Difference Between Political Science And Law

Difference Between Political Science And Law

1. This makes society possible because it sees society as a system with their respectivefunctions to performs.A. Sociology B. Symbolic interactionism C. Structural functionalism D. Conflict theory2. This discipline discover what makes people different from one another in order tounderstand and preserve diversity.A. Ethnography B. Anthropology C. Sociology D. Political Science3. Evaluates the interplay between economics, politics and law and its implication tovarious institutions within society is one of this goal. What is that discipline?A. Political Science B. SociologyC. AnthropologyD. Psychology4. Understanding, Culture, Society and Politics (UCSP) is a multi-disciplinary course thatintegrates and combines the contents, theories of the following EXCEPTA. Anthropology B. Political Science C. MathematicsD. Sociology5. One of the goals of studying Anthropology is appreciate your own cultural identity. As astudent, what can you do to help preserve your culture and tradition?A. Color my hair blond because that is the fashion.B. Buy imported good.C. Imitate and follow the culture of korean because I love to watch kdrama.D. Continue practice our own culture, influence others and keep on learning about it.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. This makes society possible because it sees society as a system with their respectivefunctions to performs.A. Sociology B. Symbolic interactionism C. Structural functionalism D. Conflict theory2. This discipline discover what makes people different from one another in order tounderstand and preserve diversity.A. Ethnography B. Anthropology C. Sociology D. Political Science3. Evaluates the interplay between economics, politics and law and its implication tovarious institutions within society is one of this goal. What is that discipline?A. Political Science B. SociologyC. AnthropologyD. Psychology4. Understanding, Culture, Society and Politics (UCSP) is a multi-disciplinary course thatintegrates and combines the contents, theories of the following EXCEPTA. Anthropology B. Political Science C. MathematicsD. Sociology5. One of the goals of studying Anthropology is appreciate your own cultural identity. As astudent, what can you do to help preserve your culture and tradition?A. Color my hair blond because that is the fashion.B. Buy imported good.C. Imitate and follow the culture of korean because I love to watch kdrama.D. Continue practice our own culture, influence others and keep on learning about it.​








yan po ang sagot

2. 1. Primarily studies human behavior in relation to political systems, laws, and international relations.A. Social SciencesC. Human GeographyB. Political SciencesD. Physical Geography2. Sudies national and local governance and bureaucracy.A. Public AdministrationC. Domestic PoliticsB. Comparative PoliticsD. Political History3. It is a study of human and socil relationships and institutions.A. UrbanC. SociologyB. RuralD. Physiology4. Focuses on the study of the descision making and behavior of employees and the relationships betweenemployers and their employees.A. Environmental EconomicsC. Business EconomicsB. Monetary EconomicsD. Labor Economics5. Studies politics within countries and analyzes the similarities and differences between among countries.A. Public AdministrationC. Domestic PoliticsB. Comparative PoliticsD. Political History6. It is the goal of disciplines and counseling.A. Counseling is aimed at empowering a clientC. Counseling is the power to make choiceB. Counseling is empowering the teacherD. Counseling is the power within you7. The primary duty of a counselor.A. counselors' duty of care is to their clientsC. counselors' is ask big paymentB. counselors' duty is to tell clients secretD. Non of the above8. The term ethics comes from the Greek word meaning custom, habit or character.A. ethanolC. ethnicB. ethosD. othos9. What major goal of counseling helps individuals to cope with new situations and challenges?A. behavior chanceC. promote descision makingB. enhancing coping skillsD. None of the above10.is the heart of the guidance services.A. classroom adviserC. guidance counselorB. psychologyD. school principalyour answer on the space provided.​


A. social science D. Political history C. sociologyD labor economics B Comparative Politics C Counselling is to make choice D None of above C. ethnic D None of the above C guidance counselor


3. In this lesson, you will be taught to differentiate the language used in different disciplines such as Business, Law, Art, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, Sports and TechVoc. Learning about the language as used in context will improve your understanding and widen your knowledge on the varied academic texts from various disciplines.Language plays a vital role in our daily conversation. This language may be used in communicating with other people either spoken or written. Taking into accounts, academic language takes place in our professional dealings. This language varies especially when used in various disciplines. For instance, the word 'division' may be used differently in parliament, mathematics and sports. Read and analyze the short text below to learn about this matter.Which _process_ is stronger and more important? Which process we shall encourage and which discourage? A competition which makes sure that humans are still going forward or cooperation which assures that we are still human beings and can solve common problems together. A dilemma that has always existed, a natural choice that human beings has been confronted. Fortunately it was the greatest skill of humans to combine these two paradoxically contradictory processes to produce the world we are living now and to keep improving it. -Competition_ can be defined as a process where one being rivals the other in reaching certain objective faster and smarter. It is a _force_ that has been given by nature and has assured that only those who deserve to survive will be able to do it. Long before the human beings have appeared on earth other creatures were competing with each other for a single aim of survival. Advent of humans didn't change the basic import of competition. They started to complete not only with other animals environing them but also with animals of the same kind, namely, humans. Competing with environment allowed humans to take control of it and produced improvements, innovation and modernizations that humans have enjoyed throughout their _evolution_. However, competition and cooperation are merely one side of the same coin. When competition is a rival between two or more to reach an aim, cooperation is an agreement to reach that aim together. Competition makes sure that only strongest survive regardless of the purpose, cooperation insures that the survival is adhered to the purpose. An _organization_ of people to reach a common aim can be narrowly called as a society, and society was enabled only by cooperation. _Cooperation_ is a force that assured a leading role of humans on this planet, a continuation of a progress of human beings.Guide Question:1. In what particular discipline the text you read belongs?2. How are the insights in the text presented?3. How do the underline terms in the text being used?4. How do the underline terms being used in the other disciplines?​




