Orion s Belt Meaning

Orion s Belt Meaning

Catholic people called the belt of Orion as

Daftar Isi

1. Catholic people called the belt of Orion as


He who made the Pleiades and Orion, and turns deep darkness into the morning and darkens the day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the surface of the earth, the Lord is his name.



2. What zodiac sign is Orion's belt in



What zodiac sign is Orion's belt in


Practiced stargazers often use Orion's Belt to find Taurus' most prominent signposts: the V-shaped Hyades star cluster with the bright star Aldebaran in its midst, and the magnificent Pleiades star cluster. In other words, as you can see from the illustration above, Orion's Belt points to Aldebaran and the Pleiades.

3. what is the local name of the orion's belt ​


the Three Kings or Three Sisters,


Orion's Belt or the Belt of Orion, also known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters, is an asterism in the constellation Orion. It consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Looking for Orion's Belt is the easiest way to locate Orion in the night sky.


4. A compressor is driven by an 18 kilowatts motor by means of a v-belt. the service factor is 1.4 and the corrected horsepower capacity of the v-belt is 3.5. determine the number of belts needed.

i think you can just ask your teacher for that

5. 2. The three bright stars arranged in a row make the belt of Orion. These three bright stars are sometimes called by the old folks as A Hercules B. Lyra C. Beta D. Tres Marias​


D. Tres Marias


Hope it helps:)


6. what is the meaning of tighten our belt​


Spend less money or To reduce, restrict, or limit one's budget; to live more modestly or make financial sacrifices.


to spend less than usual in order to save money.


everyone is tightening their belts after the company went bankrupt.

7. Eric 's belt is 73.84 cm long . How long is his belt to the nearest centimeter​


the belt measures 74 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

the rule for rounding off of number are:

if less than 5 = round down

if more than 5 = round up

the question is round off to nearest centimeter, thus, we need to round off to nearest ones

73.84 cm

now, look at the decimal, the nearest decimal to ones are the tenths

73.84 cm

applying the rule for rounding off, we should round UP because

8 is more than 5, and if more than 5, you need to round up

now round up

73.84 cm

73 + 1

74 cm

8. What are the three important constellations? A.Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion B.Ursa big, Ursa small, Orion C.Ursa Major, Big Dipper, Orion D.Polaris, Ursa Minor, Orion


A is the correct answer



What are the three important constellations?

C. Ursa Major, Big Dipper, Orion.

9. Which of the following is the asterism of Ursa Major?A. Orion's beltC. The little dipperB. The big dipperD. Crux​


Which of the following is the asterism of Ursa Major?

A. Orion's belt

C. The little dipper

B. The big dipper

D. Crux

10. 8. For Greeks, Orion means and prominent in the night sky during​


Orion is clearly visible in the night sky from November to February. Finding Orion's Belt is the easiest way to locate the Orion Constellation.

11. What is the meaning of belt? ​

a strip of leather or other material worn around the waist or across the chest, especially in order to support clothes or carry weapons.



12. Which of the following did ancient explorers use as a guide and point of reference? *human shadowOrion's beltPolarisruler​


human shadow or Polaris


this is may best answer

13. III . Identify whether the following is a CONSTELLATION or ASTERISM. 16. The Great Square 17. Cassiopeia 18. Orion's Belt 19. Draco 20. Big dipper​







14. What do the different colors of taekwondo belts mean?


the white belt represents purity the innocence of an individual about the art itself and about the specific system that each particular master teacher

15. What do Taekwondo belts mean?1. white belt2. yellow belt3. green belt4. Blue belt5. red belt6. Black belt​


White – signifies a birth, or beginning, of a seed. A white belt student is a beginner searching for knowledge of the Art.

Yellow – signifies the first beam of sunlight which shines upon the seed giving it new strength with the beginning of new life. A yellow belt student is given his/her first ray of knowledge, opening his mind, from an instructor.

Green – signifies the growth of the seed as it sprouts from the earth reaching toward the sun and begins to grow into a plant. A green belt student learns to further develop and refine his/her techniques.

Blue – signifies the blue sky as the plant continues to grow toward it. A blue belt student moves up higher in rank just as the plant grows taller. The light feeds the plant so it can continue to grow. The student is fed additional knowledge of the Art in order for his/her body and mind continue to grow and develop.

Red – signifies the red-hot heat of the Sun as the plant continues growing toward it. A red belt student is higher in rank, he/she acquires more detailed knowledge and, just as the plant grows slowly toward the Sun, so the red belt student learns to be more cautious as his/her knowledge and physical abilities increase.

