Examples Of Malpractices In The Market

Examples Of Malpractices In The Market

give atleast 5 malpractices in the market?​

Daftar Isi

1. give atleast 5 malpractices in the market?​


The common business malpractices which prevail in the market are: Sale of adulterated goods, i.e. addition of inferior substances to the product being sold. Sale of sub-standard goods, i.e. sale of goods which do not confirm to the prescribed quality standards. Use of false weights and measures leading to losses.

2. example of malpractice in ict ​


EXAMPLE: breaches of security

3. malpractice in handling example​


Examples of Medical Malpractice

Failure to diagnose or misdiagnosis.Misreading or ignoring laboratory results.Unnecessary surgery.Surgical errors or wrong site surgery.Improper medication or dosage.Poor follow-up or aftercare.Premature discharge.Disregarding or not taking appropriate patient history.

Hope It Helps!


4. why it is important to know the malpractices in baking?​


Because it is impirtant for a baking to have malpractices in baking in order to preparr for a day

5. what is the meaning of malpractice​


1 : a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage. 2 : an injurious, negligent, or improper practice : malfeasance.

6. Can an IT worker ever be sued for professional malpractice? ​


no they cannot be sued for professional malpractice


7. What are the political malpractices in the Philippines

Answer: May 15, 2020 — Corruption presents significant business risks in the Philippines. Bribery is common in many sectors, and anti-corruption laws are poorly

Explanation: you got this

8. Malpractices of vendors and manufacturers


false advertising, adulterated foods, injecting chicken with water, short changing, and prevention


9. Which is the best example of malpractice by a psychologist?


A psychologist misdiagnosed a client. the reference group used must be people who exhibit and do not exhibit the trait. the test must take into account changes in the trait that can occur over time.

pa brainlest ty<3

10. How does consumer health protect sonsumer from fraud and malpractice? Give example

In regulatory jurisdictions that provide for it (comprising most or all developed countries with free market economies), consumer protection is a group of laws and organisations designed to ensure the rights of consumers as well as fair trade, competition and accurate information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent the businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors. They may also provide additional protection for those most vulnerable in society. Consumer protection laws are a form of government regulation that aim to protect the rights of consumers. For example, a government may require businesses to disclose detailed information about products—particularly in areas where safety or public health is an issue, such as food.


Explanation:we need to sleep early and be a active person because we need to be active because the toxic of our body are going to out in our body! And thats why

11. what are the common malpractice in baking?​


1. Baking in an oven not yet preheated

2. Forgetting to set the timer

3. Frosting cakes/cupcakes before they cool

4. Mistaking baking powder for baking soda

5. Not greasing your pans properly

6. Not measuring flour correctly

7. Not sifting ingredients

8. Opening the oven too often

9. Overmixing your batter

10. Substituting ingredients

11. Using cold ingredients

12. what are the commonly political malpractices in the philippines give atleast 5 examples


lack of education

drug or substance abuse

vice crime and unemployment are among the many problems that continue to batter


The 19th Century gave birth to the middle class, the lands became the primary source of wealth because of the cash-crops, and being able to afford constructions; it gave rise to technological interconnections among the separated islands of the Philippines.

13. What are the malpractice that hampers success in Baking?​


Always measure your butter, sugar and use the egg the recipe says!. These ratios are so important!. Bake at the correct temp for the best results!. A cup of flour is always approximate!. If you are a 'near enough is good enough baker' like me it will make more sense!. The same goes for liquid and any other bits!. As long as a cake pours at the right consistency and biscuit batter doesn't glue my fingers together, that's how they turn out!. Muffins are a little less runny than cakes!. Bread is completely different!. Follow the recipe because if you don't, it will become like a doorstop or so holey the butter falls through!. Knead lots and well the first time!. Second knead only do as much as it needs to get into a pan!. Temp is important too!

14. malpractice meaning plsss​


a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage.

2 : an injurious, negligent, or improper practice : malfeasance

15. How can we avoid malpractice in baking??​





16. What is the meaning of the malpractice?

What is the meaning of the malpractice?


Improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity or treatment, especially by a medical practitioner, lawyer, or public official.

#Brainliest Please

17. 25. All are examples of moral issues EXCEPT one: A. Confidentiality B. Malpractice C. Trace Cycle D. Harassment​




di ko po sure

l think tama nam siguro yan

18. Can malpractices be avoided?​


In the end, Boothman says, the best way for doctors to avoid getting sued for malpractice is by putting the patient at the center of everything they do. ... “What typically happens is that there's a failure to input or access information that is vital to a patient's health,” he explains.

So the answer is yes.

19. Differentiate Fraud from malpractice in a consume health.​



involves selling drugs, devices, foods or cosmetics that have not been proven effective. At best, these scams don't work. At worst, they're dangerous. They also waste money, and they might keep you from getting the treatment you really need.


defined as any act or omission by a physician during treatment of a patient that deviates from accepted norms of practice in the medical community and causes an injury to the patient.


