People s Organization Example

People s Organization Example

15. Melissa realized that God really exists and God is always there for her and so she organized activitiesto help other people in needspecially those victims ofcalamities. What effect doesreligion have on Melissa? This is an example effect/s of religion that is_____.A. adverseB. negativeC. positiveD. undesirable​

Daftar Isi

1. 15. Melissa realized that God really exists and God is always there for her and so she organized activitiesto help other people in needspecially those victims ofcalamities. What effect doesreligion have on Melissa? This is an example effect/s of religion that is_____.A. adverseB. negativeC. positiveD. undesirable​


c. positive


she knew already what God's will so that she help others to give back what she receive from God

2. Task No. 2 Cause and Effect:Direction/s: Write the effects of the causes found in the graphic organizerEffect:Cause: People live in a cleanAnd safe physicalenvironmentEffect:Cause: Understanding of localHealth and environmentalIssues and participates inIdentifying local solutions toLocal problemsngTot idEffect:Cause: Teachers and adultsgive good examples ofkindness and respect4​


1. they will have a better community with fresh airs, clean waters and peaceful surroundings.

2. their lives wont be at suffers and struggles because of understanding and putting them first.

3. their community will be more nice and careful by their children and teachings to them because we all know that the childrens are the hope to freedom.

i hope it helps

3. Direction: Write T if the statement is true and if it is false, change the underlined word/s with the correct word/s to make the statement true._____ 1. Internal business environment are forces/factors within the organization which may affect, either positively or negatively, the performance of the organization._____ 2. Business prediction is defined as the process of measuring or comparing one’s own products, services, and practices with those of the recognized industry leaders in order to identify areas for improvement._____ 3. Sociocultural situations affect management practices in organizations. Inflation, rates of interest, changing options into stock markets and people’s spending habits are some examples of factors/elements of economic situations._____ 4. Strengths and weaknesses are part of the company’s external environment._____ 5. Environmental scanning is the actual monitoring and evaluation of information from the external and internal environments.​








sana makatulong

4. Let's check what you already know with the lesson. Identify whether the text given is an example of classification, explanation, enumeration, or recount. Mammals Have hair or fur . Warm- blooded .Have a more complex brain than other animals What I Know • Birds • All birds ● have wings, although not all birds All birds have beaks Have feathers and all birds lay eggs Reptiles • Their bodies are completely covered with scales • They are cold-blooded All species of reptiles have at least one lung Amphibians What is the text about? What does the text present? • Their skin i s smooth and slimy • Breath through their skin, as well as their lungs in some • What type of text is this? Carnivores Fish • Swim bladders•water habitat•cold-blooded•What is the text about?• What does the text present? •What type of text is this? 2. Do you want to know what causes tsunami? Let's look at how the sentences are organized in order to explain what causes, tsunami. • Water habitat ● Cold- blooded WHAT IS A TSUNAMI? A tsunami is a fast-moving giant wave traveling towards a coastline which can destroy structures and objects along its way. It sometimes happens during a very strong earthquake located out in the sea. Depending on its size, the height of a tsunami may be as tall as an average person or as high as an electric post. No one really knows how big it can grow. A tsunami may also take place during powerful storms such as super typhoons. As strong storms approach, they may push waves to form a tsunami. Because of the destructive power of a tsunami, people must be alert and ready for them. (Ignacio n.d.)•what is the text about?______________•what does the text present?__________•what type of text is this?_____________​

• What is the text about? - The text is about the characteristics of different types of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, carnivores, and fish.
• What does the text present? - The text presents a classification of animals based on their physical characteristics and biological traits.
• What type of text is this? - The text is an example of enumeration.

• What is the text about? - The text is about what causes a tsunami.
• What does the text present? - The text presents an explanation of the nature and causes of tsunamis, including their relation to earthquakes and powerful storms.
• What type of text is this? - The text is an example of explanation.

1. D.

(Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations are included in Chapter 5)

2. C.

(Table of contents is much correct than List of Tables/ Figures)

3. D.

( letter D. Describes chapter 3 methodology)

4. B.

(It's obvious na)

5. A.

(Significance of the study focuses on how your research will help/contribute to others)

6. B.

(It should be from first to last word)

7. C.

(you don't need to memorize everything)

