Love And Romance A Study Of Intimacy

Love And Romance A Study Of Intimacy

7. It refers to intense emotion towards a person. It leads tophysical, romance, and sexual attractionA. PassionB. IntimacyC. CommitmentD. Love​

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1. 7. It refers to intense emotion towards a person. It leads tophysical, romance, and sexual attractionA. PassionB. IntimacyC. CommitmentD. Love​


A. Passion


Passion refers to the intense, physical attraction partners feel toward one another. Intimacy involves the ability the share feelings, personal thoughts and psychological closeness with the other.

2. INTIMACYLiking(intimacy alone)Romantic Love(Intimacy +Passion)CompanionateLove(Intimacy +Commitment)ConsummateLove(intimacy + Passion+ Commitment)Infatuation(Passionalone)Empty Love(Commitmentalone)Fatuous LovePassion + Commitment)PASSIONCOMMITMENTLaure 1. Robert Sternberg's Triangular (Theory) Model of Love adapted from the book​


ano gagawin dito?

nasaan yung instructions?

3. Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways​


Offer the gift of listening.

Say please and thank you.

Tell your loved ones how much you love and appreciate them.

Offer to help someone in need.

Write a letter or send a card to someone you love and mail it.

Write your loved ones a poem of gratitude.


Well How is this Answer

Could you make me Brainliest PLEASE!

And why do you ask this kind of question?

4. reflect upon one's attitudes towards love intimacy and relationship​


I know that one of the best feelings in the world is holding the person you love close to your heart and body; to connect mentally, emotionally and physically. We don’t realize it but our intimate relationships teach us a lot about the people we love and even more about ourselves. So what really is intimacy?

Intimacy is a deep emotional relationship that is marked by friendship and love. It can can be platonic or sexual.

Regardless of the quality of your relationship, it is expected and even unavoidable to have problems with your partner because you spend so much time together and you naturally have different personalities, preferences and needs. If there is a conflict between couples, it is a sign that the relationship needs to grow. If you feel disconnected with your partner, you need to find new ways to talk to them, communicate and connect. It is an opportunity to learn new skills in which you can be intimate with your partner. Intimacy is the foundation of love, and the journey to build it is a journey of personal growth.

So in order to understand the importance of love and intimacy in a relationship, you have to know that without love and affection, we can’t venture into self-actualization, which is the desire to fulfill our social potential. Happiness in any relationship does not come by finding the right partner; it comes by being and aspiring to be the right partner.

hope this helps


5. in the quotation "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance"what does lifelong romance means? ​


Learning to love yourself will lead you to the path of contentment. Your healthy mentality affects decision-making that you can be proud of, finding the right people, influencing healthy lifestyle to your peers and the appreciation of what God blessed you with.

6. complete the following quotations about love and romance​


wala kabang picture para nyan?


ano ang gagawin sa subject

7. Define terms such as "love," "attraction," "intimacy," "relationship,"


[tex]\large{\color{blue}{\overbrace{\underbrace{\tt{\color{green}✏\large{Answer}}}}}} [/tex]

Feeling or Motions

[tex]\small{\color{blue}{\overbrace{\underbrace{\tt{\color{lime}✏\large{Explanation}}}}}} [/tex]

"love," "attraction," "intimacy," "relationship," are example Of Feeling or Motions It is A Feeling Of Someone To Another.

8. Interconnection between attachment attraction love intimacy and commitment

ang love ay dalawa kaung nagmamahalan sa isat isa ang commitment naman po ung paghanga ung pagcrush isang tao lang nakakadama na may gusto sya sa isang tao

9. name as many ways of expressing your love other than sexual intimacy​


1. Hold hands

2. Have deep conversations

3. Touch each other non-sexually

4. Try doing each other’s favorite activities

5. Get spiritual

6. Communicate “Dear John” style

7. Gaze longingly into each other’s eyes

10. To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance,means?

You are never able to truely love someone else until you love yourself so if you are happy with yourself than you will be happy - instead of seeking out someone else to provide a false happiness.

11. Describe the interconnection between love, intimacy, commitment, and passion.​


Sternberg says that intimacy refers to "feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in loving relationships", passion refers to "the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena in loving relationships" and decision/commitment means different things in the short .

12. 5. The dynamics of these is a journey that starts from the most basiattraction that develops into love and commitment between indivA. Attraction, romance, loveB. Attraction, love, and commitmentC. Attraction, infatuation, and romanceD. Attraction, family orientation, and causal affection​


B. Attraction, Love, and Commitment.

13. Why do we associate love and romance with heat and fire?


because love and romance represents heat and fire. You can always feel the heat of his love because it's on fire. It means that love never must be cold



14. a red rose or red color stands for love or romance


i think so too sana makatulong

15. It is built upon affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic love​

Partnerships. Romantic partnerships, including marriage, are close relationships formed between two people that are built upon affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic love. We usually experience this kind of relationship with only one person at the time.

