Conical Shaped Trees

Conical Shaped Trees

Devices which may be conical in shape or tubular shaped capable

Daftar Isi

1. Devices which may be conical in shape or tubular shaped capable


traffic cones


rood traffic control devices are markers,signs and signal devices and etc

2. It helps pencil lead into a conical shape points​


sharpener - it is use to sharpen the tip or point of the pencil

3. If a tree was chopped in the middle, which conic section will be formed?

Answer: A circle

Explanation: Since a tree will be chopped in the middle, where the axe will be perpendicular to the axis of revolution, it will form a circle.

4. which of the following best describes a volcano is a is conical in causes earthquakesd. it causes earthquake and produces lava during volcanic eruptions​


D.It causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions. All the above options describe a volcano. - Volcano can be defined as an opening in Earth's crust using which ash, lava and gases erupt.

mark as branless


D. It Cause earthquake and produces lava during volcanic eruptions


#carry on learning:)

5. 9. Which of the following best describes a volcano?A. It is a mountain.B. It is conical in shape.C. It causes earthquakes.D. It causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions.​


D. It causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions.





6. what are the the volcanoes of the philiphines has its almost symmetrical conical shape ?​


mayon, yes yuff, dunno tf

It is Mount Mayon asdfghjkl

7. All are degenerated cases of conic section except ________. a. Line b. Shape c. Plane d. PointBrainliest ko po yung makakasagot ng tama​



Step-by-step explanation:



A. Line Po

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest answer salamat Po kailangan ko lang Po kasi

correct me if I'm wrong

8. _______1Needle or scale like shape_______2Woody appearance_______3nearly evergreen in color _______4they have conical shape_______5where its seeds and pollen can be found.choose answer hereleavestrunk coneseed​


1. —

2. trunk

3. leaves

4. seed

5. cone


hope it helps! correct me if otherwise.

please mark me brainliest if possible.

9. can conic sections ca be called conics?​

Planes that pass through the vertex of the cone will intersect the cone in a point, a line or a pair of intersecting lines. These are called degenerate conics and some authors do not consider them to be conics at all. Unless otherwise stated, "conic" in this article will refer to a non-degenerate conic.

10. Volcano is a conical mountain with an opening called a crater which contains magma and other volcanic materials which build up its conical shape ​


마법, 마법은 무엇입니까


It is what it is

11. 3.All of the following statements best describe a volcano EXCEPT?A. A volcano is a conical mountain with an opening called crater.B. A volcano is usually found at the middle part of the continents.C. A volcano contains magma and other materials which build up its conical shape.D. A volcano can be active, dormant and extinct.​


B. A volcano is usually found at the middle part of the continents.


Because volcanoes can found in Pacific ring of fire

12. which of the following best describes a volcano?A. it is a mountainB. it is a conical in shapeC. it causes earthquake'sD. its causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions.​




it causes earthquakes and produces lava during VOLCANIC eruptions.




Dahil pag sinabi mona na "its causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions"alam na nila yon

Thanks me later

13. What is the most basic conic of all conic section?

Step-by-step explanation:

In mathematics, a conic section (or simply conic) is a curve obtained as the intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane. The three types of conic section are the hyperbola, the parabola, and the ellipse; the circle is a special case of the ellipse, though historically it was sometimes called a fourth type. The ancient Greek mathematicians studied conic sections, culminating around 200 BC with Apollonius of Perga's systematic work on their properties.

14. Calculate the volume of a conic-shaped birthday hat with a base radius of 6 cm and a height of 9 cm​


hope help

correct me I I'm wrong

#study hard


54 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

6×9= 54

hope its help

15. Which of the following best describes a volcano?a. it is a mountain.b. it is conical in shape.c. it causes earthquakes.d. it causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions.​


d. it causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions

Answer: cause earthquekes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions.

