What Is The Role Of Culture In Moral Behavior

What Is The Role Of Culture In Moral Behavior

what is the role role of culture in our moral behavior​

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1. what is the role role of culture in our moral behavior​


Culture reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and standards that speak to how people should behave and interact with others. ... They act as prescriptions for correct and moral behavior, lend meaning and coherence to life, and provide a means of achieving a sense of integrity, safety, and belonging.


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pa brainliest po

2. What is culture and its role in moral behavior?



Culture describes a collective way of life, or way of doing things. It is the sum of attitudes, values, goals, and practices shared by individuals in a group, organization, or society. Cultures vary over time periods, between countries and geographic regions, and among groups and organizations. Culture reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and standards that speak to how people should behave and interact with others.



3. what is the role of culture in shaping moral and ethical behavior​

If culture fosters a more extroverted personality style, we can expect more need for social interaction. Additionally, Individualistic cultures foster more assertive and outspoken behavior. When the general population encourages these gregarious behaviors, more ideas are exchanged and self-esteem increases.

4. A. ChurchB. Agents of socializationC. FamilyD. Social mediaE. Undergoing constant socialization enables an individual to fully develop inphysical, emotional and mental aspects.F. Playing computer gamesG. socializing with othersH. It is the process of learning one's own culture.I. ParentsJ. CommunityK. Peer groupL. We learn our culture's norms and the roles expected of us.M. mental illness and sometimes having abnormal behaviorN. As the person learns his/her culture, he/she becomes functional member ofthe society.0. Socializationof a1. This is the place where a person is enculturated through immersing himselfor herself in serving others with the help of other individuals. We are all partthat would help us understand our own cultural andvalues orientation.2. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Because of these, achild needs a group of individuals who will shape his or her culture, beliefsand values. What do you call this group of individual?3. The first agent of socialization is our family most especially our parents.Throughout our life we will have our set of chosen family that will also guideus in socialization and teach us to interact with other people. Who is thischosen family?4. At this day and age of modern technology, a new agent of socialization hasinfluenced people both young and old. The influence of this agent is bothgood and bad. This is why our family and friends play an important role inmanaging the influence of this agent. What agent of socialization is this?5. Aside from teaching morality and reverence to our Creator, this institutionalso instills cultural appreciation and cultural values that would shape thepersonality of a child. What is this institution?6. Every individual undergoes a social process which enables him/her tobecome part of one's culture throughout his/her life time. Which conceptrefers to this process?7. Through socialization we learn some ways of behaving. Which of the choicesis normally learned during socialization?8. Socialization is an important social activity in the development of a person.How does socialization affect the development of an individual?9. The agents of socialization performing role in the development of one'spersonality. However, each of them influences the development of individualin varying degree. What is the first agent of socialization that influences thedevelopment of a person intensively?10. Socialization process affects the development of an individual on differentaspects. Which among the choices is an effect to an individual who has notbeen successfully socialized?11. School is one of the different institutions in the society that help in thefoundation and development of a person. Students are learning by examplefrom their teacher and their fellow students. Which is an example ofenculturation in school?12.A person projects an image different among others. One is a product of theculture he/she adapted which brings his/her own individuality and identity,What then is the importance of enculturation to the development of one'sself?13.Enculturation shapes an individual through different processes. Knowinglyor unknowingly, one internalizes the practices of the group he or shebelongs. Which among the following one can be best enculturated?14. Personal identity develops in many ways, depending on preferred choices. Ina society where there are many cultures, one's identity can be formedthrough enculturation. Which of the following highlights enculturation?15.Enculturation exists as one adapts or obtains behaviors and beliefs fromdifferent initiators of this process. These authorities can bring out a person'sview of what life is about. Which of the following figures play a vital role indeveloping personal identity in children?​

















