One Of The Following Statements Does Not Describe Qualitative Research

One Of The Following Statements Does Not Describe Qualitative Research

1.One of the following statements does not describe qualitative research. A. It focuses on participants' perceptions. B. It takes place in a natural setting. C. Its method used is interactive and humanistic. D. It analyzes data using statistical tools. 2. Arriving at a result in qualitative research takes time. This shows the A. Direction of qualitative research B. Weakness of qualitative research C. Strength of qualitative research D. Areas for improvement of qualitative research 3. The following scenarios show strengths of qualitative research, EXCEPT for a fact that A. it can develop theories. B. it has several avenues to understand phenomena. C. the researcher's personal perception is immersed in the study. D. it answers events occurring in social, economic, political, and psychological set-up.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.One of the following statements does not describe qualitative research. A. It focuses on participants' perceptions. B. It takes place in a natural setting. C. Its method used is interactive and humanistic. D. It analyzes data using statistical tools. 2. Arriving at a result in qualitative research takes time. This shows the A. Direction of qualitative research B. Weakness of qualitative research C. Strength of qualitative research D. Areas for improvement of qualitative research 3. The following scenarios show strengths of qualitative research, EXCEPT for a fact that A. it can develop theories. B. it has several avenues to understand phenomena. C. the researcher's personal perception is immersed in the study. D. it answers events occurring in social, economic, political, and psychological set-up.​


1. A.

Though it is interactive as it makes use of participants, the aim is not to get opinions from people but to attain factual information from them that could lead the researchers to a general conclusion.

2. A.

Arriving at a result in qualitative research takes time as the process itself is long. Participants are required, and their answers are still to be gathered, analyzed, and utilized in the research.

3. C.

As mentioned earlier, objective and factual information are needed in order to keep the results consistent and reliable. It is a qualitative research thus it focuses on gaining understanding of the world without any biases.

2. how does one conduct a qualitative research?​


Qualitative research methods

Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes.Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes.Interviews: personally asking people questions in one-on-one conversations.Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes.Interviews: personally asking people questions in one-on-one conversations.Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among a group of people.Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes.Interviews: personally asking people questions in one-on-one conversations.Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among a group of people.Surveys: distributing questionnaires with open-ended questions.Question:how does one conduct a qualitative research?

Answer:Qualitative research involves many different formats and methods, each with a specific use and aim. The methods include face-to-face or phone interviews, focus groups, observation (natural settings), textual (polls, surveys).

Another answer:Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes.Interviews: personally asking people questions in one-on-one conversations.Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among a group of people.Surveys: distributing questionnaires with open-ended questions.

Hope it helps#carryonlearning

3. Hi Pahelp nmn ako!! A. Directions :identify the following statements as either true or false to describe the characteristics, strengths, weakness of qualitative research and its importance acriss fields. Write tru if the statement on qualitative research is correct and false if the statement is incorrect. ​


















sana po makatulong po





Explanation:Brainliest Me Pls

4. How do kinds of Qualitative Research contribute to the conduct of research? Why does one need to uses it?​


The six types of qualitative research are the phenomenological model, the ethnographic model, grounded theory, case study, historical model and the narrative model.

Phenomenological Method. ...

Ethnographic Model. ...

Grounded Theory Method. ...

Case Study Model. ...

Historical Model. ...

Narrative Model.

5. which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research



6. Learning Task 3.1: What do you know about research?Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not. Write your answers on your answersheet.1. A research paper does not need supporting research and past studies.2. A qualitative research deals with statistics.3. There is only one kind of research which is qualitative research4. A research needs respondents or participants.5. A research paper analyzes a perspective.​​


1. False

2. False (quantitative is the one dealing with statistics)

3. False (qualitative and quantitative research)

4. True

5. True


Hope it helps


1.) False

2.) False

3.) False

4.) True

5.) True


hope this helps

7. Describe the characteristics of qualitative research.

Soft science Focus:

complex & broad

Holistic Subjective Dialectic,

inductive reasoning

Basis of knowing:

meaning & discovery

Develops theory

Shared interpretation

Communication & observation

Basic element of analysis:

words Individual





Characteristics Soft science Focus: complex & broad Holistic Subjective Dialectic, inductive reasoning Basis of knowing: meaning & discovery Develops theory Shared interpretation Communication & observation Basic element of analysis: words Individual interpretation Uniqueness.

