Crowdsourcing Meaning In Tagalog

Crowdsourcing Meaning In Tagalog

how does technology impact crowdsourcing?​

Daftar Isi

1. how does technology impact crowdsourcing?​


crowdsourcing is understanding that observations are based only on what one can detect firsthand can help students learn how scientists make inferences. Distinguishing between observations and inferences can help students better understand how scientists use evidence to answer questions.

2. what kind of people are in Social Journalism and Crowdsourcing?​


Crowdsourcing and citizen journalism are changing the ways of journalism and the ways of how people consume news. The power of mass collaboration and intelligence of Internet technologies leads to plenty of ways for creating news, reporting news and analyzing news. However, the situation that any people have the access to those platforms and become news sources, also leads to a controversy discussion among ethical problems for both professional journalists and citizen journalists.


crowdsoucing is define as obtain by en listing the service of the number of the people either unpaid or paid typically via internet

Citezen journalism refers to the collection dissemination and analysis of news and information by generally public epically by means of Internet

3. how does media help crowdsourcing?​

Social media is becoming an essential component to crowdsourcing as it allows organizations to reach a wider audience faster, cheaper and more efficiently than ever before. They also show the importance of monitoring social media to fully understand its contribution to their organization's crowdsourcing effort.

4. which of the following is/are type/s of people as media?a.) Citizen Journalist b.) Crowdsourcingc.) Photo Journalist d.) A and B only​

C beacuse social media sees photo(people)

5. Who are using social media to make their content available to more people?A. Citizen journalismC. Opinion LeadersB. CrowdsourcingD. Social Journalism​




hope its help po sa inyo ☺☺☺

For me it's letter A

(the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the internet.)

(Citizen journalism, also known as collaborative media, participatory journalism, democratic journalism, guerrilla journalism or street journalism, is based upon public citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information." Similarly, Courtney C.)



Nasa inyo nayan if kukupyahin nyo po,simple lang..HAVE A NICE DAY!

6. 4. To become a media literate is not tofacts or statistics about the media but rather to learn.a. summarizeb. generalizec. memorized. synthesize5. It is any article or video containing untrue information disguised as a credible news source.a. fake newsb. fake videoc. fake taped. none of the above6. One of the benefits of social media in business isa. product replicationc. lacks personal connection to customersb. product advertisementd. inconsistency of product content7. One of the challenges of technology in the Education sector isa. improves engagementc. incorporates different learning stylesb. delivering informal learningd. encourages collaboration8. This refers to the persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and production of media and informationa. Media practitionersc. People Mediab. Online classroom teachersd. Editors9. It believes that you are highly capable of discerning propaganda and that media has limited capacity to persuade you.a. Powerful and direct effects b. Moderate Effect c. Limited Effect d. none of this10. Here the journalists are using social media to make their content available to more people.a. Citizen JournalismC. Opinion Leadersb. Social Journalismd. Crowdsourcing11. It is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group ofpeople and especially from the online community.a. Social Journalism b. Citizen Journalism c. Crowdsourcing d. Opinion Leaders12. Element of text that use different size weight, color, contrast and orientation to present texts with greater value.a. Appropriatenessb. Alignmentc. Emphasisd. Space​













7. asap examples ng crowdsourcing . salamat mga classmate​





8. list at least 5 tools equipment or paraphernalia and drafting and 25 mph or malfunction possible cause and solution you can do crowdsourcing by asking your friend and social media to get first-hand experience write their answer on the table provided Type of Tool/Equipment or paraphernalia1. Malfunction1. causeaction taken/Solution.please help me!!​


1 is a great place to work for free

2 and a great place to work for free and free to

3 and a great place to work for free and free to use the internet to find the perfect fit in your life that

4 your business and your business needs to be a part of your business and your business is the best way to get your own business experience in

5 and with your business and business


Kasi marunong you are the most profitable business in the

9. Determine which is a Trend and which is a Fad. 1. Slimming pills that promise unrealistic results in less than a month's time. 2. Brown and organic red rice that seems a healthier option than white rice. 3. Existence of memes in online media. 4. The appearance of " carrot man " , " cabbage man", "water man" , etc. 5. Diet and exercise for a healthier you. 6. in the stock market , never worried of the crashes here and now 7. E -books 8. E - commerce 9. Online banking 10. Email 11. Digital touch screens in shopping malls that serve as information kiosks 12. Crowdsourcing Please answer it correctly...


1. Fad










I'm not sure about these:)

10. What do you think is the danger of relying too much on crowdsources information?​


Risk: Crowdsourcing does not solve your organization's problem. ...

Risk: The crowd doesn't have the answer. ...

