Good Facts About Pesticides

Good Facts About Pesticides

Whats insectididies and pesticides good and bad for?

Daftar Isi

1. Whats insectididies and pesticides good and bad for?


insecticide, any toxic substance that is used to kill insects. Such substances are used primarily to control pests that infest cultivated plants or to eliminate disease-carrying insects in specific areas.

2. is avoiding spraying pesticides good or bad​




Respiratory exposure is particularly hazardous because pesticide particles can be rapidly absorbed by the lungs into the bloodstream. pesticides can cause serious damage to nose, throat, and lung tissue if inhaled in sufficient amounts. Vapors and very small particles pose the most serious risks.


depends if you wear face masse and leave in with 10 minites or 5 minites and its good

3. good effects and bad effects of insecticides and pesticides​

The good effect of pesticides is it can kill insects and protect your crops
The bad effect of pesticides is the smell it is toxic and you can die if you
Is smell it
I hope I helped:) brainliest pls

4. Which of the following statements about pesticides and insecticides is TRUE?


kaw na bahala mag answer kaya m yan..




where's the statement??

5. Problem 5: Ken farm shown the price of pesticide is P400.00, the number of pesticides to be used per hectare is 2 and the total number of land are is 3.5 hectares. What is the estimated cost of pesticide? (Estimated cost of pesticide use for spraying = Price of pesticide X No. of pesticide/hectare X Total land area)​


The answer is: 2,800 or 2,800.00

6. c) If the maximum tolerable level of pesticide A per kg of tomato is 0.0219ppm, what can you conclude about the amount of pesticide A in tomatoes sold in the public market?


0.0219 percent


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7. Making a grassy area as dumping site or landfills. GOOD OR NOT GOODUsing of pesticides and insecticides GOOD OR NOT GOODBurning biodegradable garbage. GOOD OR NOT GOOD​






hope it helps NG means not good and G means good

8. in your neighborhood, you noticed that the farmer used herbicides to control weeds and pesticides to kill and control pest on his farm. Do you think it is a good practice of the farmer? How can pesticide and insecticides affect the quality of soil? Explain your answer briefly​


It's very good idea because it's help for safety on her plant

9. paragraph about the lesson presented on how to store and dispose properly Used pesticide containers​


How to store it properly

* Keep it away from children

* store it far away from home, foods, and animals

How to dispose it properly

* Throw or put it in proper waste disposal

* check if it is tightened lock ( in some case, it may leak )


sana makatulong

10. If the maximum tolerable level of pesticide A per kg of tomato is 0. 0219ppm, what can you conclude about the amount of pesticide A in tomatoes sold in the public market?.


pakebyne iamjsjiwntwka

11. rrl about madre decacao pesticide


anong example po any picture

12. poem about the benefits of using organinc fertilizer and locally made pesticides​

Farmers, winery owners, and all types of growers throughout the world are constantly looking for a way to improve their production and overall health of their harvests. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is very strict in the regulations that they maintain in order for a fertilizer to claim that it is in fact “organic”. Unfortunately, many agriculture companies try to mislead growers into believing that they product lines are organic when they are not. From plant growth to soil improvement, the benefits of using organic fertilizers are now widely accepted throughout the globe. No matter what type of plant, vegetable, fruit, flowers, trees, or shrubs the grower wishes to nourish, organic fertilizer is by and far the safest, most effective way to encourage healthy growth and massive production.

Some of the most common benefits and advantages linked to organic fertilizers for healthy harvests are as follows:

Offer the best nutrients for effective plant growth
Much more gentle than chemical fertilizers
Less likely to overfeed your plants
Not immediately absorbed into the plants
Can withstand heavy rainstorms and irrigation sessions that could wash away chemical fertilizer
Soil structure is improved
Helps for soil to retain nutrients and moisture
Long-term environmental benefits as they are less likely to contaminate lands and waters
Far safer to the overall crop for both grazers and farmers
Organic fertilizer has become the most sought after product in the foliar industry. However, it is important to consistently do research and read labels prior to purchase. Growers must take the time to ensure that the fertilizer is organic, non-toxic, and made with only natural plant extracts.

SANA PO NAKATULONG. (Correct me if im wrong)

13. i need 4 title for Investigatory project about alternative pesticide. please guys help me​


- Pesticide registration and safety

- Pesticide and the environment

-Pesticide and human health

-Human exposure to Pesticide and factors affecting exposure.

need some points wag kayo magalit meron ng naka sagot

14. scope and delimitation of the study about Effectiveness of Soap as Alternative to Hazardous Pesticides in Plants​


Study on Effectiveness of Soap as Alternative to Hazardous Pesticides in Plants: The study on Effectiveness of Soap as Alternative to Hazardous Pesticides in Plants has been carried out in Agharkhan Village of Shahrekord City, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran. The research was done in order to find the alternative to hazardous pesticides and to evaluate the effect of soap on the plants and crop. In this research, the effect of soap as a pesticide has been evaluated. The result of this research has been shown in the form of Table 1 and 2.

15. what did you learn aboutreading instructions for preparing fertilizer , pesticides and animal feeds ​

It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions provided on the label or packaging of fertilizers, pesticides, and animal feeds before using them. These instructions will include information on how to properly mix and apply the product, as well as any precautions or warnings that should be taken. Failing to follow the instructions can result in the product being less effective or potentially harmful to humans, animals, or the environment.

In general, it is important to store these products in a safe and secure location, away from children and pets. It is also important to wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, when handling these products to avoid contact with skin and inhaling any vapors.

