The Background Of The Text s Author

The Background Of The Text s Author

In the historical context which it Activity 7. Fill Me Up! Learner's Material 10 book, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature on pages Directions: Revisit the story "The story of Keesh" by Jack London in your English 299-305 and 338-341. Then, fill in the table with the appropriate evidences from the text. Use separate sheets for your answers. Note: Author's biography can be found on page 338 of the textbook Detail/s from the story S Questions 1. Time the work written? 2. Author's biography and background 3. Ideas circulating by the time of writing 4. Political/social concerns 5. Historical event 6. Belief systems​

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1. In the historical context which it Activity 7. Fill Me Up! Learner's Material 10 book, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature on pages Directions: Revisit the story "The story of Keesh" by Jack London in your English 299-305 and 338-341. Then, fill in the table with the appropriate evidences from the text. Use separate sheets for your answers. Note: Author's biography can be found on page 338 of the textbook Detail/s from the story S Questions 1. Time the work written? 2. Author's biography and background 3. Ideas circulating by the time of writing 4. Political/social concerns 5. Historical event 6. Belief systems​


I don't know just question what be room too yes us if o

2. II. ALTERNATE RESPONSE TEST: Write C if the statement is CORRECT. If the statement is WRONG, providethe word to replace the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. (2 points each)11. Reaction papers, reviews, and critiques are not simply summaries butare critical assessments, analyses, or evaluations of different works.12. Formalist criticism considers the reader to be an important element inthe understanding of the text.13. In using Gender criticism to critique a work, one needs to study thebackground of the author and the era or time the work was published.14. The body of a critique includes a summary of the work and a detailedoutline.15. Reader-response criticism attempts "to describe what happens in thereader's mind while interpreting a text" and reflects that reading, likewriting, is a conservative process.​




3. Test l. Directions:Read and analize the words inside the box.Match the words inside the box with their defenitions.Write the word/s on the blanks.Schema theorySchemaText-to-selfText-to-textText-to-world1.___________is a theory that aims to explain hour our previous experience,knowledge,emotions,and understanding affect what and how we learn.2.___________is the background knowledgeand experience readers bring to text or reading selection 3.____________connection is a highly personal connection that a reader makes between a piece of reading material and the reader's own experience or life.4.____________connection is where readers gain insight during reading by thinking about how the information they are reading connects to other family text or reading.Sometimes when reading,readers are reminded of other things that they have read,other books by the same author,stories from similar genre,or perhaps on the same topic.In the other words,readers are making connections between texts that have similarities.5.____________connection are larger connections that are reader brings to reading situation.People have ideas about how world works that goes beyond their personal experiences.They learn about things through televesions,movies,magazines,and newspapers​


1. Text-to-self- is a theory that aims to explain

hour our previous experience, knowledge, emotions, and understanding effect what and how we learn.

2. Text-to-text- is the background knowledge and experience readers bring to text or reading selection.

3. Text-to-world- connection is a highly personal connection that a reader makes between apiece of reading material and the reader's own experience or life.

4. Schema theory- connection is where readers gain insight during reading by thinking about how the information they are reading connects to other family text or reading. Sometimes when reading, readers are reminded of other things that they have read, other books by the same author, stories from similar genre, or perhaps on the same topic. In the other words, readers are making connection between text that have similarities.

5. Shema- connection are larger connections that are reader brings to reading situation. People have ideas about how world works that goes beyond their personal experiences. They learn about things through televisions, movies, magazines, and newspaper.