8. D.

9. A.

10. A



6. What is a supporting detail sentence?*1 pointReasons, examples, and other details that support the main point of the paragraph.A way to conclude the paragraph so the reader knows what the paragraph was about.A series of paragraphs about one main idea, or pointSignal words that help organize a paragraph, using time order or listing order.Which of these answers uses the linking phrase 'even though' correctly?*1 pointEven though the media portrays teens as materialistic.The media portrays teens as materialistic even though this is not true in reality.Teens are materialistic even though the media says they are.The media portrays teens as materialistic even though this is true.These are human-interest pieces that generally focus on people, places, and things*1 pointEditorial columnNews storyBlog postFeature storiesWhat are transitions?*1 pointSignal words that help organize a paragraph, using time order or listing order.The sentences that express the main point, or idea, of a paragraphA series of sentences about one main idea, or point.Reasons, examples, and other details that support the main point of the paragraph.What is the purpose of a feature article?*1 pointto inform, entertain and persuadeto complainto tell a storyto actWhat is an essay?*1 pointAn excellent way to get a lot of information down on paper.The final stage in the writing process.The sentence that expresses the main point, or idea, of a paragraph.Option 4series of paragraphs about one main idea, or point.Which of these is the correct definition of a 'Run on sentence'.*1 pointA sentence which is too long.A sentence about runningA motivating sentence, originating from the phrase 'keep on running!'A sentence which is too short.What is a commentary sentence?*1 pointA way to conclude the paragraph so the reader knows what the paragraph was about.The sentence that expresses the main point, or idea, of a paragraph.Reasons, examples, and other details to support the main point of the paragraph.Sentence(s) that provide the writer’s analysis, or elaboration, on the supporting detail sentence.Which of these is the correct definition of a 'Run on sentence'.*1 pointA sentence which is too long.A sentence about runningA motivating sentence, originating from the phrase 'keep on running!'A sentence which is too short.What is an essay?*1 pointAn excellent way to get a lot of information down on paper.The final stage in the writing process.The sentence that expresses the main point, or idea, of a paragraph.Option 4series of paragraphs about one main idea, or pointWhat is the purpose of a feature article?*1 pointto inform, entertain and persuadeto complainto tell a storyto actWhat is a supporting detail sentence?*1 pointReasons, examples, and other details that support the main point of the paragraph.A way to conclude the paragraph so the reader knows what the paragraph was about.A series of paragraphs about one main idea, or pointSignal words that help organize a paragraph, using time order or listing orderWhich of these answers uses the linking phrase 'even though' correctly?*1 pointEven though the media portrays teens as materialistic.The media portrays teens as materialistic even though this is not true in reality.Teens are materialistic even though the media says they are.The media portrays teens as materialistic even though this is true.Which of the following is NOT one of the attributes of feature stories?*1 pointThey are written to a single formula.They usually are less timely than straight news stories.They amuse, entertain, inspire and stimulate readers.They use novelistic elements to dramatize a story’s themeThe body of a feature story must be constructed so that*1 pointthe information is arranged in descending order of newsworthiness.the information is arranged in ascending order of newsworthiness.the facts fit together smoothly and logically.every conceivable detail is included.pahelp po plsss​


paragraph will also imply section.

Sections of an Expository Essay

An expository essay, regardless of its purpose, should have at least five sections, which are:


First body section/paragraph

Second body section/paragraph

Third body section/paragraph


The introduction should state the topic of your paper: your thesis statement as well as brief signposts of what information the rest of the paper will include. That is, you only want to mention the content of the body paragraphs; you do not want to go in to a lot of detail and repeat what will be in the rest of the essay.

The first body section or paragraph should focus on one of your main points and provide evidence to support that point. There should be two to three supporting points: reasons, facts, statistics, quotations, examples, or a mix of these. Both the second and third body sections should follow the same pattern. Providing three body sections with one point each that supports the thesis should provide the reader with enough detail to be convinced of your argument or fully understand the concept you are explaining. However, remember that some sections will require more explanation, and you may need to separate this information into multiple paragraphs.

You can order your sections in the most logical way to explain your ideas. For example, if you are describing a process, you may use chronological order to show the definite time order in which the steps need to happen. You will learn about the different ways to organize your body paragraphs in the next chapter.

The concluding paragraph, or conclusion, can be a little tricky to compose because you need to make sure you give a concise summary of the body paragraphs, but you must be careful not to simply repeat what you have already written. Look back at the main idea of each section/paragraph, and try to summarize the point using words different from those you have already used. Do not include any new points in your concluding paragraph.

Consider Your Audience: How Much Do They Know?

Later in this chapter, you will work on determining and adapting to your audience when writing, but with an expository essay, since you are defining or informing your audience on a certain topic, you need to evaluate how much your audience knows about that topic (aside from having general common knowledge). You want to make sure you are giving thorough, comprehensive, and clear explanations on the topic. Never assume the reader knows everything about your topic (even if it is covered in the reader’s field of study). For example, even though some of your instructors may teach criminology, they may have specialized in different areas from the one about which you are writing; they most likely have a strong understanding of the concepts but may not recall all the small details on the topic. If your instructor specialized in crime mapping and data analysis for example, he or she may not have a strong recollection of specific criminological theories related to other areas of study. Providing enough background information without being too detailed is a fine balance, but you always want to ensure you have no gaps in the information, so your reader will not have to guess your intention. Again, we will practise this more in