16. their shapes maybe conical,cylindrical,barrel,hour-glass,globular,or kettle,and are played with sticks,hands,or a combination of both.what classification of traditional African instrument it is?​



Classification of Traditional African InstrumentsB. Membranophones Membranophones are instruments which have vibrating animal membranes used in drums. Their shapes may be conical, cylindrical, barrel, hour-glass, globular, or kettle, and are played with sticks, hands, or a combination of both.


sana makatulong

17. 5. It has an open conical shape form by feathers embedded into a rounded cork 021-OS moi visvaste bir UT L С 191 S​

Answer:hirap naman ng sagot

Step-by-step explanation:sorry po di ko po alam yan ehh



tenks sa pnts

keep safe

18. the eccentricity of a conic section is 0.4 the conic section is ____ I need answer :-|​

is a non-negative real number that uniquely characterizes its shape.

19. The shape of this conic section is a bounded curve which looks like a flattened circle.Select one:a. ellipseb. hyperbolac. parabolad. circle​



20. it is an acidic volcano (composite with distinct conical shape)a. lava domeb.shield c.strato volcano d.basaltic volcano ​


- The answer is letter C (Strato Volcano)

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology raised the alert status for Mount Mayon to a 4 on a scale of 5, which means "hazardous eruption is imminent." Officials strongly discourage civilians from going within 5 miles of Mayon's summit.
Last weekend, the Philippines' most active—and attractive—volcano, Mount Mayon, roared back to life. The 8,070-foot volcano began releasing spurts of incandescent molten rock and spewing clouds of smoke and ash into the sky, causing over 30,000 local residents to evacuate the region. By the morning of January 18, the gooey streams of lava had traveled almost two miles from the summit.

Though the images of Mount Mayon are startling, the volcano isn’t truly explosive—yet. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVolcs), which monitors the numerous volcanoes of the island chain, has set the current warning level at a 3 out of 5, which means that there is "relatively high unrest." At this point, explosive eruption is not imminent, says Janine Krippner, a volcanologist and postdoctoral researcher researcher at Concord University. If the trend continues, however, an eruption is possible in the next few weeks.

22. Which of this conic allows us to minimize or maximize specific processes under specific constraints because it provides greatest area for any given perimeter and least perimeter for any give area. That is why some scientist believe that this is the reason why the arrangement of vascular tissues on the plat stem that conducts water follows the shape of this conic. What conic does this refer to?​


hyperbola is the answer

23. conic section of shape of pathwayformed by dolphinwhen they jump offthe surface of thewater​


When jumping out of the water, dolphins are always forming parabolas! By viewing this picture, people can observe and identify this conic section easily.


In mathematics, a conic section is a curve obtained as the intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane. The three types of conic section are the hyperbola, the parabola, and the ellipse; the circle is a special case of the ellipse, though historically it was sometimes called a fourth type.

24. A pointed conical shaped weight to hang on a line in a vertical position.​


A plumb bob, or plummet, is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line, or plumb-line.

25. which of the following best describes a volcano? is a is conical in causes causes earthquakes and produces lava during volcanic eruptions​




10 billion points para sa sagot

26. aper.A dimensionless parameter characterizing the shape of a conic section.A AsymptoteC. EccentricityB. DegenerateD. Focus​


C. Eccentricity

Step-by-step explanation:

i searched it in google

27. is the degenarate conic sections part of the conic section?why?why not?​


In geometry, a degenerate conic is a conic (a second-degree plane curve, defined by a polynomial equation of degree two) that fails to be an irreducible curve.

28. why are manholes or utility hole covers are always round and not some other polygons or conic shapes


You'd have to rotate the cover exactly the right way. Therefore, many manhole covers are round so they don't need to be rotated. ... Also, a round manhole cover won't fall into a hole because it was rotated the wrong way, so it's safer.

29. 1.It is an hour-glass, conical, or goblet-shaped wooden drum covered with animal​





It is an hour-glass, conical, or goblet-shaped wooden drum covered with animal skin.

30. What is conic section (shape) is made when we graph quadratic function? ​


In mathematics, a conic section (or simply conic) is a curve obtained as the intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane. The three types of conic section are the hyperbola, the parabola, and the ellipse; the circle is a special case of the ellipse, though historically it was sometimes called a fourth type. The ancient Greek mathematicians studied conic sections, culminating around 200 BC.

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