Correct me if I'm wrong

hope it helps

f0ll0w and brainliest me pls

Nasa Taas Po Yung Sagot :>

20. Cite one example of malpractice and negligence in the field. explain your answer briefly​


The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) defines negligence as a "failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances." JCAHO defines malpractice as "improper or unethical conduct or unreasonable lack of skill by a holder of a professional or official position; often applied to physicians, dentists, lawyers, and public officers to denote negligent or unskillful performance of duties when professional skills are obligatory. Malpractice is a cause of action for which damages are allowed."4 Malpractice is defined variously under state nurse practice acts, institutional policies, and federal guidelines such as JCAHO standards, all of which may be taken into consideration in court.

21. Assume that you are good seller and you saw that one of your friends in the market did something wrong in his/her new customer (malpractice). What is the best way that you can do in order to avoid such malpractices in the market as well as to lessen the cheats done by sellers? (ANSWER IN NOT LESS THAN 10 SENTENCES) *

Answer:Practice harder and think harder

Explanation:thats all hope it helps

Correct me if I'm wrong

22. give five malpractices in handling fish​


false advertising, adulterated foods, injecting chicken with water, short changing, and prevention


Pa brainliest po





23. in your own words, what is difference between negligence and malpractice? site an example.Help please! ​


in a simple terms, negligence is a mistake that resulted in causing a patient unintented harm.Malpractice on the other hand ,is when a medical professional knowingly didn't follow through with the proper standard of care



In other words, the biggest difference between medical negligence and malpractice suits is that a medical malpractice.


Mark a brainliest and heart hope it helps

24. What are the common malpractices at workplace?​


1. Positive values

A positive mission statement outlines the goals and demonstrative behavior that exemplify the highest commitment to quality and service to each other, the company, customers and shareholders. The company sets out to achieve its goals in ethical, honest ways with an elevated sense of purpose to improving the planet and humanity.

2. Relaxed and productive atmosphere

People enjoy coming to work and feel appreciated, acknowledged and rewarded. Signs of fear, domination, bullying, sexual harassment, and intimidation are absent. Creativity, productivity, and thinking outside the box flourish.

3. Commitment to excellence

Employees give 200%. They strive to be the best and to deliver top-quality products and services. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

4. Open and honest communication

Everyone communicates in a cards-on-the-table manner, solving difficulties in a positive way. They don’t play nasty revenge games when given difficult feedback. Instead, they view feedback as an opportunity for growth.

5. Cooperation, support, and empowerment

Can-do, go-the-extra-mile and win-win attitudes are evident signs of workplace wellness. Employees have a sense of camaraderie, cooperation, and empowerment. Healthy competition exists without vengeful, spiteful backstabbing.

6. Sense of humor

Employees keep things in perspective, have fun, and laugh. Laughter generates endorphins, our natural antidepressants.

7. Compassion, respect, and understanding

Kindness and understanding prevail when employees face challenges such as accidents, illnesses, personal tragedies, and natural disasters. People will usually go the extra mile for others when they’re treated well and with understanding, compassion, and respect.

8. Flexibility

The company and its employees embrace change, accommodate new trends and technology, and incorporate new skills. They know if they don’t, the business will end up a dinosaur. As the saying goes, “Change is the only constant.”

9. Positive reinforcement

People need acknowledgement, appreciation, and gratitude to be motivated. Genuine compliments, rewards, bonuses, raises, promotions, and certificates of achievement are oil in the machinery. The company thanks employees regularly in these ways.

10. Emphasis on health, family, and environment

The company offers comprehensive health insurance, with weight-loss, smoking-cessation, and substance-abuse programs. The corporate cafeteria features a healthy menu, and the company gym is stocked with exercise equipment.

The company offers reimbursement for childcare and/or on-site childcare. The office itself features natural and recessed lighting with incandescent bulbs rather than halogen or fluorescent. The organization is environmentally aware by encouraging solar power and recycling.

25. how would malpractice implicate the organization? explain.​


To be considered medical malpractice under the law, the claim must have the following characteristics: ... An unfavorable outcome by itself is not malpractice. The patient must prove that the negligence caused the injury. If there is an injury without negligence or negligence that did not cause an injury, there is no case.


Pa brilantist po


26. 1. The doctor was accused of malpractice because the?​


Medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional or provider neglects to provide appropriate treatment, omits to take an appropriate action, or gives substandard treatment that causes harm, injury, or death to a patient.



27. what are the common malpractices at workplace?


Employee Theft


28. Is/ are there any malpractice/s implied in martial law?


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29. Directions: Provide examples of common electrical malpractices performed at home and other common places. What did you do to correct them? Provide at least five examples as well as solutions.


I hope this answer helps you

30. Give atleast five Malpractices of the FISH VENDORS​


•false advertising

•adulterated foods

•injecting chicken with water

•short changing



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Kung mali SORRY

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