hope it's help



7. II. Identifying Types of Paragraph. Write N H the paragraph is Narrative, E if it is Expository, Ex If it isExplanatory, and if it is Parsuasive.1. Within a year however, he had tounded a charitable organization called the Christopher ReeveFoundation in order to raise money for research on spinal cord injuries and made it his mission to find a wayfor all victims of these devastating injuries to walk again2. After many months of grueling physical therapy, he learned how to function in this new altered stateThe emotional toll was greut as he and his family struggled with the changes this accident brought into theirlives3."I'm too old' or ''s too late to change' are nothing but smiting belietus". Like any other beliefs, they're fullyunder your control and are totally replaceable in the end, you're the one who truly runs the show, as much asyou're taught to believe the opposite When it comes to making changes in your life, you have the ultimate sayIf you end up doing what others think you should, it's only because on some level you've made the decision tobelieve that their ideas are more worthy than your own( wih-examples-pdf)-4. It was July 21, 1969, and Neil Armstrong awoke with a start. It was the day he would become the firsthuman being to over walk on the moon. The joumoy had begun several days earlier, when on July 16th, theApollo 11 launched from Earth headed into outer space. On board with Neil Armstrong were Michael Collinsand Buzz Aldrin. The crew landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility a day before the actual walk UponNeil's first step onto the moon's surface, he declared. That's overall step for man, one giant leap formankind." It sure was!_5.People often install a kitty door, only to discover that they have a problem. The problem is their cat willnot use the kitty door. There are several common reasons why cats won't use kitty doors. First, they may notunderstand how a kitty door works. They may not understand that it is a little doorway just for them. Second,many kitty doors are dark, and cats cannot see to the other side. As such, they can't be sure of what is on theother side of the door, so they won't take the risk One laat reason cats won't use kitty doors is because somecats don't like the feeling of pushing through the door and having the door drag across their back. But don'tworry-there is a solution for this kitty-door problem(https://patternbasechutting complementary writing success paragraph examples6. Going on amusement park rides is one of the safest forms of recreation According to the InternationalAssociation of Amusement Park Attractions, you are more likely to be injured when you play sports, ride ahorse, or even dde a bicycle Stohistics show the occurrence of death to be approximately one in 250 millionriders. This group's statistics are supported by those of the National Consumer Product Safety Commission Itestimates that more than 270 million people visit amusement parks each year, and that 7,000 people out ofthose 270 million go to emergency rooms for injuries they receive on amusement park rides-that's only0.00259 percent of Aders Amusement Park Physics, Learner on Line Website7. Your knuckles are white, your palms are drenched, and it feels like your dentist has just switched on thedni. Worse at, as the click of the chain pulls the train skyward, you glance back the gum-chewing guy whostrapped you in and wonder what possessed you to put your life in the hands of a kid you wouldn't trust to wrapyour sandwich That's when you realize This is all a big mistake. Only now you're at the top, staring into the air.​


1). Ex

2). NH

3). NH

4). NH

5). E

6). Persuasive

7). E


Hope this helps :)

8. What I Can Do A. Write S if the sentence is simple or C if it is compound on the blank. ____________1. Pedro wants a laptop of his own. ____________2. Pedro organized his ideas; he had intent on writing them. ____________3. Pedro felt that days were too short. ____________4. Pedro kept his grades up and he wrote articles for the school paper. ____________5. Pedro worked at his desk every evening and he finalized his articles. B. Combine the following independent clauses to form compound sentences by using the correct conjunction. Example: Sheila is tired. She is happy. (but, and, or) Sheila is tired but she is happy. 1. The teacher asked Farrah a question. She failed to answer it correctly. (and, but, for) _________________________________________________________________. 2. Chris distributed the handbook. He explained the contents to the people. (and, but, for) _________________________________________________________________. 3. Boyet talks politely. The teachers like it. (and, but, for) _________________________________________________________________. 4. You have to study hard. You will get passing grades. (so, yet, or) _________________________________________________________________. 5. I cannot tell you now. I will explain the matter later. (and, but, so) _________________________________________________________________.


What I Can Do

A. Write S if the sentence is simple or C if it is compound on the blank.

S 1. Pedro wants a laptop of his own.

C 2. Pedro organized his ideas; he had intent on writing them.

S 3. Pedro felt that days were too short.

C 4. Pedro kept his grades up and he wrote articles for the school paper.

S 5. Pedro worked at his desk every evening and he finalized his articles.

B. Combine the following independent clauses to form compound sentences by using the correct conjunction.


Sheila is tired. She is happy. (but, and, or) Sheila is tired but she is happy.

1. The teacher asked Farrah a question. She failed to answer it correctly.

(and, but, for)

The teacher asked Farrah a question but she failed to answer it correctly. 2. Chris distributed the handbook. He explained the contents to the people. (and, but, for)

Chris distributed the handbook and he explained the contents to the people.