Risk: Failure to participate. ...

Risk: Crowdsourcing takes too much time. ...

Risk: Idea theft. ...

Risk: Maintaining privacy. ...

Risk: “Gaming the system” ...

Crowdsourcing best practices

11. how do you feel about the invention of crowdsourcing?​


sana nakatulong po.

pa brainlest po salamat❤


As fast as things are changing, they are about to change even faster. Technology is making it progressively easier to access the knowledge, experience, and resources of the crowd. We have already seen how applications of crowdsourcing technology can provide funding, services, and navigation. Now this technology will accelerate innovation, problem solving and even politics.


12. 1. It refers to is a company's primary technique for operating profitably.a. Business Modelc. Brokerageb. Freemiumd. Subscription2. Which step is about targeting a broad audience would prevent your company from focusing on consumers who need your product or service?a. Establish business processes c. Record key business resourcesb. Identify your specific audience d. Leave room for innovation3. It helps buyers and sellers communicate and complete transactions p help buyers and sellers communicate and complete transactions?a. Affiliatec. Brokerageb. Crowdsourcingd. Disintermediation4. In this model, a company sells a durable product at a loss to maximize volume sales of a high-margin, disposable product part.a. Subscriptionb. Razorbladec. pay-as-you-god. Reverse Auction5. This step ensures that your business model is sufficiently prepared to meet yourcompany's needs by documenting critical business tools.a. Establish business processesb. Identify your specific audience c. Develop a strong value propositiond. Record key business resources​

dcaba sana po makatulong thank you po sa points

13. 1. Why is it that the library contains a rich and reliable source of literature review materials and information? A. All materials such as books, journals, and magazines have undergone a thorough editorialprocess and quality assuranceB. All materials such as books, journals, and magazines were made by people who love writing C. All materials such as books, joumals, and magazines were thoroughly edited by everyonewho has access to the materials before publication.D. All information contained in books, joumals, and magazines are outcomes of thoroughcrowdsourcing using different social media platforms.​




sana makatotulong oeuevksldhdya


1 Urban Legend  

2 Misinformation  

3 Fake News  

4 Rumor  

5 Crowd Turfing  

6 Hate Speech

7 Satire/ Parody

8  Misleading Content

9 Imp*stor/Imp*ster Content

10 False Content



15. OPEN ME! LF: Scholars *Crowdsourcing for Academic Paper*


Being a daughter of an OFW I have some stuff were did he work.I have thing's that more imported.Communication to my mother is not easy,because she's household keeper in Other country there country have streak police when work time its work time.I'm not happy of what have done of my mother in abroad.




- Being a daughter of God means having faith in Him everyday or all the time, so inorder to have direct recipient in globalization i need to help my beloved brothers and sisters by praying for them. This action/habit leads me to strengthen my relationship to God and to my brothers/sister also. If I will be given a chance to advocate something I will choose to advocate a program which can help a lot of people in strengthening their faith and relationship with God, with this program i can also give light to other people and to those who are in need.



16. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on aseparate sheet of paper.1. Why is it that the library contains a rich and reliable source of literature reviewmaterials and information?A. All materials such as books, journals, and magazines have undergone athorough editorial process and quality assurance.B. All materials such as books, journals, and magazines were made by peoplewho love writing.C. All materials such as books, journals, and magazines were thoroughly editedby everyone who has access to the materials before publication.D. All information contained in books, journals, and magazines are outcomes ofthorough crowdsourcing using different social media platforms.​

Answer: A. All materials such as books, journals, and magazines have undergone a

thorough editorial process and quality assurance.


17. 1.Crowdsourcing provides an opportunity to test the market for the venture O True O False 2.Coca-Cola company wants to introduce a new soft drink with no sugar added that is suitable for diabetic and old customers who love soft drinks. What type of market research is used by the company? a. Customer satisfaction research b. Brand awareness research c .Market segmentation research d. Buyer personal research it is the a cocaitis​



2.A.Customer satisfaction research


Sana Maka tulong Po

18. In your own words, explain how crowdsourcing works.​


"term" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.


A business plan is a very important and strategic tool for entrepreneurs. A good business plan not only helps entrepreneurs focus on the specific steps necessary for them to make business ideas succeed, but it also helps them to achieve short-term and long-term objectives.

