Routine And Non Routine

Routine And Non Routine

what does routine, non-routine, multi- step routine, multi-step non-routine mean?

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1. what does routine, non-routine, multi- step routine, multi-step non-routine mean?

ROUTINE AND NON- ROUTINE - Routine problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for daily living (in the present or in the future), non-routine problem solving concerns that only indirectly.

MULTI-STEP NON- ROUTINE - A multi-step addition and subtraction problem is one in which there are several steps that must be performed in order to get a final answer. ... Key words like difference, take away, left, and remove tell you that you need to SUBTRACT.

2. routine and non routine

A non-routine problem is any complex problem that requires some degree of creativity or originality to solve. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways.

3. routine or non routine​


routine po i think sana makahelp

4. how you will solve the word non-routine and routine​


easy don't answer just stare and throw that awy

5. ano ang routine problem and non-routine problem.?magbigay ng example ng routine problem and non routine problem..​


Examples of Routine problems

7/8 ÷ 1/32 = N

1/32 = 32/1

7/8 × 32/1 = 28/1 or 28

Examples of Non-Routine problems

34/3 ÷ 2/1

2/1 = 1/2

34/3 × 1/2 = 34/6 or 17/3 or 5 2/3

6. jenny saves 107.65 a week how long will it take her to save 1,614.75non routine or routine or multi step routine or multi step non routine​


It will take Jenny 15 weeks to save 1614.75

Step-by-step explanation:


7. How will answer routine and non-routine problems?


Non-Routine Problem solving servers a different

purpose than routine problem solving

While routine problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for daily living (in the present or in the future),non-routine problem solving concerns that only indirectly

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps :]

8. Identify the following word problems below as A.routine B non - routine C. Multi-step routine D multi - step non routine


A. is my answer

Step-by-step explanation:

seach it

9. Good Evening.What is the difference of Routine and Non-Routine?​


The difference between routine and non-routine is:

Routine is a type of problem which there is a immediate solution.

Non-Routine is a problem that requires analysis and insights.

10. Answer the following routine and non-routine pro questions​


Asan po yung picture, o kaya files?

Pa edit nalang po para kayo'y matukungan.

Thanks god bless, pa brainliest

11. what are the steps in solving routine and non routine problems​



12. Identify the following word problems below as A. Routine B.non routine C. Multi-step routine D. Multi-step non routine ​







Step-by-step explanation:

Yan na po Ang sagot iyan po Ang tamang sagot

13. What are the steps of solving routine and non routine problems?


Problem-Solving Strategy

Read the word problem. Make sure you understand all the words and ideas. ...

Identify what you are looking for.

Name what you are looking for. ...

Translate into an equation. ...

Solve the equation using good algebra techniques.

Check the answer in the problem. ...

Answer the question with a complete sentence.

14. solves routine or non routine problems involving​


Also referred to as creative problem solving, non-routine problem solving requires some degree of creativity or originality. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways and with a variety of strategies.

15. what is solving routine and non routine word problems​


Non-routine problem solving serves a different purpose than routine problem solving. While routine problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for daily living (in the present or in the future), non-routine problem solving concerns that only indirectly.

16. Create your own routine and non- routine problem involving multiplication of fraction. One each routine and non-routine problem.


Create your own routine and non- routine problem involving multiplication of fraction. One each routine and non-routine problem.

Your answer


Step-by-step explanation:


What is Routine and Non-routine problems?

Non-routine problem solving serves a different purpose than Routine problem solving. While routine problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for daily living (in the present or in the future), non-routine problem solving concerns that only indirectly.hope it helps :)

18. math learning task1 routine non routine​



Step-by-step explanation:

math learning task1 routine non routine

19. The product of two numbers is 132. If one factor is 6, what is the other factor? A. Routine B. Non-routine C. Multi -step Routine D. Multi-step Non Routine


C. Multi -step Routine

Step-by-step explanation:


A hope I help

thank youu

20. how to solve routine and non routine​

Step-by-step explanation:

bilang isa ka membro sang 4ps ano akon kontribusyon nga pagahimu-on para malikawan Ang climeta change

21. How will you solve a routine and non-routine ​


A non-routine problem is any complex problem that requires some degree of creativity or originality to solve. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways.

