Bibliography For School Project

Bibliography For School Project

page 1 project in English bibliography with photos how to write​

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1. page 1 project in English bibliography with photos how to write​


magpapahayag ng damdamin

2. bibliography research about bullying in high school​


Quality as the amount of technology in the world increases, so does the number of students who are cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is often anonymous and occurs over the internet. Because there is usually no way to prove a person as being the abuser, cyber bullying has become extremely hard to fight. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the psychological effects cyber bullying has on high school aged teenagers.

This is due to the constant advancement of technology and the extensive possession of such technologic devices by youths. What makes cyber bullying an exceptionally disastrous event in the students life is that the bully can remain anonymous, can contact the victim at any time, and the victimizer makes the victim feel like he or she has no control over the situation. The power that the perpetrator seems to hold makes the victim feel that he or she is unable to defend their self. This lack of control can cause student to avoid school, avoid school functions, and to abstain from normal social activities. Sometime the bullying is so intense, cruel and unrelenting, that the student will revert to suicide as a means of escaping the …show more content…

Questions about self injury, cutting, burning, and bruising on purpose, were also asked. Along with that, inquiries were made on the sociodemographics, gender, grade, race and ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Finally, students were asked about their grade average, they self reported grades as letter grades. It was found that over one third of students felt they were being bullied in any way. Over six percent of students being bullied were being cyber bullied only. Over sixteen percent were being bullied at school only. Ten percent of students were being bullied both at school and over the internet. In this study, cyber bullying was higher in females and school bullying was about the same for both genders. Among non- heterosexually identified student both types of bullying were more common than for students who were heterosexually identified. Ethnicity and race did not play a part in bullying. Both types of bullying had a large impact on the students who were victimized; from lower school performance, to feelings of depression, to suicidal feelings. These impacts were the most prevalent in students who

3. Which phrase best defines “annotated bibliography”? a bibliography that is typed on expensive paper with a specified font a summary and evaluation of each potential source for a research project a handwritten summary of the location of research sources a day-by-day log of all bibliographic sources for a research project

Which phrase best defines “annotated bibliography”?

a bibliography that is typed on expensive paper with a specified font a summary and evaluation of each potential source for a research project a handwritten summary of the location of research sources a day-by-day log of all bibliographic sources for a research project

From the three choices above, the correct answer must be the first one. However, an annotated bibliography may not only be written on an expensive paper. You can write the annotations, or a statement indicating the relevance and the accuracy of a particular source for a research.

Now that we are on the topic of research, what are the three ways you can weave research into a paper? The answers would be by quotation, paraphrase, or summary. The three aforementioned terms are all important in creating a well written research paper. To know more about research, you can click on the links here: or

In relation to research work, the two questions below tackle the topic on organizational system using card catalogues, (to know more about bibliographic or note cards, you may click here: ):

What should you record on a bibliographic card if you're using the index-card organizational system?What should you record on a note card if you're using the index-card organizational system?

4. What is a bibliography​


Bibliography, is a list of all the sources you have used (whether referenced or not) in the process of researching your work.

5. bibliography for Bangkok Thailand(simple bibliography)​


Entrepreneurship and Socio-econo-mic Transformation in Thailand and Southeast Asia . Proceedings of the Seminar of Bangkok

6. Importance of bibliography


Without a bibliography, the work is in essence useless because bibliography is the list that contains all the sources utilized in the thesis.

#CarryOnLearning #WeCanDoThis #ForTheFuture

7. A bibliography is a /an


ano po yan?


pakiayos po

8. Bibliography is also called __________. A. bibliography B. in-text citation C. reference list D. credits​


C. reference list




C. Reference list


As a discipline, it is traditionally the academic study of books as physical or cultural objects. Carter and Barker described bibliography as twofold scholarly discipline, the organized listing of books and the organized listing of books and systematic description of books as objects.


9. what is bibliography?​


a list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix.

10. what is bibliography​


a list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix.


11. what is bibliography?​


Bibliography, as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology. Carter and Barker describe bibliography as a twofold scholarly discipline—the organized listing of books and the systematic description of books as objects.



list of sources/references when writing an article or conducting a research.