19. 3. The following are characteristics of Social Media, EXCEPT: a. Status Update b. Connects with friends and people c. Uploads content in real time d. All of them 4. The practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community. a. Crowdsourcing C. social journalism b. citizen joumalism d. opinion 5. They are the media itself. a. People b. information c. literacy c. all of them


3.) A. Status update

4.) A. Crowdsourcing

5.) D. all of them

20. It is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community. A. Social Journalism B. Crowdsourcing C. Citizen Journalism D. Opinion Leaders

It is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting

contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online


A. Social Journalism

B. Crowdsourcing

C. Citizen Journalism

D. Opinion Leaders

answer; letter b

21. Give 3 roles of e-volunteers in crowdsourcing


Give 3 roles of e-volunteers in crowdsourcing




22. Abra High School SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bangued 2800, Abra FIRST SEMESTER QUARTER 1 WEEK 6 ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT 1. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is False, DO NOT WRITE false but instead, change the underlined word to make the statement correct 1. Selling locally made products called exports. 2. The rate of conversion of the Philippine Peso to a foreign currency is reflected in the dollar rate. 3. With the rising number of BPO's in the metropolis, there is a need to put up offices, which also means an increase in the demand for commercial spaces. 4. Scholarships and loans may be awarded to qualified individuals under the Youth Entrepreneurship Act. 5. Financing is defined as building up the capital stock for more future production and consumption 6. Crowdsourcing is a term that describes solicitation of funds and outsourcing services or ideas to people via the internet. 7. Savings and investments are not only the concern of business but also of household and government. 8. The business's concept of rent is payment for the use of land or buildings belonging to others. 9. Economic rent is any uneared income. 10. Taxes are payments we pay for the government for the use of public services1.exports2.dollar rate3.increase in the demand4.scholarships5.financing6.crowdsourcing7.savings and investment8.bussiness's9.economic rent10.taxes​

Mine of each other for 12 years ago today was the last day of the day so farmers market

23. 2 Media and information literate individual helps the following, EXCEPT ONE:A lessen personal contact with people B. improve quality of lifeC. increase political participationD enhances economic growth3. One of the benefits of social media in business isA product advertisementB. product replicationC. lacks personal connection to customers D. inconsistency of product content4. One of the challenges of technology in the Education sector isA improves engagementB. delivering informal learningC. incorporates different learning styles D. encourages collaboration5. This refers to the persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation andproduction of media and informationA Media practitionersB. Online classroom teachersC. People MediaD. editors6. This refers to a leader for a certain group who gives details and information to lesseractive persons in the group.A Opinion leaderB. Factual leaderC. Campus JournalismD. Crowdsourcing7. People without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technologyand the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media ontheir own or in collaboration with othersA Campus JournalismB. Social JournalismC Network JournalismD. Citizen Journalism8. They are the ones who have abilities in accessing, evaluating and producing informationusing several forms of mediaA Print JournalistB. Photo JournalistC Multimedia JournalistD. Broadcast JournalistPatulong nman po ​


2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. C


parehas tayo ng module bhi3, sana nakatulong is me

24. Mary had no ___________ about singing in the school concert. a. boon b. high-profile c. inhibitions d. crowdsourcing

C. inhibitions

because its an verb or adverb

25. Indicate whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. 1. Gantt chart shows the hierarchy of tasks in a project.2. Traditional project management has its own strengths and weaknesses.3. A gile project management helps you visualize your project schedule.4. The WBS encourages iteration.5. Methodologies executes processes linearly or sequentially.6. Innovation is bringing about new ways of doing things.7. Streaming killed off the video rental industry.8. Shopee is an example of E-commerce.9. Inclusion is the process of addressing inequalities in society.10. Crowdsourcing is similar to bayanihan.​


1. True


3. True

4. False

5. False

6. True

7. False

8. True

9. True

10. False



1. true

2. true










correct me if i am wrong

26. Crowdsourcing involves recruiting members who are good at making decision


Understanding Crowdsourcing

Understanding Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing allows companies to farm out work to people anywhere in the country or around the world; as a result, crowdsourcing lets businesses tap into a vast array of skills and expertise without incurring the normal overhead costs of in-house employees.


27. 1. they are the ones who have abilities in accessing, evaluating and producting information using several forms of media.a. print journalistsb. multimedia " "c. photo " "d. broadcast " "2. these are people who underwent training in journalism writing, equipped with the fundamental and significant knowledge and strategies in writing news and stories based from real events in the community.a. print journalistsb. multimedia " "c. photo " "d. broadcast " "3. They are skilled not just in journalism but also in public speaking.a.print journalistsb. multimedia " "c. photo " "d. broadcast " "4. It is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by solicitinflg contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community.a. social journalismb. crowdsourcingc. citizen journalismd. opinion leaders5. it is an open access and interactive way to facilicate students online study.a. massive open online courseb. holographyc. 4Gd. fitbit charge 2​









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