Sulfosalicylic Acid Test

Sulfosalicylic Acid Test

what are the similarities and differences of sulphosalicylic acid tret and heller's test​

Daftar Isi

1. what are the similarities and differences of sulphosalicylic acid tret and heller's test​



mark as brainliest

2. in describing acids and bases, acids are described as being "sour" while bases taste "bitter", if this is the case, why should chemicals never be tested by taste or smell?​


Because it is dangerous for people to taste or smell chemicals cause it might kill them

3. In describing acids and base , acids are described as being sour while bases taste bitter, if this is the case why should chemicals never be tested by taste or smell?


Because it may be harmful to us. Chemicals like muriatic acid is an example of dangerous acids.

4. 1. which of the following food has the greatest amount of protein?a. cup of milkb. 3 ounce piece of meatc. 1 cup of dry beansd. 8 ounces container of yogurt2. what are the bonds that connect amino acids in a protein?a. peptide bondsb. ester bondsc. glycosidic bondsd. phosphodiester bonds3. which fatty acid is a liquid at normal body temperature?a. oleic acidb. lauric acidc. stearic acidd. palmitic acid4. which molecule is attached to three fatty acids to make triglyceride?a. glycerolb. hydrocarbonc. cyclohexaned. cyclopentane5. which type of lipid molecules are mostly likely to be present in the membranes?a. fatsb. oilsc. cholesterold. carbohydrates6. which functional group in carbohydrates is represented by R-COH?a. alcoholb. aldehydec. alkened. ketone​


That is easy to use


Hope it helps po sanam and the cat

Diko po alam yan

Kung alam ko sasabihin ko

Pero thanks sa points

5. ________ is used to test the acidity and basicity of a substance​


litmus paper


litmus paper is a tool to test whether a subtance is an acid and base

6. A. Determine whether the properties of acids and bases stated in the following itemsbelong to Strong Acid, Weak Acid, Strong Base or Weak Base.2. the color changed pink when tested by an indicator3. the color changed yellow when tested with an indicator1. has pH value of 13.14. Has a pH value of 6.85. the litmus paper changed red6. the color changed green when tested with an indicator7. NaOH8. H2SO49. bitter in taste like Sodium carbonate10. sour in taste like Lemon juice​

makikita makitamakita ka sadulo

7. What must never be tested for acid and base?




Acids turn litmus paper red, while bases turn litmus paper blue. A neutral chemical won't change the paper's color. Because they separate into ions in water, both acids and bases conduct electricity. ... However, since both acids and bases can be corrosive, you shouldn't test chemicals by tasting or touching them!

8. what is the texture of acid?___ what is the texture of base?___ what is the corrosive of acid?___ what is the corrosive of base?___ what is the conductivity of acid?___ what is the conductivity of base?___ what is the reactivity of acid?___ what is the reactivity of base?___ what is the pH level of acid?___ what is the pH level of base?___ what is the litmus test of acid?___ what is the litmus test of base?___


the texture of acid is the mexture is blood for this for the acid meams and waiting for social acid and mixture for the texture of type meaning.


i hope help for wans to help for Evrey ones help.


what is the texture of acid? sticky

what is the texture of base?slippery

what is the corrosive of acid?hydrochloric

what is the corrosive of base?ammonium hydroxide

what is the conductivity of acid?chemdemos

what is the conductivity of base? conduct electricity

what is the reactivity of acid? acid–base reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base. It can be used to determine pH.

what is the reactivity of base?

Bases are substances that taste bitter and change the colour of red litmus paper to blue. Bases react with acids to form salts and promote certain chemical reactions (base catalysis).

what is the pH level of acid? pHs less than 7 are acidic

what is the pH level of base? pH of greater than 7 indicates a base.

what is the litmus test of acid?The main use of litmus is to test whether a solution is acidic or basic. Light-blue litmus paper turns red under acidic conditions, and red litmus paper turns blue under basic or alkaline conditions, with the color change occurring over the pH range 4.5–8.3 at 25 °C (77 °F).

what is the litmus test of base?The main use of litmus is to test whether a solution is acidic or basic. Light-blue litmus paper turns red under acidic conditions, and red litmus paper turns blue under basic or alkaline conditions, with the color change occurring over the pH range 4.5–8.3 at 25 °C (77 °F). Neutral litmus paper is purple.

9. veniger is an acid like many other acids veniger tastes


The acid in vinegar is primarily acetic acid, which makes up 4 to 7 percent of table vinegars. Distilled white vinegar, for example, is 5 percent acetic acid and 95 percent water; it has the harsh sourness of acetic acid alone. In other vinegars, that harshness is tamed by other acids.


i hope it helps stay safe Po ☺️


Vinegar is an acid like many other acids Vinegar tastes : 5 percent acetic acid and 95 percent water, it has the harsh sourness of acetic acid alone. In other vinegars, that harshness is tamed by other acids.


Hope it helps! :]#Carryonlearning

10. 4. Which of the tested substances are acids? Which are bases?

