Social Economic Model

Social Economic Model

6. This model is followed by entrepreneurs on the purpose to increase the profit of thecompanya. Integrative Modelb. Philanthropic Modelc. Economic Modeld. Social Web Model​

Daftar Isi

1. 6. This model is followed by entrepreneurs on the purpose to increase the profit of thecompanya. Integrative Modelb. Philanthropic Modelc. Economic Modeld. Social Web Model​



2. The management of the resources of a country community or business. A. Social science b. Economics. C. Recycling d. Economic model​










The management of the resources of a country community or business refers to ECONOMICS.



C. recycling


no explanation

3. 6. It involves the use of scarce resource to satisfy the unlimited needs and wants of humanA. EconomicsB. Social ScienceC. Applied EconomicsD. economic model​






4. Capitalism or Socialism If you have the power to change the past, which of these two economic models do you think is best for our country? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen Economic Model about our Philippine Society (maximum 60 words


Socialist economics

Socialist economics comprises the economic theories, practices and norms of hypothetical and existing socialist economic systems.[1] A socialist economic system is characterized by social ownership and operation of the means of production[2][3][4][5][6][7] that may take the form of autonomous cooperatives or direct public ownership wherein production is carried out directly for use rather than for profit.[8][9][10][11] Socialist systems that utilize markets for allocating capital goods and factors of production among economic units are designated market socialism. When planning is utilized, the economic system is designated as a socialist planned economy. Non-market forms of socialism usually include a system of accounting based on calculation-in-kind to value resources and goods.[12][13]

Socialist economics has been associated with different schools of economic thought. Marxian economics provided a foundation for socialism based on analysis of capitalism[14] while

5. INSTRUCTIONS: Make an analysis in the Philippine economies using PESTLE Analysis Model. Explain the different factors that affect the Philippines today. POLITICAL:ECONOMIC:SOCIAL:TECHNOLOGICAL:LEGAL:ENVIRONMENTAL:​




Because the technology is very slow

6. 1. It refers to a factor in a career choice which matches personality characteristics and personalpreferences to job characteristics.a. Skills and Abilitiesc. Social and Economic Conditionsb. Previous Experiencesd. Interest and Personality Type2. These often shapes our values and expectations as they relate to many parts of our lives,including jobs and careers.a. Skills and Abilitiesc. Cultureb. Social and Economic Conditions d. Interest and Personality Type3. One of these is being a worker, in addition to others such as, student, parent, and child.a. Genderc. Cultureb. Social and Economic Conditions d. Life Roles4. This factor considers on how you may fit a particular occupation based on your aptitude andcapabilities.a. Genderc. Skills and Abilitiesb. Social and Economic Conditions d. Childhood Fantasies5. Having positive experiences and role models working in specific careers may influence the setof careers we consider as options for ourselves.a. Life Rolesc. Skills and Abilitiesb. Previous Experiencesd. Social and Economic Conditions​








sana makatulong sa inyo kasi senearch ko yan at yan nakita ko paki mark nalang ng kung tama kasi senearch ko talaga yan

7. Identification Directions: Choose the word(s) of the correct answer. •PSYCHOANALYSIS •SOCIAL STRUCTURES •INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS •SOCIAL LOCATION •NEW INSTITUTIONALISM •POSITIVE THEORY •ECONOMIC MODEL •RATIONAL CHOICE THEORY 1. It is a methodological approach in the study of political science, economics, organizational behavior, and sociology. 2. It has a mixed reputation as a source of political understanding 3. This model of psychoanalysis played a great role in the conception of the flow of energy in the human mind and how different drives tend to satisty our instincts whereas others don't. 4. These create institutional and socio-cultural conditions that either support of hamper measures 5. It takes into account many of these factors and is critical to locating the person, relationship, society, and culture itself in time and place 6. It combined the interests of traditionalist scholars, who focused on studying formal institutional rules and structures, with behaviorist scholars, who examined the actions of individual political actors 7. It can contribute in the sphere of economics - since they are two sciences that per pass the social/human relations - going beyond the conceptions of conscience, considering the unconscious character that trans passes the actions of the inserted subjects in a society 8. It focuses on understanding the role of the evolutionary process and the role of Institutions in shaping economic behavior. 9. This is often dominate across behavioral economics but there are many economists who also study irrational choices 10. In this theory, rational choice is increasingly criticized for its failure to construct a model.












8. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is false and write false if the true.1. The building blocks of economics are the studies of labor and trade.2. The concepts of efficiency and productivity are held paramount by economists. 3. Capitalism, socialism, and communism are types of economic systems. 4. Economics is especially concerned with efficiency in production and exchange and uses models and assumptions to understand how to create incentives and policies that will maximize efficiency. 5. Economics has been pejoratively known as the dismal science, a term coined by Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle.​








Brainliest me plllsss

9. Assessment 1. Pick and Analyze! Direction: Below are relevance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in economic development and society. Pick at least two (2) and explain according to your own idea or perception. You may explain it by giving a scenario or an examhple. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer. Creates employment Introduces Innovation Stimulates Investment Brings social benefits to the people Improves the quality of life Generates New Sources of Materials Utilizes & mobilizes indigenous materials Provides more alternative for consumers Develop new markets Serves as role models.1.Creates employment2.Introduces innovation3.Stimulate investment4.Serves as role model5.Develop new market6.Improve the quality of life7.Bring social benefits to the people​


1. Creates Employment: Entrepreneurship creates jobs for people. For example, a small business owner who starts a retail store in the local community will need to hire people to manage the store and to help customers. By doing this, the small business owner has created new job opportunities for people in the community.

2. Introduces Innovation: Entrepreneurship introduces innovation in the marketplace. For example, an entrepreneur may develop a new product that can solve a problem or improve the efficiency of a process. By introducing this new product, the entrepreneur has given consumers a new option and has also created a competitive advantage for the business.

3. Stimulates Investment: Entrepreneurship stimulates investment in the economy. For example, a venture capitalist may invest in a start-up business. By doing this, the venture capitalist is providing capital to the business to help it grow and expand its operations. This investment helps to stimulate economic growth by creating new jobs and increasing consumer spending.

4. Serves as Role Model: Entrepreneurship also serves as a role model for other people. For example, a successful entrepreneur may be seen as an example of what can be achieved when someone takes the initiative and works hard to achieve their goals. By inspiring others, the entrepreneur has helped to create a culture of entrepreneurship in the community.

5. Develop New Markets: Entrepreneurship also helps to develop new markets. For example, an entrepreneur may create a new product or service that can be used in a new market. By doing this, the entrepreneur has opened up a new market for the product or service, creating new opportunities for businesses to sell their products or services.

6. Improve the Quality of Life: Entrepreneurship also helps to improve the quality of life for people. For example, a successful entrepreneur may invest in a new business that provides employment to people in the community. By doing this, the entrepreneur has created jobs and helped to raise the standard of living for people in the community.

7. Bring Social Benefits to the People: Lastly, entrepreneurship also brings social benefits to the people. For example, an entrepreneur may create a new business that provides services to the community. By doing this, the entrepreneur has created a new source of income for the community, which can be used to fund social services and projects. Additionally, the entrepreneur has also provided an opportunity for people to start new businesses, which can help to create a more dynamic and vibrant local economy.

10. 1Caroll's Pyramid model of Social Responsibility includes the following except: a. Economicb. Ethical C. Philanthropic d. Subliminal 2. Entrepreneurs should identify just process for the goods and services so that customers will develop trust on the product and in the long run, they also develop loyalty to the business as well as to the product a. Determination of Fair Prices b. Not to Seek Political Patronage by Unfair Means c. Formation of Small Business Relations d. Right and True Advertising​

♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ answer ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛

1Caroll's Pyramid model of Social Responsibility includes the following except:


1 B

2. Entrepreneurs should identify just process for the goods and services so that customers will develop trust on the product and in the long run, they also develop loyalty to the business as well as to the product


2 C


 have a nice day



#mark me as breainlest


11. ue or False rections: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you Ink a statement it TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is LSE. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Old institutionalism is a methodological approach in the study of litical science, economics, organizational behavior, and sociology. 2. Institutionalism has a mixed reputation as a source of political derstanding. 3. The cultural model of psychoanalysis played a great role in the nception of the flow of energy in the human mind and how different drives d to satisfy our instincts whereas others don't. 4. Existing social structures create institutional and socio-cultural nditions that either support of hamper measures. 5. social location takes into account many of these factors and is critical to locating the person relationship society and culture itself in time and place.6. that's so cold milo is institutional combine the interest of traditional list scholars who focused on studying formal institutional rules and structures with behaviorist scholar who examine the action of individual political actors.7. rational choice theory can contribute in the share of economics since they are to science that purpose the social or human relations going beyond the conception of con science considering the unconscious characters that runs passes the action of the inserted subjects in a society.8. institutional economics focuses on understanding the rules of the evolutionary process and the role of institutions in shaping economic behavior.9. psychoanalysis is often dominate across behavioral economics but they are many economists who also study a rational choices.10. as "positive theory" rational choice is the increasingly criticized for its failure to construct a model.​


share of economics since they are to science that purpose the social or human relations going beyond the conception of con science considering the unconscious characters that runs passes the action of the inserted subjects in a society.

