Negative Effects Of Cultural Change

Negative Effects Of Cultural Change

in your own opinion what are the positive and negative effects of cultural changes​

Daftar Isi

1. in your own opinion what are the positive and negative effects of cultural changes​


There is no alternative. Cultural change is inevitable. Its advantages are that it helps culture stay in tune or in agreement with change generally (e.g., technological, style, etc.) rather than lose touch with it (e.g., computer mystification). Its disadvantages are that it is inconvenient, especially for conservatives, who prefer a static society. Since this is never possible, they are forever beating the drums against change and progress, and yelling for a return to the values of “the good ole days.”This resistance (or confusion with change) also seems to afflict older generations more than younger ones.


hope it helps

pa-brainliest po

2. 3. How can you make the negative effects of aspects and changes of culture and society​


do the the bad things in this eorld and be my sun and moon


Culture, like everything, has two sides to a coin. Here they are briefly.

For the positives, we can be sure that culture establishes a moral code and ethics that are followed for a time-tested period. Culture also contributes greatly to the music, art and language of the society.

However, negatives include being a stress factor and being socially constricting. Good examples are South Korea and Pakistan. Culture can also be outdated if it does not adapt to the changing times.

3. How can you make the negative effects of the changes of culture and society into positive one?​


i guess give a positive advice

4. TRUE OR FALSE.1. There are three organizational theories: traditional, modern, and temporary theories.2. Operations managers formulate strategies and control the resources of the organization by givingmuch attention to etfectiveness and efficiency of its use.3. Management is broken down into four major functions.4. Planning involves assigning tasks that would ensure harmonious working relationships among members of the organization.5. The changing culture, way of life, value and belief systems have influence on the plans and operations of the organization refers to environmental factors.6. There are times that food service business would be classified as hybrid, in cases like sellingmerchandise items other than what it produces.7. The SWOT Analysis is a tool that is useful to the organization if it wants to know the strengths andweaknesses that it has. It analyzes external factors or elements that has a positive and negativeeffects to performance of the organization.8. Manufacturing business incurs expenses like labor, overhead costs and raw materials.9. One of the requirements for teachers to be hired by the Department of Education is to undergo psychological test considering that they will be dealing with learners. This is inspired by thetheory on organizational behavior.10. Sustainable development takes care not only of the needs of the present generation but of thenext making sure as well that there will be enough left for the needs of the coming generation.​


1.true2.true3.false4.true 5. true 6. false7. true 8. true 9. false 10. true


5. Learning Task 4: 1. For your final task, you will create an outline. First, choose one (1) from the topics listed below: A. Date Of Birth Events 》event which took place on the day you were born • Example of outline l. International Eventsll. National Events lll. Local Events B. Hometown 》 information about your hometown or birthplace• Example of Outline l. History ll. Geography A. Cities B. Municipalities lll. Culture A. Delicacies B. Festivals C. Tourist Spots C. Your Interest》information about your chosen topicExample 1: Topic: Plasticl. Advantage ll. DisadvantageExample 2: Topic: Space Exploration l. Positive Effects ll. Negative Effects 2. Find out the various details about your chosen topic. 3. Interview your parents grandparents another close relative or friend to gather information. 4. If internet is available, you can search for information to find out more about your topic then create an outline like this example provided you can change the parts adds or removes main topics subtopics or detailed depending on information you have gathered. 5. Remember to follow the format in creating an outline and use rubric below as your guide.( the rubric for rating is in the picture) [tex]\pink\rightarrow \: \sf{nonsense \: and \: copy \: } \\ = \sf \underline{reported}[/tex]​


3. If internet is available, you can search for information to find out more about your topic. Then, create an outline like the examples provided. You can change the parts, add or remove main topics, subtopics, or details depending on the information the basketball

