My Mother s Views

My Mother s Views

Directions: Determine the sentence(s) whether it is a Stereotype, Point of View orPropaganda. Write them on the appropriate column in the table below.1. Mothers are loving and understanding.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea2. I think my mother is the best mother of all.Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea3. Look at my neigbors, they all have beautiful and caring mothers.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea4. Mothers know best, we should listen to them.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea5. During Mother's Day, surprise them. Buy them a gift and you will never regret.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea6. For me, it is not good to abandon parents even if we will have our own family.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea7. As shown in the statistics, 80.6 percent of Filipino mothers are also working.So, children should help in doing household chores.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea8. Mothers are responsible individuals.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea9. When you talk about a friend, a confidant and a pattern, you must be referringto your mother.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. ideaund10. As what I've heard, mothers in Ozamiz City are the most hard-workingmothers.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea​

Daftar Isi

1. Directions: Determine the sentence(s) whether it is a Stereotype, Point of View orPropaganda. Write them on the appropriate column in the table below.1. Mothers are loving and understanding.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea2. I think my mother is the best mother of all.Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea3. Look at my neigbors, they all have beautiful and caring mothers.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea4. Mothers know best, we should listen to them.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea5. During Mother's Day, surprise them. Buy them a gift and you will never regret.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea6. For me, it is not good to abandon parents even if we will have our own family.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea7. As shown in the statistics, 80.6 percent of Filipino mothers are also working.So, children should help in doing household chores.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea8. Mothers are responsible individuals.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea9. When you talk about a friend, a confidant and a pattern, you must be referringto your mother.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. ideaund10. As what I've heard, mothers in Ozamiz City are the most hard-workingmothers.a. Stereotype b. Point of view c. propaganda d. idea​












E- i hope it helps UvU

2. Directions: Determine the sentence(s) whether it is a Stereotype or Point of View. Write them on the blank before each number. 6. Mothers are loving and understand 7. I think my mother is the best mother of all. 8. Look at my neigbors, they all have beautiful and caring mothers. 9. For me, it is not good to abandon parents even if we will have our own family. 10.Mothers are responsible individuals. 11.When you talk about a friend, a confidant and a patter, you must be referring to your mother. 12.As what I've heard, mothers in Ozamiz City are the most hard- working mothers,​


comic strip scenario about the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES

3. Directions: Determine the sentence(s) whether it is a Stereotype, Point of View orPropaganda. Write them on the appropriate column in the table below.1. Mothers are loving and understanding2. I think my mother is the best mother of all.3. Look at my neigbors, they all have beautiful and caring mothers.4. Mothers know best, we should listen to them.5. During Mother's Day, surprise them. Buy them a gift and you will never regret.6. For me, it is not good to abandon parents even if we will have our own family.7. As shown in the statistics, 80.6 percent of Filipino mothers are also working. So, childrenshould help in doing household chores.8. Mothers are responsible individuals.9. When you talk about a friend, a confidant and a pattern, you must be referring to your mother.10. As what I've heard, mothers in Ozamiz City are the most hard-working mothers.StereotypePoint of ViewPropaganda​