8. institutional economics focuses on understandings and God bless you guys



Precontemplation (Not Ready) – You are not intending to take action in the foreseeable future, and can be unaware that your behavior is problematic

Contemplation (Getting Ready) – You are beginning to recognize that your behavior is problematic, and start to look at the pros and cons of your continued actions

Preparation (Ready) – You are intending to take action in the immediate future, and may begin taking small steps toward behavior change

Action – You are making actual changes to your problem behavior by incorporating healthy choices/behaviors into your life

Maintenance – You have been able to sustain action for at least six months and are working to prevent relapse into previous unhealthy behaviors

Check out this supplemental video to review the main concepts of the Transtheoretical Model:

13. 7 ft refers to the study of society and how people behave and influence the world around themA. EconomicsB. Social ScienceC. Applied EconomicsHocaD. economic model​


d ang sagot dyan tapos na ko dyan

14. I.TRUE or FALSE Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise write False is incorrect. 1. Applied economics considers society like the marketplace and uses economic concepts to understand social processes, relationships, and phenomena. 2. Economic study and analysis do not require the application of certain economic concepts and tools to understand various economic issues and problems. 3. Models of economic development can chart the most ideal course for economic growth and prosperity but cannot propose solutions to address significant economic issues and problems. 4. The concept of scarcity and choice can help to provide solutions to the country's economic problem. 5. Unemployed individuals include all the population in the country who are not engaged in productive activity. 6. The principle of rationality believes that the behavior of an individual is often difficult to predict since they are illogical and inconsistent. 7. Assumptions refer to errors in judgment or conclusions due to faulty reasoning. 8. Economics as applied science helps us to understand and predict the outcomes of current economic situations. 9. Economics as an applied science is an effective tool to show us the real situations to come up with sound decisions. 10. Applied Science is the study of how people behave and influence their society.​


yarn Po


pa hearts nalang din thanks

I hope it's help

15. 3. Emile Durkheim c. The American sociologist and functionalist who attempted to develop and perfect a general analytic model suitable analyzing all types of collectivities for 4. Extinction d. It refers to a person's standing with regards to his/her access to resources, monetary capability income occupation, and living situation status, 5. Infrastructure e. It refers to the conflict between different classes in a community that is composed of different social or economic positione and opposing interests / 6. Marxism f Population, basic biological need, and resources defined this level of culture model. -7. Negative Reinforcement g. A social psychological theory developed from the work of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mend 8 Politics h A social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx 9. Positive Reinforcement í Rewards a behavior by removing an unpleasant stimulus, rather than adding a pleasant one. 10. Punishment j. Defined as something done after a given deliberate action that lowers the chance of that action taking place in the future 11. Socio-cultural k. Related to the different groups of people in society and their habits, traditions, and beliefs. 12. Socioeconomic status 1 The branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth 13. Structural Functionalism m. The activities associated governance of a country or other area especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to 2​

gàgstug di po maintindihan


sa comment nalang if ever seryoso ka sa question mo hehe

16. 2. Which of the following is a framework for understanding and often formally modeling social andeconomic behavior?A. PsychoanalysisB. Feminism TheoryC. Rational Choice TheoryD. Human-Environment System​


D.human-environment system



17. What economic model promotes a change from a global perspective and not from the specificity of the territory where it is carried out?A. SocialismB. CommunismC. CapitalismD. Democratic15. What is the difference of social entrepreneurship school they use participatory management and governance that the decisions of the company seek to benefit the community? A. SociallyB. EconomicallyC. PoliticallyD. Emotionally16. What ventures build local economies through the generation of local companies that increase revenues and the domestic market?A. SociallyB. EconomicallyC. PoliticallyD. Emotionally17. What perspective of the company was grass rooted in society not only as an economic actor? A. SociallyB. EconomicallyC. PoliticallyD. Emotionally18. What year did charter of the Social Economy expose the first definition of Social Economy?A. 1970B. 1980C. 1990D. 200019. What type of business organization is the traditional scheme of social enterprises? A. CooperativesB. CompaniesC. OrganizationsD. Partnerships 20. The following are economic proposal of Principle of Social economy except? A. Primacy of the person and the corporate purpose over the capital.B. Voluntary and open membership. C. Conjunction of the members’ interests and the general interest.D. Promotes a change from a global perspective and not from the specificity of the territory where it is carried out. 21. Who described that entrepreneur is one displaces economic resources from an area of less value? ​

