Ballad Of A Mother s Heart Theme

Ballad Of A Mother s Heart Theme

What is the theme of ballad of a mother's heart?

Daftar Isi

1. What is the theme of ballad of a mother's heart?

It expresses his gratitude and intense feelings for his actual mother and mother-in-law.


Parents' love for their offspring is a significant quality among Filipinos, and, like in the Orient, the son is especially dear to his mother.


2. ballad of a mother 's heart content​


Ballad of A Mother's Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark, for the moon was young

And the stars were asleep and rare;

The clouds were thick, yet Youth went out

To see his Maiden fair.

"Dear One," he pleaded as he knelt

Before her feet, in tears,

"My love is true; why have you kept

Me waiting all these years?"

The maiden looked at him unmoved,

It seemed, and whispered low:

"Persistent Youth, you have to prove  

By deeds your love is true."

"There's not a thing I would not do

For you, Beloved," said he.

"Then go," said she, "to your mother dear  

And bring her heart to me."

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.

And opened her breast and took her heart.

He did not shed a tear!

Then back to his Maiden fair he ran,

Unmindful of the rain;

But his feet slipped and he fell down

And loud he groaned with pain!

Still in his hand he held the prize

That would win his Maiden's hand;

And he thought of his mother dear

So kind, so sweet, so fond.

And then he heard a voice,

Not from his lips but all apart:

"Get up," it said; "Were you hurt, Child?"

It was his mother's heart.

3. what does the heart symbolize in ballad of a mother's heart?what does the dark night symbolize in ballad of a mother's heart?what does the voice symbolize in ballad of a mother's heart?​


1.It symbolize no matter how sinful one innocent woman's child is, her love will never fade.

2.The night was dark and the moon was young. The stars can not be seen because of the thick clouds covering them.

3. It was a voice of his mother's heart that was very thoughtful to him, and make him up


4. whats the summary of the Ballad of a Mother's Heart


Its been late night but a young man went out to meet his maiden fair. He knelt down in tears and declared his true love towards her. The young girl wants him to prove it by bringing his mother's heart, he did it without any tears or hesitations.



Ballad of a Mother’s Heart: Summary

Its been late night but a young man went out to meet his maiden fair. He knelt down in tears and declared his true love towards her. The young girl wants him to prove it by bringing his mother’s heart, he did it without any tears or hesitations.

5. How is the mother's heart measured in the poem ballad of a mother's heart


it measured that a mother's heart will last forever even if you chose someone over her.


Keep on learning hope it helps at paki brainly

6. what is cohesion of ballad of a mothers heart​

Because us happy fill so much

7. compare and contrast the mother and the maiden in the poem Ballad of a Mother's Heart

the mother and the maiden in the poem "Ballad of a Mother's Heart" represent contrasting characters, with the mother embodying selfless love and sacrifice, while the maiden symbolizes youthful passion and self-centeredness. The poem portrays the different roles and perspectives of these two characters in relation to the theme of love and motherhood.


pa follow


The poem "Ballad of a Mother's Heart" by Jose La Villa Tierra contrasts the characters of a mother and a maiden in terms of their attitudes towards love and sacrifice. The mother in the poem is characterized as selfless and sacrificing, while the maiden is portrayed as selfish and ungrateful.

The mother in the poem is described as having a heart filled with love and sacrifice. She willingly gives up her treasured possession, a bird, to ensure the happiness and well-being of her child. She knows that the bird will bring joy to her child's life, so she puts her own desires aside and lets it go. Her love is unconditional and selfless.

In contrast, the maiden is portrayed as selfish and ungrateful. She receives the gift of the bird from her mother but does not appreciate the sacrifice her mother made to give it to her. She is only concerned with her own desires and does not consider the feelings of her mother. This is evident when she returns home without the bird and says, "I thought of love and you."

Overall, the poem highlights the stark contrast between the mother and the maiden. The mother embodies the selfless and sacrificing nature of true love, while the maiden represents the selfishness and lack of gratitude that can accompany youthful desires.

8. word choiceof the poem ballad of a mother's heart​

Give the story so that we'll know what to answer

9. cohesion of ballad of a mother's heart


bad and your family just let me

10. Ballad of heart mother heart what is the social condition ?


The social condition in the Ballad of Heart Mother Heart is one of poverty and hardship. The protagonist and her family were likely living in a rural area with limited work opportunities and struggling to make ends meet. The song paints a picture of a family struggling to keep food on the table and worrying about the future for their children.

