People Helping Each Other Drawing

People Helping Each Other Drawing

PLICATION:A.REFLECTION QUESTIONS:1. What should every family have to help them find each other if theyre separated during an evacuation or emergency?2. What should you do if you see a serious injury?3. Which people usually have to evacuate during a hurricane?People in mobile homes or People in possible flood zones (storm surge areas)4.Do you think storm surge was also a problem? Why?B. How to make a Disaster Supply Kit? Draw inside the box below.​

Daftar Isi

1. PLICATION:A.REFLECTION QUESTIONS:1. What should every family have to help them find each other if theyre separated during an evacuation or emergency?2. What should you do if you see a serious injury?3. Which people usually have to evacuate during a hurricane?People in mobile homes or People in possible flood zones (storm surge areas)4.Do you think storm surge was also a problem? Why?B. How to make a Disaster Supply Kit? Draw inside the box below.​


1. Cellphone is the most important thing to find the love one by posting it on social media.

2. Call for help to hospital.

2. A. REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Directions: Answer the given questions correctly. (See attached rubrics here) 1. What should every family have to help them find each other if they are separated during an evacuation or emergency? should you do if you see 3. Which people usually must evacuate during a hurricane? 2. What a serious injury? People in mobile homes or People in possible flood zones (storm surge areas) 4. Do you think storm surge was also a problem? Why? B. How to make a Disaster Supply Kit? Draw inside the box below.​


Cellphone is the most important thing to find the love one by posting it on social media.Call for help to hospital.undergroundbecause storm surge can cause significant flooding and can cause the living of many people if they caught unexpectedly.

3. A. Read the prompts for each part of the tree listed below, while allotting about 5 minutes of drawing time for each part.1. Roots: What (or who) keeps you stable and strong? These can be activities you do in daily life or people important to you.4. Leaves: What are some of the ways that people have given you gifts in your life? This is not about material gifts or things, but rather about kindness and support. Who has2. Trunk: What do you love about yourself? What are the qualities you feel proud of? These can be special talents and character traits such as being a good friend or taking care of others.3. Branches: What are your hopes, dreams, and wishes for the future?helped and supported you, and who have you supported?B. Draw a TREE then accomplish the following:INSTRUCTIONS​

Roots: My dreams help me to become strong and stable. I have higher expectations for the future of my family and for myself. I came to understand that discipline is something that needs to be ingrained in a root system in order to grow deeper over time and resist being easily swept away by life's storms. The most crucial component of a tree is its root, which is also one of its basic components. It will never become a tree if they lack a root. And if your root is solid and steady, the tree will develop into a robust, healthy tree.

Trunk: I appreciate myself for being genuine and for being who I am. When I am dealing with all types of individuals and in various situations, I appreciate having diverse personas. I admire myself for being such a courageous and sincere individual. I admire myself for setting boundaries in all the relationships I am in or for restricting my partnerships. I admire myself for having such talents. Some people have said that I am good at both singing and dancing, which I love to do. I don't care what other people think of me because I adore the things that make me who I am as a person.

Branches: I have many hopes, dreams, and wishes for the future. I hope to have a good life for my family and for myself. I hope that we will never experience financial crisis again like we are experiencing right now. I wish that we could all be together once more to share meals, go to lovely locations, laugh together, and do everything else that a family should do. I dream to become successful to my chosen career and maximize my potentials and knowledge in the field. Lastly, I wish that poor and unfortunate people will find their way to a prosperous and successful life.

Leaves: My only resource for pursuing my life's ambitions is myself. I am the only one who can carry on in life, no matter what the circumstances. Only when times are tough and when I have triumphed in my inner conflicts do I have myself. At the end of the day, I don't think I have anyone.

To learn more, just click the link below:


4. Engagement is an agreement entered between two people in love, a means of knowing each other and their families well, a way to ensure that they are ready and are suited for life-long companionship. It also provides opportunity to develop interpersonal skills useful before and even within marriage. It is the time to understand and explore each other's strengths and weaknesses so they can adjust to one another. Learning Task 1: If you are engaged, which do you prefer, Long Engagement or Short Engagement period? Explain. Write your answer in your activity notebook. Learning Task 2: On a separate sheet of paper, draw, and color your ideal man / woman. Below your drawing, write the characteristics you expect from him/her. Learning Task 3: You already know what you want in terms of the period of engagement and the characteristics of your ideal partner. This time, you will read about marriage and the factors that contribute to a successful marriage. These will help you prepare and plan out your dream family.​


I prefer long engagement

5. What's in Directions. Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Choose your answer from bank below and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Ordinate dimension Protractors Line symbols Technical drawings Radial Dimensions Object or Visible Line Dimension Line Stencil Hidden Line 1. This represent the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with fabrication. 2. It is used in technical drawing are often referred to as Alphabet of Lines. 3. This measures the radius or diameter of arcs and circles with an optional cente mark 4. This measure the perpendicular distances from an origin point called the da hole in a part. 5. This has thick dark line use to show outline of object, visible edges and surfac 6. Thin and dark lines use to show the size (span) of an object with a numeric va minates with arrowheads or tick markings. 7. Short dash lines use to show non-visible surfaces. Usually shows as medium 8. A template for making pictures or texts by just applying it to the printing su it. 9. A tool which helps people to measure, draw straight lines and do other stuff 10. A tool that help humans to measure angles​