14. A

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. A

20. D

21. D


18. Directions: Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosenletter on a separate sheet of paper.1. Studies the optimum allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interactwithin the social structure to address questions regarding the production andexchange of goods and services.A. Political Science B. Social Work C. Geography2. Which of the following is NOT a field of the social sciences?D. EconomicsA. Counseling B. Political Science C. Demography D. Sociology3. Studies changes in population growth through the analysis of statistics onbirth, human movement, morbidity, agedness, and mortality.A. Geography B. Demography C. Economics D. Statistics4. Field of study that is focused on the use and application of the differentconcepts, theoretical models, and theories of the social science disciplines tohelp understand society and the different problems and issues it faces.A. Social SciencesC. Applied Social SciencesB. Natural SciencesD. Behavioral Sciences5. Which of the following is a main discipline/professional track of the appliedsocial science?A. Political Sciencec. Demography StudiesB. Guidance Counselingd. Sociological Research)6. A discipline that provides guidance, help and support to individuals through theapplication of psychological methods that includes case history data, personalinterviews, and aptitudes tests.C. DemographyA. Social WorkD. StatisticsB. Counseling​


need ko rin po ng answer paki sagot po plsss



19. It describesthe rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. A. Prototype B. Product description C. Business model D. Suppliers




business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. The process of business model construction and modification is also called business model innovation and forms a part of business strategy.

20. Did you know that organizing is very important? It makes our life easier and ourthings in order. This time, let us help Juan to classify the given words and putthem in the correct table,scarcitytheoriesdiagramseconomic modeleconometricsequationsdecision-makingeconomie resourceseconomic theorybehaviour of individuals and of societyEconomics as a Social ScienceEconomics asan Applied Science123125Based on answer, give the meaning of social science and applied science.5​


Based on answer, give the meaning of social science and applied science.


21. 1 It focuses on the study of the decision-making and behaviors of employees and the relationship between employers and their employees. A Economics B. GeographyC. Labor Economics D. Social work 2. Studies the optimum allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact within the social siructure to address questions regarding the production and exchange of goods and services, A. Economics B. Geography C. Political Science D. Social work 3. Studies changes in population growth through the analysis of statistics on birth, human movement, morbidity, agedness, and mortality. A. Economics B. Demography C. Geography D. Statistics 4. Field of study that is focused on the use and application of the different concepts, theoretical models, and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different problems and issues it faces B. Behavioral SciencesA. Applied Social Science C. Natural Science D. Social Sciences 5. Which of the following is a main discipline/professional track of the applied social science? B. Guidance Counseling A. Demography StudyD. Sociological ResearchC. Political Science ​help plssss


1 A

2 D

3 B

4 A

5 C


sana po makatulong

22. 1. How affective is ICT in teaching ?2. Can information and communication technology ( ICT ) consedered as an important factor in creating and promoting social innovation ?3. how would one over come the barriers of online learning / teaching ?4.Which model estimator that I can use for s study that depended on international information, the topic is the effects of ICT on economic Growth ?5. Is it possible to use ICT in agricultural extension to improve agricultural marketing in developing countries like India?​


1. The results indicate that ICT integration has a great effectiveness for both teachers and the students. Findings indicate that teachers' well-equipped preparation with ICT tools and facilities is one the main factors in success of technology-based teaching and learning.

2. In addition to being an important technology sector in its own right, information and communication technology (ICT) is important for linking agents in the innovation system. ... Commits to promote social innovation to support social well-being and sustainable livelihoods.

3. As a future educator, one way to overcome the barriers of online learning/teaching is to let the learners be aware of the current situation and the method used in teaching. In addition having mutual understanding to the learners can create connection to both the learners and the teachers.

4. Quantitative research methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. The final written report has a set structure consisting of introduction, literature and theory, methods, results, and discussion.

5. It is not only an issue of possibility, it is highly important to utilize the ICT to grab the benefit and reach to the poor. In developing countries, there is group called middle-men who basically take the lion's share of profit that can minimized by using ICT where producers can easily opt for marketing. Moreover, ICT-induced fund transfer can be helpful for them. In some cases, India and Bangladesh are showing their success, which can be applicable for other developing countries too.

Correct me if I'm wrong!

23. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False 1. Applied economics considers society like the marketplace and uses economic concepts to understand social processes, relationships,and phenomena.2. Economic study and analysis do not require the application of certain economic concepts and tools to understand various economic issues and problems.2. Image B isWhat Am I?pare qualitative ary completing the toomparison4.don3. Models of economic development can chart the most ideal course for economic growth and prosperity but cannot propose solutions to address significant economic issues and problems.4. The concept of scarcity and choice can help to provide solutions to the country's economic problem.5. Unemployed individuals include all the population in the country who are not engaged in productive activity.​


#2. my answer is false



3. Culture and language


It's because I always practiced other languages like Japanese, Korean, Chinese just like that and then I.. It's just I wanna feel free! I wanna live in every Country each week. I just feel sometimes I wanna Travel and go somewhere else with my friends. I wanna Learn every countries Culture. I wanna experience something more fun. I just feel like that, I don't want to just live inside my house like a nutshell. I wanna Travel each country so bad, if I could .


Pest Analysis helps organizations take better business decisions.

Economic forces are the factors that help to determine the competitiveness of the environment in which the firm operates. 

Porter model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape every industry and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. 

swot analysis is a compilation of your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

26. Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field of study, which,combines ideas and information from the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, geology) and the social sciences (economics, ethics, politics). How does Chemistry help analyze the environmental issues? A. It helps us understand the nature of pollutants. B. It helps us model how pollutants travel underground. C. It provides the information needed to preserve species. D. It helps us understand how Earth's climate has changed in the past. ​


3 and a very well deserved match with your experience in this role I feel that the skills you would need for

27. What economic model do you prefer for our country Pure Capitalism or Pure Socialism?


Capitalism is the world's greatest economic success story. It is the most effective way to provide for the needs of people and foster the democratic and moral values of a free society.


the home environment


As we are born and came from a family which had raise us as we are today, i guess that the home environment affect me the most of my personal character as education and everything starts at home as they say. The home environment made me to feel full and empty sometimes. They can gave me enough joy and loneliness, fun and anguish and everything my life. In short,your family made who you are.

29. 8. A situation in which humans have to choose between two things that cannot be had atthe same time is calleda. Opportunity cost b. exchangec. trade-offd. trading and9. It is the application of economic theory and econometrics in specific settings with thegoal of analyzing potential outcomes2. Applied economics b Economic model c. social economics d economic theory10. It refers to the application of mathematics and statistics to the study of economic andfinancial dataa. Economic model b.Econometrics ceconomics d. economic theory​


8.a 9.d 10.b


30. True or False Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you think the statement it TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE.___1. Old institutionalism is a methodological approach in the study of political science, economics, organizational behavior, and sociology.___2. Institutionalism has a mixed reputation as a source of political understanding. ___3. The cultural model of psychoanalysis played a great role in the conception of the flow of energy in the human mind and how different drives tend to satisfy our instincts whereas others don't___4. Existing social structures create institutional and socio-cultural conditions that either support of hamper measures. ___5. Social location takes into account many of these factors and is critical to locating the person, relationship, society, and culture itself in time and place. ___6. That so-called neo-institutionalism combined the interests of traditionalist scholars, who focused on studying formal institutional rules and structures, with behaviorist scholars, who examined the actions of individual political actors. ___7. Rational choice theory can contribute in the sphere of economics - since they are two sciences that per pass the social/human relations - going beyond the conceptions of conscience, considering the unconscious character that trans passes the actions of the inserted subjects in a society. ___8. Institutional economics focuses on understanding the role of the evolutionary process and the role of institutions in shaping economic behavior. ___9. Psychoanalysis is often dominate across behavioral economics but there are many economists who also study irrational choices. ___10.As "positive theory," rational choice is increasingly criticized for its failure to construct a model.​


True or False Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you think the statement it TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE.

True 1. Old institutionalism is a methodological approach in the study of political science, economics, organizational behavior, and sociology.

True 2. Institutionalism has a mixed reputation as a source of political understanding.

False 3. The cultural model of psychoanalysis played a great role in the conception of the flow of energy in the human mind and how different drives tend to satisfy our instincts whereas others don't.

True 4. Existing social structures create institutional and socio-cultural conditions that either support of hamper measures.

False 5. Social location takes into account many of these factors and is critical to locating the person, relationship, society, and culture itself in time and place.

False 6. That so-called neo-institutionalism combined the interests of traditionalist scholars, who focused on studying formal institutional rules and structures, with behaviorist scholars, who examined the actions of individual political actors.

True 7. Rational choice theory can contribute in the sphere of economics - since they are two sciences that per pass the social/human relations - going beyond the conceptions of conscience, considering the unconscious character that trans passes the actions of the inserted subjects in a society.

False 8. Institutional economics focuses on understanding the role of the evolutionary process and the role of institutions in shaping economic behavior.

True 9. Psychoanalysis is often dominate across behavioral economics but there are many economists who also study irrational choices.

True 10.As "positive theory," rational choice is increasingly criticized for its failure to construct a model.

1. True2. True3. False4. True5. False6. False7. True8. False9. True10. True



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