12. 1. Which of the following is NOT a secondary source?c. Reference booksd. History textbooksof the subjects in the schoola. Journalsb. BibliographiesN​


A. Journals


Yan po ang alam kung sagut



hope its help

13. find a book with a bibliography or references get at least 5 bibliography entries


●Enumerative Bibliography. A writer of an enumerative bibliography lists references according to some specific arrangement. ...

●Analytical Bibliography. A writer of analytical bibliographies uses them to critically study books. ...

●Annotated Bibliography

Explanations: hope it helps :)

14. Bibliography of pollution


Cities can be regarded as artificial environments created for the benefit of humans, and yet none of this liberates people from nature. Cities have to be fed and provided with energy and water in order to exist and sustain its human population. The bigger the city, the more resources and energy must be extracted from the surrounding areas to sustain it.

This on the other hand creates another problem:

environmental pollution. Peoples in cities are washing clothes, dishes, and go to the toilet. The waste produced in this way is flushed into water courses polluting it and making it unsuitable for human consumption or organisms to live in. Preparing food also creates waste, which ends often in landfills or is incinerated. Cars, fires to heat our homes and stoves to cook on pollute the air because of the use of wood, coal or gas, causing smog. The worst smog in Britain was the famous London smog of December 1952 in which about 3000 people died. However, the pollution mentioned above is mainly caused by domestic activities and transport. Industrial pollution is probably an even more serious problem leading to potentially poisoning the air, water and soil.

With the growth of cities and industrialisation urban waste and pollution are an important part of history. From the rise of the first urban settlements until the emergence of mega cities in the 20th century, the scale and intensity of pollution has increased.

15. 1. Which statement is not true about bibliography? a. The bibliography is found at the last page of the research paper. b. Bibliography is taken from a Latin word ‘biblion’ . c. Bibliography contains an alphabetical list of sources. d. Bibliography can be found in books.


B. Bibliography is taken from a Latin Word 'biblion'


It is not Latin, it is Greek

16. what is the similarity of analytical,enumerative bibliography(OTHER THAN THEY ARE ALL BIBLIOGRAPHY)

Answer:1.(also critical bibliography), n. The study of the physical characteristics of books and the process of bookmaking, especially with an eye to understanding how materials and production influence the text.                       2.Enumerative bibliography: the listing of books according to some system or reference plan, for example, by author, by subject, or by date. The implication is that the listings will be short, usually providing only the author's name, the book's title, and date and place of publication.                                                 3.Descriptive bibliography may be defined as the close physical description of books and other printed objects: a systematic report concerning their type, paper, printing, illustrations, and binding, and how the circumstances of their publication and distribution may have affected their physical appearance.

4,Enumerative bibliography: the listing of books according to some system or reference plan, for example, by author, by subject, or by date. The implication is that the listings will be short, usually providing only the author's name, the book's title, and date and place of publication.                                                     5.(also critical bibliography), n. The study of the physical characteristics of books and the process of bookmaking, especially with an eye to understanding how materials and production influence the text.  i add the other,hope it helps!

17. what is bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of all of the sources you have used (whether referenced or not) in the process of researching your work. the study of the editions, dates, authorship, etc. of books and other writing a book containing such information ( that is how not to plagiarist your meanings.

18. 9.the types of bibliographies are the following except_________. a.annotated bibliography b.authorized bibliography c.selected bibliography d.single-author bibliography​

9. The types of bibliographies are the following except:

- B. Authorized Bibliography

Types of bibliographies:

- Selected bibliography.

- Single-author bibliography.

- Annotated bibliography


b.authorized bibliography

19. What are the similarities and differences of Analytical bibliography, Enumerative bibliography, Annotated bibliography


Bibliography is a term used to depict the investigation of books and social items with the aim of accomplishing a scholarly reason. It is additionally depicted as a discipline that involves the posting of books in a coordinated way, otherwise called enumerative bibliography, or the methodical way of portraying books like items, an enlightening bibliography that shapes the writing of a subject under study.

Bibliographies are ordered by the style or the method of posting the sources. There are three normal sorts of bibliography:

1. Analytical bibliography- incorporate data concerning the book retailers and printers, paper and restricting portrayals, and any bits of knowledge that unfurl as a book advanced from a composition to a distributed book.

2. Enumerative bibliography- share normal qualities like language, subject or timeframe. Data concerning the source is then given by the author to give headings to the perusers towards the source.