a bcdeukrbcirnrnnchenmdhbUnivision gahmm if we can dofinna

6. 2. Here are ways to take some of the danger out of smoking. First of all, choose * cigarette with less tar and nicotine. The difference between branda (including those with filters) can be as much as two to one, even more. See how much you can reduce your tar and nicotine intake by switching. Also, don't smoke your cigarette all the way down. You get the most tar and nicotine from the last few puffs because the tobacco itself acts as a filter. Smoke halfway and you get only about 40 percent of the total tar and nicotine. The last half of the cigarette will give you 60 percent. Another help is to take fewer draws on each cigarette. Just reduce the number of times you puff on each cigarette and you ll cut down on your smoking without really missing it. In addition, you should reduce your inhaling. Remember, you're not standing on a mountain gulping in fresh air; so, dont welcome it with open lungs. Don't inhale as deeply; take short shallow drags. Practice on a big cigar. Finally, you should smoke fewer cigarettes each day. For some people this is easy, but for others it may be the most difficult step of all. Don't think of it as cutting down; think of it as postponing. It's always easier to postpone a cigarette if you know you'll be having one later. Carry your cigarettes in a different pocket; at work, keep them in a desk drawer or a locker any place where you can't reach for one automatically. The trick is to change your habit patterns. ( find the 5 signal words)PLSSS ANSWER IT CORRECTLY!​


hay nako ikaw ata yun kanina

7. D What's In Directions. Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Choose your answer from the word bank below and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.Line symbols Technical drawingsOrdinate dimension Protractors Radial Dimensions Ruler Object or Visible Line Stencil Hidden Line Dimension Line 1. This represent the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with a view to its fabrication. 2. It is used in technical drawing are often referred to as Alphabet of Lines. 3. This measures the radius or diameter of arcs and circles with an optional centerline or center mark. 4. This measure the perpendicular distances from an origin point called the datum, such as a hole in a part. 5. This has thick dark line use to show outline of object, visible edges and surfaces. 6. Thin and dark lines use to show the size (span) of an object with a numeric value. Usually terminates with arrowheads or tick markings. 7. Short dash lines use to show non-visible surfaces. Usually shows as medium thickness. 8. A template for making pictures or texts by just applying it to the printing surface ant coloring it. 9. A tool which helps people to measure, draw straight lines and do other stuff. 10. A tool that help humans to measure angles​

technical drawings



Dimension line

Ordinate dimension

Object or visible line

line symbols

dimension line

Radial dimension



8. Making and Keeping FriendsMaking and keeping friends is fun, but it also takes effort. Some people think that making and keeping friends is natural and requires nothing but hanging out and having fun. True friendships involve sharing parts of your lives with each other, showing that you care about each other’s happiness and supporting each other when times are tough. A lot of friends have things in common so it’s easy to share parts of their life with the other person. For example, if both like drawing or Legos, then they can do that together and share their creations. They can even create together! Sometimes sharing parts of your life is simply telling the other person what is going on in your life and keeping in touch. Showing you care about the other person’s happiness is another important part of being friends. Sometimes people do nice things to put a smile on their friends’ faces. Another common way to make your friends happy is to make them laugh. Sometimes, when they are down, just showing you care is enough to make them feel better. Being there for friends when times really get tough is the hardest part of being friends. Sometimes people don’t know what to do or say when their friends are hurting, so it’s uncomfortable. A hurting friend usually just needs someone to listen, but sometimes it’s nice to help them think about their problem and generate a solution. There are also times when they are down because a friend hurt them and that’s when that friend needs to apologize and ask how to make it better. Having fun with someone is easy, but friendship takes time and effort. You have to take care of your relationship like you would take care of a plant. People need to feel connected to their friends and know that they care. pakisagutan plsss need kona po asap plss po​


Making and Keeping Friends

Making and keeping friends is fun but it also takes effort.

Friends isn't just for hanging out, but true friendship involves sharing each others part of thir lives both pain, happiness, sorrow and hardships.

A lot of friends have many things in common that makes it easier to communicate more and learn each others interests, situations, problems and life stories but it also helps to support each other.

On times of hardships, caring and comforting each other are ways to help a friend. Sometimes when a friend is down or hurt, to make them smile or laugh, brings warmth to the other's heart. Apologies will come and forgiveness will soon follow.

Friends are needed to be valued and cared for because friendship connects each other.




Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3


9. 1 SEE ANSWER roilandg6767 avatar hi Same Ask realynbasas12345 about this question... Answer Expert Verified 4.0/5 243 EngineerSarah Ace 386 answers 123.7K people helped Answer: 1. Submission of Homework beyond the deadline. Thoughts: It's okay, at least I submitted. Feelings: I feel nervous because my teacher might not accept my homework. Beliefs: Submission homework beyond the deadline is better than no submission. Behavior: Inappropriate 2. Playing mobile/ online games during class hours. Thoughts: I will play very quickly just to remove my boredom from the class. I hope the teacher will not see me. Feelings: I am scared that the teacher might see me and confiscate my phone. Beliefs: I know it is not good to play during class hours. I should listen attentively to my teacher Behavior: Inappropriate 3. Reading other materials related to the lessons Thoughts: It will very helpful for me to understand the lessons if I read more materials and books about them. Feelings: I am excited to learn more about new things. I want to pass all the assessments. Beliefs: I know that if I read more materials I will understand the lessons better Behavior: Appropriate 4. Telling the truth even if there will be consequences Thoughts: It is better to be honest than to lie. Feelings: I am nervous and afraid of the consequences, but it is better than hiding the truth and telling lies. Beliefs: Honestly is a good character of a person and I want to be a better person by telling the truth. Behavior: Appropriate 5. Talking to complete strangers and sharing personal information. Thoughts: I think personal information should not be shared with strangers. Feelings: I am nervous that they might use the information I shared with them to harm me. Beliefs: I believe that I should only share my personal information with the people I really trust and only if absolutely needed. Behavior: Inappropriate 6. Engaging in activities that may cause harm. Thoughts: I think that there are some fun activities that will cause harm to you and to other people. Feelings: I am afraid to try activities that cause harm. Beliefs: I can live without doing the activities that will cause my harm. I will not miss out the fun. Behavior: Inappropriate 7. Helping younger siblings in doing household chores Thoughts: Helping siblings in doing household chores is a sign of being responsible. Feelings: It feels great to be able to help other people, especially my siblings. Beliefs: Doing things together makes tasks easier. Behavior: Appropriate 8. Participating in activities that will help me in discovering new skills and abilities Thoughts: I think that these activities will enhance myself and will help me learn new skills. It will be helpful for me as a person. Feelings: I feel excited to learn new skills. Beliefs: It is good to explore new ideas and skills. This will help me grow as a person Behavior: Appropriate 9. Reporting to authorities about bullying activities Thoughts: I think that no one should experience bullying. People deserve s peaceful place or environment. Feelings: I feel nervous as I report bullying activities but I know this act will save a lot of people. Beliefs: I believe that no one is deserving to be bullied. All children should be able to play and study without thinking about their safety. Behavior: Appropriate 10. Communicating with family members about personal experiences Thoughts: It is the right action to speak to family members about personal experiences. Feelings: I am happy that I am able to tell my family members how my day went. Beliefs: Telling our family members how our day went will make our bond stronger. Behavior: Appropriate For more information about good behavior, check this Hope this helps! :) #BRAINLYFAST kason11wd and 343 more users found this answer helpful THANKS 243 4.0 (100 votes) 101 very thank you thank you of a lot <3 thank you malorrainetejada avatar thank you SEE MORE COMMENTS Add comment Still have questions? FIND MORE ANSWERS ASK YOUR QUESTION New questions in Technology and Home Economics pahelp po ako nito ^_^ nonsense= report​​ pahelp po ako nito ^_^ nonsense= report​​ pahelp po ako nito ^_^ nonsense= report​​ ACTIVITY: Direction: Put a check on the number if the statement tells the ste hand spa treatment. 1. Prepare and use necessary tools and supplies/mate… D. WO 5. I was asked to represent our cl poem, analyzed each word, and finally, learned them by heart. What does the underlined phrase mean? A practic… pahelp po ako nito ^_^ nonsense= report​​ Among the 10 basic rules in netiquette, choose at least 2 rules which you think very most important and explain at least 5 sentences each. Mention cle… Directions: Read and understand each statement. Draw a happy face if it is about safe and responsible blogging and draw sad face if it's not. 16. Stri… paki search po plss?​ empowerment technology LOAD MORE Previous Next


napaka Dami Naman Ng pinagawa mo Diba mtatapos to kadami Dami Kong ginagawa tapos kung ano ano pa pinagawa mo

10. . Directions. Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Choose your answer from the given box below and write only the lotter of your answer on the space provided before the number a. Flowchart b. Protractors Object or Visible Line h. Ordinate Dimension c. Ruler Radial Dimensions d. Stencil 1. Line symbols e. Hidden Line k. Technical drawings 1. Dimension Line 1. This represent the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with a view to its fabrication. 2. It is used in technical drawing are often referred to as Alphabet of Lines 3. This measures the radius or diameter of arcs and circles with an optional centerline or centermark -4. This measure the perpendicular distances from an origin point called the datum, such as a hole in a part 5. This has thick dark line use to show outline of object, visible edges and surfaces. 6. Thin and dark lines use to show the size (span) of an object with a numeric value. Usually terminates with arrowheads or tick markings. 7. Short dash lines use to show non-visible surfaces. Usually shows as medium thickness. 8. A template for making pictures or texts by just applying it to the printing surface ant coloring it 9. A tool which helps people to measure, draw straight lines and do other stuff 10. A tool that help humans to measure angles.​


1. K. Technical drawings

2. Line symbols

3. Radial dimensions

4. Ordinate dimension

5. Protractors Object or Visible Line

6. Dimension line

7. Hidden line

8. Stencil

9. Ruler

10. Protractors


Carry on learning

11. Directions:Identify what is/are being asked in each item. Write your answer on the spaces provided before each number. ______1. It is a type of population where it is composed of the entire group of people or objects to which the researchers wishes to generalize the findings of the study. ______2. It describe whether your study is qualitative or quantitative. _____3. It makes use of first person/textual/discursive in nature.______ 4. In this qualitative methods, the researchers immerses him/herself in the target participants environment to understand the goals, culture, challenges, motivation,and themes that emerge. _________5. This method is appropriate when you want to describe an event, activity,or phenomenon. __________6. It weaves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two individual to form a cohesive story. ________7. It is a type of quantitative research which is used to draw conclusion with respect to the cause and effect equation between the two or more than two variable. ________8. This analysis is done for the purpose of proving or for disproving the statement. _______9. It is conducted for establishing a relationship between the two closely associated entities for knowing the impact of one on other and the changes wich eventually observed. ________10. It is a process through which the researchers select a portion or segments from the population at the center of the researchers po thanks sa matinong answer.​




need points

12. Directions: READ CARE FULLY EACH STATEMENT ABOUT THE PREVENTION OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE. DRAW A ☺️ IF THE STATEMENT IS CORRECT AND ☹️ IF IT IS NOT.[STATEMENT]1.Non-communicable disease is not transferable from one person to another. 2.Smoking is the best way to prevent diseases. 3.Cancer, heart diseases and asthma are some diseases caused by smoking. 4.Over 40 million people died every year due to NCDs. 5.Eating healthy diet can help to prevent Diabetes. 6.Headache IS one symptom that can manifested by a non- communicable disease.7.swelling and tenderness of joints are the symptoms of arthritis.8.jogging is the best exercise to prevent heart disease.9.staying away from the people with cancer can prevent you to any NCD.10.heart disease is the leading death among other NCD.HELP PLSSS NEED KOPO NOW!! TYY:>​


1 :)

2 ):

3 ):

4 :) (Hindi ko po sure)

5 :)

6 :)

7 :)

8 :)

9 :(

10  :)


Hope it helps!