5. 1. What term refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male, female or intersex? a. sex c. gender b. sexuality d. primary sex characteristics 2. Which term refers to individual differences in terms of thinking feeling and behaving? a. gender c. sex b. personality d. behaviors 3. How “ethical self” is viewed in human sexuality? a. the way you look as a man or a woman b. the way you interact with others c. the way you feel about yourself and others d. the way you value relationships 4. Which statement refers to psychological dimension of human sexuality? a. our attitudes and feelings towards ourselves and other people b. skills and values from people around us c. our growth and development in general d. our ability to reproduce or control fertility 5. Which of the following are the dimensions of sexuality? a. mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions b. physical, social, and moral dimensions c. biological, socio-cultural and psychological dimensions d. emotional, biological and social dimensions 6. Which factor of sexuality that involves questioning on the way we treat ourselves and other people? a. media c. politics b. ethics d. religion 7. Why politics affects our sexual behavior? a. it create policies that recognizes our human rights b. help shapes public attitudes c. influence feelings about morality d. it grants awareness of the existing problems in the society 8. Which life skill that requires practice in learning to say “no” to something that you don’t want to do.? a. practicing wellness c. refusal skill b. setting goals d. evaluating media messages 9. Which statement that best describe “identity crisis”? a. unsure of your role in life b. form of aggressive behavior c. serious condition related to eating d. act of taking one’s own life 10. What is the term “choosing possible solutions to the problem” means? a. gut feeling c. decision b. intuition d. problem solving

1. C2.B3.A4.A5.C6.B7.D8.C9.A10.D


Hope it's help

Correct me if I'm wrong thankyou

6. 3. How ethical self' is viewed in human sexuality? a, the way you look as a man or a woman b. the way you interact with others c. the way you feel about yourself and others d. the way you value relationships 4. Which statement refers to psychological dimension of human sexuality? a our attitudes and feelings towards ourselves and other people b. skills and values from people around us с our growth and development in general d our ability to reproduce or control fertility 5. Which of the following are the dimensions of sexuality? a mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions b, physical, social, and moral dimensions c. biological, socio-cultural and psychological dimensions d emotional, biological and social dimensions 6. Which factor of sexuality that involves questioning on the way we treat ourselves and other people? a media c. politics b. ethics d. religion 7. Why politics affects our sexual behavior? a. it create policies that recognizes our human rights b. help shapes public attitudes c. influence feelings about morality dit grants awareness of the existing problems in the society 8. Which life skill that requires practice in learning to say "no" to something that you don't want to do? a. practicing wellness c. refusal skill b. setting goals d. evaluating media messages 9. Which statement that best describe "identity crisis"? a unsure of your role in life b. form of aggressive behavior c. serious condition related to eating d. act of taking one's own life 10. What is the term "choosing possible solutions to the problem" means? a. gut feeling b. intuition c. decision d. problem solving ​


4.d.the way you feel yourself and to others

5.c.biological,socio-cultural,and physological dimensions


7.c.influence questioning about morality dit grants awareness of the existing problems in the society

8.d.evaluating media messages

9.d.taking to one's own life

10.d.problem solving

hope it helps god bless and stay safe

7. 20. Which of the following is not a factor that affects the sexual behavior of an individual?A. FamilyB. PeersC. CultureD. Emotions21. What factor plays a significant role in our lives as we regularly watch television, listen to a radio?A. FamilyB. PearsC. MediaD. Culture22. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?A. We will all be mature adults.B. We have similar sexuality issues.C. There is a specific age for developing one's sexuality.D. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others.23. It gives the impression of men being superior to women.A. Double Standard Morality B. SexualityC. Gender Role D. Gender Equality24. Which of the following is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves areal or perceived power imbalance?A. Sexual Harassment B. BullyingC. Cybercrime Law D. RH Bill25. Which characterizes a good decision?A. Easy to makeB. Makes your friend happyC. One that your teacher told you to makeD. Made after considering consequence​