11. analysis paper of "ballad of a mothers heart"​

This story makes me feel mixed emotions. This makes me feel emotional. This makes me realized that my mother is very importany to me. This makes me realized that love can sometimes be cruel. That love can make us do things we never intended to do. Actually, I kinda hate the boy because he easily decide things without thinking about the consequence. Nevertheless, I admire his persistence and determination. On the other hand, I think the maiden fair wants to point out that he need the love and acceptance of the boy’s mother before the boy’s love. I think that she didn’t mean it literally when she said that she wants the heart of the mother of the boy. I realized that this poem wants us to know that mothers will do anything for us. They will do everything ror oue happiness, safety and freedom. Even we do something wrong and very cruel, they will still accept us and support us all the way. A mother is someone we need to cherish, treasure, love and care all through out our life. Our mother is very important in our life.

12. Ballad of a mother heart is all about? ​



The night was dark,

For the moon was young,

And the Stars were asleep and rare,

The clouds were thick,

Yet Youth went out,

To see his Maiden fair.

Dear one,

he pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears.

My love is true,

Why you have kept me waiting all this years?

The maiden looked at him.

Unmoved it seemed,

And whispered low.

Persistent Youth,

You have to prove by deeds,

Your love is true.

"There's not a thing

I would not do for you, Beloved" said he.

"Then, go." said she. "To your mother dear,

And bring her heart to me.

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.

He opened her breast and took her heart!

But he did not shed a tear.

Then back to his Maiden fair,

He run unmindful of the rain.

But his feet slipped, And he fell down,

And loud, he groaned with pain!

Still in his hand he held the prize,

That would win his Maiden's hands.

But he thought of his mother dear,

So kind,so sweet,so fond.

And then,

he heard a voice!

Not from his lips,

But all apart!

"Get up" it said.

"Were you hurt,Child?"

It was his mother's heart

I remembered I was first year high school when I first read this. And it tore my heart... This poem simply showed how unconditional a mother's love can be. It is sad... and yet, so so true... :(


i hope i help

13. what does the heart symbolize in ballad of a mother's heart?what does the dark night symbolize in ballad of a mother's heart?what does the voice symbolize in ballad of a mother's heart?​

For me it means that no matter how sinful one innocent woman's child is, her love will never ...

The night was dark and the moon was young. The stars can not be seen becaise of the thick clouds covering them. But still, ...

14. Cohesion of Ballad of a Mother' heart​

The cohesion of Ballad of a Mother's heart

The poem "Ballad of a Mother's Heart" is simple and easy to translate, without feelings being trivialized or missed. Due to the memorable and intimate tone of the verse, it connects directly with the hearts of mothers who read it. The poem calls such mothers to their past and loves, reminding them of the importance of the masculine bond between mother and child. The Ballad of a Mother's Heart is a poem that speaks to the deep love and bond between a mother and her child. It is a beautiful testament to the strength of a mother's love, and the unbreakable connection between mother and child.

A mother's love is unending, and this poem Ballad of a Mother's Heart celebrates that special bond. The poem is about a mother's love for her child, and how that love never dies. Even when the child is grown and gone, the mother still loves them with all her heart. This beautiful poem captures the essence of a mother's love and is sure to touch the hearts of all who read it.

Cohesion is the use of linguistic devices to connect the different ideas in a text. In poetry, cohesion is often achieved through the use of literary devices such as rhyme, metaphor, and repetition. These devices can help to create a sense of unity within a poem, making it more cohesive.

Learn more about Ballad of a Mother's heart:


15. content of the Ballad of a Mothers Heart​



The night was dark,

For the moon was young,

And the Stars were asleep and rare,

The clouds were thick,

Yet Youth went out,

To see his Maiden fair.

Dear one,

he pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears.

My love is true,

Why you have kept me waiting all this years?

The maiden looked at him.

Unmoved it seemed,

And whispered low.

Persistent Youth,

You have to prove by deeds,

Your love is true.

"There's not a thing

I would not do for you, Beloved" said he.

"Then, go." said she. "To your mother dear,

And bring her heart to me.

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.

He opened her breast and took her heart!

But he did not shed a tear.

Then back to his Maiden fair,

He run unmindful of the rain.

But his feet slipped, And he fell down,

And loud, he groaned with pain!

Still in his hand he held the prize,

That would win his Maiden's hands.

But he thought of his mother dear,

So kind,so sweet,so fond.

And then,

he heard a voice!

Not from his lips,

But all apart!

"Get up" it said.

"Were you hurt,Child?"

It was his mother's heart

I remembered I was first year high school when I first read this. And it tore my heart... This poem simply showed how unconditional a mother's love can be. It is sad... and yet, so so true... :(


i hope i help

16. Tone of a ballad of a mother's heart


Summary: Ballad of a Mother's Heart by Heart Jose LA Villa Terra. It's a story/poem about an undying love of a mother for her son who is willing to betray her because he's seeking a young lady's love.