Carry On Learning

4. SAMPLE CRITIQUE "Lee" published by Crime Factory (Posted by Abdulat 8/10/2008 12:46:00PM) I recently finished a fiction anthology called "Lee." The book features seventeen short stories, all written by crime writers and inspired by Lee Marvin - his life, his movies. The stories flow in chronological order with the first taking place in 1944 and the last in 1987, just after Lee died. Frankly, I thought the concept was a little goofy and I didn't really expect the book to be that good. I bought it only because its publisher, Crime Factory, had published two of my short stories. I liked what they'd done in their journal, and figured I'd check out what else they've brought to the world. I am happy to admit that I was very wrong. Not only is every story in the collection really good, but it turns out that the concept really worked. In a word, the book rocks! It was fun to see how the different authors tackled the task of writing a Lee Marvin-inspired story. I particularly liked the stories: "1966: Just Swell," "Cameron Ashley, ""1967: The Gun Hunter." Eric Beetner's novel The Devil Doesn't Want Me has now moved up to number three or my reading list, which hopefully means I'll get to it in June. I feel good that in my own little way I'm associated with these writers tangentially. Finishing "Lee" has also made me more interested in Lee Marvin's movies. I watched The Man who Sho Liberty Valence during a film class in college and was blown away by his performance, but I don't think I'd seen another one of his movies. And I consider myself something of an old film buff, but I took a step forward correcting this oversight last night by watching The Dirty Dozen - awesome! 1. Where does the writer present some background and summary of the text? 2. Would you say the background information about the text is enough? Why? 3. What does the writer say about the different narrative elements? 4. Is the evaluation exhaustive? Why yes? Why not? Consider these: o Notice that the writer presents the background and the summary in the first paragraph. o However, the background is not enough to inform the readers what "Lee" is all about, making them unable to relate to the critic's impressions about it. o Actually, there was no evident attempt to analyze the plot, characters, and others. What is obvious are the writer' s personal reactions to "Lee" and his failure to support his judgement about the material. In other words, this sample critique fails to make an in-depth evaluation of the text; hence, it is really not informative. o Thus, the evaluation was not exhaustive. There wasn't any exhaustive analysis of the material to really support the critic's evaluation. He seems very familiar with the material, and he could do a better critique of it.


The writer provides background and summary of "Lee" in the first paragraph and expresses positive feedback on various narrative elements such as the concept, story flow, and quality of writing. However, the evaluation is not exhaustive as it only briefly mentions a few stories and focuses more on personal enjoyment than literary analysis.

The author provides some context and a synopsis of the book.The writer presents the background and summary of the text in the first paragraph of the critique.Background information about the text is enoughYes, the background information provided by the writer is sufficient to give readers an idea of what the book is about and what to expect from it.Writer say about the different narrative elementsThe writer expresses positive feedback on different narrative elements of the book such as the concept, the flow of the stories, and the quality of the writing.EvaluationThe evaluation is not exhaustive as the writer only mentions a few stories and doesn't delve into the specific strengths and weaknesses of each one. The writer also focuses more on expressing their personal enjoyment of the book rather than providing an in-depth analysis of its literary merits.

To know more about the article critique:


5. - IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being described on the following statements. Choose your answer fromthe box below and write it on the space provided.'ons 2 DUYARLOCUCHICK LIT. || LARICT SKILL LITERARY TEXT MULTIMEDIA SOCIOECONOMICSKILLBACKGROUNDINFERENTIALEPICLITERATURE PEER-ASSESSMENT SUBANUNCOMPREHENSIONLITERARYSOCIOCULTURALGEOGRAPHICMULTIMEDIATERCETADAPTATIONCONTEXT1. It is considered as the imaginative works of poetry and prose.2. It is a long narrative poem which tells and describes the life, achievements, or events of ahero.3. It means that as a reader, you have to determine the meaning of certain words andIt gidoru s expressions within the text not by using the dictionary.ingos Pico 1.20Storagida4. It is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.5. It is the adapting of a literary source to another genre or medium, such as a film, stage playor video game.6. This dimension of literature tells us about places and relationships between people and theirenvironment.7. It is a story that tells about women, their lives, trials, tribulations, and success.8. It pertains to the author's family background and other significant childhood and adulthoodexperiences.9. This is the skill exhibited in making presentations in representing a text.Front 10. It is a piece of written material that has the purpose of telling a story or entertaining11. The literature "The Widow's Son" compiled by Mabel Cook was told by this tribe12. It refers to a three-line poem.13. It focuses on understanding the social, economic, political and cultural forces affecting theliterary work.14. It is the skill of participating and communicating collaborative networks via internet,15. It is the assessment of students' work by other students of equal status,,​


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YUNG #3 at #11 dko alam sahot sorry