Incorporating non-routine problem solving into your math program is one of the most impactful steps you can take as an educator. By consistently allowing your students to grapple with these challenging problems, you are helping them acquire essential problem-solving skills and the confidence needed to successfully execute them.

One of the best ways to prepare students for solving non-routine problems is by familiarizing them with the four steps of problem-solving. I have a set of questions and/or guides for each step, that students can use to engage in an inner-dialogue as they progress through the steps. You can download this free Steps to Non-Routine Problem Solving Flip-Book and 8 Non-Routine Math Problems {HERE}.

non-routine problem solving in math

1. Understand:

This is a time to just think! Allow yourself some time to get to know the problem. Read and reread. No pencil or paper necessary for this step. Remember, you cannot solve a problem until you know what the problem is!

Does the problem give me enough information (or too much information)?

What question is being asked of me?

What do I know and what do I need to find out?

What should my solution look like?

What type of mathematics might be required?

Can I restate the problem in my own words?

Are there any terms or words that I am unfamiliar with?

non-routine problem solving in math

2. Plan:

Now it’s time to decide on a plan of action! Choose a reasonable problem-solving strategy. Several are listed below. You may only need to use one strategy or a combination of strategies.

draw a picture or diagram

make an organized list

make a table

solve a simpler related problem

find a pattern

guess and check

act out a problem

work backward

write an equation

use manipulatives

break it into parts

use logical reasoning

non-routine problem solving in math

3. Execute:

Alright! You understand the problem. You have a plan to solve the problem. Now it’s time to dig in and get to work! As you work, you may need to revise your plan. That’s okay! Your plan is not set in stone and can change anytime you see fit.

Am I checking each step of my plan as I work?

Am I keeping an accurate record of my work?

Am I keeping my work organized so that I could explain my thinking to others?

Am I going in the right direction? Is my plan working?

Do I need to go back to Step 2 and find a new plan?

Do I think I have the correct solution? If so, it’s time to move on to the next step!

non-routine problem solving in math

4. Review:

You’ve come so far, but you’re not finished just yet! A mathematician must always go back and check his/her work. Reviewing your work is just as important as the first 3 steps! Before asking yourself the questions below, reread the problem and review all your work.

Is my answer reasonable?

Can I use estimation to check if my answer is reasonable?

Is there another way to solve this problem?

Can this problem be extended? Can I make a change to this problem to create a new one?

I didn’t get the correct answer. What went wrong? Where did I make a mistake?

My Brain Power Math resources are the perfect compliment to this free flip-book. Each book has a collection of non-routine math problems in a variety of formats.

Step-by-step explanation:

pm me

if it is wrong

22. Solving routine and non routine problems involving capacity measure


saan na ang I sosolove ko

23. Identify the following words problems below as A. routine B. non routine C. multi-step routine D. multi-step non routine​


C. multi-step routine

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest po

24. how to solving multi step routine and non routine?

Answer:Also referred to as creative problem solving, non-routine problem solving requires some degree of creativity or originality. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways and with a variety of strategies

Step-by-step explanation:sana nakatulong

25. what is a routine problem and non-routine problem mean?​ Routine problem solving. Non-routine problem solving A non-routine problem is any complex problem that requires some degree of creativity or originality to solve. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them.

26. Ano ang routine and non-routine?

• Routine Problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for daily living. It uses at lease one of the four arithmetic operations to solve problems that are practical in nature.

• Meanwhile, Non-routine problem solving concerns that only indirectly. It also requires some degree of creativity or originality to solve. These problems can be solved in multiple ways.

27. Solving routine non routine


What is non-routine problem solving?

Also referred to as creative problem solving, non-routine problem solving requires some degree of creativity or originality. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways and with a variety of strategies. Just like computational exercises (e.g long division), non-routine problem solving must be explicitly taught to students.

Step-by-step explanation:


28. solving routine and non-routine problems

Also referred to as creative problem solving, non-routine problem solving requires some degree of creativity or originality. Non-routine problems typically do not have an immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways and with a variety of strategies

29. Solving routine and non routine


Where is the problem?

30. what is the solution 600÷20 routine and non routine​

Answer: 30 po answer niya

Step-by-step explanation: sana makatulong^_^

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