3. Boyet talks politely. The teachers like it. (and, but, for)

Boyet talks politely and the teachers like it.

4. You have to study hard. You will get passing grades. (so, yet, or)

You have to study hard so you will get passing grades.

5. I cannot tell you now. I will explain the matter later. (and, but, so)

I cannot tell you now but I will explain the matter later.


A. Write S if the sentence is simple or C if it is compound on the blank.

1. There is no conjunction or connector.

2. Colon is a separator of a clauses.

3. There is no conjunction or connector.

4. And is properly use as a conjunction.

5. The way of the use of and is not separating two clauses.

B. Combine the following independent clauses to form compound sentences by using the correct conjunction.

1. But is used to connect two statements that contrast or contradict each other in some way.

2. And is used to join two or more clauses of equal importance or rank.

3. And is used to join two or more clauses of equal importance or rank.

4. We use so in order to avoid repeating a verb, especially in short responses with pronoun subjects.

5. But is used to connect two statements that contrast or contradict each other in some way.

9. Write "True" if the statement is correct. If the statement is false change the underlined word/s to make the statement true. 1. Celestial zone is the location of Earth in the Solar system where water remains liquid 2. With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life. 3. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen and other gases 4. Last January 12, 2020, Taal volcano erupted affecting more than 736, 000 people in CALABARZON. This phenomenon shows the interaction between Geosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere. 5. Magma that cools slowly will formed an igneous rock with small crystals. 6. Minerals are naturally occurring, solid, organic, with definite crystalline structure and chemical composition 7. Marites is walking along the seashore and noticed a beautiful shell: she took it home and told her brother Louie that a shell is a beautiful mineral. 8. Sarawat accidentally throw the sunflower seeds inside the rock cracks where there is soil collected. After few days the sunflower grows, this incident is an example of physical weathering​










Explanation:Write "True" if the statement is correct. If the statement is false change the underlined word/s to make the statement true.

1. Celestial zone is the location of Earth in the Solar system where water remains liquid

2. With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life. 3. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen and other gases

4. Last January 12, 2020, Taal volcano erupted affecting more than 736, 000 people in CALABARZON. This phenomenon shows the interaction between Geosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.

5. Magma that cools slowly will formed an igneous rock with small crystals. 6. Minerals are naturally occurring, solid, organic, with definite crystalline structure and chemical composition

7. Marites is walking along the seashore and noticed a beautiful shell: she took it home and told her brother Louie that a shell is a beautiful mineral.

8. Sarawat accidentally throw the sunflower seeds insid

10. Chose the letter of correct answer 1.whay does research try to solve for man?'s major needs and problem's major wants and luxuries C.mans major physical problemsD.mans major societal is defined as the systematic investigation research investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical or computatative techniques A.Guantative research b.quantitative research c.reseach works D.survey 3. What characteristics of quantitative research makes it a more valid study as it presents it's data in the form of numbers and statistical organized in charts tables,and the like?A.future outcomes B.large sample sizes C.numerical data D.replication 4.which of the following is NOT a characteristics for a research? has a low degree of uses statistical summation/tool in uses a large number of people as sample size are measured through survey or secondary Data 5.fidel found out on his research that students who have more absent get poorer grades what type of research are they going to employ A.action researchB.applied research C.correlational research D.explanatory research and harthy wanted to examine the effect of three different antihypertensive drugs on patients with hypertension.what type of research are they going to employ?A.action researchb.applied researchC.correlational research D.explanatory research something that can take on different values or changes values for different subject in a given research?A.background of the study B.significance of the study C.statistical treatmentD.variable8.which of the following may not be included in the variables for this research street affect mental state of human being?A.age B.height C.mental state D.variable 9.A continuos variable that has an infinite number of possible values because it's change is constant . which of the following is an example of a continuous Variable?A.25 years old B.blood type AC.male D.highly satisfied10.a study was conducted in San Francisco tourism sector and a similar study was also conducted in poro's tourism sector using the same mixed method approach to collect data employing Different variable and respondents of the study what characteristics of research study is shown?A .future outcomes B.large sample size sC.numerical data D.replication Write TRUE or Yes on the line if you think a statement is correct and No if otherwise.___11.quantitative research using statistical method starts with the collection of data.based on the hypothesis is theory ___12.The results of the quantitative research are based on large sample sizes that are resprentative of the population.___13 quantitative research deals with the data that are numerical or that can be converted into numbers ___14.the data in a quantitative research are usually gathered using structure research instruments.__15.the research study in a quantitative research can usually be replicated, repeated ,given it's high reliability​