6. Analysis, Modified TRUE or FALSE Direction: Below are the different statements. Write TRUE if the statement is true. If the statement false, then change ihe underlined word with the correct one. All answers are found in the DISCUSSION part of this module. Write your answer in any paper that you have prepared. (DO NOT WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE ) (DAPAT NARASA NIMO ANG discussion ng part PARA MAKAANSWER KAAND 1. Contact Center also referred to as a customer interaction center or e-contact center (2 pts) 2. Contact Center Services primary purpose is to provide customers with less efficient and effective technical support, customer service and sales assistance (2 pts.) 3. Contact Center Services includes one call centers (2 pts ) 4. CRM strategy stands for customer relationship manager(2 pts) 5. F Contact Center is a central point from which all customer interactions across various channels are managed (2 pts.) 6. The contact center's modular infrastructure also allows managers to minimize the team's efficiency while benefitting from better security measures, more secure data and increased flexibility (2 pts) 7. Real-time reports, which enable contact centers to observe and analyze agent performance and customer request in real time across the various channels used (2 pts.) 8. Scripts, which provide agents with a framework for providing callers with good support and generating sales (2 pts) 9. Advanced call distribution, which allows contact center service providers -- called agents -- to maximize the number of calls taken while maintainmg a negative customer experience (2 pts) 10. Interchangeable assignments, since agents share contacts and objectives, thus allowing them to work as an individual even while maintaining individual stations. (2 pts.) 11. With the continuous influx of fresh talent pool into contact center jobs, there is a increasing demand for trainers who train these candidates for acing customer interactions. (2pts.) 12. Specialized Call Center Executive Roles are specialized customer service and support roles that require a specific skill set over. (2pts.) 13. A team leader handles escalations, offers scaffolding on how to handle a request, coaches & motivates associates, and manages the team's performance 14. A subject matter expert is an expert and a designated resource for guiding and up-to-date information on specific products, services, policies, processes, or business areas (2pts) 15. Trainer helps new folks get up to speed, understand the culture, and start contributing quickly. (2 pts)​




wag mo ilagay lahat ilagay mo lang ang imortant

word para ma answeran

true po yung iba


#paheart lng po

pa brainliest

7. Activity 1. Essay WritingDirections: Explain the concept, aspects and changes of culture and society1. What are the positive effects of globalization?2. How can you make the negative effects of globalization into positive one?​

1.The positive effects of Globalization is that they allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products, and it also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers

2.By adjusting your perspective to encompasses all humans, not just those more connected to you. This doesn't change any of the effects, but it demonstrates the imbalance between the limited negative effects and the broad and significant positive effects.


basta yun na yon

8. Directions: Using the alternating flow chart, write your opinion on the concept, aspects and changes of culture and society. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. us facts to suppoat Sat Fatec Anformation to support chim Show the positive and negative ecs of obstration 24 22 Processed Questions: 1.What are your findings/ opinions based on facts? 2. What are the positive effects of globalization? 3. How can you make the negative effects of globalization into positive one?​


magbasa ka kasi wag puro asa sa brainly para matuto ka din

9. B. Assessment: 1. Directions. Read and understand the text. Answer the questions that follow. Single-use plastic must be banned. The ban will prevent 20% of our country's staggering 2.7 million tons of plastic from entering the waste stream each year. Not only does banning single-use plastic reduce pollution, it also reduces demand for plastic production that's contributing to global climate change. But beyond these impacts, the bans have cultural effects as companies are forced to innovate, rethink their designs and source out sustainable materials. When waste is disposed of or recycled in a safe, ethical, and responsible manner, it helps reduce the negative impacts to the environment. 1. What is the claim of the writer? 2. What are the evidences that support the claim? 3. Is there a statement in the paragraph that does not support the claim? If yes, it on the space below, 4-5. Write your own evidence to support the claim of the writer. Explain why yo consider it as supporting evidence. Your own evidence to support the claim:​