3. Annotated bibliography- show the wellspring of author's creation, in sequential request. This kind of catalog records a progression of undertakings that were finished by the creator of the paper.

what is the similarity of analytical,enumerative bibliography(OTHER THAN THEY ARE ALL BIBLIOGRAPHY)


20. Directions Instructions: Read each item and on the blank answer if it is true or false. 1. One of the largest benefits for you personally in creating a bibliography is that it allows you to keep track of all the research you've consulted on a topic. 2. in the process of researching your work. In general, a bibliography should not include the authors' names just a surname and the titles of the work he finished. 3. Any source of information you used to complete the school project needs to be included in the list of your bibliography. 4. A website as a source for a research paper. Should not be included as an entry in your list of references at the end of your paper. One of the reasons behind citing sources and compiling an extensive and logical bibliography is to prove that you have done some valid research ... 5. One of the reasons behind citing sources and compiling an extensive and logical bibliography is to prove that you have done some valid research.







21. Bibliography of Tokyo Japan Bibliography of Taj Mahal Bibliography of Bangkok Thailand kung sino ang makasagot libre ko ng jollibee pls​



Asher, Catherine Ella Blanshard [2003]. The New Cambridge History of India, Vol I:4 - Architecture of Mughal India (Hardback, in English), First published 1992, reprinted 2001,2003. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 368. ISBN 0-521-26728-5. 

Begley, Wayne E.; Desai, Z.A. [1989]. Taj Mahal - The Illumined Tomb (Hardback, in English). University of Washington Press, 392. ISBN 978-0295969442. 

Begley, Wayne E.; Grabar, Oleg (Ed.). "Four Mughal Caravanserais Built during the Reigns of Jahangir and Shah Jahan" (in English). Muqarnas Volume I: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture.

Bernier, François [1891]. Travels in the Moghul Empire A.D. 1657-1668 (in English). Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co.. [1]. 

Chaghtai, Muhammad Abdullah [1938]. Le Tadj Mahal d'Agra (Inde). Histoire et description (in French). Brussels: Editions de la Connaissance. [2]. 

Copplestone, Trewin. (ed). [1963]. World architecture - An illustrated history (Hardback, in English). London: Hamlyn. ASIN B0000CNOL6. 

Harkness, Terence; Sinha, Amita (July 1, 2004). Places / Projects -- Taj Heritage Corridor: Intersections between History and Culture on the Yamuna Riverfront (English) (pdf). Vol. 16: No. 2, page 62-69. Places. Retrieved on 2007-02-13.

Kambo, Muhammad Salih [Vol I. 1923, Vol. II 1927]. Yazdani, Ghulam: Amal-i-Salih or Shah Jahan Namah. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press. 

Koch, Ebba [Aug 2006]. The Complete Taj Mahal: And the Riverfront Gardens of Agra (Hardback, in English), First. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 288 pages. ISBN 0500342091. 

Lahauri, Abd al-Hamid [Vol I. 1867, Vol. II 1868]. Maulawis Kabir al-Din Ahmad and 'Abd al-Rahim under the superintendence of Major W.N. Lees: Badshah Namah. Calcutta: College Press. 

Latif, Syad Muhammad [1896] (April 2003). Agra: Historical and Descriptive - With an Account of Akbar and His Court and of the Modern City of Agra (in English). Asian Educational Services. ISBN 8120617096. 

Petruccioli, Attilio (ed.); Koch, Ebba (1997). The Mughal Waterfront Garden. In Gardens in the Time of the Great Muslim Empires: Theory and Design. E. J. Brill. Retrieved on 2007-02-13.

Qaisar, Ahsan Jan [April 1989]. Building Construction in Mughal India (Hardback, in English). Delhi: Oxford University Press, 83 pages. ISBN 019562260X. 

Further reading

Carroll, David [August 1975]. Taj Mahal (Hardback, in English). Newsweek, US, 172 pages. ISBN 0882250248. 

Gascoigne, Bamber; Gascoigne, Christina [November 1971]. The Great Moghuls. Harper Collins, 264 pages. ISBN 0060114673. 