6. The International Year of Rice: Background and History Rice is life for major populations of the world and is deeply embedded in the cultural heritage of many societies. It is the staple food for more than half of the world population. In Asia alone, more than 2,000 million people obtain 60 to 70 percent of their caloric intake from rice and its products. It is the most rapidly growing source of food in Africa, and is of significant importance to food security in an increasing number of low-income food-deficit countries. Rice-based production systems and their associated post-harvest operations employ nearly 1,000 million people in rural areas of developing countries. About four-fifths of the world’s rice is grown by small-scale farmers in low-income and developing countries. It follows that efficient and productive rice-based production systems are essential for economic development and for improved quality of life of much of the world’s population. It is estimated that there are about 840 million undernourished people, including more than 200 million children, in developing countries. Undernourishment greatly limits development. Improving the productivity of rice systems would contribute to hunger eradication, poverty alleviation, national food security and economic development. However, rice production is facing serious constraints including a declining rate of growth in yields, depletion of natural resources, labour shortages, gender-based conflicts, institutional limitations and environmental pollution. Overcoming hunger, poverty and malnutrition - while protecting the environment - requires collective action by all stakeholders. The initiative for establishing an IYR commenced in 1999 when the International Rice Research Institute, reflecting the growing concerns of its members over an increasing number of serious issues facing rice development, requested and obtained FAO collaboration in having an International Year declared. This was pursued by FAO Member Countries leading to a resolution, adopted at the 31st session of the FAO Conference (Resolution 2/2001) requesting the UNGA to declare 2004 as the IYR. The request, submitted to the UNGA by the Delegation of the Philippines and co-sponsored by an additional 43 countries, was considered at the Fifty-seventh session, which declared 2004 the International Year of Rice (Box 1). FAO was invited to facilitate the implementation of the IYR in collaboration with other relevant organizations. The importance that member states are giving to sustainable rice development is reflected in a growing number of global initiatives. These include those taken at the 1992 Rio Summit and elaborated in Agenda 21’s chapter on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD), at the recent World Conference on Sustainable Development, in the Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action and in the United Nations Millennium Declaration in 1996 (Box 2). These initiatives share a common theme that is central to the declaration of the IYR: in a world of increasingly interlinked institutions, societies and economies, coordinated efforts and shared responsibilities are essential.QUESTIONS:1. WHAT IDEA OR CONCEPT IS BEING DISCUSSED IN THE TEXT? WRITE SPECIFIC LINES FROM THE TEXT THAT WILL SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM.2. IS THE CONCEPT PRESENTED IN THE ARTICLE WELL DEVELOPED? WHY DO YOU THINK SO?3. IF YOU WERE THE AUTHOR, WHAT IDEA/S WOULD YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN MORE?WHY?4. DO YOU THINK THE CONCEPT DISCUSSED ABOVE CAN HELP YOU AND OTHER READERS IN THE SOCIETY? HOW?​


Kung ang English ng karamihan ay mostly, bakit lagi kang umaasa sa Brainly?


1.The International Year of Rice: Background and History

(rice development,Overcoming hunger, poverty and malnutrition)

2. Yes, because it's from the government news.

3. (sarili mo po tong opinion)

4. It tells how important the rice is and it has interesting/convincing informations.


7. 1. Put check mark () in the box if the sentence is correct. Put across mark ( X ) if not.1. Watching television is not a good habit, it will only pollute your mind with unnecessary information2. Connection is a link that viewers can make between what they are watching and things they already knowor have experienced in the past or experiencing at the moment.3. Viewing is not a way of learning and gathering information, it will only waste your time.4. Experience is defined as the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things.5. We can compare one information viewed to another information or to our personal experiences.6. Visual and multimedia elements contribute in understanding the meaning of the text.7. The clenched teeth and fist of the main character in comic strip show that he is happy and satisfied of howthe things turned out.8. Multimedia elements cause confusion to the readers.9. Videos about Simbang Gabi in the Philippines also help readers 'see' and relate to the story aboutChristmas.10. Horror stories need to be accompanied by happy and light background music to set the author's tone.1 Identitaunderlined sentence it is problem solution Write p for problem and S for solution before each​






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