Learning Is A Consequence Of Experience

Learning Is A Consequence Of Experience

what did you learn from your own experience regarding decisions and consequences​

Daftar Isi

1. what did you learn from your own experience regarding decisions and consequences​


At the outset, we all should bear it in mind that we are constantly making choices at every moment of our lives whether consciously or sub-consciously. Some choices made are so innocuous that their effects are not much felt by us. In contrast, some choices made in life are so impactful that its effects are felt as “life- altering one” meaning once they are exercised they can't be over-turned



I learn my own mistakes...so that next time you should know what is right and what is bad..you should think first before you do your own decisions in your life.

2. how did you deal with the consequences of your choice? what lesson have we learned from that experience?​


I deal with it with a strong heart


Choosing a choice is somewhat the hardest because one wrong move will make people judge you. I learned that dealing with consequences is a tough experience because of too much judgement.. too much disappointments... too much harsh word and too much uncertainties you will receive from people so the next time you choose/make a decision you should be wise

3. it is the consequence or result of an experiment​


An OUTCOME (or SAMPLE POINT) is the result of the experiment.

4. Why it is important to learn the consequences in ignoring the rules of culture?​

Consequences in ignoring the rules of culture


It is important to learn the consequences in ignoring the rules of culture in order to avoid offending or hurting other people.  

Each country or region has a different belief, thus different cultures. If you ignore their rules, you are disrespecting them and their ideologies.  

In order to avoid ignoring the rules of culture, we must do our research or ask the locals for help. They will help us understand the reasons on why they have certain rules or beliefs.

For additional information:

Examples of culture in different regions https://brainly.ph/question/6771080 What are the aspects of culture? https://brainly.ph/question/5867798


5. Share a personal experience of disobedience its consequences.​


If you disobey your parents you can get yourself in danger and harm yourself.. not ever disobey is harmful but parents always do what is good for you... when your parents warn you that something is bad for you.. 99% of the times they are right and extremely careful for you.

6. Share a personal experience of disobedience and the consequences of your action​


pagiging isang makatao pero po di ko po mapigilan minsan ang pagiging masama yan po kase

7. Directions. Recall an experience in your life when you did something without thinking of theconsequences. In your activity notebook, enumerate the possible consequencesin making wrong doings.​


life experience lang po yan


sa na exp mo

8. share one personal experience where you chose to use your freedom irresponsibly and consequences ​


Straight from the Heart

9. What consequences did he experience for the response Oscar Romero he made?

Huh?is that the question?? And can you send the picture??

10. share 250-300 words your personal experience about the consequences of disobeying the law or rule.​

I always had, and still have, a very good relationship with my parents. Some things have altered slightly with time but not too much. I used to adore my father. Like most young kids, I thought that my dad was the best thing since sliced bread. My feelings began to shift some as I started to grow up. I began to have my own ideas, and no longer was he always correct. Sometimes he was simply wrong, and pointing this fact out to him sometimes got me into trouble. The punnishments for these deeds taught me more in the long run than they did at that time.

The summer after fifth grade was a big summer for me. I felt all powerful since I would be entering the Middle School in three months. I had no idea that not everyone felt that I knew everything in the world.

One beautiful day that summer, I was playing outside with my friends when my mom called for me to come home. I did not want to abandon my guard post at the neighbor's tree house so I decided to disregard her order. I figured that my parents would understand my delima and wouldn't mind if I stayed out for another two or three hours. Unfortunately, they had neglected to inform me that my grandparents had driven in from North Carolina, and we were supposed to go out for a nice dinner. When I finally returned, my father was furious. I had kept them from going to dinner, and he was simply not happy with me. "Go up to your room and don't even think about coming downstairs until I talk to you."

This was new. I wasn't really sure what to make of it. My father entered my room and told me that I was not allowed to leave my room for the rest of that night and all of the next day. He did not seem to be very amused when I pointed out that I wo...

... middle of paper ...

...st long for twelve-year-olds at the pool.

I made my decision to go home, because I had been out for almost two and a half hours. When I got home, I was ready for the worst. I made no secret of my arrival, and I didn't care if anyone saw me going back to my room. The strange thing was that nobody seemed to notice. My dad didn't even mention my blatant disregard for his order. I was ecstatic. I had just fought my parents for the first time and I had won. I figured that my dad must have understood how I felt about the issue and changed his mind.

Actually he had just realized that I should be the one to punnish myself. He realized that it was important for me to understand when I was wrong, and that I shouldn't need someone else to tell me. I am greatful for this lesson even though it took me quite some time to realize what he had actually done.

11. Based on your personal experience, give a situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequence of your choice.​


For me po i demonstrate freedom when it comes by having a choice to do something that you can decide wether it's bad or not.You can decide to choice by yourself without thinking from others because you have a freedom to choice by yourself.

When it comes to consequences naman you may have a freedom to choice anything but the consequences of your choice are not good everytime, so you need to ask or to listen from the others as well to have their point of views to understand more.


Sorry sa english ko, wala ng explanation ang haba na nyan. Pa brainlist lng po tenkyuu.

