Difficult Projectile Motion Problems Pdf

Difficult Projectile Motion Problems Pdf

Projectile Motion (sample problem)

Daftar Isi

1. Projectile Motion (sample problem)


This example problem shows how to do all of these.

Projectile Motion Example Problem: A cannon is fired with muzzle velocity of 150 m/s at an angle of elevation = 45°. Gravity = 9.8 m/s2. ...

Part a) Find h.

Part b: Find total time aloft.

Part c: Find range R.

Part d: Find the position at t = 10 seconds.


Just copy it

2. which of the is not considered a projectile motion problem?​


Answer:An aircraft taking off. Explanation: When aircraft take off it doesn't follow a parabolic path. So, it is not a projectile motion.


pa brainless po thank you

3. give problem solving of projectile motion​


Problem: A soccer player kicks a ball from the ground with an initial velocity of 20 meters per second at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. Calculate the maximum height the ball will reach, the time it takes to reach the highest point, and the horizontal distance it travels before hitting the ground.


Step 1: Analyze the given information and set up the problem

Initial velocity (v0) = 20 m/s

Launch angle (θ) = 45 degrees

Gravity (g) = 9.81 m/s^2 (downward)

We can use the equations of motion for projectile motion to solve this problem:

y = y0 + v0y * t - 0.5 * g * t^2 (equation for vertical motion)

x = x0 + v0x * t (equation for horizontal motion)

v0x = v0 * cos(θ)

v0y = v0 * sin(θ)

Step 2: Calculate the maximum height the ball will reach

At the highest point of the trajectory, the vertical velocity of the ball will be zero. Using the equation for vertical motion and the fact that v = 0 at the highest point, we can find the time it takes to reach the highest point:

v = v0y - g * t

0 = v0y - g * t

t = v0y / g

Substituting this value of t into the equation for vertical motion, we can find the maximum height (y):

y = y0 + v0y * t - 0.5 * g * t^2

y = 0 + (20 * sin(45)) * (20 * sin(45) / g) - 0.5 * g * (20 * sin(45) / g)^2

y = 20.20 meters

Therefore, the maximum height the ball will reach is 20.20 meters.

Step 3: Calculate the time it takes to reach the highest point

We already calculated this in Step 2. The time it takes to reach the highest point is t = v0y / g = (20 * sin(45)) / 9.81 = 1.45 seconds.

Step 4: Calculate the horizontal distance it travels before hitting the ground

Using the equation for horizontal motion, we can find the distance (x) the ball travels before hitting the ground:

x = x0 + v0x * t

x = 0 + (20 * cos(45)) * (2 * 1.45)

x = 41.01 meters

Therefore, the horizontal distance the ball travels before hitting the ground is 41.01 meters.


Maximum height reached = 20.20 meters

Time to reach highest point = 1.45 seconds

Horizontal distance traveled = 41.01 meters


I just found this on the internet since you didn't really give exact details on the solving part.

4. research about 2 types of projectile motion horizontal and vertical motions of projectile​


a projectile is an object up on which the only force acting is gravity there are a variety of the examples of projectile dropped from rest is a projectile provide that influence of air resistance and negligible an object that is thrown vertically upward is also projectile provided that the influence of air resistance is labeling project the motion can happen into situation projectiles launched rosanta land projectile launched an angle

5. a flight of soccer ball projectile motion or non projectile motion​


When the soccer ball is kicked into the air it becomes a projectile and follows a parabolic path through the air. This is how soccer players get the ball up and over defenders with free kicks and across the field with crosses.

6. projectile motion is the motion of a projectile with a constant acceleration a.true b.false​


a true


7. Refers to the path traced by a projectile it's motion.A. TrajectoryB. ParabolaC. Projectile motionD. Force and motion​


C. Projectile motion


Projectile motion is a form of motion where an object moves in parabolic path; the path that the object follows is called its trajectory.

8. 100 m dish projectile motion or non projectile motion ​

Answer:projectile motion

9. Create a problem about projectile motion and provide a solution


I am working on a project which involves launching a tennis ball at a certain velocity and angle in order to hit a given target. To do so, I have just started diving into projectile motion and am thus a beginner in this field. However, manipulating the basic equations to get results is pretty straight forward in most cases.

My problem: I have implemented a solver that calculates the needed launch angle for given initial projectile velocity, position of launcher and position of target in order to reach the target.

where y is the height of the target, y0 is the height of the launcher, Δy=y−y0, and similarly for x, x0, and Δx. θ, v0, and g are, respectively, the launch angle, the initial velocity and gravitational acceleration.

Given that the unknown X that we are solving for is defined as X=tan(θ), the roots can be expressed as


Now here is the tricky part: when I input the values of a similar problem I found on the internet (Δx=600 m, Δy=40 m, v0=100 m/s), I find the exact same angles as the solutions stated in this problem. However, when I input random values, I almost always get imaginary solutions. For example Δx=30 m, Δy=0 m, v0=10 m/s can't be solved since the determinant is negative.



10. Why is it important to make an illustration of the problem first before solving the actual problem of projectile motion?


Identify and explain the properties of a projectile, such as acceleration due to gravity, range, maximum height, and trajectory.

Determine the location and velocity of a projectile at different points in its trajectory.

Apply the principle of independence of motion to solve projectile motion problems.



Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by a launched object. Ballistics is the science of dynamics that deals with the flight, behavior and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, unguided ...

12. what is the difference between half projectile motion and full projectile motion?​


A projectile is any object upon which the only force is gravity, Projectiles travel with a parabolic trajectory due to the influence of gravity, ... The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second, The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.


hope itz help

13. It's a projectile motion problem. Please help huhu

38 m/s 
Do you need the formula?



hell lol the following statements

15. 5. Before beginning projectile motion problems, you need to? A. Split the horizontal and vertical motion. B. Consider the impact of air resistance C. Solve for the acceleration due to gravity D. Determine the surface area of a projectile.​


D. Determine the surface area of a projectile.

16. Create a problem about projectile motion and provide a solution



Are some projectile motion problems unsolvable?