15. TRUE

Mark me as brainliest

11. A. Sequence B. Problem Solution C. Description D. Compare and Contrast V 1. When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut bu bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the brea on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while "Cops" on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate. 2. All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter's ider changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is to changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are perman they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter. 3. Dr. Miller doesn't want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are dis alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower th the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something 4. Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone' cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the s Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone's screen. Smoot trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protectic 5. Coral snakes are distinguished by their red, yellow/white and black c species are small in size. North American species average around 3 feet in length 5 feet or slightly larger have been reported. Read the text carefully. Then complete the graphic organizer by writing the texto Life Cycle Of A TadnolePa help pls kaylangan lang po pls​

Answer: B problem solution

12. Copy the unparalleled parts in the following sentences and write the word/s thatwill make the sentence parallel. Refer to the example given below.Example: Marie likes running, walk around, and playing with her dog,Answer: walk - walking1. Our community abides by the practice of reducing wastes, recycling materials, and toreuse plastic products.2. People of all ages, of any gender, and of any financial status must be ambassadors ofnature even in their own ways.3. Turning off the lights when not in use, reusing water bottles, and to recycle plasticmaterials are some simple ways to protect nature.4. Planting trees, avoiding toxic wastes, and reduce carbon footprints help maintain asustainable environment.5. Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the environment by individuals,organizing, and governments​


1. Our community abides by the practice of reducing wastes, recycling materials, and to reuse plastic products.

reuse - reusing

2. People of all ages, of any gender, and of any financial status must be ambassadors of nature even in their own ways.

gender - genders

3. Turning off the lights when not in use, reusing water bottles, and to recycle plastic materials are some simple ways to protect nature.

recycle - recycling

4. Planting trees, avoiding toxic wastes, and reduce carbon footprints help maintain a sustainable environment.

reduce - reducing

5. Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the environment by individuals, organizing, and governments​.

organizing - organizations




13. Copy the unparalleled parts in the following sentences and write the word/s thatwill make the sentence parallel. Refer to the example given below.Example: Marie likes running, walk around, and playing with her dog,Answer: walk - walking1. Our community abides by the practice of reducing wastes, recycling materials, and toreuse plastic products.2. People of all ages, of any gender, and of any financial status must be ambassadors ofnature even in their own ways.3. Turning off the lights when not in use, reusing water bottles, and to recycle plasticmaterials are some simple ways to protect nature.4. Planting trees, avoiding toxic wastes, and reduce carbon footprints help maintain asustainable environment.5. Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the environment by individuals,organizing, and governments​


recycling materialsambassadorsrecycle-protectPlanting treesprotecting the environment

14. TRUE OR FALSE ____1. T h e A n a l y t i c s tab in W ix contains statistics about your website. ____2. In F a c e b oo k page, a summary of the statistics can be found on the F a c e b o ok Page Insight button. ____3. The L I K E tab in the Insights of your F a c e b o o k P a g e contains the number of visits of your timeline. ____4. In Wix, you can view daily, weekly, monthly and annual statistics. ____5. Using website statistics, you can easily determine which day and time you can reach most people. ____6. A web analyst should focus on the metrics that really matter to the goals of a business. ____7. Communication skills are not an important skill set for web analysts. ____8. Effective presentation skills are imperative for web analysts. ____9. Bounce rate is not actionable measure. ____10. A high bounce rate may include that a website’s landing page(s) are not relevant to visitors. ____11. A high bounce rate coupled with a large amount of website content may be a signal that the content is not engaging. ____12. Viewing the breakdown of visitors to a website via geographic locations is an example of segmentation. ____13. Depth of visit is defined as the number of organic page follow, paid page follows and unfollows. ____14. Visitor loyalty is defined as how often visitors visit your website or F a c e b o o k Page. ____15. Uploading a picture on F a c e b o o k generates big data.​


1. True

2 . true

3 .true


5. true

6. true



9 .false

10. false






15. essay the following sentences belong to. Write the letter of your answer on the space beforethe numberA.Introductionb. BodyC.Conclusion1. Define the topic (what smoking is).2. Smoking and different risky lung diseases.3. Identify the scope of the informative essay.4. Reiterate the significance of the research on the outcomes of smoking.5. The ways to quit smoking/release form this harmful addiction.6. Reword the thesis sentence(s). Recall the correlation between different types of lungand heart diseases and a bad habit such as smoking.7. Offer some forecasts for the future (example: "If the Filipinos does not quitsmoking in the closest future, it might result in...").8. Create a thesis statement. It could be the relationship between the smoking and theincreased risk of various dangerous lung diseases).9. Describe the way smoking can impact human organism in other harmful ways(example: heart attack, brain activity, etc.).10. Provide short background information on smoking (the way people obtain this badhabit, reasons to become addicted, and what happens if the person decides to quitsmoking).​

Piliin mo yung number 9;

Evidence is growing that cigarette smoking and nicotine may prevent or ameliorate Parkinson's disease, and could do so in Alzheimer's dementia. Nicotine actually changes how the brain responds to alcohol, which means more alcohol is needed before you get the same feel-good response that a non-smoker gets after a couple of drinks.