the true master piece is that from your heart and you will show it to the other people that did not now of this so give it a try dint give up just try and try before you reach the end of your future

4. ______3. Family, economy and religion are examples of _______. a. Social structures b. Macro & Micro Perspectives c. Culture d. Social science ______4. Pamahiin or superstitious beliefs is best in studying______. a. Anthropology b. Sociology c. Political Science d. Culture ______5. I. Politics only happens in the government. II. When we study global, international or national we call it macro perspective.a. I & II are True b. I & II are False c. I -True & II- False d. I- False & II- True ______6. It is a large group of people living together in an organized way. a. Agency b. Barkada c. Society d. Government _______7. K-Pop started in South Korea and eventually reached Philippines, what aspect of culture is stated here? a. transmitted b. contested c. patterned d. dynamic ______8. I. Culture is in the blood and inherited from your parents. II. Signs, symbols, body movements and facial expressions are not part of language. a. I & II are True b. I & II are False c. I- True & II - False d. I - False & II - True ______9. If you believe that every part of the society is essential you apply the concept of_____.a. Agency b. Structuration Theory c. Conflict Theory d. Structural Functionalism ______10. This theory sees that the inequality is present in all social structures. a. Evolution theory b. Structuration Theory c. Conflict Theory d. Structural Functionalism ______11. General term used to categorize the group of early humans. a. Homo habilis b. Hominids c. Homo Sapiens d. Homo Erectus______12. Objects that were made and use by humans. a. Artifacts b. Fossils c. Intangible d. Species______13. It refers to scientists who study the past by excavating artifacts and fossils buried in the earth’s surface and analyzing it. a. Anthropologists b. Sociologist c. Archaeologists d. Geologists______14. Political leaders of the early civilization were also tasked to do the following EXCEPT_____. a. Conduct marriage b. collect taxes c. implement laws d. religious leaders______15. What do you call the political leader of the Egyptians?a. Priest b. Royalty c. Brahmin d. Pharaoh______16. Which development happened during Neolithic Revolution? a. Animal domestication b. Computers c. Machineries d. States______17. It is an acceptable behavior that guides the member of a society or group. a. status b. norms c. role d. values______18. It is a social position typically given at birth and take on involuntarily. a. Ascribed status b. achieved status c. role strain d. status______19. Who is the proponent of Symbolic Interactionism Theory? a. Franz Boas b. Karl Marx c. George Herbert Mead d. Max Weber______20. Positive outlook in life, optimism, resiliency and Filipino hospitality are all examples of _____.a. Norms b. Values c. Beliefs d. traditions______21. It refers to the set of linkages, ties and interconnections among or between the members of the different social groups. a. groups b. Reference groups c. networks d. primary groups______22. This literally mean “one union or marriage”.a. Polygamy b. Endogamy c. Exogamy d. Monogamy______23. A family living in one roof with grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins is called____. a. Nuclear family b. Extended family c. blended family d. Ideal family______24. Church groups, interest clubs & neighbors belong to this group. a. In-group b. Out-group c. networks d. primary group______25. Workmates and classmates are examples of _______.a. Primary group b. Secondary group c. Reference group d. Networks______26. Jenny who has children from previous relationship decided to live together with her boyfriend Alex with 2 daughters from his ex-wife, this type of family is called ________.a. Nuclear family b. Extended family c. blended family d. Ideal family______27. A highly ethnocentric person when exposed to new cultures, may experience a ______. a. Cultural Imperialism b. Culture shock c. cultural identity d. cultural universal______28. Many Filipinos prefer imported products rather than locally made ones is an evident of ____. a. Ethnocentrism b. Cultural relativism c. culture shock d. Xenocentrism______29. Terrorism and hate crimes are examples of ______. a. Ethnocentrism b. Cultural relativism c. culture shock d. Xenocentrism______30. Appreciating the beauty of some African people by wearing neck rings depicted _______. a. Ethnocentrism b. Cultural relativism c. culture shock d. Xenocentrism​













sorry sa 10 lang na Tapos ko kasi diko na alam yung iba☺

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