Asked 5 years, 8 months ago

Modified 4 years, 5 months ago

Viewed 790 times



I am working on a project which involves launching a tennis ball at a certain velocity and angle in order to hit a given target. To do so, I have just started diving into projectile motion and am thus a beginner in this field. However, manipulating the basic equations to get results is pretty straight forward in most cases.

My problem: I have implemented a solver that calculates the needed launch angle for given initial projectile velocity, position of launcher and position of target in order to reach the target. I found out that the solutions to this problem are the roots of following quadratic equation :


where y is the height of the target, y0 is the height of the launcher, Δy=y−y0, and similarly for x, x0, and Δx. θ, v0, and g are, respectively, the launch angle, the initial velocity and gravitational acceleration.

Given that the unknown X that we are solving for is defined as X=tan(θ), the roots can be expressed as


Now here is the tricky part: when I input the values of a similar problem I found on the internet (Δx=600 m, Δy=40 m, v0=100 m/s), I find the exact same angles as the solutions stated in this problem. However, when I input random values, I almost always get imaginary solutions. For example Δx=30 m, Δy=0 m, v0=10 m/s can't be solved since the determinant is negative.

pa follow ty

17. A basketball shoot to a ringProjectile motion or non projectile motion​


projectile motion


that's the answr


3 point shot bengbeng



18. 1 LEARNING TASK #1Directions: Based on the picture, determine which is an example of a projectile motion andwhich is not. Write projectile motion or not projectile motion on the space provided for eachnumber. ​


1. Projectile Motion

2. Projectile Motion

3. Not Projectile Motion

4. Projectile Motion

5. Not Projectile Motion

19. What is Horizontal Projectile Motion? Vertical Projectile Motion?​


The horizontal velocity of a projectile is constant (a never changing in value), There is a vertical acceleration caused by gravity; its value is 9.8 m/s/s, down, The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second, The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.

20. Galilean of vertical motion, horizontal motion and projectile motion ​


Galileo on Projectiles

Beginning on page 244 of Two New Sciences, Galileo gives his classic analysis of the motion of a projectile as a compound motion, made up of a horizontal motion which has steady speed in a fixed direction, and a vertical motion which is his "naturally accelerated motion" picking up velocity in the downward direction at a steady rate. Don't worry about the bits of Greek geometry mentioned near the beginning, I've left in one or two remarks to give the flavor, but cut out the main argument - we shall just take a parabola to be defined as y proportional to x2.

It is interesting to note the difficulties raised towards the end, and Galileo's rebuttals. It is noted that, when Galileo asserts that a frictionless ball on a truly flat plane with no air resistance would roll on forever, Simp points out that going far enough on a really flat plane would mean moving away from the earth, in other words, it would become "uphill". Galileo admits this effect exists, but just claims it is a negligible correction, even for projectiles going four miles, apparently the furthest anything had been shot at the time.

Galileo shows a modern scientific attitude in realizing that his results are not exact, but that that need not be important. The main thing is to be sure how large the errors are, and thus whether or not they matter for the task at hand. This is very different from the attitude of Greek geometers, who were only interested in precise results - yet Galileo's is the only way in which their work can be used to understand the real physical world.

21. Performance tasks#1 Types and parts of projectile motion A. Match the picture on the type of projectile motion.​

where's the picture?

how can we answer that?

22. motion of the earth around the sun it is projectile or not projectile​


it's projectile


iwan basta nag sagot ako tapos.


you can consider it as a projectile


because being a projectile means there is at least one factor that affects the object for it to move

, in this case, the sun is is that object and the earth was veing launch by the sun's gravity making it move,revolve, go incircle to the sun

23. can someone give me a example of projectile motion Problem Show process


an object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon.

24. What is the main characteristics difference between horizontal projectile motion and vertical projectile motion


The horizontal velocity of a projectile is constant (a never changing in value),

There is a vertical acceleration caused by gravity; its value is 9.8 m/s/s, down,

The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second,

The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.


hope it helps.

25. Solve the given problems involving the motion of objects in a projectile.


► Proyekto

Magsaliksik ng isang editoryal tungkol sa pandemnya. Gumawa ng komiks o iskit tungkol sa editoryal na iyong nakalap. Gumamit ng paghahambing ng salita, mga tindi at antas nito tungo sa higit na malalim na pagkakaunawa at pagkatuto.

26. Direction: Complete the table by solving the components of the projectile motion. Projectile Component of Projectile Motion 1.Ball thrown at 30°​

It will become 20° because....

27. Learning Task 1: Projectile MotionRead each sentence. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it isincorrect.1. A projectile motion has a constant velocity in the horizontal direction.2. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is not equal to zero.3. The path of the projectile motion is called a trajectory.4. A force acting on a projectile is gravity.-5. The gravity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is zero.​








hope it helps

28. why is it important to study projectile motion? give at least three examples of projectile motion application​


By studying the motion of things traveling in the air, also known as projectiles, we can figure out just how fast the food needs to be launched in order for it to get to them.



29. solve the following problems in projectile motion. Show your solution. ​


I can control my power now



30. Write if true or false1. A projectile motion has constant velocity in the horizontal direction.2. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is not equal to zero.3. The path of the projectile motion is called a trajectory.4. A force acting on a projectile is gravity.5. The gravity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is zero.​


1.true 2.true 3.false 4.true 5.false


hope it helps


1. true



4. false

5. true


sna maka tulong

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