12. what consequence of sin do you strongly experience in your life? elaborate your answer​


Many men have experienced guilt, depression and even suicidal thoughts due to the emotional consequences of sin. Spiritually – The most common consequence we understand is spiritual death.


hope its help :)

13. As a consequence of cutting down trees, we experience soil erosion, floods, and a decrease in wildlife resources.




I hope it helps^^

14. recall an experience for you displayed prudence in your choice. include the consequences of your choice.​


it is a document that submitted at the conclusion of a p. h. d program

15. list 3 own experiences that you encounter and realized that every actions have its consequences ​


list 3 own experiences that you encounter and realized that every actions have its consequences

16. Your own experience in Social Context, Social Content, Social Process and Social Consequences.​


just share your own experience of social context


17. 2. What are some of the consequences people will experience if the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continues to increase? _______________________________________________________________________


Effects of greenhouse gases

They cause climate change by trapping heat, and they also contribute to respiratory disease from smog and air pollution. Extreme weather, food supply disruptions, and increased wildfires are other effects of climate change caused by greenhouse gases.

18. What consequence can we experience due to plate movement?​



There will be several earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

19. share a person experience of disobedience and the consequences of your action. ​


d*sobeying parents


The consequence of this action is that they will withhold their help when you find you need it most, when you make a really big request, Every time you disappoint your parents, you hurt them inside. You might have difficulty comprehending this, but you can p*ss them off so thoroughly and consistently that they finally turn their backs on you.

20. What are some of the consequences people will experience if the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continues to increase?​


The greenhouse effect is a major factor in keeping the Earth warm because it keeps some of the planet's heat that would otherwise escape from the atmosphere out to space. In fact, without the greenhouse effect the Earth's average global temperature would be much colder and life on Earth as we know it would not be possible.3 The difference between the Earth's actual average temperature 14° C (57.2° F) and the expected effective temperature just with the Sun's radiation -19° C (-2.2° F) gives us the strength of the greenhouse effect, which is 33° C.2

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that is millions of years old. It plays a critical role in regulating the overall temperature of the Earth. The greenhouse effect was first discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1827, experimentally verified by John Tyndall in 1861, and quantified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.


That's Why i hope this well help

21. What will be the consequence if a person was deprived to learn socialization?​

Social connections are important to happiness, health, and overall feelings of connectivity to society. Lack of these connections can lead to isolation, decreased self-esteem, and shorter lifespan. The negative effects of loneliness can start to set in within just over one day of not socializing.

22. share in 200-300 words your personal experience about the consequences of disobeying the law rules.​





23. what is the important learning about the types of power and consequences power​


Power has been an important aspect of human civilization since time immemorial. Power might be physical, political or social. In the context of business as well, power dynamics tend to influence decisions and people transactions heavily. So defining power can be difficult as it is understood and interpreted in several ways however power can definitely not be called a force which gets you what you want. Power basically emanates from position or authority which can influence people both positively and negatively.

For simplicity and understanding purposes power is usually classified into following categories:

Coercive Power- This kind of power involves the usage of threat to make people do what one desires. In the organizational set up, it translates into threatening someone with transfer, firing, demotions etc. it basically forces people to submit to one’s demand for the fear of losing something.

Reward Power- As the name suggests, this type of power uses rewards, perks, new projects or training opportunities, better roles and monetary benefits to influence people. However an interesting aspect of this type of power is that, it is not powerful enough in itself, as decisions related to rewards do not rest solely with the person promising them, because in organizations, a lot of other people come into play like senior managers and board.

Legitimate Power- This power emanates from an official position held by someone, be it in an organization, beurocracy or government etc. The duration of this power is short lived as a person can use it only till the time he/she holds that position, as well as, the scope of the power is small as it is strictly defined by the position held.

24. My own experience in Social Context, Social Content, Social Process and Social Consequences.​



25. Recall an experience in your life when you did something without thinking of the consequences. Enumerate at least 5 possible consequences in making wrong doings.


in your personal life lang po yan pariho po Tayo Ng tanong

26. What have your learn in consequence teenager drinking alcohol? ​


they are more violent and abusive, because their body cannot control more drinking they are more prone to fighting or arguing, they are more prone to sickness because they are abusing their body and immunity is going down

27. Recall a certain moment when your bad decision or irresponsible action led to negative consequences in your life. What realization or lesson did you learn from that experience?​


Those times when I answer directly from any arguments without thinking if that certain statement would devastate personal feelings. And ends up destroying my connection/relatioship with that someone just because of pride.


The tongue is the most powerful weapon a person have, this is why we need to constantly think of the words we say to one another.

Immature people always want to win arguments even at a cost of relatioship. Mature ones prefer losing an argument just to uphold a golden relatipnship.

Sometimes, silence is the best way to win an argument. -Jorge P. Guerrero

P.S. Objective po yung tanong, so the answer po depends on your experience. The statement above is my experience and the lesson I learned about the question.

God Bless, Hope it Helps <3

28. what are the consequences of learning how to drive?​


if you dont becafeful that might be your last time waking up


29. It is a consequence of one’s personal sin or of structural or social sins which innocent people sadly experience.?​


GUILT (not sure)


that's the first thing that came into my mind.

30. what are the possible consequences if weskip one stagein learning yoga?​


If we skip even one stage of we will not be able to correctly do "the yoga"


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