How To Draw A Punch

How To Draw A Punch

how to say punch in japan​

Daftar Isi

1. how to say punch in japan​


Japanese: パンチ

Translation in English: Punch

how to pronounce パンチ: Panchi

2. how to punch so speed

Depends on strength or how fast you swing your arm.

3. how to punch harder and powerful?​

[tex]\huge\color{yellow}{ ➪ Answer}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\color{skyblue}{ \: ⊱─━━━━━━━⊱༻●༺⊰━━━━━━━─⊰}[/tex]

1. Speed is not Power – Power is acceleration times mass. Power is not only speed, you must have a force (or a weight) behind that speed. A fast punch will not hit hard unless you put some body weight behind it.

2. Move Your Body – Like Bruce Lee’s theory behind his famous one-inch punch: moving your whole body one inch hits much harder than moving your arm one foot. You must move your entire body to get the maximum force (weight) behind that punch. The trick is not to focus on moving your body a great distance but rather to move it all at the same time.

3. Use Your Legs – The biggest muscles in your body will generate the most power. People who punch only with their arms will never punch with real power.

4. Stay Inside Your Range – Your strongest punch doesn’t land when your arms are fully out-stretched. Your punch hits harder when it lands a bit shorter than your full range of motion. Don’t reach!

5. Use Angles – Punching from different angles will give your punches more power, more punching opportunities, and more damage on your opponent.


4. Suppose you are a player at a boxing match (a) How will you reduce the effects of your opponent's punch on you? (b) How will you increase the impact of your punch on your opponent?​


a. Harden your body and block the opponent using your arms.
b. Counter the opponent and punch him on the stomach with all your strenght.


5. if 5 cans of juice are needed to make 9 litres of punch,how many lites of punch can be made with 15 cans of juice​


27 liters

Step-by-step explanation:


question: how many liters of punch can be made with 15 cans of juice?

given: 5 cans of juice, 9 liters of punch

15 ÷ 5 = 3

3 × 9 = 27

6. Joanne is making punch. She uses 2 liters of orange juice, 2,840 milliliters of lemonade and 5 liters of apple cider. How many milliliters of punch will she have all together


1 liter = 1,000 milliliters

Orange Juice --> 2 liters = 2,000 milliliters

Lemonade --> 2,840 millimeters

Apple Cider --> 5,000

Answer: 9,840 milliliters

Step-by-step explanation:

2,000 milliliters

+ 2,840 milliliters

5,000 milliliters


9,840 milliliters

7. How can i keep my wrist punching


Keep doing exercises like push ups

Step-by-step explanation:

8. Have you tried to punch sameone or punch the wall? how does it feel? kindly explain your answer. ​


Yes!! 1 year ago i punch my classmate and how does it feel? Of course it hurts and i feel like that my fingers and fist are broken


Hope it helps

9. How do hammerfist and punch differ in the application of technique?


Raise your arm up to shoulder height, bending your elbow to create the hook with your thumb on top of your fist. For the motion, turn your whole body in the direction of your fist, while also turning your foot and leg in the same direction, letting your upper body follow as you throw the punch.


10. How would you compare the force exert in punching a bag to the force that you receive from the punch​



11. in the punch , how filipinos percieved south korea

Koreans in the Philippines ,largely consisting of expatriates from South Korea and people born in the Philippines with Korean ancestry,from largest Korean diaspora community in Southeast Asia and the ninth-largest in the world,After Koreans in Kazakhstan and before Koreans in Vietnam.As of 2013 ,statistics of South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade recorded their population at 88,102 people ,a call of 31 percent since 2009 after a period I rapid growth in the population in the prescending decade

12. IDENTIFICATION Vilma plans to have a debut party for 60 people. She has a punch recipe that makes 12 gallons of punch and can serve exactly 60 people. But due to a certain situation, they limit the guest to 20 people. How many gallons of punch should she make?


4 gallons po

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 12 gals. = 60 persons

2. x gals. = 20 persons

by ratio and proportions po.

3. 12:60 = x:20

4. mean = 60 times x equals 60x

5. extreme = 12 times 20 equals 240


6. 240/60x

7. 4, or 4 gallons of punch can serve 20 people.

13. Which punch is faster and power? Horizontal punch or vertical punch? Explain please. Thanks in advance.​


Horizontal punches are more powerful than vertical punches, because the elbow supports the wrist sooner. As explained by the previous point, the wrist and arm overall has more support because the elbow comes up sooner. This is especially important not only for punching power but also for injury prevention.