i don't know if that's correct

8. which of the following does NOT describes qualitative research .a. an attempt to confirm the researchers hypotheses b.research that attempts to generate a new theory C. research that is expiratory d.thr collection of non numerical data​


C. research that is expiratory


not sure

9. Which of the following terms describes the nature of a qualitative research question?​


saan yung terms?


sorry :(((((

10. Learning Task 3.1: What do you know about research?Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not. Write your answers on your answersheet.1. A research paper does not need supporting research and past studies.2. A qualitative research deals with statistics.3. There is only one kind of research which is qualitative research4. A research needs respondents or participants.5. A research paper analyzes a perspective.​


ito napo sana makatulong





4 false


11. which of the following does not characterize a qualitative research?​


Methods include focus group discussions and individual interviews.​


paki heart and like po

12. Tell whether the following statement is a quantitative research or qualitative research. explain your answer

there's no statement written there omg

13. Test li: Read the statements carefully and identify whether the statement is correct or wrong. If thestatement is correct write True on the blank and if its not write False on the blank.1. Qualitative research is known for providing meaning to understand an existingphenomenon.2. The development in any fields such as in education, business, medical, and healthAllied services and etc. is not made possible by qualitative research.3. Analysis is one of the commonly and widely employed approaches of narrative research.4. Qualitative research is time-consuming.5. Qualitative research is more difficult to analyze.6. Qualitative research cannot generalize the findings to study the population.7. Qualitative research cannot provide more detailed information to explain complex issues.8. Qualitative research can be naturalistic but not all the time.9. Phenomenological research may use narrative, but narrative research does notnecessarily need phenomenological.10. Qualitative research is cost-efficient.​













I jist answered it

14. 1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about quantitative and qualitative research? A. Quantitative research is more systematic than qualitative research. B. Qualitative research is more systematic than quantitative research. C. Both qualitative and quantitative researches have statement of the problem to investigate. D. Qualitative and quantitative researches have the unique design to follow.​




Quantitative research is a research technique that spotlights on measuring the assortment and examination of information. Quantitative researchis framed from an insightful methodology where accentuation is put on the testing of hypothesis, formed by empiricist and positivist ways of thinking. Quantitative research utilizes factual and intelligent perceptions to get the end though the qualitative inquiry depends on the verbal and composed information. So, quantitative research is by and large communicated in numbers or addressed utilizing diagrams, though qualitative research is communicated involving the words for the given informational indexes.

Quantitative and qualitative strategies produce various sorts of information. As a general rule, quantitative techniques bring about quantitative information, while qualitative strategies produce qualitative information. Quantitative research  information is communicated in numbers It is utilized to test or affirm hypotheses and suspicions. Quantitative research is a kind of research can be utilized to build up generalizable realities about a theme. Normal quantitative techniques incorporate trials, perceptions recorded as numbers, and overviews with shut finished inquiries. Qualitative research is communicated in words.

[Solved] what is the definition of research ? -



A. Quantitative research is more systematic than qualitative research.


15. Which of the following best describes the purpose of conducting qualitative research?


To explore the meaning of people's experiences, culture.

The purpose of quantitative research is to attain greater knowledge and understanding of the social world. Researchers use quantitative methods to observe situations or events that affect people. 1. Quantitative research produces objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers.

16. A qualitative research statement


As used in this research, these refer to...


17. tell whether the following statement is a quantitative research or qualitative research

nasa picture Po Yong sagot..

18. why does qualitative research use inductive reasoningwhy does qualitative research use inductive reasoning ​


According to ERIC, qualitative research is often said to employ inductive thinking or induction reasoning since it moves from specific observations about individual occurrences to broader generalizations and theories.

19. qualitative research can be described as​


Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. ... Qualitative research is the opposite of quantitative research, which involves collecting and analyzing numerical data for statistical analysis.

20. *Enumerate the Types of Research and explain each briefly. (One to two statements will do)*Using the semantic map, give the different types of Qualitative Research.QUALITATIVE​


qualitive research

Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research.

Qualitative research is the opposite of quantitative research, which involves collecting and analyzing numerical data for statistical analysis.

Qualitative research is commonly used in the humanities and social sciences, in subjects such as anthropology, sociology, education, health sciences, history

quantitative research

Quantitative research means collecting and analyzing numerical data to describe characteristics, find correlations, or test hypotheses.