1b 2c 3d 4a 5d


hope it help

10. Additional Activity Read the text below and label the research below using the elements of restarch (Title, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussions, Conclusion and References) Color Psychology Paper How does color affect one's mood? Colors may just seem simple and unimportant, but they affect our daily lives more han we may know. If someone is feeling angry, it could just be because they're angry. or it could be perhaps that they are surrounded by or looking at the color red. That's right: People's moods can change just because they are looking at different colors There are many theories on how just a simple color can change one's whole mood According to Johnson (2007), color does affect mood by producing certain chemicals and stimulating different feelings such as hunger. For example, blue can make one leel calin because it releases calming chemicals, and red can make one hunen because it is an appetite stimulant. Yellow can make one feel irritated, and it isuren that people lose their iemper most in yellow rooms. However, pink is tranquilizing and can make one feel weak. In conclusion, Johnson says that depending on the color, one's body can do things like producing chemicals) that cause a certain emotional reaction (mad, sad, etc.). Another idea, by Sruith (2007), is that the effect color produces is based on what one's body does in response. For example, vellow is mentally stimulating, and activates memory, whereas red increases confidence. Also, brown can make a person fecl orderly and stable, while a dark blue can make one leel sad Therefore, Smith says that different colors do in fact change one s mood and the consequences can be negative or positive. I third writer Wollard. (2000) seems to think that color can alleet one's mood, but the effect also can depend on one's culture and what one's personal reflection may be for example, someone from Japan may not associate red with anger, as people from the US tend to do so a person who likes the color brown may Associate brown with happiness. However Holland does think that colors can make everyone feel the same, or close to the same mood. According to Wollard, pink reduces aggression, which is why the walls of the cells in the Seattle prison are pink! Also, brown can make one feel comforted. Wolland feels that colors do aficct oncs mood, but there are other factors that can alter that one supposed to feel Enc, John and Paraag' (2007) main point about color Example green makes people feel relaxed because it relaxes their muscles and makes sychology is that color has both physiological and psychological cflect. For them breathe deeper and more slowly. Furthermore blue lower blood pressure mood because of what it does to the body. Yet another idea by lucy (2000). is that which makes one fcel calm. Eric John, and Para conclude that color atlects ones is energy, and it can have a physical, mental, spiritual and or emotional effect can also make one feel depressed. Also brown can make a person feel reliable and people. He states that black anake one feel sophisticated and secure, but it can have dillerent kinds itellects all prople. color CO Q4 ENGLISH10 MODULE 1​


[tex]\green{ \rule{99999pt}{944444pt}}[/tex]

11. "I love visiting you folks in the city because people are wholesome, hardworking, and family – centered.” Which propaganda technique is used in the statement? A. glittering generalities B. name-calling C. plain folks D. soft soap Select the word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all. Write only the letter of your best choice on a separate sheet of paper. In an earthquake, residents are advised to duck, to cover, and to hold. A. In an earthquake C. to cover E. No error B. to duck D. to hold . After class hours, the students went to the plaza, to the mall, and home. A. After class C. the plaza E. No error B. the students went D. and home Public places require not only face masks but also wearing face shields. A. Public places C. face masks E. No error B. not only D. wearing face shields Both the children and their mother love going to the park to see birds. A. the children C. going to the park E. No error B. their mother D. to see birds .What do you think is the right thing for you to do if you see a propaganda of a slimming tablet with a promo sale of buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very cheap price and you really want to lose weight? A. Not buy the product until I can prove that it is effective. B. Immediately buy the product for its very good offer. C. Buy the product because of its convincing promotion. D. Conduct a thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the product before buying it. The divine bow of Bhagavan Shiv at king Janak's palace was broken by ________ ? A Ram B Lakshman C Parasuram D Ravana “Buying a brand new android cellphone is a waste of money.” Which of the words in the statement shows bias? A. brand new B. buying C. money D. waste .All of the following statements are true about bias, EXCEPT: A. presenting both sides of the issue C. putting across an unfair or one-sided opinion B. telling only a part of the issue at hand D. being subjective as opposed to being objective .The theme is the central meaning or idea that the writer conveys to thereader. What do you think is the theme of the story Ramayana? A. seeking happiness B. doing one’s duties C. forgiving and forgetting D. giving importance to wedding Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In the story Ramayana of India, Rama shows his undying love to Sita by risking his life just to protect her. Which of the following Filipino culture mirrors this value? A. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the trials that they met. B. A husband works hard in order to provide the needs of his family. C. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary with his wife. D. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during special occasions What should an author do to avoid being biased? The author must… A. present evidences to support personal opinions B. present solid evidences on both sides of an issue C. use words and expressions that appeal to the readers D. use words and expressions to convince readers to take a stand What values are evident in the story Ramayana? A. trust and hatred B. pride and prejudice C. loyalty and responsibility (dharma)D. humility and thriftiness _______ I am not clever, I try my best on my study. a. however b. so c. for example d. although Why is it important for readers to identify biases in a written work? a. Recognizing biases helps readers become more knowledgeable about writers they agree with. b. Recognizing biases helps readers think critically to avoid being influenced about how they feel about people or things. c. Recognizing biases helps readers think critically in order to gain a better understanding of the writer’s perspective.​d.recognizing biases is not important;it is normal to people or things.


1. Propaganda technique: C. plain folks

2. Error: E. No error

3. Error: D. and home (should be "and to home")

4. Error: B. not only (should be "not only the wearing of face masks but also")

5. Error: E. No error

6. Right thing to do: D. Conduct a thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the product before buying it.

7. Answer: C. Parasuram

8. Bias: D. waste

9. Statement about bias: A. presenting both sides of the issue

10. Theme of Ramayana: B. doing one's duties

11. Filipino value mirrored in Ramayana: A. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the trials that they met.

