Interior Design Content

Interior Design Content

Exercise 3: Identifying the Ultimate Theme Directions: Below is another debate speech which talks of a certain topic or theme Identify the ultimate theme and write it on the space provided Mother Theresa once said, and I quote. "I only feel angry when I see waste, when I see people throwing away things we could use," unquote Friends, Ladies and gentlemen, good day Lawmakers are now pushing for the creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience and we, in the affirmative side firmiy regret its creation For this constructive speech. I will be discussing two arguments why it is not necessary to create the Department of Disaster Resilience under the provisions of House Bill No. 5989 which has already passed the third and final reading in the House of Representatives For my first argument, the proposed creation of DDR fails to justify how it is different from existing institutions that already deal and are effective with disaster relief and response. Vice President Leni Robredo in fact convincingly stated that the government should look into the gaps in exisung agencies instead of creating new ones that will create unnecessary layer in the bureaucracy when in fact existing state agencies are already performing its mandate Furthermore, Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman reiterates that the Omice of the Civil Defense, Social Welfare Developmeni, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the Department of Public works and Highways (DPWH) among others are actively performing on disaster prevention, mitigation, management and rehabilitation Meanwhile, RA 10121, also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 provides that the (NDRRMC) is the working group convened during times of crises to ensure the protection and welfare of all Filipinos during disasters or emergencies. Included in its functions are securing communication lines during calamities, issuing warning signals, providing emergency transportation, and facilitating evacuation and rescue missions. It also leads in the provision of engineering, health and rehabilitation, public education and auxiliary services such as fire-fighung and post-calamily measures. This is yet to take into account the contribution of non-government organizations such as the Red Cross and various charities. And these ladies and gentlemen are mere duplications under the proposed creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience. We have to remember that to create a Department of Disaster Resilience, there's an expectation that it will hold all these responsibilities and not cause blatant redundancy in the government's functions. PRACTICE HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 6 For my second argument, most countries have separate departments for disaster resilience and response, yet they are still successful, efficient, and effective. In Japan, Thailand, and Singapore, an ad hoc committee is created headed by the prime minister, as needed, in response to particular calamities. In fact, in a study titled, Institutional Issues on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management conducted by Sonny Domingo, the Interational Best Practices and Institutional Platforms was presented and such mentioned that the Southeast Asian countries present good cases of DRRM institutional setups thar address similar regional disaster hazards. Underscored in this study is that, the Malaysian government's disaster response is one of the most functional and effecuve and such design is modeled from those of the Philippines and Indonesia. Considering such result, I am wondering why there is such move to create a Department of Disaster Resilience when in reality, the status quo, the design we are using in disaster response is laudable and is recognized interationally? It is our contention therefore in the affirmative side that our resiliency initiatives have been gaining support in all levels of poliucal subdivisions of the government, including communities and outside stakeholders. And when such current momentum is sustained, the coming years would be witness to the monumental transformation of the institutional landscape for DRRM in the country. Hence, we regret the creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience in the Philippines.​

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1. Exercise 3: Identifying the Ultimate Theme Directions: Below is another debate speech which talks of a certain topic or theme Identify the ultimate theme and write it on the space provided Mother Theresa once said, and I quote. "I only feel angry when I see waste, when I see people throwing away things we could use," unquote Friends, Ladies and gentlemen, good day Lawmakers are now pushing for the creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience and we, in the affirmative side firmiy regret its creation For this constructive speech. I will be discussing two arguments why it is not necessary to create the Department of Disaster Resilience under the provisions of House Bill No. 5989 which has already passed the third and final reading in the House of Representatives For my first argument, the proposed creation of DDR fails to justify how it is different from existing institutions that already deal and are effective with disaster relief and response. Vice President Leni Robredo in fact convincingly stated that the government should look into the gaps in exisung agencies instead of creating new ones that will create unnecessary layer in the bureaucracy when in fact existing state agencies are already performing its mandate Furthermore, Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman reiterates that the Omice of the Civil Defense, Social Welfare Developmeni, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the Department of Public works and Highways (DPWH) among others are actively performing on disaster prevention, mitigation, management and rehabilitation Meanwhile, RA 10121, also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 provides that the (NDRRMC) is the working group convened during times of crises to ensure the protection and welfare of all Filipinos during disasters or emergencies. Included in its functions are securing communication lines during calamities, issuing warning signals, providing emergency transportation, and facilitating evacuation and rescue missions. It also leads in the provision of engineering, health and rehabilitation, public education and auxiliary services such as fire-fighung and post-calamily measures. This is yet to take into account the contribution of non-government organizations such as the Red Cross and various charities. And these ladies and gentlemen are mere duplications under the proposed creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience. We have to remember that to create a Department of Disaster Resilience, there's an expectation that it will hold all these responsibilities and not cause blatant redundancy in the government's functions. PRACTICE HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 6 For my second argument, most countries have separate departments for disaster resilience and response, yet they are still successful, efficient, and effective. In Japan, Thailand, and Singapore, an ad hoc committee is created headed by the prime minister, as needed, in response to particular calamities. In fact, in a study titled, Institutional Issues on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management conducted by Sonny Domingo, the Interational Best Practices and Institutional Platforms was presented and such mentioned that the Southeast Asian countries present good cases of DRRM institutional setups thar address similar regional disaster hazards. Underscored in this study is that, the Malaysian government's disaster response is one of the most functional and effecuve and such design is modeled from those of the Philippines and Indonesia. Considering such result, I am wondering why there is such move to create a Department of Disaster Resilience when in reality, the status quo, the design we are using in disaster response is laudable and is recognized interationally? It is our contention therefore in the affirmative side that our resiliency initiatives have been gaining support in all levels of poliucal subdivisions of the government, including communities and outside stakeholders. And when such current momentum is sustained, the coming years would be witness to the monumental transformation of the institutional landscape for DRRM in the country. Hence, we regret the creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience in the Philippines.​


The creation of Department of Disaster Resilience is not necessary

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