic table​






Hydrogen is produced by the big bang nucleosynthesis.according to the big bang theory,the temperature in the early universe were so high that fusion reactions could take place this result the formation of lightest element

5. This is the lightest element in the periodic table​




Hydrogen is the lightest element and exhibits the simplest atomic structure. In addition, it is the most abundant element in the universe and can form bonds to nearly every element, such as s- and p-block elements.

HYDROGEN→ This is the lightest element in the periodic table.

6. what color represents heaviest element? lightest? why?​


Name the (i) lightest and the (ii) heaviest element (in terms of density)among the transition elements.

heaviest: Os It

lightest: Sc

Lighter elements are more widespread than heavier ones, ... neutrons and two electrons, and has the chemical symbol He ...


You can easily identify the lightest elements by checking the periodic table (see Resources). The atomic number, the top number on each element's square, tells you the number of protons in the element; the mass number, the bottom number on each square, tells you the relative atomic mass of the element.

There, nuclear fusion creates ever-heavier elements as it ... The blue spectrum corresponds to the r-process- deficient star ...

7. Hydrogen and helium are the two lightest elements in the periodic table.What fraction of the mass in the known universe is made up of hydrogenand helium?​


What fraction of the mass in the known universe is made up of hydrogen and helium? The modern universe is about 98% hydrogen and helium. All other elements in the universe comprise less than 2% of the total.

8. a colorless gas and the lightest element in periodic table, this can combine with oxygen to form water?​









9. what is the most abundant element in the universe.It is the lightest element and has a simplest structure.​





Main Group Metal Hydrides. Hydrogen is the lightest element and exhibits the simplest atomic structure. In addition, it is the most abundant element in the universe and can form bonds to nearly every element, such as s- and p-block elements



Hydrogen: Hydrogen, H2, is an elemental gas with an atomic mass of 1.00794. This diatomic molecule is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe.


10. D.Helium-5. What is the lightest element in the Periodic table of elements.A. OxygenB. CarbonC. Hydrogen​




please mark as a bràinliest


Letter C Hydrogen


It's easy hope it helps

11. What is the lightest element on Earth with no stable isotope? ​


I believe the answer is Technetium.


Technetium is a chemical element with the symbol Tc and atomic number 43. It is the lightest element whose isotopes are all radioactive, none of which is stable other than the fully ionized state of 97Tc. ... The ground state of the nuclide technetium-99 is used as a gamma-ray-free source of beta particles.


Density (near r.t. ) 7.1 µm/(m⋅K) (at r.t. ) Technetium is a chemical element with the symbol Tc and atomic number 43. It is the lightest element whose isotopes are all radioactive, none of which is stable other than the fully ionized state of 97Tc

12. 2. How are elements in the periodic table arranged? It is arranged from/byA. simple to complexC. increasing atomic numberB. lightest to heaviestD. increasing by size and shapeلي"​


C. Increasing atomic number


The periodic table of elements arranges all of the known chemical elements in an informative array. Elements are arranged from left to right and top to bottom in order of increasing atomic number. Order generally coincides with increasing atomic mass.

Sana makatulong po sa inyu

13. the lightest element​




Hydrogen, H, is the lightest element found on the periodic table of elements. Its atomic weight is 1.008 amu.




The lightest chemical element is Hydrogen and the heaviest is Hassium.

14. What is the lightest element on earth

the lightest chemical elements are hydrogen and helium

15. the lightest element on the periodic table?


Hydrogen is the lightest element in the periodic table having an atomic mass of 1.00794 AMU.

16. 3. A colorless gas and the lightest element in the periodic table. This can combine with oxygen to form water. A. helium B. hydrogen C. sodium D. sulfur

Answer: Yo mama says your adopted




Hydrogen is odorless, tasteless, colorless, and highly flammable. When burning on air, it forms water. Hydrogen is known to be the first element in the periodic table of elements

17. 3. A colorless gas and the lightest element in the periodic table. This can combine with orygereform waterA. hcliumB. hydrogenC. sodiumD. Sulfur​

A colorless gas and the lightest element in the periodic table. This can combine with orygere

form water

A. hclium

B. hydrogen

C. sodium

D. Sulfur



18. Activity 1.1 Making Your Own Periodic Table shows how theoreticalelements where arrance according to its atomic weight. For example, H hasan atomic mass of 1,00794 amu, which makes hydrogen the lightestelement on the periodic table. Hydrogen, H, was named by Laviosier and isthe most abundant element on the periodic table. It is followed by He, Li, Beand so on and so fort because atomic weight is used to arrange elementsfrom lightest to heaviest,​


The atomic mass of an element is the average mass of the atoms of an element measured in atomic mass unit (amu, also known as daltons, D). The atomic mass is a weighted average of all of the isotopes of that element, in which the mass of each isotope is multiplied by the abundance of that particular isotope. (Atomic mass is also referred to as atomic weight, but the term "mass" is more accurate.)

