Special Written Report Sample Pnp

Special Written Report Sample Pnp

example of special and regular promotion in pnp​

Daftar Isi

1. example of special and regular promotion in pnp​


we will be able to find justice and a protection that we needed


you can protect yourself

2. make an exmple of the special promotion for pnp? ​


Just tap the picture thx.

Hope this helps you.


Can u give me a brainliest plss.

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like they are good they monitor to guard

to no were steals things and don't drank



for my information such they are good and

help ful to know how ether I way to love pulis because they help to know you are good or not

to have race and offer area.

for more information www: exposure.com

3. pnp application letter sample​


yan na po


Hope it helps!

4. what is the role of pnp​


To enforce the law, to prevent and control crimes, to maintain peace and order, and to ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community.




5. PNP management meaning​


Philippine National Police


hope it can help

6. Choose three(3) contemporary ethical issues of the PNP and give a solution on how this may be eliminated in the PNP organization.​

1.officer's off-duty life

2.upholding the law

3.using necessary force

sana makatulong

7. Explain the origin of the pnp


The Philippine National Police (PNP) originated from the Philippine Constabulary or the PC, which was inaugurated on August 8, 1901, establishing it as an insular police force under the American regime. On August 8, 1975, Presidential Decree no. 765 was issued, establishing the Philippine Constabulary Integrated National Police or the PC/INP as the country’s national police force. These fragmented and diverse local police units were integrated into a national police force with the Philippine Constabulary as its nucleus.

8. procedures of the Pnp unit crime periodic reports?​


they roundabout the catch bad and doesn't know the rules

9. Is PNP PATROL PLAN 2030 the ultimate solution to all the problems of the PNP? Why?​


To fortify the institutional capabilities of the PNP by improving administrative and operational coherence and efficiency; and to strengthen the police stations with the end goal of enhancing the quality of police services and relationships with the community.

10. minimum age requirement of the pnp applicants to qualify in the pnp service.


at least 21 years old but not more than 40 years old


hope it helps

11. what is the meaning of PNP​


Philippine national police


Philippine National Police

12. how PNP established.​


10000000 dollars million

13. 9. PNP denied misuse of funds. A. PNP was denied of funds. B. PNP was misusing funds. C. Misuse of funds is denied by PNP. D. Misuse of funds was denied by PNP.​


D. po sana makatulong at wag kalimutan mag like at follow and don't be shy na kalimutan ang page brainliest

14. causes of dismissal in pnp​


involve in corruption,kotong, drugs, krimen

15. How many PNP Chiefs do we have from PNP Chief Nazareno up to present?


It is both a national and a local police force in that it provides all law enforcement services throughout the Philippines. The Philippine National Police, ...



16. Description about PNP​

Answer:i hope this help

Explanation:The Philippine National Police (Filipino: Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas, abbreviated PNP) is the armed national police force in the Philippines. Its national headquarters is at Camp Crame in Quezon City , Metro Manila , and it has 205,000 personnel

17. Give the acronym of PNP


The Philippine National Police (Filipino: Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas, acronymed as PNP) is the armed national police force in the Philippines. ... The agency is administered and controlled by the National Police Commission and is part of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG).


pa heart ❤️ at brainlies


18. 9. PNP denied misuse of funds. A. PNP was denied of funds. B. PNP was misusing funds. C. Misuse of funds is denied by PNP. D. Misuse of funds was denied by PNP


D. misuse of funds was denied by PNP.


D. misuese of fund was denied by pnp

19. make a spot report pnp format​



Date: ___________________

Time: ___________________

Place: ___________________

I. Nature of Report:

(Indicate the nature of report whether Situation or Incident)

II. Situation Report:

(If situation, describe the situation in detail, including the location and time of occurrence)

III. Incident Report:

(If incident, include the following)

A. Reporting Personnel Information:

Name: ___________________

Rank: ___________________

Assignment: ___________________

Contact Number: __________________

B. Incident Information:

Date and Time of Incident: ___________________

Place of Incident: ___________________

Incident Type: ___________________

Casualties: a. Name: ___________________ Age: _______ Gender: _______ Status: _______ b. Name: ___________________ Age: _______ Gender: _______ Status: _______ c. Etc.

C. Narrative:

(Provide a detailed narrative of the incident, including the involvement of the police, the actions taken, and any potential threats or dangers)

IV. Recommendation:

(Provide any recommendations, if applicable)

V. Prepared by:

(Name and Signature of Reporting Personnel)

VI. Approved by:

(Name and Signature of Approving Personnel)


kayo. nalang. po. mag fill ng. blanks sana po nakatulong

20. The limitations of PNP​




they require more processing times, and each of the province have different rules and requirements which makes it slow. there is also an obligation to stay on the province that nominated you for two years.


enforcing the law, to prevent and control crimes, maintain peace and order, and ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community. The preservation of peace and stability is an important factor in promoting economic development.