Havel, E.B. (1913). Indian Architecture: Its Psychology, Structure and History, John Murray

Lall, John (1992). Taj Mahal, Tiger International Press

Rothfarb, Ed (1998). In the Land of the Taj Mahal, Henry Holt ISBN 0-8050-5299-2

Saksena, Banarsi Prasad History of Shahjahan of Dihli (Allahabad: The Indian Press Ltd.) 1932

Stall, B (1995). Agra and Fathepur Sikri, Millennium

Stierlin, Henri [editor] & Volwahsen, Andreas (1990). Architecture of the World: Islamic India, Taschen

Tillotson, G. H. R. [April 1990]. Mughal India (Architectural Guides for Travelers) (Paperback, in English). Chronicle books, 150 pages. ISBN 0877016860. 



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Yong sagot ko

22. bibliography entries


• One of the most knowned format in bibliographic entries is the APA ( American Psychological Association) 7th edition format.

For example:

Madrid,J.(2011). The world of encyclopedia. MELC press.

23. writing bibliography What is bibliography? What are the different source?What is the format of entry in each source?Why bibliography entry is important? ​


What is bibliography?

The term bibliography is the term used for a list of sources (e.g. books, articles, websites) used to write an assignment (e.g. an essay). It usually includes all the sources consulted even if they not directly cited (referred to) in the assignment.

What are the different source?

There are three basic types of information, primary, secondary, and tertiary, although tertiary sources are sometimes grouped with secondary. Primary sources are original works, secondary sources are analyses of those original works, and tertiary sources are collections of secondary source information.

What is the format of entry in each source?

It should be double-spaced just like the rest of your paper. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the first word of each entry. Use initials for authors' first and middle names. If your reference extends past the first line, every line after should have a hanging indent; the equivalent of one tab space.

Why bibliography entry is important?

The main purpose of a bibliography entry is to give credit to authors whose work you've consulted in your research. It also makes it easy for a reader to find out more about your topic by delving into the research that you used to write your paper.

Hope it helps!!!!

24. What is Bibliography?​


is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology.

25. Ano ang kahulugan ng BIBLIOGRAPHY at kung paano sumulat ng BIBLIOGRAPHY ENTRY ?

Bibliography, this is where you put all the reference for your research or reports.

26. writing bibliography❤❤​


Collect this information for each Web Site:

> author name.

> title of the publication (and the title of the article if it's a magazine or encyclopedia)

> date of publication.

> the place of publication of a book.

> the publishing company of a book.

> the volume number of a magazine or printed encyclopedia.

> the page number(s)

27. How is bibliography structured?Give examples of bibliography and indicate what sources do you used.​

author's last name and first name . Title of Book:Subtitle. Place of publication: Name of Publisher.Year of publication .


When you do research, you need to cite or list the sources.Whnever you take specific facts,ideas,quotations from a book , magazine, newspaper,or other sources, you make sure to cite the source.

28. explanition bibliography answer ANALYTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, ENUMERATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography is a term used to depict the investigation of books and social items with the aim of accomplishing a scholarly reason. It is additionally depicted as a discipline that involves the posting of books in a coordinated way, otherwise called enumerative bibliography, or the methodical way of portraying books like items, an enlightening bibliography that shapes the writing of a subject under study. Bibliographies are ordered by the style or the method of posting the sources. There are three normal sorts of bibliography: 1. Analytical bibliography- incorporate data concerning the book retailers and printers, paper and restricting portrayals, and any bits of knowledge that unfurl as a book advanced from a composition to a distributed book. 2. Enumerative bibliography- share normal qualities like language, subject or timeframe. Data concerning the source is then given by the author to give headings to the perusers towards the source. 3. Annotated bibliography- show the wellspring of author's creation, in sequential request. This kind of catalog records a progression of undertakings that were finished by the creator of the paper.


Exposition of mirrors 2


don't get comfused by the words that come between the subject and verb.

29. 13. Which of the following statements is NOT true about bibliography? A. Writing bibliography is needed in order to not be accused of plagiarism. B. Bibliography is located at the last page of the research paper, C. Bibliography is a list of sources used in research, D. None of the above.​



adding more (useless) sentence para masend ang answer

30. 1. Which statement is not true about bibliography? a. The bibliography is found at the last page of the research paper. b. Bibliography is taken from a Latin word ‘biblion’ . c. Bibliography contains an alphabetical list of sources. d. Bibliography can be found in books.

c.Bibliography contains an alphabetical list of sources

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