mother and loving and understanding

4. 8:43 N There were nine goddesses called Muses. Born of Zeus and a Titan named Mnem over a different art or science. Calliope, one of these sisters, was the inspiration of pa the mother of Orpheus (a mortal because his father was one) and gave to her son a ren Orpheus [played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth. Men ar when they gathered around him to listen. Wild beasts lay down as if they were tame notes. Even rocks and trees followed him, and the rivers changed their directions to hec Orpheus loved a young woman named Eurydice, and when they were marri many years of happiness together. But soon after, Eurydice stepped on a poisonous snc Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try to overcome his longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to follow her to the underworld. He- has ever been there before, but I must try to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will ch with my music and win Eurydice's release. O: 0.73 KB/S 7 HOC LOW O ... ...| 24% He climbed into a cave and through a dark passage that led to the underwo river Styx, he plucked his lyre and Charon, the ferryman, was so charmed that he struck his lyre again, and Cereberus, the fierce three headed dog who guarded music and lay still to let him pass. Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way through the gla cried when they heard his sad music. Sisyphus, who had been condemned to roll a ro fruitless work to listen. Tantalus, who had been sentenced to stand in a pool of recec quench his thirst. And even the wheel to which Ixion was tied as punishment stopped to At last Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, king and quee they could order him to leave, he began his gentle song, pleading for Eurydice. When stern Hades heard Orpheus's song, he began to weep. Cold Persephone first time in all her months in the underworld, her heart melted. "Oh please, my husband," she said to Hades, "let Eurydice been reunited with O And Hades replied, "I, too, feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot refuse him. They summoned Eurydice, and the two lovers clasped each other and turned to "Wait!" said Hades to Orpheus. "Eurydice is yours to take back to earth on on "What is that?" asked Orpheus. Reference: She must follow you, and you must not look back at her until you are on earth. "I understand," said Orpheus. "And I am forever grateful." Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld and made their way through the upper world. At last they reached the cave through which Orpheus had desce "I can see daylight ahead," called Orpheus to Eurydice. "We are almost heard him, and so she did not answer. Orpheus turned to make sure that she was still following him. He caught o arms stretched out to him. And then she disappeared, swallowed up by darkness. "Farewell," he heard her cry as she was carried back to the underworld Orpheus tried to follow her, but this time the gods would not allow it. A alone. He sang his sad songs to the rocks and the trees and longed for the time wh reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld . Directions: Go back to the story and answer the following questions below. 1). Who are the characters of the story? List each one and describe their roles. 2). What is the story's setting? When and where did the events take place? 3). What was the greatest strength of Orpheus? 4). What was his weakness? 5.) What effect did Orpheus` music have on people and Gods? Cite two examp 6). Describe Orpheus' journey as he travels to the underworld. Who did he meet 7). Why did Orpheus decide to rescue his wife from the underworld? 8.) Describe Hades in the story. Was he being just by imposing such conditions or 9). Why did Orpheus look back to see if Eurydice was following him? What happ 10). What part of the story was the most emotionally exciting and left you wonderi 11). What conflict exists in the story?12). What is the story's point of view? 13). How would you describe the author's tone?14). How did the story make you feel during and after reading it?15). What do you think the story's primary message is?​


you'll just read it


hopes it hepl

5. Directions: Determine the type of context clues used in the sentence. Write D if it is definition, E if example, A if antonym, S if synonym and I if inferring meaning. Write your answer on the space before the number. 1. Filipinos enjoy siesta which is an afternoon nap. 2. Exchanging screen name's is likely trading phone numbers. 3. He is an opportunist, taking benefit of every possible angle. 4. My mother is candid, truthfully sharing her ideas on the subject. 5. The preacher's charisma made him attractive to both young and old. 6. Elizabeth had the perfect trifecta of attributes; power, beauty and money. 7. The stupendous actor caught everyone's attention because he was excellent. 8. Tell me accurately where you were last night and precisely what were you doing? 9. Dialects like Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Ilocano and Tagalog are spoken in the Philippines. 10. The landscape of Lake Holon is a picturesque view, while Smokey Mountain is an unattractive site in the country.pahelp po pls​


answeran mo muna yung sakin

6. A. Read each sentence. Then write on your notebook if it is written from first secondWhat I Can Door third person point of view.Example A I want to play nowAnswer First Person Point of View1. You should tell me the truth2 Mother cooks our food during the lockdown3. I am afraid of the Covid-19 virus4 My big brother John is the person responsible in going out to buy our essential goodsduring the Enhance Community Quarantine (ECA)5 You must practice cleanliness all the time to avoid the Covid-19 virus6. We must be thankful to all our front liners7 You must always wash your hands with soap and clean water to be safe from the virus8 I am saddened to hear the increasing numbers of Filipinos infected with the virus9. We pray as one family for the end of the Covid-19 pandemic10. We are adjusting for the "New Normal" situation that we have todayB. Identify the theme of the passage titled "1972" by Wilma S. Sampoma. Selectpicture you see in the theme.​


just read a book you will understand

7. Directions: Determine the sentence(s) whether it is a Stereotype, Point of View orPropaganda. Write them on the appropriate column in the table below.1. Mothers are loving and understanding2. I think my mother is the best mother of all.3. Look at my neigbors, they all have beautiful and caring mothers.4. Mothers know best, we should listen to them.5. During Mother's Day, surprise them. Buy them a gift and you will never regret.6. For me, it is not good to abandon parents even if we will have our own family.7. As shown in the statistics, 80.6 percent of Filipino mothers are also working. So, childrenshould help in doing household chores.8. Mothers are responsible individuals.9. When you talk about a friend, a confidant and a pattern, you must be referring to your mother.10. As what I've heard, mothers in Ozamiz City are the most hard-working mothers.StereotypePoint of ViewPropaganda​