1.happy    2.sad    3.happy      4.sad       5.happy   6.happy    7.happy        8.happy     9..happy     10.happy

Explanation:hope it helps po     pa brainlest and follow nadin  godbless u all goodluck!

13. Directions. Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Choose your answer from the given box below and write only the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number. a. Flowchart b. Protractors C. Ruler d. Stencile. Hidden Line f. Dimension Lineg. Object or Visible Lineh. Ordinate Dimension i. Radial Dimensionsj. Line symbolsk. Technical drawings1. This represent the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with a view to its fabrication. 2. It is used in technical drawing are often referred to as Alphabet of Lines. 3. This measures the radius or diameter of arcs and circles with an optional centerline or centermark. 4. This measure the perpendicular distances from an origin point called the datum, such as a hole in a part. 5. This has thick dark line use to show outline of object, visible edges and surfaces. 6. Thin and dark lines use to show the size (span) of an object with a numeric value. Usually terminates with arrowheads or tick markings. 7. Short dash lines use to show non-visible surfaces. Usually shows as medium thickness. 8. A template for making pictures or texts by just applying it to the printing surface ant coloring it. 9. A tool which helps people to measure, draw straight lines and do other stuff. 10. A tool that help humans to measure angles.plsss need kona tlaga ayusin nyu mag answerer ty​

1. This represent the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with a view to its fabrication.

2. It is used in technical drawing are often referred to as Alphabet of Lines.

3. This measures the radius or diameter of arcs and circles with an optional centerline or centermark.

4. This measure the perpendicular distances from an origin point called the datum, such as a hole in a part.

5. This has thick dark line use to show outline of object, visible edges and surfaces.

6. Thin and dark lines use to show the size (span) of an object with a numeric value. Usually terminates with arrowheads or tick markings.

7. Short dash lines use to show non-visible surfaces. Usually shows as medium thickness.

8. A template for making pictures or texts by just applying it to the printing surface ant coloring it.

9. A tool which helps people to measure, draw straight lines and do other stuff.

10. A tool that help humans to measure angles.

14. Making and Keeping Friends Making and keeping friends is fun, but it also takes effort. Some people think that making and keeping friends is natural and requires nothing but hanging out and having fun. True friendships involve sharing parts of your lives with each other, showing that you care about each other’s happiness and supporting each other when times are tough. A lot of friends have things in common so it’s easy to share parts of their life with the other person. For example, if both like drawing or Legos, then they can do that together and share their creations. They can even create together! Sometimes sharing parts of your life is simply telling the other person what is going on in your life and keeping in touch. Showing you care about the other person’s happiness is another important part of being friends. Sometimes people do nice things to put a smile on their friends’ faces. Another common way to make your friends happy is to make them laugh. Sometimes, when they are down, just showing you care is enough to make them feel better. Being there for friends when times really get tough is the hardest part of being friends. Sometimes people don’t know what to do or say when their friends are hurting, so it’s uncomfortable. A hurting friend usually just needs someone to listen, but sometimes it’s nice to help them think about their problem and generate a solution. There are also times when they are down because a friend hurt them and that’s when that friend needs to apologize and ask how to make it better. Having fun with someone is easy, but friendship takes time and effort. You have to take care of your relationship like you would take care of a plant. People need to feel connected to their friends and know that they care. 1. Encircle the big Idea. 2. Draw a rectangle around each of the three MainTopics . HINT: The body paragraphs have a main topic. 3. Underline three details in each of the body paragraphs. ​


maganda ka baya na pa'ngit masyado


dap'at alam mong p'an'git ka

15. Directions: Draw a STAR on the blanks Draw a STAR if the situation is "Protecting and Conserving Our Intertidal Zones and Estuaries and an X mark (X) if it Destroys it. 1. Clean-up drive practices ensuring the cleanliness and development of Intertidal zones and Estuaries in each town should be practiced.2. Planting of mangroves in the different vacant areas near the seashores. 3. People kept on throwing garbage to rivers and seas that caused over pollution in the waters. 4. Attending seminars and trainings for the protection of estuaries and intertidal zones. 5. No to the use of dynamite in fishing.6. Proper disposal of garbage and household chemicals at home. 7. Oil spills from tanker ships polluting the water causing other animals living in the coasts poisoned and die. 8. Planting marsh grasses in marshes.9. People living near the seashore used mangrove as for firewood in cooking their food.10. Wastes of different factories drained into the rivers down to the sea.Plsss Help..Deadline Wednesday.​


1. Star

2. ?

3. X

4. Star

5. Star

6. Star

7. X

8. ?

9. ?

