Most Valuable Parent Certificate

Most Valuable Parent Certificate

What is the most valuable gift that your parents give and what is the story behind it?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the most valuable gift that your parents give and what is the story behind it?​

the most valuable gift that parents can give their children is love and support. A parent's love and support is essential for a child's growth and development, and it helps them to feel safe, secure, and valued. This gift helps children to build self-esteem and confidence, and to develop a positive self-image.
A parents support and guidance can help children to navigate the challenges of life, and to reach their full potential.
It's also important for parents to be good role models for their children and to instill positive values such as honesty, integrity, and responsibility, which can help them to grow into responsible and successful adults.

Hope this help


Taking Care And Love


When I was young, my parents gave me love. When I was young, they taught me how to speak read and they gave me love and good care.





2. it has been siad that parents are our first and most important teacher describe a time when you learned a valuable lesson from one of your parents​

We are not always by your side to help and guide you. So you must learn to stand on your own two feet.

Ps. I hope it helps❤️

3. Task 10. Self-Reflection and Parent Certification​


Reflection is an important part of our own continuous improvement process to understand why and how we make the choices we do. Taking the time to look at yourself and your work gives you the opportunity to acknowledge strengths and challenges, and to improve your skills.


pa brainliest po, tnx



To becomr enlightened is the most valuable 'want' in my life


Seekers like me value nothing higher than this.All people SHOULD be doing and feeling the same, butunfortunately we do not.



“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”


Don't look others by their appearances look in the inside

6. The most valuable skills a person should acquire.​


Articulating what you think and feel. "It's extremely important for a person to learn to put into words what he thinks. ...

2. " Stealing" from the greats. ...

.Self-discipline. ...

.Knowing what you don't know. ...

.Charisma. ...

.The ability to accept and move on. ...

.Thinking differently. ...




7. what is the most valuable needs in the MARKET?​


shempre washingmashine haha

Answer:Customer needs are the attributes of a product, brand or service that motivates someone to buy. The term covers basic must-haves, such as good-enough quality and affordable price, and also extends to more abstract and complex purchase drivers such as an aspirational brand image or a sense of alignment between a customer’s personal opinions and a brand’s ethics.

Customer needs vary a lot – between individual customers across your target audience, and from product to product and brand to brand. To identify customer needs effectively, you need an ongoing program of analysis that captures and analyzes customer feedback. Surveys can be an important part of that process.

Because customer needs can be complex and deep-seated, you may need to go beyond what customers explicitly tell you in order to uncover the full picture. That’s where customer needs analysis methods come in.

8. the most valuable lesson you've ever learned​


Differentiate imaginative writing, technical writing, and creative writing


it is important and valuable lesson for me because

The differences between creative writing and technical writing are that creative writing is written mainly to entertain with the creativity of the mind and technical writing is written mainly to inform in a formal manner or to incite the reader to make an action such as purchase the writer's product

9. What is the most appriate lettring style for the certificates


Classic serif fonts such as Baskerville, Caslon, and Garamond keep your certificates looking traditional but readable. For a more modern-style certificate, consider some of the classic sans serif fonts such as Avant Garde, Futura, and Optima.

10. the most valuable of gems

It is the Diamond (full info below)

Diamond is native crystalline carbon that is the hardest known mineral, that is usually nearly colorless, that when transparent and free from flaws is highly valued as a precious stone, andthat is used industrially especially as an abrasive

11. what is the most valuable liquid ​




Coz it makes living things alive.


scorpion venom


expensive kasi not so sure

12. my most valuable thing


valuable means halaga in tagalog bagay na sobrang halaga saakin


example: my family, my necklace that have a sentimental value, my frends, my books

13. it is considered the most valuable resource of an organization​


Therefore, employees are the most valuable assets an organization has. It's their abilities, knowledge, and experience that can't be replaced. So, going forward, organizations need to place emphasis and importance on the contribution that employees that they have in order to propel themselves ahead.

14. What is your most valuable possession? why?​


I honestly don't think there is anything more valuable than life


sport poba ito or saang galing terms?

15. Who is the most valuable players in valley ball?​


Hiroshima, Japan, October 15, 2019 – Brazil opposite Alan Souza was named Most Valuable Player of the 2019 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Cup after leading his team to an undefeated run and to a third title in the competition.

16. who is the most valuable people in the world


jesus his not an people but he is our king

17. Why did the characters sell their most valuable it


Della and Jim sell valuable things to get money to buy gifts for each other, because they are poor. Both Della and Jim give up valuable possessions so they can buy Christmas gifts for each other. Della and Jim were wise because they were willing to make sacrifices to show their love for each other



18. what is the most valuable things on earth?​

Answer: That is the air,water, and food


Without air you can't breathe, withoud water and food you'd lose hunger that's why air,water, and food is the most valuable thing on earth.

19. what is the most valuable things in the world

What are some of the most expensive things in world today?
Graff Diamonds Hallucination Watch - USD 55 million. ...
1963 Ferrari 250 GTO - USD 70 million. ...
Bluefin Tuna - USD 3.1 million. ...
Antilia, Mumbai - USD 1-2 billion. ...
Manhattan Parking Spot - USD 1 million. ...
Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi - USD 450 million. ...
Pasion Azteca, Platinum Liquor Bottle - USD 3.5 million.


Ancient artifacts

20. what is the most appropriate lettering style for the certificates​


bold only


because it's more convenient to read and specify each letter

21. what is the most valuable thing in your life

Answer: Family

Explanation: Family are the ones who will be always by your side and love who you are no Matter the circumstances you are facing in your life.

22. what is the most valuable thing in the world​


What are some of the most expensive things in world today?

Graff Diamonds Hallucination Watch - USD 55 million. ...

1963 Ferrari 250 GTO - USD 70 million. ...

Bluefin Tuna - USD 3.1 million. ..

Antilia, Mumbai - USD 1-2 billion. ...

Manhattan Parking Spot - USD 1 million. ...

Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi - USD 450 million.


I hope it helps you



Classic Serif and Sans Serif fonts

Classic serif fonts such as Baskerville, Caslon and Garamond keep your certificates looking traditional but readable

24. moral courage is the most valuable and mostly the most absent characteristic in man


Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.” Good leaders encourage their subordinates to always act with integrity. Even when it's not the most popular thing to do. Moral courage is all about doing the right thing, even if that decision may result in adverse consequences.

25. What is the most valuable organ in our body?


pa brenles po sana please


kailangnga ko po Kase

26. what is your most valuable person or thing?​


my mother


can we all agree that the most valuable thing in this earth is our mother? they gave us life and they care for us so soo much. I wouldn't be able to live without my mom

27. the most valuable passage for me and why​


"The good man does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits.His only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs."

For this passage,I realized that is a vital to always be humble at a time.Being humble could mean that a person should be contented of what he has.Instead learn to equal those good qualities that are seen in each person.Because human are created GOD image and likeness.

28. what is the most valuable


diamond hallucation watch

29. "your most valuable resource" explain in tagalog


ang pinaka mahalagang kayamanan po natin ay ang ating mga tubig na nakapalibot sa ating mundo at sa ating komunidad.ito po ay napakahalaga sapagkat tumutulong ito upang mabuhay ang mga tao

30. parent concent claiming PSA Birth Certificate​

ask it first then u claim it

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