Black – signifies the darkness beyond the Sun. A black belt seeks new knowledge of the Art. As he/she begins to teach others, he/she begins planting new seeds, his/her students, many of which will take root deep into the Art, blossom and grow through the ranks in a never-ending process of self-growth, knowledge, and enlightenment.


16. Which of the following did ancient explorers use as a guide and point of reference? human shadowPolarisOrion’s beltruler​


Polaris/North star


Fishermen also use this as a guide whenever they get lost

17. The _________is worn around the waist by means of belt​


Apron po Ang tamang sagot pa fallow po salamat po

18. Christiann Filipino named the three stars at orion's belt​

hope it helps

brainlist me please

19. A.Twelve B. Zodiac sign C. Betelgeuse D. Orion E. Cassiopeia 5. It consists of five stars that seem to form the letter W. It represents the queen Cassiopeia of the mythical kingdom Ethiopia 6. It is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky and is visible throughout the world. Three of its stars form its belt. Its belt is also an asterism. 7.On Orion's right shoulder is a red supergiant star called 8. It is an imaginary belt or path in the heavens that includes the path of the planets. 9. The Zodiac contains constellations.​




hope it's helps

hope it's helps


5. E. Cassiopeia

6. D. Orion

7. C. Betelgeuse

8. B. Zodiac

9. A. Twelve

20. Is the big Dipper part of Orion's belt? I need help


Is the big Dipper part of Orion's belt?


Orion's Belt is one of the most familiar asterisms in the night sky, along with the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross. It is formed by three massive, bright stars located in our galaxy, in the direction of the constellation Orion, the Hunter: Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka.

21. what mean in conveyor belt in ocean

The global ocean conveyor belt is a constantly moving system of deep-ocean circulation driven by temperature and salinity.

22. est11. Resembles a big bear and is theconstellation in the sky._1 2. It is also called the North Star.13. A red supergiant star on Orion's rightshoulder.14. A bluish-white star found on Orion'sleft knee.15. An imaginary belt or path in the heavensthat includes the path of the planets.​


11. Ursa Major

12. Polaris

13. Betelgeuse

14. Star Rigel

15. Astronomy


23. S - If statement A is true and statement B is false. T - If statement A is false and statement B is true. A - If statement A and B are both true. R - if statement A and B are both false. ____1. A. A constellation help form a map in the sky. B. Sky maps help in the study of space travels. ____2. A. Big dipper is within the constellation of ursa major. B. Orion's belt is within the constellation of orion the hunter. ___3. A. Polaris is a North Star. B. Polaris is a fixed star in the North. ____4. A. There are 68 constellations. B. There are 88 constellations.​


1. S

2. A

3. A

4. T

This is fun! And i hope it helps!







24. What are the three stars of the Orion's belt?11.12.13.​


11. Mintaka

12. Alnilam

13. Alnitak.

25. below the belt meaning


"Below the belt" means improper, unethical, or against the rules.


Expression comes from a rule in boxing that says the same.

26. LocalEnglishNamestaurusPleradesorions beltAeminile2suvila8 8​

may i know the question?

27. what is the local name of orions belt which is prominently during february?​





Locating Orion the Hunter

Orion is clearly visible in the night sky from November to February. Orion is in the southwestern sky if you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the northwestern sky if you are in the Southern Hemisphere


Depending on the driving and driven shaft speeds, pulley diameters are to be calculated and selected from available standard sizes. Belt speed is recommended to be within 15-25 m/s. A belt drive is designed based on the design power, which is the modified required power

29. Babylonians and Greeks have used constellations in their daily life. In the Philippines, the Matigsalug Manobo of Bukidnon have also used certain constellations like Taurus, Pleiades, Orion s Belt, Gemini, Canis Minor, and Aquila in agriculture. Ask your elders to identify one (1) constellation and its practical use in your daily life.​


most of the constellation names we know came from the ancient middle eastern,greek,and roman cultures.


im not sure to my answer...☝☝☝

30. is there any possibility that the constellations will change its form? example the belt of the orion will no longer in the same distance?​


Yes, there is a possibility.


Stars move with respect to each other. They typically orbit the center of the galaxy, but their orbits are not synchronous and do not lie on the same plane. So, the distances between stars change all the time. The projected distances change as well and the stars appear to move on the sky: this is their so-called proper motion.

Amid a myriad of drifting stars, the shape of Orion as defined by its brightest stars is slowly rearranged into a new pattern as time goes by, revealing how constellations are ephemeral.




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