Smoking weakens your immune system so you're more likely to get bacterial and viral infections. Smoking increase the risk of gum diseases, tooth loss and tooth sensitivity. Once a person has gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for their gums to heal. Smoking reduces blood flow to the inner ear. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, and worsens asthma symptoms in adults.

Light and intermittent smoking, or social smoking, is better for you than heavy smoking. But it still increases the risks of heart disease, lung cancer, cataract, and a host of other conditions

16. 11.11 Od poner 1. It is an organized and systematic gathering of data to answer a question, prove a certain point establish a fact or reach a new conclusion, * Methodology t research them 2. This provides a review of what others have written or researched concerning the topic # Review of Related Literature Classique Combination Conceptual framework This explains how the research was conducted. a. Methodology bu theme c research danthem 4 This is a statement that explains what is shown by analysis of the data collected includes tables and graphs when appropriate Conclusion biscussion c. methods s it is a brief summary of how the results of an experiment support or contradict a mothess. Conclusion b. discussion c. methods 6. This refers to the person who responds to a survey questionnaire and provides information for analysis a. People b. respondent c. humans reporters 7. it is a statement that explains what is shown by analysis of the data collected, includes tables and graphs when appropriate 2. Findings b. result lefters 8. A pattern that shares the origin of the word a. Etymology b. pattems d. plans 9. A pattern that provides a concrete example of a term to make it easier to understand. a. Example b. sampie 10. A pattern that shows how a word has been defined throughout history b. source a Dialogue d. planning d. historical references The Match Maker Directions: Match the terms and coses incolumn Awith the definitions or distinguishing characteristics in column​

ANSWER:When you pass that?

17. TRUE OR FALSE ____1. T h e A n a l y t i c s tab in W ix contains statistics about your website. ____2. In F a c e b oo k page, a summary of the statistics can be found on the F a c e b o ok Page Insight button. ____3. The L I K E tab in the Insights of your F a c e b o o k P a g e contains the number of visits of your timeline. ____4. In Wix, you can view daily, weekly, monthly and annual statistics. ____5. Using website statistics, you can easily determine which day and time you can reach most people. ____6. A web analyst should focus on the metrics that really matter to the goals of a business. ____7. Communication skills are not an important skill set for web analysts. ____8. Effective presentation skills are imperative for web analysts. ____9. Bounce rate is not actionable measure. ____10. A high bounce rate may include that a website’s landing page(s) are not relevant to visitors. ____11. A high bounce rate coupled with a large amount of website content may be a signal that the content is not engaging. ____12. Viewing the breakdown of visitors to a website via geographic locations is an example of segmentation. ____13. Depth of visit is defined as the number of organic page follow, paid page follows and unfollows. ____14. Visitor loyalty is defined as how often visitors visit your website or F a c e b o o k Page. ____15. Uploading a picture on F a c e b o o k generates big data.

















18. Learning Opportunity 9 Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions below. Despite historic progress on developing new tools to fight COVID-19 including nine vaccines listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use -- inequitable access means the pandemic is actually worse today than it was a year ago. Last December, I wrote about COVID-19's confirmed global death toll of 1.5 million. Just one year later, that number stands in excess of 5 million. So far, the world has delivered 7 billion vaccines and counting, but they are being distributed unequally. According to Our World in Data, more than eight times as many boosters are administered globally every day than are primary doses in low income countries. It is a global injustice, and the most vulnerable people remain the most at risk. Only 1 in 4 health care workers in Africa have been fully vaccinated despite serving on the pandemic's front lines, for example, according to WHO. QUESTIONS 1. What is the main topic of the text? 2. What is the tone of the text? 3. Is the writer positive about covid-19 vaccines? What line proves your answer? 4.What reasons did the author include to present the intended meaning of the text?pa answer po pwede​


1. Developing new tools to fight covid-19

2. Explaining

3. "So far, the world has delivered 7 billion vaccines and counting.