basta ito po Yong answer

8. d. culturec. Valuescommon phrases that are unique to certain groupsa. Symbolb. Language10. How will respond to social changes?a. just follow it every time there is newb. Examine and think if it fits your culturec. Keep the old one, it's better than the new oned. believe in friends when they say it's good11. Which of the following does NOT define cultural relativism?a. Cultures must be viewed and analyzed on their own termb. No culture should be considered better than anotherc. It views that one's group is superior compared to anotd. There are no universal norms or moral absolutes12. People tend to be prejudiced regarding their point of view of other cultures. They used their home culture as the standardjudging the worth of another culture. This point of view is called ethnocentrism. What is the connotation of ethnocentrisma. positiveb. negativec. legald. normal13. It refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate fcand women.b. genderc. nationalityd. none of the abovea. sex14. Monotheistic: One Goda. no God:: Polytheistic;b. Mix Godc. multiple Godd. none of the above15. These are smaller cultural groups that shares specific environments, traditions and histories that are not necessarily subsby the mainstream culture?a. Nationalityb. religiosityc. ethnic groupsd. gender16. The following are the reasons why artefacts must be preserved and taken care of excepta. artefacts are irreplaceablec. Artefacts are keys to understanding the past.b. Artefacts give people a sense of identityd. none of the above​


enjoys seeing employees going FM do ouzo hours so flies in PA an Liz well

9. 1. What does ethics means to you?2. What ethics is and what is not?3. What is the role of culture in shaping moral behavior?​


1. Ethics refers to well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.

2. Ethics is about doing the right thing. They are about standards that help us decide between right and wrong. They are not the same as our feelings, religion, the law, cultural norms, science, or values.

3. Moral judgments and behaviors are highly sensitive to culture. The understanding and construction of the exact same moral issues can vary substantially across individuals who come from different cultural backgrounds or possess different levels of multicultural experiences.


Here you go <3

10. PA HELP POActivity 3. Empower yourself (Reading activity) The Greeks formulated the word politics during the 4th and 5th century. Politics was inseparable in the life in the polis or a place of state shared by a certain group of people. This concept of politics is as old as the first organization created by man. According to Aristotle and Plato, humans are not self-sufficingso they find the need to come together as a community. From this union comes the need for politics and governance to maintain order within a society. Social contract theories like Thoma Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rouseau, and john Locke during the 17th and 18th century in Europe stressed the hypothetical state of nature that was devoid of any kind of government. This state of nature is often violentand chaotic, therefore, people enter themselves into a social contract or a written or unwritten binding agreement among the people that bids for the creation of government and the consequent use of politics for the achievment of peace and order (Baradat 1997). Political sciences is the academic discipline that deals with the key issues and concepts in politics. Niccolo Machiavelli is widely accepted as the father of modern political science because of his discussion on maintaining power in his books The prince and Discourses. But even before Mahiavelli, both palto and Aristotle had already provided broad discussions on the central concepts in politics such as the concept of justice( What and who is morally and politilically right), power( source of authority), the right types of constitutions and governments( different types of government and states), political structures(different ideologies in a state), right and virtuous leadership( who should lead in a certain political system), (Curtis 1981). Key fields in politics include power relations in society, forms of government, political behavior and with the culttural turn of the 20th century, the inclusion of political culture and the civil society's role in government. While politics deals with power in society in general, governance specifically deals with power in governmentand how this institution exerts power for the benefits of the society. Today, the discussion of politics and governance in political science has been divided in different fields of interests, namely, political theory, political methodology, comparative politics, international relations and law( Roskin et al. 2007​