10. X


sorry kung wlang answer sa 2/8/9

16. rections Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Choose your answer from the given box below and write only the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number g h. a. Flowchart b. Protractors c. Ruler d. Stencil Hidden Line Dimension Line Object or Visible Line Ordinate Dimension Radial Dimensions Line symbols Technical drawings 1. k. 1. This represent the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with a view to its fabrication 2. It is used in technical drawing are often referred to as Alphabet of Lines. 3. This measures the radius or diameter of arcs and circles with an optional centerline or centermark. 4. This measure the perpendicular distances from an origin point called the datum, such as a hole in a part 5. This has thick dark line use to show outline of object, visible edges and surfaces. 6. Thin and dark lines use to show the size (span) of an object with a numeric value. Usually terminates with arrowheads or tick markings. 7. Short dash lines use to show non-visible surfaces. Usually shows as medium thickness. 8. A template for making pictures or texts by just applying it to the printing surface ant coloring it. 9. A tool which helps people to measure, draw straight lines and do other stuff. 10. A tool that help humans to measure angles. II. Directions: Matching Type. Match statements from Column A with the symbols from Column B. Write The letter of your answer on the space provided before the number. Column A Column B a. 1. This represents a process. b. 2. This represents input or output. 3. This represents a start or end point. C. d. 4. This indicates a decision. 5. This is a connector that shows relationships between the representative shapes. epasagot po please ​


Converse of Hinge Theorem .Given that two sides of one triangle conruent to two sides of a 8.______triangle .If third side of tye first triangle is 9.___than the third side of the second triangle, then included angle of the first triangle is larger than 10.____angle of the second triangle

17. Directions: Read each text-type carefully. Draw a smiley facetype given is explanation and draw a star⭐ if not.Use asheet of paper.1.Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water caused by the strong winds ina hurricane or a storm. This is over and above the predicted level oftide. Storm surge takes place where winds are blowing on shore Thehighest surge tends to occur where the strongest winds of the hurricaneor storm are. That is why, people are highly alerted or warned of suchoccurrence, especially those living along the coastal areas. Storm surgescan damage property and can claim people's lives.2. Earthworms have long, segmented bodies, covered in microscopic setae,or bristles, which help to anchor and pull the worm via longitudinalmuscle contractions.3. How to make pork curry: heat oil and sauté pork with garlic, onion, porkbroth cube and curry. Add eggplant and red pepper. Pour evaporatedmilk and season chili sauce.4. Water is important. It carries nutrients to all cells in our body andoxygen to our brain. Water allows the body to absorb and assimilateminerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and othersubstances. Water flushes out toxins and waste. Water helps to regulatebody temperature.pls paki sagot kaylangan ko po ngayon​






18. MY HERO IS YOU! UNICEF Story Sarah's mom is her hero because she is the best mom and the best scientist in the world. But even Sara's mom cannot find cure for the coronavirus. “What does COVID-19 look like?- Sarah asked her mom. "COVID-19 or the Corona virus is very tiny, we can't see it," said her mom." But it spreads in the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick and when they touch people or things around them. People who are sick get a fever and cough and can have some trouble in breathing “So, we can't fight it because we can't see it, Sara asked, "We can fight it, Sara's mom answered. The virus affects many kinds of people and everyone can help fight it. Children are special and they can help too. You need to stay safe for all of us. I need you to be my hero." "Heroes have superpowers”. She said to herself closing her eyes to sleep. "I need a way to tell all children in the world how to protect everyone else, Sarah said. "I need something that can fly, something with a big voice and something that can help!" she added. Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of her. What are you? asked Sara "I'm Pedro, a flying Pegasus," it replied. "I never seen a Pegasus before. Sara whispered. “Maybe if I have you, I can tell all the children in the world about Coronavirus," said Sara. "Yes sure. Nothing can harm you when we're together," replied Pedro. Sara jumped on Pedro's back and together they soared out through her bedroom window, into the night sky. They flew towards the stars and said hello to the moon. They talked to different people around the world and told them the things they need to do to avoid spreading of coronavirus. “Wash your hands with soap and water. Instead of shaking hands, we wave to people. We try to stay inside especially for crowded city. People must stop travelling and should closed the boarders across the world. Stay at least one meter apart from each other. Isolate yourself if you are not feeling well. We should not stop taking care of one another. “Sara said. "We can do things for each other," Pedro added. Sarah fell asleep and when she woke up the next day, Pedro was gone. Sara ran to her mom with her drawing to tell her the news. “There are many heroes keeping people safe from the Corona virus, like wonderful doctors and nurses. But you remind me that we can all be heroes every day," Sara's mom said. 1. What is Sara's mom's profession? 2. What causes people to get sick? 3. Who helped Sara to inform the people around the world? 4. As mentioned in the story, what are the ways in preventing the spread of the virus? 5. Who are considered "Hero" in the story? 6. How can you be a "hero" like Sara during this time of pandemic?​


1. What is Sara's mom's profession?

Sara's mom is a Scientist

2. What causes people to get sick?

People got sick because Corona Virus is very tiny, we cannot see it, And it spreads in the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick and when they touch people or things around them. People who are sick get a fever and cough and can have some trouble in breathing.

3. Who helped Sara to inform the people around the world?

4. As mentioned in the story, what are the ways in preventing the spread of the virus?

“Wash your hands with soap and water. Instead of shaking hands, we wave to people. We try to stay inside especially for crowded city. People must stop travelling and should closed the boarders across the world. Stay at least one meter apart from each other. Isolate yourself if you are not feeling well. We should not stop taking care of one another.

5. Who are considered "Hero" in the story?

Everyone of us can be a hero.

6. How can you be a "hero" like Sara during this time of pandemic?

As a student I can tell my neighbors to not forget to wear their face masks, use alcohol always, stay at home and also I can tell my friends and classmates to the same thing with my neighbors so that they will be aware of what may happen to them if they will not follow the rules.#BRAINLYFAST

19. 7 The primary purpose of the household work profession is to enhance human well being and help meet the besta human needs by performing a variety of for an individual or a family Household workers elevate to others above sett interest. They draw on their knowledge, values, and skills to help people in need of doing household services for them. 22 Household workers should under no circumstances engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with clients, whether such contact is consensuat or forced. This refers to with the clients 6 Household workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice. They should aspire to contribute to the knowledge base of the profession. This value refers to Household workers should respect conndential information shared by colleagues in the course of their relationships and work. This refers to Household workers should make reasonable efforts to ensure in the event that services are interrupted by factors such as unavailability, relocation, illness, disability, or death. Household workers should not clients. Sexual harassment includes sexual advances, sexual solicitation, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature Household workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of Individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. They seek to enhance customers capacity and opportunity to address their own needs. This refers to 7 9. Household workers are continually aware of the profession's mission, values, ethical principles, and ethical standards and practice in a manner consistent with them. This refers to 10. Housenoid workers understana that between ana among people is an important vehicle for efficiency. They engage people as partners in the helping process. ​

Ummm...were's the question?