4. to inform the reader


mark me as brainlist:)

19. Modified True or False. Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is valid and If the statement is FALSE, underline the word(s) that make it wrong. And write the correct word in the blank. _________1. Everyone belongs to a group; your race, gender, favorite sports team, your college, even the place where you were born were all examples of groups._________2. A group is composed of two or more persons interacting with each other and guided by a set of norms._________3. Secondary groups are marked by concern for one another, shared activities and culture, and long periods of time spent together._________4. A network is a collection of people tied together by a specific pattern of connections._________5. The concept of the primary group was introduced by Charles Cooper in his book, Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind.​

1. true






1.true 2.false 3.true 4.true 5.true

20. d. Lay 1. The local cleric, in other words a priest, from our town was questioned for his misbehaviour. a. Technician b. Mayor c. Minister 2. The police are arresting violators of the community quarantine, or the restriction of movement 2. Confinement b. Loitering c. Hazardous d. Ou 3. 19 Gabriel likes to keep his things neat and orderly, Gil, on the other hand, is a bit clumsy. a. Untidy b. Arranged c. Organized d. OH 4. Unlike the highly treatable influenza (common flu) disease, COVID-19 is currently considered irremed a. Remediation period b. Very curable c. Cannot be treated d. Ope S. The 2019 novel coronavirus or COVID-19 is an example of a pandemic, which is a kind of disease that nations, and continents. What does the word pandemic mean? a. A kind of wheat bread b. A medicine for different kinds c Disease outbreak of worldwide proportion d. An anaemic person 6. Sritish people call the trunk of a car the "boot. For this sentence, what does the word boot mean? a. A kind of footwear b. In addition to c. As well as d. Ave 7. Fever, dry cough, and sore throat are symptoms of COVID-19 infection. What is the meaning of the w a. Warning signs or indication b. Another word for symposium c. A kind of disease d. Incurable illness in the coldest regions of the oceans thrive piscatorial creatures, such as salmon, trout, and flou a. An inflammation of the eye b. Relating to church ministries c. Relating to fishing d. An online news source 9. Learn to curtail your spending on unnecessary things but be generous when it comes to your aith a Loose b. Plentiful c. House decorative 10. Joane has been optimistic, or being hopeful, that humanity can find a cure for COVID-19 a. Pessimistic b. Sadistic c. Confident​


Suriin ang mga larawan ng tanawing makikita sa Lungsod Zamboanga. Isulat an

angkop na pinakamahalagang impormasyon tungkol dito. (Maaaring humanap ng ibar

impormasyon sa internet, aklat at magtanong sa mga nakatatanda)

21. STUDY:STEREOTYPE - the grouping of individuals whether by race, gender,religion, and others without fully understandingthem. This is to believe unfairly that all people or things with particular characteristics are the same.PROPAGANDA-ideas or pieces of information that are intentionally spread for public consumption to either help orharm a person, an institution, an organization. Examples are advertisements, ads, media, etc.Point of view - is based on what have you observed, seen, heard, or experienced.A. Write P if the sentence is propaganda, S for stereotype and PV for point for view on the blank.1. All girls love pink.2. Keep safe, stay at home.3. People who love to buy coffee work at call center.4. I believe that our government will never leave us in times of crisis.5. I always look forward to my summer vacation at the beach.6. Big prints demand big vision; Canon printer on the go.7. Say no to drugs, yes to God.8. I love walking my dog every morning.9. Call Bantay Bata 163! Should minor be abused?10. They live in a beautiful house.​


1. S











I don't know if I'm quite right I'm Very sorry if I am wrong But Do correct me im wrong