go to chrome and you will see

11. nd analyze the following statement and questions. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON THE SPACE THE NUMBER. (ERASURERS will be marked wrong and 5Pts will be deducted for NOT FOLLOWING a 1. What do you call a group of individuals sharing a common culture, geographical location and government? 2. What term refers to the set of beliefs, ideas, values, practices, knowledge, history and shared experiences, attitudes, as well as material objects and possessions accumulated over time and shared by the members of society? 3. used to describe the shared ideas, norms, and principles that provide members of society the standards that pertain to what is right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable. 4. What do you call a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally and non-verbally? 5. Which term refers to the things that convey meaning or represent an idea? 6. What do you call a position that everything about the other culture is wrong, unreasonable, detestable and even wicked? 7. What term refers to a particular circumstance of a certain culture and is defined by location, weather, time and other factors? n 8. What do you call a view that one's own culture is better than anyone else's culture? 9. What is that belief which recognizes and accepts the cultural differences between societies? 10. The concept of Cultural Relativism is more and rather than being a moral principle. 11. is the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable like the values and customs of our society or social group. 12 What type of socialization implies on this statement "It occurs early in a child's lifestyles and is primarily due to have an impact directly from the family and close friends”? 13. What part of socialization process that denotes culture, language, social structures, and the individual's rank within them? 14. What type of socialization when an individual moves to a new group, and he must learn the new values and beliefs of the new group? 15. What socialization occurs between the ages of childhood and Adulthood? 16. What type of socialization when a person learns on appropriate behavior to be displayed within a smaller group which still part of a larger society? 17. socialization implies when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer which will perpetuate and ensure the continuance of their traditions and practices? 18. It refers to culturally determined rules that people regarding what is right, wrong, proper, or improper? 19. What refers to this statement "It is not ranked position, but simply a label that implies certain roles that must be performed"? antion 20. This process of socialization occurs during the early years of an individual's life. ​



2.The set of beliefs, ideas, values, practices, knowledge, history and shared experiences, attitudes as well as material objects and possessions, accumulated over time and shared by the members of society. ... Some examples of non-material culture are symbols, language, values and social norms.




6.Ethnocentrism. Only $47.88/year.




10.cultural relativism


ito lang muna

12. I. TRUE OR FALSE. Read and analyze each statement. Using the answer sheet. Choose T if the statement is correct and F, if the statement is incorrect. Shade the chosen letter on the answer sheet. 1. Culture in every society should be understood and regarded on its own terms. 2. In philosophical notions all cultural belief is not equally valid and truth itself is relative, depending on the cultural environment. 3. Ethnocentric individuals judge other groups relative to their own ethnic group or culture, especially with concern for language, behavior, customs, and religion. 4. Examples of ethnocentrism include religiocentric constructs claiming a divine association like "divine nation". 5. Different cultures have the same moral often is used as a key to understanding morality 6. Ethnocentrism is the view that one ethnic group is somehow superior to all others. 7. Discrimination plays a direct role in the ethnocentric belief. 8. Ethical ideas in our society may have changed over the years. 9. An ethnocentric attitude can be an obstacle to understanding each other culture and foster tensions within or between societies. 10. Cultural Relativism is the principle that an individual person's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture.11. Ethnocentrism is the regard that one's own culture and society is the center of show what are cordon everything and therefore far more inferior than others.12. The concept of cultural relativism underscores the idea that the culture in every society should be understood and regarded on its own terms. 13. The concept of Ethnocentrism is more analytical and methodological rather than being a moral principle.​
















sana makatulong sau<3

13. 1. It is the study, analysis, and description of humanity's past and present. Questions about the past include prehistoric origins and human evolution. The study of contemporary humanity focuses on biological and cultura diversity, including language. A. Sociology C. Anthropology B. Politics D. Psychology 2. Which of the following nature of anthropology can be viewed from a global discipline involving humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. A. historical perspective C. human's evolution B. economic development D. psychological perspective 3. Which of the following is not a goal of Anthropology? A. to find out about both the natural and social parts of humankind all throughout the planet and all through time. B. to comprehend the fossil record of early people and their precursors just as the archeological record of later ancient social orders. C. to comprehend the conduct of monkeys and gorillas in their regular settings. D. is to describe how various political systems function, and to find more effective political systems. 4. "In cultural anthropology, we compare ideas, morals, practices, and systems within or between cultures. We might compare the roles of men and women in different societies, or contrast how different religious groups conflict within a given society." Which of the following anthropological perspective does it represent? D. legal force A, holisin B. cultural relativism C. comparison 5. It is the scientific investigation of human culture and social behavior. It is a discipline in social sciences concerned about human society and human social activities. D. paleontology man's A. anthropology B. sociology C. political science 6. As Samuel Koenig has pointed out the ultimate aim of socialogy is to improve to life by developing objective knowledge concerning social phenomena which can be used to deal effectively with social problems". What is missing word? A. status B. development C. life D. adjustment 10​