20. The parol of Pampanga is a mix of Filipino and Spanish culture. 1110Spanish introduced us to lanterns and their construction. The Filipinos thenAside from the form and aesthetic, it is the ritual behind the parol thatmade use of indigenous materials and creativity to give it a "folk” touch.Filipinos can draw from. There is a team effort in its correction. Thecommunity comes together to be able to fix the lights. If not, the lights willbe all tangled. A group of people helping each other in order to reach thegoal is a very beautiful thing. It proves that there is a sense of community inthe area.Claim:Type of claim:Explanation on claim choice:​


patulong po plss plss plsss

21. Learning Task 3: Informative Essay: Anchor Paper Directions: Read the essay. The essay has an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs (in bold) and a conclusion paragraph. After reading the essay, follow the directions to identify the parts of an informative essay. Making and Keeping Friends Making and keeping friends is fun, but it also takes effort Some people think that making and keeping friends is natural and requires nothing but hanging out and having fun. True friendships involve sharing parts of your lives with each other, showing that you care about each other's happiness and supporting each other when times are tough. A lot of friends have things in common so it's easy to share parts of their life with the other person. For example, if both like drawing or Legos, then they can do that together and share their creations. They can Per even create together! Sometimes sharing parts of your life is simply telling the other person what is going on in your life and keeping in touch. Showing you care about the other person's happiness is another important part of being friends. Sometimes people do nice things to put a smile on their friends' faces. Another common way to make your friends happy is to make them laugh. Sometimes, when they are down, just showing you care is enough to make them feel better. Being there for friends when times really get tough is the hardest part of being friends. Sometimes people don't know what to do or say when their friends are hurting, so it's uncomfortable. A hurting friend usually just needs someone to listen, but sometimes it's nice to help them think about their problem and generate a solution. There are also times when they are down because a friend hurt them and that's when that friend needs to apologize and ask how to make it better. Having fun with someone is easy, but friendship takes time and effort. You have to take care of your relationship like you would take care of a plant. People need to feel connected to their friends and know that they care PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY I REALLY NEED IT... (T^T) Don't waste my pts


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22. READING COMPREHENSION TEST (10 items) GRADE 9 - ENGLISH Direction: Read each selection carefully then road and answer tho questions that follow Writo the latter of your answer in your answer shoot DO NOT write anything on the questionnaire The Scientific Method ancient times saw that the sun came up from one side of the earth, moved across the sky, and went down on In ancient times people tried to explain the world around them based on what they saw. People in the other side. Based on this observation, they believed that the sum travels around the earth. Going directly from observation to conclusion is called non-scientific thinking Here is an example of non-scientific thinking. Maybe you had a sick stomach, and ate a candy bar. An hour later, you observed that you felt much better. You might conclude that it was the candy bar that made you feel better But there are other possible explanations for the observation. Maybe you had taken some medicine an hour earlier, and it took a while to work. Maybe enough time had passed, and you would have felt better without eating the candy bar. Non-scientific thinking happens all the time. The scientific method is a way of thinking that helps you to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions. It helps you to avoid non-scientific thinking. It reminds you to treat your first conclusion as one of several possible conclusions. It reminds you to gather evidence to support your conclusion. The five steps in the scientific method begin by questioning an observation, and end with a conclusion that is based on evidence Step 1 in the scientific method is to ask a question about your observation, such as, "What makes a sick stomach feel better? Step 2 is to state a possible answer to the question, or a hypothesis, such as, "A candy bar makes a sick stomach feel better." Step 3 is to test the hypothesis. This can be done in many different ways. You could wait until you have a sick stomach again, eat a candy bar, and see what happens. You could ask a lot of people if eating a candy bar had ever made a sick stomach feel better. Figuring out how to test a hypothesis is what makes science challenging. Step 4 is to think about the findings—think about what happened when you tested the hypothesis. Step 5 is to draw a conclusion, and share it with the rest of the world. 1. What is this whole story mostly about? A. Going directly from observation to conclusion is called non-scientific thinking. B. The scientific method is a way of thinking that helps you to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions. C. Non-scientific thinking happens all the time. 2. Which of these is a small piece of information from the story that makes the story more interesting? A. People in ancient times believed that the sun travels around the earth. B. People in ancient times knew that the earth was round. C. People in ancient times didn't try to explain the world around them. 3. Which of these is a small piece of information from the story that makes the story more interesting? A. In the example, observation proved that eating a candy bar made a sick stomach feel better. B. In the example, there could be several reasons your sick stomach felt better after you ate a candy. C. In the example, there is only one explanation for why a sick stomach would feel better after you ate a candy bar. 4. Which of these is a small piece of information from the story that makes the story more interesting? A. In the example, you could test your hypothesis by not eating a candy bar the next time you have a sick stomach. B. In the example, you could test your hypothesis by eating a different kind of candy bar the next time you have a sick stomach. C. In the example, you could test your hypothesis by eating a candy bar the next time you have a sick stomach 5. What does non-scientific thinking means? A. Going directly from observation to conclusion B. Going indirectly from conclusion to evalutation C. going into conclusion and evaluation 6. The scientific method is an​