22. ___ 31. Typography is important to a graphic designer to. A. Express to proper emotion or "feel" of a product or subject to be advertised B. Bring out the best in all those around him / her C. Take in all the colors and people around him D. Make the right kind of typographical maps ___ 32. A logo is a: A. Example of minimal design B. Is from the english dictionary meaning togetherness C. Is how you make a water mark D. a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition. ___ 33. From all the uses of graphics around us, readability is important, but design can also aid in selling a product or idea through effective. A. Type combination's B. Visual communication C. Mass-produced printed ads D. Logos ___ 34. The use of two colors in a graphic designed piece is called: A. Smudge color B. Duotone C. Tri-Ad D. Two inter-changing colors ___ 35. Shift+Control+ I will: A. Give you a background eraser B. Make your work flow better C. Open a file with a name "Image" D. Inverse your file ___ 36. It's a graphic designer's job to: A. Look good at his/her interview B. Organize the page and layout and know the graphic elements required from his client C. Draw his thumbnails first D. Cash in and make good money ___ 37. To repeat a section of your image and then re-paint it use the: A. The 3D slide tool B. Clone stamp tool C. Patch tool D. Quick mask tool ___ 38. To create a "S" curve on a layout should be described as: A. A slick interactive deign B. A TV network advertisement C. Directing ones' eye down the page D. Arranging your elements in an un-orderly fashion ___ 39. To get an image inside of another picture or letter use this feature in Photoshop. A. Create a clipping path B. Create a work path C. Create a marquee shape area D. Create a color dodge layer ___ 40. Why is it important to keep the amount of type fonts down to two on most well designed ads or flyers? A. So that it doesn't look like a ransom letter with too many crazy type fonts going on B. So that you are only using serif type fonts on your business papers C. Typographical manipulation is a way to make type look like the matched subject D. So the computer doesn't freeze because of all the fonts used ___ 41. Graphic designers that experiment with manual tools like pencil & paper to avoid creating within the limits of whatever the computer fonts, clip art etc. this is called creating. A. Rendering themes B. Stick figures and handwriting C. Comprehensive sketches D. Thumbnail sketches ___ 42. Which of these things to be considered when you do graphic design: A. Harmony B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Color Scheme ___ 43. It makes it easy to twist, stretch and distort type into all kinds of interesting shapes, all while keeping our type. A. Extract type B. Rotate the type in the tool box area C. Warp text tool D. Horizontal distortion ___ 44. Which description describes how you make a custom brush in Photoshop. A. Drag in an image, shrink it, play with it in free transform B. Copy an image, bring it into Photoshop, go to edit menu, go to define brush preset and load it into the brush catalog C. Change the picture to a maximum diameter size from the brush D. Go to the brush tool, grab the color you want, and use the color picker and draw. ___ 45. Use this tool to fill in a solid color for a background of your graphic document. The alternate tool will give you a "light-to-dark" gradation in your image. A. Crop tool and the eye dropper B. Foreground tool and the background tool C. Paint bucket tool and the Gradient Tool D. History brush tool and the Healing Brush tool ___ 46.Which tool can be used to move a selection? A. Pencil B. Brush C. Move D. None of the above ___ 47.Which of the following statements is false? A. You can duplicate a layer B. You can move a layer in the stack C. You can rename a layer D. You cannot duplicate a layer ___ 48.Which menu is used to flatten an image? A. File B. Layer C. Image D. Window ___ 49.What does Rasterize Layer do? A. It converts your text, shape, etc. to an image B. It converts your text, shape, etc. into a smart layer C. It allows you to edit the text, shape, etc. D. It configures the color settings for the layer ___ 50.What are the two type of masks? A. Layer and Mask B. Duplicate and Rasterize C. Edit and Vector D. Layer and Vector






















23. True or False. Write True if the statement is true and False if it is not 1. The organization's internal environment must not be subjected to internal analyses, 2. Uncertainty avoidance is the degree to which a society emphasizes individual accomplishments versus collective accomplishments, 3. Sociocultural situations include customs could also affect management practices in companies, 4. Different organizations have similar preferences as to the business form that is appropriate for their need/s and the purpose of their existence, 5. Business organizations may be traditional (simple, functional, divisional, profit, or nonprofit) or open/flexible in form. 6. An organization's external business environment is composed of its resources, research and development, production, procurement of supplies, and the products and services it offers 7. Changing options in stock markets, and people's spending habits are some examples of factors/elements of economic situations.​

























25. MI ets-Q2-6.1-1.1 Elements of Computer Direction: Write H if the sentence describes hardware, S for software, P for People ware and D for data ware. 1. Modern computers consist of interconnected electronic devices. 2. Computer programs are usually stored on a CD-ROM. 3. Your computer has parts that you can see and touch. 4. A systems administrator supervises the computer operations of an organization. 5. Microsoft Excel is the electronic spreadsheet developed by Microsoft. 6. A hand-drawn picture is captured into the computer by a scanner. 7. You are an example of a computer user 8. Monitors and printers are essential parts of a computer system. 9. Solitaire is a game in Windows 98 that will help you develop your skills in a mouse manipulation. 10. Computer Programmers write software, 11. You can see video and you can hear audio using your computer. 12. Teachers may use computers in teaching, 13. Microsoft Word is an example of a word processor. 14. A computer has CPU that you can actually see. 15. A computer needs an operating system to function properly. Warkobaale​

I have attached my resume for 78 and hope that it will be will be help work help in to in to 87,878 your the your the your help your help your the help your help your help your help your help and for and to and to for and for and to and for and for

26. Direction: Match the items in column A with their descriptions in column B. Write only the letter on thespace provided before the number.COLUMN A1. Clarity2. Completeness3. Conciseness4. Correctness5. Courtesy6. Concreteness7. Consideration8. Regulation/Control9. Social Interaction10. Motivation. MULTIPLE CHOICESa.COLUMN BThe speaker shows respect in the culture, values, and beliefs ofhis/her receivers.b. It includes everything that the receiver needs to hear for him/herto respond, react, or evaluate properly.C. The speaker should always consider relevant information abouthis/her receiver such as mood, background and etc.d. Implies emphasizing on a specific message or goal at a time.A communication that we socialize with others.e.It implies that there are no grammatical errors in communicationg.It provides short and essential message in limited words to thereceiver.h.It happens when the message is concrete and supported by facts,figures, real-life examples and situations.i. When people in the organization are clearly informed of the taskand are praised for their performance.j. An example of function of communication that the parent set rulin the house.Direction: Read and understand the following sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer on the s​


5-a.the speaker shoes respect in the culture,values and belies of her reciever

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