my answer is letter D.adjustment

14. 1. Which of the following is also known asKampuchea?a. Cambodia b. Thailand c. Singapored. Indonesia2. What do you call to the CambodianMusical Ensemble?a. Wayang Kulit b. Pinpeat c. Piphat d.loy Krathong3. Which of the following is the mostpopular form of music in Indonesia?a. Pinpeat b. Piphat c. Gamelan d. loykrathong4. Which of these is true for Chhing?a. Xylophone b. drums c. gong d. fingercymbals5. What do you call to the term for very kindof Gamelan music in Java?a. Kumintang b. karawitan c. gong d.drums6. What do you call to the traditional checkscarves worn almost universally byCambodian that is made by cotton?a. Ha dong b. ikat c. cotton textile d. sihn7. Which if these is the center of wavingand sericulture for centuries?a. Sihn b. ha dong c. ikat d. songkok8. Which of the country does not belong tothe group?a. Philippines b. Africa c. Singapore d.Laos9. Which of the following is a shadow playin India?a. Batik, b. loy krathong c. wayang kulitd. sihn10. What color have a natural dye that comefrom insect nest?a. Blue b. red c. yellow d. black11. What do you call to a condition in which anindividual has enough energy to avoidfatigue?a. Fitness b. Zumba c. exercise d. flexibility12. Which of the following is the ability to movea body part through a full range of motion ata joint?a. Muscular b. flexibility c. cardiovascular d.BMI13. Which of these is commonly used todetermine flexibility?a. Body composition b. cardiovascular c.sit-in-reach d. flexibility14. What is the formula to get your Body MassIndex?a. Height/weight b. weight/height c.height/height d. weight weight15. What do you call to a test of upper armshoulder girdle flexibility intended to aparallel the strength/ endurance assessmentof the region?a. Zipper test b. curl ups c. push up d. e min.Step test16. What term refer to social or culturaldistinctions associated with being male,female or intersex?a. Sex b. sexuality c. gender d. primary sex17. Which term refers to individual differences interms of thinking feeling and behaving?a. Gender b. personality c. sex d. behaviors18. Which factor of sexuality that involvesquestioning on the way we treat ourselvesand other people?a. Media b. ethics c. politics d. religion19. What do you call to the spiritual's beliefsinfluence feelings about morality, and sexualbehavior?a. Religion b. family health c. setting goalsd. socio-cultural dimension20. Which statement that best describe 'identitycrises'?a. Unsure of your role in lifeb. Form of aggressive behaviorc. Serious condition related to eatingd. Act of taking one's own life​


1. A.Cambodia

On January 5, 1976, Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot announces a new constitution changing the name of Cambodia to Kampuchea and legalizing its Communist government.

2. B.pinpeat

The Pinpeat (Khmer: ពិណពាទ្យ) is the largest Khmer traditional musical ensemble. It has performed the ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples of Cambodia since ancient times.

3. C.Gamelan

The most popular and famous form of Indonesian music is gamelan, an ensemble of tuned percussion instruments that include metallophone drums, gongs and spike fiddles along with bamboo flutes.

4. D.finger cymbals

5. B.karawitan

Karawitan is the umbrella term that contains many different types of songs and music using gamelan instruments Most music performances in Java are unlike anything you might see in the United States or western countries.