16. Is storing floor wax and pesticides near the stove good?




Because it might start fire

17. Explain how pesticide-resistant insects came about as a result of evolution. *​


We have simply caused pest populations to evolve, unintentionally applying artificial selection in the form of pesticides. ... Individuals with a higher tolerance for our poisons survive and breed, and soon resistant individuals outnumber the ones we can control.

18. father needs a lawn pesticides how much pesticides should he buy​ more than what he pesticides that enough of his the exact pesticides according to his pesticide every now ang then



buy exact pesticides according to his need




because if you spend all your money you domt have enough

So you need to buy the exact not all your money

19. create poster about the benefits of organic fertilizer and locally made pesticides toward the sustainable development of the enciroment​


katulad niyan ang gagawin mo


gumawa ka ng sarili mo

20. An agricultural scientist formulates a new chemical pesticide that is said to have less environmental effects and low residue retention on food products than conventional pesticides. He is running experiments on several coconut plantations to test whether the pesticide is as effective or better than most other pesticides. His hypothesis is that his new pesticide formulation would give more “good” harvests of coconuts.​a. Design an experiment to test this hypothesis. b. Identify the control group and the experimental group. c. Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable


a. design an experiment to test this hypothesis

21. father used pesticides to kill the insects innthe garden which of the following should he not practice in using pesticidesa.keep pesticides away from peopleb.keep pesticides in their original containerc.use bare hands in keeping the pesticidesd.wear a gas mask and gloves in handling pesticides​




because we should used gloves in keeping the pesticides.

i hope it help

22. slogan about locally-made pesticides. help please:(​


Slogan it.

The average lawn is an interesting beast: people plant it, then douse it with artificial fertilizers and dangerous pesticides to make it grow and to keep it uniform-all so that they can hack and mow what they encouraged to grow. And woe to the small yellow flower that rears its head!

Insplanation: I hope i can help you.

23. what is the difference between chemical pesticides and bio-pesticides? ​

[tex] \large \blue{ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ}[/tex]

Conventional pesticides are synthetic chemicals (or agrochemicals). They generally work by directly killing or inactivating pests. Biopesticides, on the other hand, are naturally occurring bioactive organisms or substances.

[tex] \big \orange{HOPE \: IT \: HELPS}[/tex]

[tex] \big \orange{CARRY \: ON \: LEARNING}[/tex]

[tex]\small \red{correct \: me \: if \: im \: wrong}[/tex]

24. i need 4 title for Investigatory project about alternative pesticide. please guys help me​


The title page of investigatory projects should include the brief detailed title of the project as well as your name and professional title, company or institution where the research project is being completed; the address, the date, and your email or contact information.



25. Essay about What are the different ways to be used in storing and stockpiling of garden pesticides?​


If possible, keep pesticides in a locked cabinet in a well-ventilated utility area or garden shed. Never store pesticides in cabinets with or near food, animal feed, or medical supplies. Store flammable liquids outside your living area and far away from an ignition source such as a furnace, car, grill, or lawn mower.

Where to Store PesticideStore pesticides out of reach of children and pets. If possible, keep pesticides in a locked cabinet in a well-ventilated utility area or garden shed.Never store pesticides in cabinets with or near food, animal feed, or medical supplies.Store flammable liquids outside your living area and far away from an ignition source such as a furnace, car, grill, or lawn mower.Do not store pesticides in places where flooding is possible or where they might spill or leak into wells, drains, ground water, or surface water.How to Safely Store PesticidesAlways store pesticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients, and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning.

Never transfer pesticides to soft drink bottles or other containers. Children or others may mistake them for something to eat or drink.

Use child-resistant packaging correctly. Child resistant does not mean child-proof, so close the container tightly and keep it out of children's reach.

If you can't identify the contents of the container, or if you can't tell how old the contents are,


just wanted to help ,ty^_^

26. What are the important thing about the lesson pesticides you've learned? *​


it's a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.


sorry, correct me if I'm wrong

pabrainliest (not forcing)

27. Is it good research problem?"Your classmate desires to make an organic pesticides.​


Yes it really good to research to make sure that the organic pesticides are perfect

28. Problem 5: Ken farm shown the price of pesticide is P400.00, the number of pesticides to be used per hectare is 2 and the total number of land are is 3.5 hectares. What is the estimated cost of pesticide? (Estimated cost of pesticide use for spraying = Price of pesticide X No. of pesticide/hectare X Total land area)​


The estimated cost of pesticide use for spraying = Price of pesticide X No. of pesticide/hectare X Total land area

Given: Price of pesticide = P400.00 No. of pesticide/hectare = 2 Total land area = 3.5 hectares

To find the estimated cost of pesticide use: P400.00 x 2 x 3.5 = P2800.00

Therefore, the estimated cost of pesticide use for spraying is P2800.00

29. Write a conclusion about different ways of preparing organic fertilizers and pesticides.


There are many different ways to prepare organic fertilizers and pesticides. Some common methods include composting, using animal manure, using plant-based fertilizers such as alfalfa meal or bone meal, and using natural pest control methods such as predatory insects or traps. Each of these methods has its own benefits and drawbacks, and the best method will depend on the specific needs of the plants being grown and the resources available. Ultimately, the key to successful organic gardening is to find a balance between providing the necessary nutrients for plant growth and controlling pests in a way that is safe and sustainable for the environment.

30. pesticides are categorized as harmful materials due to their chemical composition how do pesticides may become usefully?pesticides​


it's usefyto kill insects

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