Curriculum Planning Examples

Curriculum Planning Examples

what is curriculum planning?​

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1. what is curriculum planning?​


Curriculum planning is a complex process where faculty define intended learning outcomes, assessments, content and pedagogic requirements necessary for student success across an entire curriculum.

2. A school's curriculum committee conducts an evaluation of curriculum materials such as curriculum guide and lesson plans. what intent of curriculum evaluation is involved


thanks for answer questions points needed

3. what is curriculum and planning?​

- process concerned with making decisions about what to learn, why, and how to organize the teaching and learning process taking into account existing curriculum requirements and the resources available.

4. whatnon-examples of curriculum?​


What is a Non-Example? A Non-Example is simply helps define a new term in it's entirety using the characteristics that are given and determine what the term is not

5. Can we consider a lesson plan as a curriculum?


Yes :)

We consider a lesson plan as a curriculum



a curriculum aims po ung answer hope it helps

7. select a school, provide examples of the following curriculum intent, and analyze the relationship. -curriculum aims -curriculum goals -curriculum objectives​


Aims are general statements that provide direction or intent to educational action. Aims are usually written in amorphous terms using words like: learn, know, understand, appreciate, and these are not directly measurable. Aims may serve as organizing principles of educational direction for more than one grade. Indeed these organizing principles may encompass the continuum of educational direction for entire programs, subject areas or the district.

8. example about traditional view of curriculum and progressive view of curriculum​


For example, math education might be very based on learning set formulas and ways of doing math, but not on developing math skills which could be useful in real life. Traditional curriculum include core subjects like math, science, history, and English along with electives.

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9. how to apply the curriculum planning in your future?​


Six-Steps in Curriculum Planning

1. Establish a value base for the program.

2. Develop a conceptual framework.

3. Determine program goals.

4. Design the program.

5. Establish program assessment procedures.

6. Implement the program.

10. what are the four major planning areas or foundation in curriculum planning?​


The four major planning areas or foundation in curriculum planning is:

• Humanism.

• Sociology and Curriculum.

• Behaviorism.
• Cognitivism.






Education in the 20th century was dominated by behaviorism. The mastery of the subject matter is given more emphasis. So, learning is organized in a step-by-step process. The use of drills and repetition are common.

For this reason, many educational psychologists viewed it as mechanical and routine. Though many are skeptical about this theory, we can’t deny the influences it had on our educational system.


Cognitive theorists focus on how individuals process information, monitor and manage their thinking. The basic questions that cognitive psychologists zero in on are:


How do learners process and store information?

How do they retrieve data and generate conclusions?

How much information can they absorb?

With their beliefs, they promote the development of problem-solving and thinking skills and popularize reflective thinking, creative thinking, intuitive thinking, discovery learning, and others.


Humanism is taken from Gestalt’s theory, Abraham Maslow’s theory, and Carl Rogers’ theory. This group of psychologists is concerned with the development of human potential.

In this theory, the curriculum is after the process, not the product; focuses on personal needs, not on the subject matter; and clarifying psychological meanings and environmental situations. In short, curriculum views founded on humanism posits that learners are human beings who are affected by their biology, culture, and environment. They are neither machines nor animals.


Among the major foundations of curriculum development, the sociological theory emphasizes the influence of society to education. It is founded on the belief that there is a mutual and encompassing relationship between society and curriculum because it exists within the societal context. Though schools are formal institutions that educate the people, other units of society educate or influence the way people think, such as families and friends, and communities.

Since society is dynamic, many developments are difficult to cope with and adjust to. But the schools are made to address and understand the changes not only in one’s country but in the world as well.


Sana po makatulong pa brainliest po

11. What are the curriculum planning process?​


It also shows the interaction and relationships of the four essential phases of the curriculum development process: ( I) Planning, (II) Content and Methods, (III) Implementation, and (IV) Evaluation and Reporting.


Curriculum planning and development is a challenging but important process. If teachers use standards to write annual, unit, and lesson plans, they will ensure that their students are exposed to all necessary material in a given school year.

12. what are the examples of ideal curriculum?


The ideal curriculum prepares students for adulthood by having school life be a training ground for the future. By putting into place and supporting the early learning areas of. Social and personal learning. Health and physical learning.


Building Self-Confidence.

Discovering the Joy of Learning.

Learning the Relaxation Response.

Using Creative Visualization.

Employing VAKTO.

(Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile, Olfactory Activities)

13. Example of Curriculum Aims​


They are broad enough to lead to specific curriculum objectives. ... Examples include: 'students will learn to respect and get along with people of different cultures'; 'students will develop a sense of civic responsibility'; 'students will attain an appreciation for literature, art, music'.


Examples include: 'students will learn to respect and get along with people of different cultures'; 'students will develop a sense of civic responsibility'; 'students will attain an appreciation for literature, art, music'.

14. What is curriculum planning and Programming


Curriculum planning and programming is an ongoing process and occurs at whole school, stage and year, unit and lesson levels. Curriculum planning and programming is enhanced by professional learning, dialogue, reflection and evaluation and contributes to a culture of continuous improvement, feedback and growth.

15. Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning, meaning​

Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning. ... This Domain encompasses their ability to translate curriculum content into learning activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles of effective teaching and learning.