21. pnp kahulugan tagalog


Philippine National Police



wla ko answer pag answer

22. What is the function of PNP?


The Philippine National Police (PNP) is tasked with enforcing the law, to prevent and control crimes, maintain peace and order, and ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community. The preservation of peace and stability is an important factor in promoting economic development.

23. what is the PNP chief?​


Phillipine National Police


Sana makatulong yan kasi sagot ko aa test


PNP stands for


Philippine National Police

24. what the maening of PNP​


philippine national police


Philippine National Police

25. PP.290-298 Problem Solving 1. A crime scene happened in Bagong Silang 1 Labo, Camarines Norte whereas 3 suspects were being investigated by the PNP. The murder man has blood type A. The PNP got another sample blood type to the place where the crime scene happened and that blood type is coming from the other man which is the blood type of the killer according to the PNP. The sample blood type obtained by the PNP to the killer is 0. The 3 suspects are missing the PNP investigate the parents of the 3 suspect to identify the killer. 1 Here are the name of suspect and the blood type of their parents: suspect Alex his father have blood type A and his mother blood type B 2nd suspect Marlon his father have blood type AB and his mother blood type B 3° suspect Dave his father have blood type A and his mother blood type AB​


Ewan Ewan Ewan ewanhuuuuuu

26. sino ang pnp chief with bongbong marcos ?(if nonsense answer=report) thank youuuu mwahh<33​




27. Sample welcome remarks for review for pnp

good morning! welcome to our valentines program.

28. What is example for special and regular promotion in PNP?




Promotion is an advancement of uniformed personnel from one rank/position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities and usually accompanied by an increase in salary.


Purposes of promotion


ü  It permits an organization to utilize more effectively any skills and abilities that individuals have been able to develop during the course of their training and employment.

ü  It can serve as incentive for individuals to improve further their capacities and their performance.

Bases for Promotion


1. Merit – used as criterion for determining that an individual is qualified to meet the requirements of a higher-level job.


2. Seniority – refers to the length of service that an employee has accumulated.


3. Time-In-grade and Experience – is a requirement for a specified amount of time that a uniformed personnel must spend in a grade before they are eligible for promotion.


4. Mandatory Schooling – is a requirement for promotion of PNP uniformed personnel for their professional growth and career advancement such as PSJLC, PSSLC, PSOCC, PSOBC, PSOAC, PSOSEC etc.

5. Eligibility – RA 6506, RA1080, NAPOLCOM PO, SPO, Inspector, Superintendent, Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) etc.

29. who is the pnp chief of pnp in the year of 1990?​


On 13 December 1990, the President signed into law Republic Act No. 6975 creating the Philippine National Police. The PC/INP Regional Commands


Cesar P. Nazareno


The first chief of the PNP, PMA Class 1961. March 31, 1991 – August 28, 1992

30. consequences of PNP chief?​


Power and consequence are often closely related. The basic principle is that a person with power has the ability to create consequences for the target person, who takes these consequences into account when they are deciding whether to comply with a request or refuse it.


A very common attribute of power is that the wielder of power has the ability to coerce the target into compliance through the threat of some kind of punishment. The basic transaction is hence 'Do as I say or else I will harm you in some way'. The person is then faced with the choice of obedience or suffering the consequences that the powerful person can create.Punishment can take many forms. In a business setting it can be as direct as being sacked or less obvious in the way that the target person may be given work that is less desirable than that they might get if they complied with the request.


Some people do not have the power to directly punish, though they may have the ability to withhold something or prevent the target person getting what they want. The transaction here is 'Do as I say or else you will not get what you want'.Prevention in business situations could be loss of cooperation or stopping the person from getting promoted. It is also seen in 'gateway' roles, for example a personal assistant who has the power to allow others to speak with their manager or turning the target person away.

Power loss

There is also consequence for the person wielding the power. Sometimes use power of power leads to gaining more power as the dominated person becomes cowed and hence easier to persuade in future. Sometimes the use of power has no effect on the balance of power in the future. And sometimes there is negative consequences for the person using the power, in that in using power it is spent, like money, and may not be easy to regain.An example of losing power when it is used is where you have helped a person in the past and they feel obliged to comply when you ask something of them in return. When they agree to your request, they then feel the obligation has been discharged and hence you have less power over them.


hope its help

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