17. make a reflection about Ballad of a mother's heart ​


Ballad of a Mother’s Heart: Reflection

With this short poem, with this eight stanzas, it explained the meaning of this story very well. It shows how the man chose the girl over his mother. At first, I was a little bit confused because it is a poem and I thought that I wouldnt understand it because my understanding in poems . Well, it is a great story and it shows too that a mother’s love lasts forever even you chose something or someome over her.

Ballad of a Mother’s Heart: Review

I already encountered things like this, choosing someone over their mother but her love will never fade but the “getting someones heart” thingy, I havent encountered it yet and besides, that part of the poem was creepy, he even did that without hesitations. But this poem is great.

18. what is the tone of ballad of a mother's heart!!​


The love of parents for their children is a strong trait among Filipinos. As is the case in the Orient, generally the son is particularly dear to his mother. Traditional ballads were stories…


im not sure but hope it helps

19. what is the context of "ballad of a mother's heart"​


The love of parents for their children is a strong trait among Filipinos and as true in the Orient,generally the son is particularly dear to his mother. This is the theme of a poem that catch my attention during my high school days.



20. what is mechanics of ballad of a mothers heart​


To your mother dear and bring her heart to me."

21. what is the imagery of ballad of mother's heart?​


Mothers hold their children’s hand for a short while…… but… their hearts forever


Mothers hold their children’s hand for a short while…… but… their hearts forever

22. What is the purpose of Ballad of a Mother's Heart?

sana makatulong Sayo correct me if Im wrong

23. what is the tone of ballad of a mothers heart​


I think the tone is like in the horror movie. It is creepy for me.

24. ballads of a mothers heart eveluation


Its been late night but a young man went out to meet his maiden fair. He knelt down in tears and declared his true love towards her. The young girl wants him to prove it by bringing his mother’s heart, he did it without any tears or hesitations. It was raining hard yet he went to his love but on his way, he slipped and felt the pain. He remembered how good his mother is and a voice asked him “were you hurt, child?” It was coming from his mother’s heart.

Hope it helps :)


25. Cohesion in the poem ballad of a mother's heart? ​


The organization of the words, phrases and ideas are good. It portrayed the poem properly and the sequence of the ideas is arranged.


Remember that Cohesion means the organization of words, phrases and ideas.(kung maayos ba yung pagkakasunod-sunod at pagsasama ng mga salita)

26. content of ballad of a mother's heart


it is all about the son who wants to get his mother's heart just for her girlfriend and he literally did it without having a shed of tears.


thanks me later

27. critique on "Ballad of a Mother's Heart"​

This poem makes me really emotional when I was reading it. It had made me realize that moms are important, and that love can be so cruel, sometimes but more likely at most of the time; - love can make us do things that we do not intend doing. But, I actually kinda' dislike the lad for making decisions easily without thinking the consequences; - despite that I like him for being persistent and his determination.

On contrary, the maiden seems to have her point to point out that the young lad needs his mother's love. I think, thar she didn't litteraty mean that she wants his mother's heart.

As for this poem, I'll give it a 10 because I feel the strong emotions in this poem, I felt pain in reading this ballad, it not only gave me the importance of having a mom, but it made me realize that love can make us do things that we are never intended to do in the first place.

28. what is the idea of the poem 'Ballad of a Mother's Heart'?


Ballad of a Mothers Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra: Summary, ... And the thought of his mother cross in his mind. ... I've learned many things from this poem.

29. What is the tone of ballad of a mothers heart


what Summary: Ballad of a Mother's Heart by Heart Jose La Villa Tierra. It's a story/poem about an undying love of a mother for her son who is willing to betray her because he's seeking a young lady's love.

30. ballad of a mothers heart


Ballad of A Mother's Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark, for the moon was young And the stars were asleep and rare; The clouds were thick, yet Youth went out To see his Maiden fair.

"Dear One," he pleaded as he knelt Before her feet, in tears, "My love is true; why have you kept Me waiting all these years?"

The maiden looked at him unmoved.

It seemed, and whispered low: "Persistent Youth, you have ove By deeds your love is true."

"There's not a thing I would not do

For you, Beloved," said he "Then go," said she, "to your mother dear And bring her heart to me."

Without another word. Youth left and went to his mother dear. And opened her breast and took her heart. He did not shed a tear!

Then back to his Maiden fair he ran, Unmindful of the rain: But his feet slipped and he fell down

And loud he groaned with pain!

Still in his hand he held the prize That would win his Maiden's hand; And he thought of his mother dear So kind, so sweet, so fond.

And then he heard a voice, Not from his lips but all apart: "Get up," it said; "Were you hurt, Child?" It was his mother's heart.


Hope it helps po at pwedi po ba ma brainly kung naka tulong to?

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