For instance, it can be determined experimentally that neon consists of three isotopes: neon-20 (with 10 protons and 10 neutrons in its nucleus) with a mass of 19.992 amu and an abundance of 90.48%, neon-21 (with 10 protons and 11 neutrons) with a mass of 20.994 amu and an abundance of 0.27%, and neon-22 (with 10 protons and 12 neutrons) with a mass of 21.991 amu and an abundance of 9.25%. The average atomic mass of neon is thus:

0.9048 × 19.992 amu = 18.09 amu

0.0027 × 20.994 amu = 0.057 amu

0.0925 × 21.991 amu = 2.03 amu

20.18 amu

The atomic mass is useful in chemistry when it is paired with the mole concept: the atomic mass of an element, measured in amu, is the same as the mass in grams of one mole of an element. Thus, since the atomic mass of iron is 55.847 amu, one mole of iron atoms would weigh 55.847 grams. The same concept can be extended to ionic compounds and molecules. One formula unit of sodium chloride (NaCl) would weigh 58.44 amu (22.98977 amu for Na + 35.453 amu for Cl), so a mole of sodium chloride would weigh 58.44 grams. One molecule of water (H2O) would weigh 18.02 amu (2×1.00797 amu for H + 15.9994 amu for O), and a mole of water molecules would weigh 18.02 grams.

The original periodic table of the elements published by Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869 arranged the elements that were known at the time in order of increasing atomic weight, since this was prior to the discovery of the nucleus and the interior structure of the atom. The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number instead.




19. how many elements have been discovered till now of these what are the lightest elements? ​


The discovery of the 118 chemical elements known to exist as of 2023 is presented in chronological order. The elements are listed generally in the order in which each was first defined as the pure element, as the exact date of discovery of most elements cannot be accurately determined.

Chemically speaking, Earth is highly atypical of the Universe as a whole. Some of the most intriguing celestial observations are of the lightest elements: hydrogen (H), helium (He), lithium (Li), and the isotope of hydrogen known as deuterium (2H; 1 proton and 1 neutron, often denoted D).

20. a colorless gas and the lightest element in the periodic table. this can combine with oxygen to form water.A.helium B.hydrogenC.sodium D.sulfur​




because when combined oxgen and and hydrogen we can form water(H2O)

21. what is thd lightest elements ​


The lightest chemical element is Hydrogen and the heaviest is Hassium. The unity for atomic mass is gram per mol. Please note that the elements do not show their natural relation towards each other as in the Periodic system.

22. the lightest element in the period table. at standard condition it i a ga of diatomic moleculea having the formula h2. it is colorless odorless non toxic and highly combustible​

Answer:h hydrogen


hydrogen is the lightest and simplest element,and it's atomic number is

23. lightest element in universe??? ​


Hydrogen, most abundant in the universe, is the chemical element with atomic number 1, and an atomic mass of 1.00794 amu, the lightest of all known elements. It exists as a diatomic gas (H2). Hydrogen is the most abundant gas in the universe.

24. What is the 3rd lightest element?

Hydrogen, helium, lithium and beryllium are the lightest four elements, with one, two, three and four protons, respectively. Hydrogen has no neutrons, helium has two, lithium has four and beryllium has five, and the masses of the elements increase in that order.


The 3rd lightest element is Lithium.


25. the lightest element​


flash lightning McQueen ako

Answer. Hydrogen

Explanation. i dont know

26. What are the 3 lightest elements.


I think that's the answer




The three lightest elements are hydrogen, helium, and lithium.


Hope it helps and have a good day!

Brainliest please

27. this is the lightest element in the periodic table​


The lightest chemical element is Hydrogen


Hydrogen is the smallest chemical element because it consists of only one proton in its nucleus. Its symbol is H, and its atomic number is 1. It has an average atomic weight of 1.0079 amu, making it the lightest element.

28. this is the lightest element in the periodic table​


Hydrogen is the lightest element and exhibits the simplest atomic structure. In addition, it is the most abundant element in the universe and can form bonds to nearly every element, such as s- and p-block elements.


29. The lightest down the more than 100 elements is known as the:A.Mendeleev's TableB.Periodic TableC.Chemistry Element TableD.Octet Table​




i think i just think if it is

30. What is the lightest element?​


For those who hunt from a stand, bow weight is a big consideration and sometimes the lightest option is the best option. As long as it still does the job. The CarbonAir series is known for their low weight and the Stealth is the lightest weight of them all with acarbon fiber riser and titanium hardware.


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