12. Author must: B. present solid evidences on both sides of an issue

13. Values in Ramayana: C. loyalty and responsibility (dharma)

14. Word needed: D. although

15. Importance of identifying biases: C. Recognizing biases helps readers think critically in order to gain a better understanding of the writer's perspective.


1. The propaganda technique used in the statement is "plain folks" because it tries to appeal to the readers by presenting the speaker as an ordinary person who shares their values and beliefs.

2. There is no error in this sentence.

3. The error in this sentence is the use of "and home" instead of "and to home."

4. The error in this sentence is the use of "not only" instead of "not only the wearing of face masks but also."

5. There is no error in this sentence.

6. The right thing to do is to conduct a thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the product before buying it.

7. The divine bow of Bhagavan Shiv at king Janak's palace was broken by Parasuram.

8. The word that shows bias in the statement is "waste" because it conveys a negative connotation towards buying a brand new android cellphone.

9. The statement that is not true about bias is "presenting both sides of the issue" because bias involves presenting only one side of the issue or presenting it unfairly.

10. The theme of Ramayana is doing one's duties.

11. The Filipino value mirrored in Ramayana is A. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the trials that they met.

12. To avoid being biased, the author must present solid evidences on both sides of an issue.

13. The values evident in Ramayana are loyalty and responsibility (dharma).

14. The word needed in the sentence is "although" to show a contrast between the speaker's lack of cleverness and effort to study.

15. Identifying biases is important because it helps readers think critically in order to gain a better understanding of the writer's perspective and avoid being influenced by biases.

12. DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer1. Which of the following statements is not true regarding nation-states?A. Nation-states are comprised of four elements.B. The government is the most important element of the state.C. There is no requirement as to how many people should comprise a state.D. There must be coneurrence of the four elements of the state for a state be considered as such.2. How are nation-states characterized?A. They speak a common languageB. They have a common descent.C. They share a common historyD. All of the above3. Which of the following tems has a cultural connotation?A. State B. NationC. CommunityD. Country4. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding nations and state? Choose as many correct answerS.A. A nation is political in natureB. A nation 1s a community of people.C. A state is cultural in natureD. A state relates with the concept of government.E. A nation is bounded by a common interest5. Where do people live?A. TerritoryB. JurisdictionC. Sovereignty D. Government6. What is the term to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that are the result of dramatically increased trade and cultural change?A. PowerB. GlobalizationC. StateD. Nation7. Which of the following is an advantage of globalization?A. Peaceful RelationsB. EducationC. Employment D All of the above8. Which of the following can mean transformation of global village- the close contact between differentparts of the world, with increase possibilities of personal exchange and friendship between worldCitizens? A. PowerB. GlobalizationC. StateD. Nation9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding globalization?A. Globalization does not have problems and negative effects.B. Globalization has increased the flow of communications allowing vital information to be sharedbetween individuals and corporations around the world.C. Globalization can be challenged by communities supporting each other in business and societyand through public protest and political lobbying.D. In the global economy, jobs are becoming more temporary and insecure.10. Globalization involves:A. A stretching of social, political, and economic activities across political frontiers.B. A growing magnitude of interconnectedness in almost every sphere of social existence.C. An accelerating pace of global interactions and processes associated with a deepeninginvolvement of the local and the global.D. All of the options given are correct.​


1. A











I hope it helps

13. Analyze the statement below. Write Yes if the statement describes the positive effect of religion, and No if the statement describes the negative effect of religion.1. Religion provides social change.2. Religion makes people fight each other.3. Religion gives a sense of purpose in life.4. Religion sets notions of right and wrong.5. Religion promotes obscurantism.6. Religion obstructs the use of reason.7. Religion integrates and stabilizes cultures as well as nations8. Religion is a source of discrimination9. Religion gives a sense of origin and destination.10. Religion impedes scientific success and development​