16. what are the difference between love and romance?​


romace is nice to be her or him like that,ang love is like family or friends but they are different like loving each other and loving person.

correct me if I'm wrong

17. how to create na love romance?​


Try to have a inspiration


For example

18. love /romance remeo and Juliet 'sScenario /Events​

romance remeo and Juliet 'sScenario yan po para saan po yan

The grieving family agree to end their feud.Explanation:


19. What is the meaning of love and romance??​

Romance or romantic love is feeling of love for a strong attraction towards another person, and the courtship behaviors undertaken by an individual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions. ... This indicates that romantic love can be the founding of attraction between two people.


Romance or romantic love is a feeling of love for, or a strong attraction towards another person, and the courtship behaviors undertaken by an individual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions.

correct me if im wrong

(pa brainliest tysm)

20. true or false the combination of intimacy and passion is companionate love​


False because wlang forever


false po yan


basta false

21. love affection and sexual intimacy contribute for having a happy family true or false​



Basta tama

22. recommendation how to avoid office romance in case study​


I got cha


Office romance can be a sensitive issue that can impact both personal and professional relationships. Here are some recommendations to avoid office romance:

Establish a clear workplace policy: Companies can create a clear workplace policy on office romance that outlines what is acceptable behavior and what isn't. The policy should be communicated to all employees, and there should be consequences for violating the policy.

Separate personal and professional lives: Employees should keep their personal lives separate from their professional lives. This means not using work time to engage in personal activities, such as dating or flirting with coworkers.

Avoid one-on-one interactions: It's best to avoid situations where employees are alone with each other, such as private meetings or lunches. Instead, try to have group meetings or involve a third party to avoid any misunderstandings.

Be mindful of body language: Employees should be mindful of their body language and avoid any behaviors that could be perceived as flirtatious or suggestive.

Prioritize professionalism: Employees should prioritize professionalism and focus on their work while at the office. This means avoiding any behavior that could be perceived as unprofessional or distracting.

Be respectful of boundaries: Employees should respect each other's boundaries and avoid pressuring coworkers into romantic relationships or unwanted advances.

pa-braínliest nalang po.ty

Overall, it's important to create a professional work environment that values productivity and teamwork while minimizing the risk of office romance. By establishing clear guidelines and promoting professionalism, employees can avoid any potential issues and focus on their work

23. it is the desire for pleasures like intimacy, beauty, and love​


desire of kama


the third desire is kama, the longing for pleasure in any and all forms.

I dunno if tama pero welcome ☺️

24. ESSAY:1. In the quotation of Oscar wilde "to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance". what does LIFELONG ROMANCE means?​


Wilde is saying if we love ourselves, that is the one love that lasts until death -- regardless of what other love we might profess. Love 101: To Love Oneself is the Beginning of a Lifelong Romance (The Life 101 Series) [McWilliams, Peter] on Leave you for something or some one. ... They may die.


Love yourself for all the good that you see and accept your imperfections too. ... This simply means that you should learn to change your shortcomings, but as well as that, you should be gentle and kind to yourself for all your flaws.


To Love Oneself is The Beginning of A Lifelong Romance

As those who show themselves love and care know, self-love is the only kind of love upon which you can depend. When you take the time to know yourself, a lifelong romance can begin. Only when you become accustomed to spending time by yourself can you gain a true appreciation of your needs, wants, and desires.

25. 6 the flower rose. love passion and romance​


hirap patulong ka nalang sa

26. Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways​

Tell your loved ones how much you love and appreciate them. A little love goes a long way. Many of us are guilty of taking people for granted, so it’s good to acknowledge those who’ve impacted our lives and those we could not live without.

27. Describe the interconnection and dynamics between attachment, attraction, love, intimacy, and commitment.

The success of a lifelong relationship will depend on the interconnection attraction, attachment, intimacy, love, and commitment. They follow a sequence of events wherein the dynamics take place. In most cases, the first thing that happens is Attraction, the physical qualities that you desire is seen on another person. Then after knowing the person and begin spending time together, you may become attached to each other. In the real world, love and intimacy may go hand in hand at the same time. It is when Love surpasses everything else, does commitment enters the picture. Popular culture may laugh at the mention of Love these days, but it is this unexplainable feeling that binds couples and family members together long after the other one has passed away.

Click on the links for more information:

28. describe the interconnection and dynamics between attachment attraction love intimacy and commitment​


kumain ng gulay para tayo habang buhay ")

29. romanticism is not about love or romance it is all about​


it is all about? ano sunod?

30. ways of Expressing love other than sexual intimacy​


Tell the other person that you love them.Give or get a hug.Make sure the other person feels important and respected.Kiss when people are looking.Kiss when people aren't looking.Tell the other person that you care.Hold hands.Go for a long bike ride.

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