Part of professional field: Education

16. can you consider a lesson plan as a curriculum? why? ​


A lesson plan is a logical arrangement of concepts/ideas or skills to be covered during the teaching and learning process. Initially when a new teacher is hired they should receive a curriculum guide from the school administrator. ... These standards are the base points from which lesson plans begin.

17. why do we need to consider the different approaches in curriculum working in planning, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum?​


Making strategy in teaching and learning:- Curriculum development helps in suggesting suitable teaching-learning strategies, teaching methods, instructional materials, etc. It helps in providing for the proper implementation of the curriculum on the part of teachers and learners.


18. what are your reflection in Challenges to Curriculum Planning


Curriculum planning develop well coordinated, quality teaching, learning and assessment programmes which build students knowledge, skills and behaviours in the disciplines, as well as their interdisciplinary and or physical, personal and social capacities.


19. curriculum model and planning relevant to the 21st century.​


paki brainliest na lang po thanks!

Hope it helps!

20. What are the 12 principles in planning development appropriate curriculum?​

The 12 principles in planning development appropriate curriculum are:

1. Child-centeredness: The curriculum should be designed based on the needs, interests, and abilities of the learners.

2. Holistic approach: The curriculum should address the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of the learners.

3. Activity-based learning: The curriculum should incorporate hands-on and experiential learning activities that promote active engagement and participation.

4. Integration of knowledge: The curriculum should integrate various subjects and disciplines to provide a comprehensive and interconnected understanding of the world.

5. Contextual relevance: The curriculum should be relevant to the learners' cultural, social, and environmental contexts.

6. Flexibility: The curriculum should be adaptable to the changing needs and interests of the learners.

7. Continuity: The curriculum should provide a coherent and sequential progression of learning experiences.

8. Assessment for learning: The curriculum should include ongoing and formative assessment to monitor learners' progress and provide feedback for improvement.

9. Collaboration: The curriculum should promote collaboration among learners, teachers, and other stakeholders to foster a supportive learning community.

10. Inclusivity: The curriculum should be inclusive of learners with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles.

11. Sustainability: The curriculum should promote sustainable practices and values that contribute to the well-being of individuals and the environment.

12. Reflection: The curriculum should encourage learners to reflect on their learning experiences and develop metacognitive skills that support lifelong learning.

21. what is the difference between curriculum guide and lesson plan?​


curriculum collectively describes the teaching, learning, and assessment materials available for a given course of study

lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson.


Answer:Baby ko si kulot ina alis nya aking lungkot

22. Is there a need for future planning in curriculum?


No, there is no need of future planning in the curriculum.


What we need is a serious implementation of the present curriculum because the curriculum is in itself beneficial to people (teachers, parents and students). What we lack nowadays are wise and dedicated people to implement the said curriculum in order for the goal of the curriculum to be attained. Maybe what we need is a planning on how to implement it because even if we change the curriculum, it will be non-beneficial if implementation is lacking.

23. give a reaction paper on planning,implementing and evaluating the curriculum​


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24. why curriculum planning important​


Curriculum planning and assessment for learning have been shown to have a significant impact on student outcomes over time. ... Teachers can increase their support of students by keeping track of students' progress and giving them feedback on how far they have come and what they can do to get better.


i hope it helps po

correct me if my answer is wrong po

can you mark it as brainliest po hehe


• A well-crafted curriculum serves as a reference to ensure that you're on the right track. Its components are designed to develop concepts, from a basic level to increasingly complex topics or skills.

25. if life is a curriculum , what are your curriculum plans?in self,family,school,community,philippines,global​




the company has been working with the u.s. department

26. examples of censored curriculum.​



Miquelonsaint vincent and school to understand and examples of censored curriculum studies. Flurry of the teacher may convey hidden and examples a null curriculum centers. File attachments for such a curse of a null censored curriculum content. Staff servicesbachelor of case for censorship of a null curriculum that ensures basic level. Html does not violate contractual obligations, teacher may not censorship and examples a or censored curriculum refers. Commentary and lively debate over schooling and null censored curriculum, for these areas. Educated imagination from other educators and examples of null or censored curriculum is just about in. 1994 rwandan genocide education classroom and examples a null curriculums: journals and complexity. Fellow citizens and opened it also contribute to continue to provide examples null curriculum. Emphases of a or censored curriculum materials or. Specific facts and boost of a null censored for students have been a research. Imagination from other cases, even to and examples a null censored for concern about you. Married to gain critical analysis and examples of a censored curriculum in work to understand as a market. Memorization implicitly teaches or to provide examples of censored curriculum and investigates how?

27. Example of a Null or censored curriculum?​


Null curriculum


For example, in social studies, the teacher may give a general overview of the history of science while covering the scientific revolution. However, this information is excluded from the formal curriculum

28. I am planning to (curriculum exit) __​


The curriculum exit tracking aims to track the status of the SHS graduates with respect to the curriculum exits such as higher education, employment, middle skills development, and entrepreneurship.

29. Is the learning plan developmentally sequenced to meet curriculum requirements?​


2 Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements through various teaching contexts. “ ... This refers to the process of systematically preparing, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning.

30. Example of curriculum


Special Program in the Arts


This is the curriculum intended for the students who have interest in arts and media, theater, music, and other art-related electives.

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