1. Stereotype

2. Point of view

3. Point of view

4. Propaganda

5. Stereotype

6. Point of view

7. Propaganda

8. Stereotype

9. Point of view?

10.  Propaganda


8. Directions: Determine the type of context clues used in the sentence. Write D if it is definition, E if example, A if antonym, S if synonym and I if inferring meaning. Write your answer on the space before the number. 1. Filipinos enjoy siesta which is an afternoon nap. 2. Exchanging screen name's is likely trading phone numbers. 3. He is an opportunist, taking benefit of every possible angle. 4. My mother is candid, truthfully sharing her ideas on the subject. 5. The preacher's charisma made him attractive to both young and old. 6. Elizabeth had the perfect trifecta of attributes; power, beauty and money. 7. The stupendous actor caught everyone's attention because he was excellent. 8. Tell me accurately where you were last night and precisely what were you doing? 9. Dialects like Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Ilocano and Tagalog are spoken in the Philippines. 10. The landscape of Lake Holon is a picturesque view, while Smokey Mountain is an unattractive site in the help po​


Don't hate me please Hehe

9. 1. Children must eat fruits with vitamin C during this pandemic. Use signal word "My point ofview.2. Filipinos are the happiest people in the world. Use the signal word in my opinion."3. Milk is more nutritious than ready made juices. Use the signal word "think.4. Staying at home in this time of pandemic will help you safe. Use signal word "suggest."S. Many drivers are stopped from operating their jeeps because of the pandemic. Use signalword "advice6. People must plant trees to prevent big floods and landslides. Use signal word "my point ofview.7. Going to beaches and resorts are not allowed during this pandemic. Use signal word "myimpression about it."8. Explain "Reading helps you a lot." Use signal word "suggest."9. Proper exercise and eating fruits and vegetables are excellent weapon to prevent us fromgetting sick. Use signal word "advice.10. We must take care of our Mother Earth. Use signal word "suggest​


1.In My point of view, it helps children have energy and immune to sicknesses.

2. In my opinion, It really depends on the person. They may not have problems and they're really happy people.

3.I think milk is more nutritious however, there are herbal juices that are nutritious too.

4.I suggest that if you feel bored at staying home, try doing your hobbies.

5.I advice that you can hire personal drivers if ever you need someone to accompany you.

6.In my point of view, people cut trees to expand land area.

7.My impression about it is to prevent the spread of the virus obviously.

8.I suggest you to read books to gain more knowledge.

9.I advice you to avoid junk and eat more healthy foods.

10. I suggest that you should plant more trees and throw garbages in the proper bins.

10. Directions: Determine the type of context clues used in the sentence. Write D if it is definition, E if example, A if antonym, S if synonym and I if inferring meaning. Write your answer on the space before the number.1. Filipinos enjoy siesta which is an afternoon nap. 2. Exchanging screen name's is likely trading phone numbers. 3. He is an opportunist, taking benefit of every possible angle. 4. My mother is candid, truthfully sharing her ideas on the subject. 5. The preacher's charisma made him attractive to both young and old. 6. Elizabeth had the perfect trifecta of attributes; power, beauty and money. 7. The stupendous actor caught everyone's attention because he was excellent. 8. Tell me accurately where you were last night and precisely what were you doing? 9. Dialects like Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Ilocano and Tagalog are spoken in the Philippines. 10. The landscape of Lake Holon is a picturesque view, while Smokey Mountain is an unattractive site in the country.​


Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write letter of the correctI. Analyze the musical phrase and identify the encircled musical symbol.