The tangible things and intangible services that the business firm offers for sale to prospective customers are called

23. Directions: Study the following sentences. Then fill each blank with proper persuasive sentence starter. Help Make History Sometimes at recess, I stand by the mural wall. I like the people painted there. One girl is my favorite because my mom painted her 20 years ago. The paint is fading and flaking off this mural, so it is going and is new mural a contest, be having to Jones replaced Elementary every student should get involved. The first reason kids should help out is students will decide what kind of that the mural represents Jones Elementary. picture they want. Then they can draw pictures and enter them in the contest. The artist hired by the kids school will choose pictures that tell the city something about us. need to help because the new mural is going to take a lot of work. The artist can't do it all alone. She needs a whole crew of kids to help paint the new mural. Some kids can help after school. Other kids mural helps, the will If done get quickly. help can Saturdays. on everyone the most important reason to get involved is that this mural is going to be around for 20 years. when we are grown up, we will want to point to the wall and tell which parts we painted. As Mom says, "The mural is part of our history and part of our future." The mural wall is important to everybody at Jones Elementary, so everybody should enter the mural contest. Start dreaming of a new mural, draw your best ideas, and send them in. Then get ready to put on a painting shirt and help make history!​


I hope this helps, HAPPY LEARNING!

24. Complete the sentence in each item by encircling the correct modal1. As law-abiding citizens of our country, we (may, must, will) obey the rules andregulations set by the government.2. During this time of pandemic, the Philippine government set different rules andregulations that we (may, must, will) follow.3. Our obedience to the said rules (might, should, will) help in the prevention of the spreadof the disease.4. Region 02 is one of the areas put under the General Community Quarantine. Under this,50- 100% of selected establishments (may, must, will) open subject to the healthstandards.5. However, if you are living with your family and one of the members is pregnant, elderaged 60 years old and above and younger siblings aged 20 and below, they (may, might,will) not be allowed to go out because they are more prone to acquire the diseaseaccording to the health experts.6. Only one person, aging 20-59 years old (may, must, will) go out and buy their basicnecessities. Wearing face masks and observing social distancing (may, must, should)be observed when going out.7. As a student and a citizen of our country, you (can, may, will) spread awareness to otherpeople about how we can solve the problem that we are facing.8. Writing a reminder post, sharing truthful information and educating yourself in orderfor you to educate also others like the immediate members of your family (may, must,will) be a great help in the fight against this pandemic.9. Aside from these, you (can, might, should) share an inspirational quote, poem or song,make an inspirational video, draw appreciation images or utter a sincere prayer to Godcan help and inspire others to remain strong and have a positive mindset.10. Remember, Dr. Jose Rizal believed that learners like you are the hope of this country.Simple and small acts and words from you (can, might, will) make a difference.​












25. 10. Which refers to scientific procedere undertaken by scientists to test a hypothesis andtion13C. drawing a conclusionD forming a hypothesismake a discoveryA TheoryC ConclusionA experimentingC. making a hypothesisor demonstrate a known fact?B. Inference11. When a scientist shares her findings with other scientists, she isB. analyzing dataD. communicating results12. In which step of the scientific method do we want to use graphs?A. Analyze dataB. Asking questionsC. Make hypothesisD. Communicate results13. Why is the Scientific Method an important process in doing experiments?A It takes more work but it's worth it.B. It helps the experiment to take longer and be better.C. It ensures that the results can be trusted and repeated.D. It ensures that the people doing the experiments are scientific14. What is the purpose of doing multiple trials in an experiment?A. To get as much data as possible.B. To make sure the procedure is done correctly every time.C Eliminate observations that are not typical and reduce errors.D. To double-check the results so they are the same each time15 A series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions.A. ExperimentB. HypothesisC ObservationD. Scientific methodhome say about your unswer in your activity? Do you have the right ideas on the d​




its state all the procedure

26. Activity 1. Fin in the table with at least one advantage and dieadvantage of media and Infomation Interacy on each category: Category Advantage Disadvantage Individual Education Politics Economy Society Activity 2. Modified True or False. White True if the statement is correct. If it is false, write the corect concept on the blank to make the statement true. 1. If you want to talk with your mom abroad through a video call, you can use Skype 2. You can check the website of Shopee if you want to shop online and see items on sale 3. You can establish comections with the other professionals in your field through LinkedIn 4. You can watch documentaries about Philippine History on Probinsyano teleserye. 5. If you want to know the current events happening around the world, you can watch CNN Activity 3. Situational Analysis. Draw a happy face if the statement conveys a positive attitude and draw a sad face if othenvise , 1. Pamela created a fundraising campaign on her social media account to help the earthquake victims 2. Paul used the information he accessed from the archives to blackmail and extort money from people 3. Tony uploaded a pirated copy of the newly released movie so that the public can access it​


Activity 1. Fill in the table with at least one advantage and disadvantage of media and Infomation Interacy on each category: Category Advantage Disadvantage

1.  Individual  

Advantage: Helps connect with other people

Disadvantage: Can sometimes be addictive

2. Education  

Advantage: additional resources

Disadvantage: copy and paste syndrome

3. Politics  

Advantage: Helps connect with other people

Disadvantage: lots of fake news

4. Economy  

Advantage: Source of jobs

Disadvantage: Can be scam

5. Society  

Advantage: Helps connect with other people

Disadvantage: too dependent on technology

Activity 2. Modified True or False. White True if the statement is correct. If it is false, write the correct concept on the blank to make the statement true.  