14 to 8 are base

7 this is n e a u t r a l

6 to 0 are acid

11. what kind of mixture is acitic acid and water​




science yan bano

12. It is the test that is being used to detect the presence of nucleic acid​


The (Dische) Diphenylamine Test is used for determining the presence of nucleic acids.

13. Why is it necessary to perform a preliminary test on the sample before doing the hydroxamic acid test?


Esters heated with hydroxylamine produce hydroxamic acids, which form intense, colored complexes (often dark maroon) with Fe3+. ... Figure 6.61: Reaction of ester with hydroxamic acid. Procedure: Perform a preliminary test to be sure that this test will not give a false positive.

14. 6. You have an unknown solution. What is the best way to check whether it is acidic or basic? smellingC. by pouring it on your skinD. by testing it usinglitmus paperINEED THE ANSWER NOW!​


D. by testing it using litmus paper


B i hope this it help you

15. 46. Which of the following tests could be safely used to distinguish a strong acid from weak acid? a. use of the sense of touch c. use of litmus paper b. use of the sense of taste d. use of pH scale​


Not sure between c and d.


A and B are definitely out of the list because when handling acids, it is a strict rule that it should never be touched, tested, or smelled because it might cause irritation, or worse, it might burn you.

16. what tool is used to test the acidity and alkanity of a liquid​


PH meter, electric device used to measure hydrogen-ion activity (acidity or alkalinity) in solution. Fundamentally, a pH meter consists of a voltmeter attached to a pH-responsive electrode and a reference (unvarying) electrode.


PH meter

PH meter, electric device used to measure hydrogen-ion activity (acidity or alkalinity) in solution. Fundamentally, a pH meter consists of a voltmeter attached to a pH-responsive electrode and a reference (unvarying) electrode.



17. how to test the acid content of fruits and vegetables?​


using pH scale or pH level

18. 1. Why is it that we will have to test the fruit's acidity?​


Wash fruits with water and then dry them using paper towels.

Cut a piece of fruit in half using the knife. Put both halves on the plate.

My other answer was in the photo


I Hope It Help

19. which of the following statements is false about acidA. acids can be classified as strong and weak acids .B.acid that are strong in composition can harm and burn skin C.all acid are gentle in our skin and safe for taste testingD.acid concord metals like iron forming rustic image ​


yan ang answer maniwala ka nalang sakin


The answer would be C. Acid id very harmful, you see and is not gentle on our seen and of course, cannot even drink it. So it's letter C.

20. metric unit of volume of acid solution in test tube?​


In addition the "derived quantity", density, will be studied. Make each measurement as accurately as you can, within the limitations of the measuring instrument that you are using. Be sure that the way you record and report this measurement correctly shows the degree of accuracy in the measurement. For example, a meter stick is marked off at intervals of 0.1 of a centimeter, so you can make measurements that are accurate "to the nearest tenth centimeter", or, if you interpolate (estimate between the lines), to the nearest 0.01 or 0.02 cm. If an object that you measure with this meter stick seems to have a length of "exactly" 5 cm, the length should be reported as 5.0 cm (or 5.00 cm if you are interpolating). You should not report the length as 5 cm or 5.000 cm.

21. what number of observable mixture is acitic acid and water

Answer: one only


its based on experience that providrdr

22. In idioms,what is acid test means​

The idiom acid test refers to a decisive test whose findings show the worth or quality of something.


The idiom acid test refers to a decisive test whose findings show the worth or quality of something.

23. .TEST QUESTION.Aluminum + Acid = ?​


hypobromous acid


hope it's help pa brainliest please

24. litmus paper is used to test the acidity and ____ of a substances​


litmus paper is used to test the acidity and basic/bases of a substances

25. which property of an indicator changes when it is used to test and identify the type of solution?A. ColorB. OdorC. TasteD. Acid and water​


A. Color


Just like a litmus paper, which is an example of indicator, it changes color whether the solution is an acid or base.

26. Test for nitrous acid with starch-iodide


lagging tandaan wagi ang may alam dapat alam mo

27. Nucleic acid amplification testing for hiv was instituted in donor testing protocols


Nucleic acid testing (NAT) is a molecular technique for screening blood donations to reduce the risk of transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs) in the recipients, thus providing an additional layer of blood safety.


Hope it's helps

Pa Brainliest thank you

28. To test the acidity of fruits, mix one tablespoon of calamansi juice and one-half cup of water. if the taste is as sour as the solution of calamansi and water then it has A. Lack acid content B. High acid content C. No acid contentD. Accurate acid content​


D. Accurate acid content

29. Why do anhydrides test positive in hydroxamic acid?


If you have a carbonyl compound which is not an aldehyde or ketone or carboxylic acid, it could be an ester. One test for esters is the ferric hydroxamate test whereby the ester is converted to a hydroxamic acid (HOHN-C=O) which will give a positive ferric chloride test

Step-by-step explanation:

30. 2. Testing the acid content​


One of the properties of acids and bases is that they change the color of certain dyes. If these dyes are used to test a substance, the appearance of a particular color can be taken as an indication of the presence of an acid or base in the substance tested.

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