14. A Math teacher punched his card in the bundy clock at 7:00 a.m. punched out at 2:32 p.m. How long did the teacher stay at work?​


7 hours and 32 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

ok this is my method but I promise you this is right... probably lmao. He punched his card at 7:00am and punched out at 2:32pm I add 12hours to the pm's so that I dont get confused so it became 7:00am and 14:32pm and from here you just subtract. First subtract the hour side (14-7=7) and then you do the minute side (32-0=32) and put them together to get the answer which is 7 hours and 32 minutes

15. how to cut wood on rlcraft modit doesn't give you wood when punching so how?​


cut it


cut it

16. Sally wants to give a party for 90 people. She has a punch recipe that makes 2 gallons of punch and serves 15 people. How many gallons of punch should she make her party? *​


6 gallons of Punch

Step-by-step explanation:


17. a person punched in the time clock at 7:40 am and punched out at 4:20 am how long did the person work ?


The person worked 20 hours and 40 minutes.

18. how many oranges would be needed serve punch to 100 people​


One by one for the 100 people's


it's 500

Step-by-step explanation:

Bc 5 oranges for person if only 1 it's just a spoon full


19. A Math teacher punched his card in the bundy clock at 7:00 a.m. punched out at 2:32 p.m. How long did the teacher stay at work?​


7 hours and 32 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:


20. How strong are star Platinums punches in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?​


According to Josuke, Star Platinum can punch at 350km/h which means that he can throw about, surprisingly, 10 punches per second lol.


basta yan na yorn.

21. How do boxers lessen the impact of punches they receive?

Answer:Taking some of the force off a hit by giving in, "fading" or bob and weaving to reduce the force. This takes a lot of drills and sparring for folks get skilled in. Really good boxers can pull this off enough that someone keeps thinking they're -just- about to connect and all they get is a glancing shot at best.


22. How databases solved the problem encountered in flat files, punch cards, and selectron tube?​


The modern division of philosophy into theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy[1][2] has its origin in Aristotle's categories of natural philosophy and moral philosophy.[3] The one has theory for its object, and the other practice.[1]


In Sweden[4] and Finland courses in theoretical and practical philosophy are taught separately, and are separate degrees. Other countries may use a similar scheme—some Scottish universities, for example, divide philosophy into logic, metaphysics, and ethics—but in most universities around the world philosophy is taught as a single subject. There is also a unified philosophy subject in some Swedish universities, such as Södertörns Högskola.

23. how will your demonstrate punch arm movement in cheerdance​


Punch And move Like do Punch Tobe attractive haha

24. A boxer has a fist of 0.6 kg. starting from rest, his fist attains a velocity of 7m/s as the punching bag is hit. how much impulse is imparted on the punching bag?​



A boxer has a fist of 0.6 kg. starting from rest, his fist attains a velocity of 7m/s as the punching bag is hit. how much impulse is imparted on the punching bag?​


Impulse is equal to change in momentum, therefore we can use the formula Impulse = mass × velocity

Given Data:

m ( mass ) = 0.6 kg

v ( velocity ) = 7 m/s

I ( impulse ) = ? unknown


I = m × v

  = 0.6 kg × 7 m/s

  = 4.2 kg·m/s


The Impulse is equal to 4.2 kg·m/s

Kindly visit the link below:

25. Landon and Keira are preparing refreshments for a party. To make fruit punch, they will mix 2 gallons of grape juice with 1 cup of lemonade and 6 ounces of pineapple juice. How many ounces of punch will they make?

2 gallons of grape juice

1 cup of lemonade

6 ounces of pineapple juice

convert gallon to ounces

2 gal = 256 ounces

convert cup to ounces

1 cup = 8 ounces

256 + 8 + 6

= 270 ounces of punch

make sure to brainliest this so i can notice your next questions :)

26. How would you compare the force you exert in punching a bag to the force you receive from the punch?A. EqualB. GreaterC. Lesser​




ito pag sunmuntok ka ng bata diba masakit kaya Greater Letter B

27. A pitcher of fruit punch hold 2 gallons. If 9 people share the entire pitcher equally, how much punch does each person get?

Approximately 0.22 gallon


2 gallons fruit punch

9 people

Divide the total volume of fruit punch to the number of people.


So, each person receives approximately 0.22 gallon.

28. what is the difference between center punch and pin punch?​


In the picture below. Thankyou and pa brainliest

29. how to punch someone through online?​


suntukin mo muna mukha mo


yun lang ang alam kong sagot

30. How would you compare the force you exert in punching a bag to the force that you receive from the punch? a. Greater b. Equal c. lesser d. zero


a. greater than less than an



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