TRUE 1. If you want to talk with your mom abroad through a video call, you can use Skype  

TRUE 2. You can check the website of Shopee if you want to shop online and see items on sale  

TRUE 3. You can establish connections with the other professionals in your field through LinkedIn  

YOUTUBE 4. You can watch documentaries about Philippine History on Probinsyano teleserye.  

TRUE 5. If you want to know the current events happening around the world, you can watch CNN  

Activity 3. Situational Analysis. Draw a happy face if the statement conveys a positive attitude and draw a sad face if otherwise.

HAPPY 1. Pamela created a fundraising campaign on her social media account to help the earthquake victims  

SAD 2. Paul used the information he accessed from the archives to blackmail and extort money from people  

SAD 3. Tony uploaded a pirated copy of the newly released movie so that the public can access it


What is information literacy​


27. EvaluationDirection: An astronomer wants to explore the moon. Accidentally, there is a black hole thatcomes on his way and crushed into other solar system. While exploring, he noticed that therewere seven (7) planets. Each of them has unique profiles that can help to discover a new planetwere people can also live. If you were that astronomer, what planet will you choose? What arethe reasons why did you choose that planet. Draw your chosen planet in a whole sheet of papertogether with your brief explanation.​

(draw a planet that has water and land on its surface just like earth)

28. 1. It is your home in cyberspace. 2. It is the first page visitors will see. 3. All in all each page of your site should load in _____ or less. 4. People visit websites for the _____ and not the ornamentation. 5. It is the language used to instruct browsers how to handle text and other components for display. 6. It is a program that runs inside another application such as a browser. 7. You may check the availability of a name through the website of a Philippine-based domain registrar at _____ . 8. It is short for picture element. 9. It refers to the number of pixels that your monitor can display. 10.It is recommended that web graphics should be at the most _____ pixels in width. 11.The most common screen resolution is _____. 12.It is also recommended to use the _____ resolution setting in graphic applications. 13.It makes the image appear smoother by improving the blocky patterns seen around a drawing or image. 14.It is best for images with fewer colors such as graphics, charts, or text. 15.It uses the lossy compression technique which means that unnecessary data is removed from the original during the compression process. 16.It is a graphic application which is part of the Windows operating system. 17. It refers to a set of requirements and conditions that should be met. 18.It is a visual representation of a site’s structure showing the different pages that make up the site. 19.It gives information on the history and purpose of a web project and serves as a repository of rules and guidelines that should be followed. 20.It directs the team into one direction and helps them keep in mind how the site should work. 21.Defines the people who will use the site. 22.It refers to the overall title of the website. 23.This refers to how texts, graphics, and images are organized in each page. 24.This indicates the intention of creating the site 25.This format is used if you want to show that pages should be visited sequentially.






















































































































































































































29. Directions: Complete the sentence in each item by choosing the correct modal Write the correctanswer before each number1. As law-abiding citizens of our country, we (may, must, will) obey the rules and regulationsset by the government.2. During this time of pandemic, the Philippine government set different rules and regulationsthat we (may, must, will) follow.3.Our obedience to the said rules (might, should, will) help in the prevention of the spread ofthe disease.4. Region 02 is one of the areas put under the General Community Quarantine. Under this, 50-100% of selected establishments (may, must, will) open subject to the health standards5. However, if you are living with your family and one of the members is pregnant, elder aged60 years old and above and younger siblings aged 20 and below, they (may, might, will) not beallowed to go out because they are more prone to acquire the disease according to the healthexperts6. Only one person, aging 20-59 years old (may, must, will) go out and buy their basienecessities. Wearing face masks and observing social distancing (may, must, should) be observedwhen going out7. As a student and a citizen of our country, you (can, may, will) spread awareness to otherpeople about how we can solve the problem that we are facing8. Writing a reminder post, sharing truthful information and educating yourself in order for youto educate also others like the immediate members of your family (may, must, will) be a greathelp in the fight against this pandemie9. Aside from these, you (can, might, should) share an inspirational quote, poem or song,make an inspirational video, draw appreciation images or utter a sincere prayer to God can helpand inspire others to remain strong and have a positive mindset10. Remember, Dr. Jose Rizal believed that learners like you are the hope of this countrySimple and small acts and words from you (can, might, will) make a difference​



usage of :

May - Possibility & Permission

Must - Obligation & Logical Deduction

Will - Future tense auxiliary & Invitations/offers  













30. The parol of Pampanga is a mix of Filipino and Spanish culture. The Spanish introduced us to lanterns and their construction. The Filipinos then made use of indigenous materials and creativity to give it a "folk' touch. Aside from the form and aesthetic, it is the ritual behind the parol that Filipinos can draw from. There is a team effort in its correction. The community comes together to be able to fix the lights. If not, the lights will be all tangled. A group of people helping each other in order to reach the goal is a very beautiful thing I proves that there is a sense of community in the area. I think in many places around the Philippines especially in Manila. there has been a loss of the sense of community with the rise of capitalism and profit oriented mindset, it has become every man for himsell. The sense of community needs to be restored in Filipino culture. Helping one another and the realization that we as Filipinos are all connected is important for national progress and the improvement of the quality of life. I do not mean the kind of quality of life that comes out every year that ranks the best quality of life among countries. I mean the kind of quality of life where we can trust our neighbors. Like in Bataan, there is a store with no tindera just a cash box to drop the cash in. Take what you want and drop the amount into the box. The case that comes to mind when the door is unlocked but it is ſine because the neighborhood is safe. The ſecling of being able to depend on the people around you and your community when you need help- all these come from a sense of community This is not something new to our culture. Questions: 1. What is the context of the text? What details give-support to it? 2. If you were to place hyperlink to the text, which words will you consider? How will they contribute to the understanding of the text?​


do ko po alam sorry po need points lang para sa kapatid ko po I'm so so so sorry po

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