Krama, the traditional check scarves worn almost universally by Cambodians, are made of cotton.

7. B.Hadong

8. D.laos

9.Shadow puppetry — also called shadow play — got its start thousands of years ago in China and India. This unique form of storytelling is the oldest type of puppetry in the world. Shadow puppets are figures that are placed between a light and a screen. Moving them creates the illusion of moving images on the screen.

10. D.black

11. A.Fitness

12. A.Muscular

13. C.sit and rich

14. A.height weigth


Sorry yan lng po alam ko



15. A Church B. Agents of socialization C Family D. Social media E Playing computer games F. Socializing with othersG. Parents H. Community I Peer group J. Socialization that would help us understand1. This is the place where a person is enculturated through immersing himself or herself in serving others with the help of other individuals. We are all part of a ______ our own cultural and values orientation. 2. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Because of these, a child needs a group of individuals who will shape his or her culture, beliefs and values. What do you call this group of individual? _____&3. The first agent of socialization is our family most especially our parents. Throughout our life we will have our set of chosen family that will also guide us in socialization and teach us to interact with other people. This chosen family is called _____4. At this day and age of modern technology, a new agent of socialization has influenced people both young and old. The influence of this agent is both good and bad. This is why our family and friends play an important role in managing the influence of this agent which is called _____5. Aside from teaching morality and reverence to our Creator, this institution also instills cultural appreciation and cultural values that would shape the personality of a child. This institution is referred to as the _____6. Every individual undergoes a social process which enables him/her to become part of one's culture throughout his/her life time. The concept that refers to this process is called____7. The agents of socialization perform the role in the development of one's personality. However, each of them influences the development of individual in varying degree. The first agent of socialization that influences the development of a person intensively is called _______8. School is one of the different institutions in the society that help in the foundation and development of a person. Students are learning by example from their teacher and their fellow students. Which is an example of enculturation in school? _______9. Enculturation shapes an individual through different processes. Knowingly or unknowingly, one internalizes the practices of the group he or she belongs. One can be best enculturated by means of _______10. Enculturation exists as one adapts or obtains behaviors and beliefs from different initiators of this process. These authorities can bring out a person's view of what life is about. The ______ can play a vital role in developing personal identity in children.​












16. Assessment: (Post-Test)Test 1- Multiple ChoiceDirections: Read and answer the questions below. Encircle the letter of your answer from the given choices. 1. What is the term 'choosing possible solutions to the problem" means?a problem solving b. intuition c. decision d.gut feeling 2. Why politics affects our sexual behavior? a influence feelings about morality c.it create policies that recognizes our human rightsb. help shapes public attitudes d. I grants awareness of the existing problems in the 3. Which factor of sexuality that involves questioning on the way we treat ourselves and other people?b. media c. politics d. religion a. ethics4. Which statement that best describe identity crisis"?a. act of taking one's own life c. serious condition related to eating b. form of aggressive behavior d. unsure of your role in life 5. Which life skill that requires practice in learning to say "no" to something that you don't want to do? a. refusal skill c. practicing wellness b. setting goals d. evaluating media messages 6. How ethical self is viewed in human sexuality? a. the way you look as a man or a womanc. the way you feel about yourself and others b. the way you value relationships d. the way you interact with others 7. Which term refers to individual differences in terms of thinking feeling and behaving? a gender b. behaviors c. sex d. personality 8. Which of the following are the dimensions of sexuality? a biological , socio-cultural and psychological dimensions b. physical, social, and moral dimensions c. mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions d. emotional , biological and social dimensions 9. Which statement refers to psychological dimension of human sexuality? a. our growth and development in general b. skills and values from people around us c. our attitudes and feelings towards ourselves and other people d. our ability to reproduce or control fertility 10. What term refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male, female or intersex? a sex b. gender c. sexuality d. primary sex characteristics​













Hope it help po

PA brainlist naman po

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