A. eighth rest

B. half rest

C. quarter rest

D. whole rest

11. Directions: Determine the type of context clues used in the sentence. Write D if it is definition, E if example, A if antonym, S if synonym and I if inferring meaning. Write your answer on the space before the number. 1. Filipinos enjoy siesta which is an afternoon nap. 2. Exchanging screen name's is likely trading phone numbers. 3. He is an opportunist, taking benefit of every possible angle. 4. My mother is candid, truthfully sharing her ideas on the subject. 5. The preacher's charisma made him attractive to both young and old. 6. Elizabeth had the perfect trifecta of attributes; power, beauty and money. 7. The stupendous actor caught everyone's attention because he was excellent. 8. Tell me accurately where you were last night and precisely what were you doing? 9. Dialects like Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Ilocano and Tagalog are spoken in the Philippines. 10. The landscape of Lake Holon is a picturesque view, while Smokey Mountain is an unattractive site in the country.pahelp po​













The activists were pessimistic about the new ordinance that they could not find about it. Majority of the Filipinos conform to the new trend or follow what is widely accepted

12. Directions: Determine the type of context clues used in the sentence. Write D if it is definition, E if example, A if antonym, S if synonym and I if inferring meaning. Write your answer on the space before the number. 1. Filipinos enjoy siesta which is an afternoon nap. 2. Exchanging screen name's is likely trading phone numbers. 3. He is an opportunist, taking benefit of every possible angle. 4. My mother is candid, truthfully sharing her ideas on the subject. 5. The preacher's charisma made him attractive to both young and old. 6. Elizabeth had the perfect trifecta of attributes; power, beauty and money. 7. The stupendous actor caught everyone's attention because he was excellent. 8. Tell me accurately where you were last night and precisely what were you doing? 9. Dialects like Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Ilocano and Tagalog are spoken in the Philippines. 10. The landscape of Lake Holon is a picturesque view, while Smokey Mountain is an unattractive site in the help po pls​













sana po makatulong tysm

13. Lesrning Task 1: Read President Manuel L. Quewn's autobiographytaken from his privilege speech delivered in 1933. Then, answer thequestions that follow. Do this in your notebook"I was born a poor man, the son of a school teacherin one of the smallest towns in the Philippines Baler.My father had, besides his salary, atwo-hectarenee and which he cultivated. While I was a boy andduring my early youth, my father saved as much as hecould from his meager salary and from what he couldest from his nice held, only to have a few hundred pesoswith which to wve me an education. During thoseSpanish days, a Pilipino family could live in a smallen on tour pesos a month and a supply of rice. Thus,did my family live for years. When I was at the age ofthe, an aunt of mine started to teach me to read and write. My own fatherand mother, and the priest of the town later gave me my primaryInstruction. At the sy o nine, I was brought by my father to Manila andbeunan my seundary education at San Juan de Letran College. First, I livedin the consent of Ban Prancisco serving as a room-and-mess boy for onePresteering, no salary, czcept board and room. Then, my father movedThe house was located in Paco, too far from the walled City for him whomeans of transportation. Myclasses starred at seven clock in the morning and I had to get up verycarly to reach my casses on ume Ayain, this impaired my health, and themem i remained as an intern until I graduated as A.E. with the highesthonors, in this time, the sains of my father had all been spent on myMudes unless rould work my way through university education. I carneManila and spoke to my Dominican professors, who, by this time, hadwcome very send a me, and told them of my situation. I wanted to be abawyer, but could ner pay for my expenses. They secured a position for meone of the helpers in the University of Santo Tomas with room and boardand free tuntom Thus, I was able to take up the study of law."1.Are you inspired by his journey in the pursuit of his dream?2. What do you think was his purpose in sharing this part of his life to his audience3. How did his story affect your personal views about your studies and your dreans​

Answer:1.i have the inspiration to be able to grow up so that when I grow up I can help my family

2.he says if he can'we can also make the acting life successful or even better'so we will not give up until we have achieved the life we dream of

3.i seem to be thinking about how important education and the dream I want to up to be successful

Explanation:Kapag mali po paki delete nalang.