1 yes

2 no

3 yes

4 pag motions yan baka yes

5 no

6 no

7 yes

8 no

9 yes

10 yes

14. Despite a less than ideal childhood, Anelisa marched against the grain and surprised his family when he was accepted into university. "Throughout my schooling, I stayed with my uncle and basically brought myself up as he is a taxi driver and works irregular hours and I received very little support from my family who live in the Eastern Cape," recounts Anelisa. Reflecting on the significance of 16 June in our country's history, Anelisa advises the country's youth to remember that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure. "It's not our darkness but our light that most frightens us and as we let each one of our light's shine, we are unconsciously giving others the opportunity to do And his biggest concern about the world today? "A lack of humility! It seems many people work for financial gain only, rather than helping or contributing towards making the world a better place." Anelisa however believes that the world is full of opportunities. "With a great plan and enough ambition, we can all achieve all our goals." After fulfilling his dream of attending university, Anelisa graduated and was accepted on to Engen's prestigious graduate development programme. The Engen Graduate Development Programme sees graduates spend time across a broad range of business functions. To date Anelisa has worked in Engen's Fixed Asset Team and in the Tax Department as a graduate trainee. "I never imagined myself working for one of the petroleum industry leaders! "It was an exciting opportunity for me to join Engen and see how I can contribute to making the value chain more effective and efficient, so that ultimately real value is added to the end customer." As a graduate trainee at Engen, he is discovering where he best fits in within the company. "I really appreciate the company's culture and beliefs - they put their money into growing people skills, while the leadership style adopted by top management is indicative of how the company puts its employees first and creates a space for everyone to learn and grow as individuals." So, what is Anelisa's greatest ambition? "I really want to touch people's lives. I don't want to say change people's lives because I feel like it's up to each individual to change their own lives, but what I can do, is assist them in the process of changing their lives." Continuing to attract and grow talented young minds like Analisa Gazi, demonstrates Engen's ongoing commitment to developing our countries future experts and isaders. In 2020, the company invested R9.8 million in Learnerships and Bursaries. They also continue to provide supplementary Maths, Science and Technology tuition to approximately 1 800 under-privileged Grade 10 12 learners across South Africa through the Engen Maths and Science School programme.Questions1.2 Identify and explain TWO types of goals in line with Anelisa's story 1.3 Discuss any THREE challenges Anelisa experienced that could've been obstacles1.4 Analyse how Anelisa personal values contributed to his success1.5 Critically discuss how relationships can impact negatively on the achivements of goals ​


here u go :) -Malong


1.2 Two types of goals in line with Anelisa's story are:

a) Career goal: Anelisa's goal was to get into university and then find a job in a company that aligns with his values and beliefs. He achieved this goal by graduating from university and getting accepted into Engen's graduate development programme.

b) Personal growth goal: Anelisa's goal was to touch people's lives and assist them in the process of changing their own lives. This goal reflects his desire to make a positive impact on others and to contribute to making the world a better place.

1.3 Three challenges Anelisa experienced that could've been obstacles are:

a) Childhood: Anelisa had a less than ideal childhood and had to bring himself up. This could have impacted his self-esteem and motivation.

b) Lack of family support: Anelisa received very little support from his family who lived in the Eastern Cape. This could have impacted his financial stability and made it harder for him to achieve his goals.

c) Limited financial resources: Anelisa's uncle was a taxi driver and worked irregular hours. This could have made it difficult for him to pay for his education and other expenses.

1.4 Anelisa's personal values contributed to his success in the following ways:

a) Determination: Anelisa's determination to succeed despite the challenges he faced showed his resilience and drive. He did not let his childhood or the lack of family support stop him from pursuing his goals.

b) Ambition: Anelisa had a clear plan and enough ambition to achieve his goals. He recognized the opportunities available to him and took advantage of them.

c) Empathy: Anelisa's desire to touch people's lives and assist them in the process of changing their own lives reflects his empathy and compassion for others. This desire also shows his genuine concern for making the world a better place.

1.5 Critically discuss how relationships can impact negatively on the achivements of goals ​

Relationships can have a significant impact on the achievement of goals, both positively and negatively. On the one hand, supportive and encouraging relationships can provide motivation and inspiration, as well as resources and guidance, to help individuals reach their goals. On the other hand, negative relationships can impede progress and discourage individuals from pursuing their goals.