The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the social world.

Quantitative research is used by social scientists, including communication researchers, to observe phenomena or occurrences affecting individuals. Social scientists are concerned with the study of people.

nakuha ko po to sa kapatid ko hehe sa modules nya

21. Each of the Statements below describes either quantitative or qualitative research. On the first column, write a check mark (/) if you think the item is describing a quantitative research and a cross mark (X) if you think it does not. Then explain your choices or answers on the third column.


Research could be categorized into either quantitative and qualitative. As their names suggest, the kind of data gathered through each mentioned research is what differentiates the two from each other.

In a quantitative research, the data which are gathered are quantifiable. Which means it has  more to do with numbers. The interpretation and analysis of these numbers are gathered to give a description or a conclusion in an area of interest. There is a goal to measure a characteristic/factor through its quantity.

A qualitative research on the other hand dwells more on data that gives the researcher an idea of the subject of interest's specific quality. This means that in qualitative research, data is more descriptive and data that are non-quantifiable. Each type of research are used depending on the objectives of the study. To get started with the different statements provided:

1. The study places emphasis on the study of phenomena from the perspective of those who experienced it.- This study concerns itself with experiences and phenomena, both of which are non-quantifiable. The emphasis is on the quality of the experience. Therefore, this is a qualitative research.

2. In examining causes, a strong data driven basis is required. A causative relationship could strongly be established using quantitative research where one could statistically prove the relationship of variables and if whether they are correlated and has a causative relationship.

3. Qualitative research, due to its nature as being interview intensive and experience-based, requires a more specific and detailed take on the delivery of data before these pieces of information could be analyzed and a theme could be drawn. Also, refer to number 5.

4. This concerns numerical data, which means this is a study that aims to quantify and is, therefore, a quantitative study.

5. With qualitative data especially those gained from experiences, there is an assumption of dynamic and negotiated reality. This means that you as a researcher recognizes that results are not a representation of a population however these data provide themes that could aid in analyzing and solving problems. Quantitative data on the other hand deals with numbers and statistically could be analyzed to be acceptable as a representation of a population. Therefore it can be utilized to make generalizations. This example is therefore a quantitative research.

There is also a possibility that a research could utilize both qualitative and quantitative research approachs. This is totally dependent on your objectives and the purpose of your study. Each type of research has its own strengths and weaknesses in presenting and interpreting information. The important part is knowing when to use which research approach.


22. which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about qualitative research?​

where is the statements?

23. Which is true among the following statements about the types of qualitative research design? a)The nature of qualitative research is strictly organized, and very specific.b)Bricolage means the merging of various data collection strategies.c)The researcher has minimal involvement throughout qualitative research.d)There is no need for "gatekeepers" in qualitative research.


a)The nature of qualitative research is strictly organized, and very specific


24. which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?


which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?


Improper representation of the target populationor Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.

Hope it helps:)


25. tell whether the following statement is a quantitative research or qualitative research​


Quantitative data is information about quantities, and therefore it has numbers, and qualitative data is descriptive, and regards phenomenon which can be observed but not measured, such as language(no numbers).

26. Learning Task 5.1: What do you know about research? Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not. Write your answers on your answer sheet. 1. A research paper does not need supporting research and past studies. 2. A qualitative research deals with statistics. 3. There is only one kind of research which is qualitative research. 4. A research needs respondents or participants. 5. A research paper analyzes a perspective.​



27. which of the following does not characterize a qualitative research


Quantifiable: Surveys, even those that include open-ended questions, are never qualitative, neither is putting numbers to frequencies of word occurrences. Simple research that anyone can do: Just as with quantitative research, it takes skill and expertise to collect and analyse qualitative data.

Hope it helps

28. which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?


Quantitative Method reveals what and to what extent but often fails to answer more on why and how.

This type of research requires the model performance to be monitored on constant basis in order to ensure its compliance with the original hypotheses.

The impression of homogeneity in a sample may turn out to be fake in this method.

This method involves limited number of Quants supply and also involves complex disciplines which are hard to master.


which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?


Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.

Hope it helps:)


29. define the following kinds of qualitative research on your one understanding​


Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why" rather than the "what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their every day lives.

sana Maka tulong

30. which of the following words describes qualitative research?​


qualitative approach is more about understanding a person's unique,

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