14. Mother Knows Best By Rosemary S. Villanueva 1) "Francisco, you're playing in the dirt again. You will get germs and get sick! Come inside now. It's time to eat!" 2) I heard my mother call me so I ran back to our house. I sat at the dining table and waited to eat. "Look at you. Your clothes are stained and your hands are dirty. Go wash your hands with water and with disinfecting alcohol after," said my mother. But I was already hungry so I lazily do what she told me. I washed my hands with water and they're already clean. I don't understand why I still have to wash them with disinfecting alcohol after. 29 CO_Q3_English6_Module2 3) While we were eating, we heard the news anchor on the television. "Everyone must keep safe against COVID-19. Always wear a mask, disinfect, and maintain social distancing when in public." "Ma, what's happening?" I turned to my mother and asked her. "There's a virus, Francisco. It can make people really sick. That's why when we go out of our house, we always wear a mask. We should also disinfect our hands with alcohol to fight the invisible virus and maintain a distance from other people when outside," she said. 4) I don't want to get sick, Ma!" I cried to her. "I know. That's why we need to follow these rules and you need to listen to us always, okay?" "Okay," I said. I wiped away my tears. I realized that we should always stay clean and safe because we are surrounded by a lot of invisible germs and virus around us. From now on, I will listen to my mother because I know she knows best.with setting character plot themeview point thank ​

i only know the answer of the character sorry:(

answer:francisco mother

15. ENDUSer in thevriteDirection: Identify the different images/ideas. Write P if it's use for propaganda S forstereotype and PV for point of view. Then let them compare their answer and talk about it.Writeyour answer in the blank.KUTISMAYAMANKAHIT SAN MODATINGNANThe best coffeeFor the best YOU.GlutaMAX1.2.The drink everybody knowsakseGo refreshedCoca Cola"SINGSARAPNG SAMilk TeaShop3.4.NESCAFÉSeed CoffeeThis Mother's DayGet Back ToThe jobThat ReyT FIRALLY FOUNDTHE COFRE TARTGOES WELLWITH MY BUSYSCHEDULE!Mr.NISCATEClean6.5.SURR BADLISAMSUNG S8Catara8.A camera built forevery momentIL STRONG BECAFOR HLAU, MENT7.Let's spreadthe love!7.2%al vol249910.39.​


kahit san mo tiqnan kutis mYaman

mas masarap anq milk tea kesa sa coca cola

16. POWER IN POWERLESSNESS The late former President Cory Aquino and her son Noynoy, at their Times Street residence in February 2006, heatedly debated her resolve to intercede during the Marine standoff at the then Fort Bonifacio. Noynoy, on whose lap fell the responsibility of looking after his mother after his father Ninoy was assassinated, was determined to keep her out of the fray, especially then when she was no longer president. Cory, however, remained obstinate as she unequivocally expressed her determination to proceed to Fort Bonifactio. Noynoy vehemently tried to dissuade her, citing grave danger and the volatility of the situation there. Furthermore, he wamed that those inside Fort Bonifacio were not exactly friendly forces and those outside were no less hostile than those besieged. But Cory stuck to her guns and declared, "Everything is simple. My duty is to avert bloodshed at all cost. Help me." Thus, Cory the ex-Commander-in-Chief prevailed upon Noynoy to escort her to Fort Bonifacio. Thre, the combatants seethed with anger. Calmly, Cory wedged herself between protagonists, pulled out her story, and began to pray. Before long, the simmering confrontation was miraculously defused. Cory Aquino, who fearlessly staked her life to effect peaceful change serenely rested on the power of the Almighty, truly realizing her own powerlessness. 1) Why was Cory insistent on Noynoy's accompanying her to Fort Bonifacio Why was Noynoy opposed to his mother's plea for him to bring her to Fort Bonifacio? 2) What was Cory's reason for intervening in the fray? 3) What kind of "armament" did she use to put her conviction to action? 4) What character trait/s did she reveal in this incident?5) Is the title appropriate for the model paragraph? Explain your answer. 6) What is the setting? 7) Who are the characters? 8) Whose person is characterized? 9) What is the writer's point of view used?​


Cory wanted Noynoy to accompany her to Fort Bonifacio to avert bloodshed. Noynoy was opposed because he believed it was dangerous and volatile.Cory's reason for intervening was to prevent bloodshed at all costs.Cory used prayer as her "armament" to put her conviction to action.Cory revealed fearlessness and determination in this incident.Yes, the title is appropriate as it highlights the power Cory was able to wield despite her apparent powerlessness.The setting is Fort Bonifacio.The characters are Cory Aquino and Noynoy Aquino.Cory Aquino's character is characterized.The model paragraph does not clearly indicate the writer's point of view.

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