15. I-Read and analyze the texts below then encircle the letter of the correct answer. 5 points each number. 1. Red tide develops when the water polluted. It is the episodic appearance of a reddish discoloration in coastal of water because of the proliferation certain minute, toxic protozoans. a a.Sequence b. description c.cause and effect d. comparison and contrast e. problem and solution 2.Pearl farm is relaxing resort only a few minutes away from the annoyance of city of life. This secluded cove in Samai Island off the Davao coast, was one a farm where thousands of oysters were cultivated or their pink, white and gold pearls. a.Sequence b. description c.cause and effect d. comparison and contrast e. problem and solution 3.Vehicles eject poisonous gases which contain carbon monoxide. Industries and factories burn fuels giving a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As a result the ozone layer is damage and it allows the ultraviolet radiation to pass through the earth causes skin cancer and other diseases. a.Sequence b. description c.cause and effect d. comparison and contrast e. problem and solution 4.One example of technology which both helps us and harms us is the airplane. On the other hand, the airplane helps people get fro place to place very quickly; much more quickly than train, car, or bus, . Furthermore, airplane tickets are relatively inexpensive and therefore it is affordable to travel by plane. Thanks to the invention, people have become more connected and can encounter new cultures and ideas more easily than in the past. On the other hands, the airplane can also be used for many negative purposes. For instances , since the invention of the airplane. It has been used to fight wars. Since world war II. a.Sequence b.description c.cause and effect d. comparison and contrast e. problem and solution 5.The gross water consumption of the rapidly growing human population and climate change are perhaps the main causes of water shortage in many dry regions in the world. However, there are some ways you can do to help prevent or solve the problem. First, you can save just a little bit of water each time you turn on the tap and add up to water bill savings over time. While waiting for the shower to water to warm up, catch the cold water in the jug or pail. You can use it later to water the plants, fill the kettle, or mop the floor. Turning off the tap while soaping or shampooing will save you about nine liters. a. Sequence b. description c.cause and effect d. comparison and contrast e. problem and solution​


kaya mo yan pre


diko alam eh

16. A. Cities Learning Task 4: 1. For your final task, you will create an outline. First, choose one (1) from the topics listed below: A. Date of Birth Events B. Hometown C. Your Interest - events which took place on the information about your - information about your chosen day you were bom hometown or birthplace topic Example Outline: Example Outline: Example 1: International Events 1. History Topic: Plastic 1. National Events H. Geography Advantages II. Local Events B. Municipalities II. Disadvantages L. Culture Example 2: A Delicacies Topic: Space Exploration B. Festivals Positive Effects C. Tourist Spots II. Negative effects 2. Find out the various details about your chosen topic. 3. Interview your parent, grandparent, another close relative, or a friend to gather information. 4. If internet is available. you can search for information to find out more about your topic. Then create an outline like the examples provided. You can change the parts, add or remove main topics subtopics, or details depending on the information you have gathered. 5. Remember to follow the format in creating an outline and use the rubric below as your guide: Rubric for Rating​



II.local evens


sorry Po Yan lang Po alam ko

17. [tex] \pink\rightarrow \: \sf{nonsense \: and \: copy \: } \\ = \sf \underline{reported}[/tex]Wag kayong hàyòp Pang 4 na beses na to Learning Task 4:1. For your final task, you will create an outline. First, choose one (1) from the topics listed below:A. Date Of Birth Events》event which took place on the day you were born• Example of outlinel. International Eventsll. National Eventslll. Local EventsB. Hometown》 information about your hometown or birthplace• Example of Outlinel. Historyll. GeographyA. CitiesB. Municipalitieslll. CultureA. DelicaciesB. FestivalsC. Tourist SpotsC. Your Interest》information about your chosen topicExample 1:Topic: Plasticl. Advantagell. DisadvantageExample 2:Topic: Space Explorationl. Positive Effectsll. Negative Effects2. Find out the various details about your chosen topic.3. Interview your parents grandparents another close relative or friend to gather information.4. If internet is available, you can search for information to find out more about your topic then create an outline like this example provided you can change the parts adds or removes main topics subtopics or detailed depending on information you have gathered.5. Remember to follow the format in creating an outline and use rubric below as your guide.​



1. Types Of Pollution1.1 Land Pollution

1.1.1. Deforestation and Soil Erosion

1.1.2. Overcrowded Landfills

1.1.3. Industrialization

1.1.4. Nuclear Waste

[tex]\large{• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •}[/tex]

1.2 Water Pollution

1.2.1. Oil Spillage

1.2.2. Chemical Pollution

1.2.3. Groundwater Pollution

1.2.4. Microbiological Pollution.

[tex]\large{• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •}[/tex]

1.3 Air Pollution

1.3.1. Industrial Emissions

1.3.2. Microbial Decaying Process

1.3.3. Open Burning Of Wastes

1.3.4. Wildfires




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