250 To Meters

250 To Meters

A new subdivision has residential house and lots available for sale. These house and lots measure 250 square meters, 300 square meters and 160 square meters. Which of the following set of measurement is arranged in decreasing order?A. 300 square meters,250 square meters,160 square metersB. 300 square meters,160 square meters,250 square metersC. 160 square meters,300 square meters,250 square metersD. 160 square meters,250 square meters,300 square meters

Daftar Isi

1. A new subdivision has residential house and lots available for sale. These house and lots measure 250 square meters, 300 square meters and 160 square meters. Which of the following set of measurement is arranged in decreasing order?A. 300 square meters,250 square meters,160 square metersB. 300 square meters,160 square meters,250 square metersC. 160 square meters,300 square meters,250 square metersD. 160 square meters,250 square meters,300 square meters


A po ang tamang sagot


2. Sierra ran 250 meters while playing a game.What is the total number of centimeters in 250 meters?

25,000 centimeters :)

3. 2) Suppose that from the -250-meter position, the whale swam 250 meters deeper. How far​



4. if the cercumference of circle is 250 meters how is its radius long​


the radius is 39.80 meters long

Step-by-step explanation:

r = C ÷ π (3.14) / 2

= 250 ÷ 3.14 / 2

= 79.61 / 2

r = 39.80 m

5. Glenda walks 50 meters in 8 minutes, how long will it take her to walk 1 250 meters?


She takes 200 minutes or 3hours and 20 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:





x=200 min=3hours and 20min

I hope it helps you :>

6. A tube well is bored 800 meters deep. The 1st meter costs $250 and the cost per meter increases by $50 for every subsequent meter. Write the explicit formula.


The cost of the first meter is 250 dollars.

the cost of the second meter is 250+50

the cost of the third meter is 250+50+50 or 250+50(2)

the cost of the fourth meter is 250+50+50+50 or 250+50(3)

based on the pattern we see from above the formula for finding for the cost of the nth meter is 250+50(n-1)

using the pormula, the cost of boreding the 750th meter is 250+50(750-1)




the cost of boreding the 750th meter is $37,700


750th meter is 250+50(750-1)

= 250+50(749)

= 250+37450

= 37700

Step-by-step explanation:

$250 for the first meter

$250+$50 for the second meter

$250+$50(2) for the third meter

$250+$50(3) for the fourth meter

the formula for finding the Nth meter is 250+50(N-1)

7. If the circumference of a circle is 250 meters how long is the radius?with solution ​


The formula for the circumference of a circle is given by:

C = 2πr

Where C is the circumference, r is the radius and π is the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.14).

In this case, we know the circumference is 250 meters. So we can substitute this value in the formula and solve for the radius:

250 = 2πr

Dividing both sides by 2π, we get:

r = 250/(2π)

Using a calculator, we get:

r ≈ 39.8 meters

Therefore, the radius of the circle is approximately 39.8 meters, given that the circumference is 250 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

8. a uniformly accelerated car takes 5.0 seconds to cover 250 meters and another 3 seconds the next 250 meters. Find the acceleration of the car

Step 1: Write the given

Uniformly accelerated carTakes 5 seconds to cover 250 metersTakes another 3 seconds for the next 250 meters

Step 2: Determine the formula/s that may be utilized in answering the problem

[tex]v(t)=v_{0} + at[/tex] [tex]x(t)=x_{0} + v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2}[/tex] [tex]v(t)^{2}=v_{0}^{2} + 2a(x(t)-x_{0})[/tex]

Step 3: Find the uniform acceleration of the car

Equation 1 (by using Equation 3 above)

[tex]250 m=(v_{0})(5 s)+\frac{1}{2}\alpha(5 s)^{2}[/tex]

Equation 2 (by also using Equation 3 above)

distance will be 500 m and time will be 8 sec

[tex]500 m=(v_{0})(8 s)+\frac{1}{2}\alpha(8 s)^{2}[/tex]

Express both equation 1 and 2 in terms of initial velocity, [tex]v_{0}[/tex]

Equation 1:

[tex]250 m=(v_{0})(5 s)+\frac{1}{2}\alpha(5 s)^{2}[/tex]

[tex]250 m-\frac{1}{2}\alpha(5 s)^{2}=(v_{0})(5 s)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{250 m-\frac{1}{2}\alpha(5 s)^{2}}{5s} =(v_{0})[/tex]

Equation 2:

[tex]500 m=(v_{0})(8 s)+\frac{1}{2}\alpha(8 s)^{2}[/tex]

[tex]500 m-\frac{1}{2}\alpha(8 s)^{2}=(v_{0})(8 s)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{500 m-\frac{1}{2}\alpha(8 s)^{2}}{8s} =(v_{0})[/tex]

Equate the two equations:

[tex]\frac{250 m-\frac{1}{2}\alpha(5 s)^{2}}{5s} =\frac{500 m-\frac{1}{2}\alpha(8 s)^{2}}{8s}[/tex]

Solve for uniform acceleration by simplifying the equation

After simplifying the equation, the resulting acceleration is equal to 8.33 m per sec².

For more practice problems and references, please refer to the following links:




9. what will be the velocity of a car that is traveling 500 meters in 250 seconds​


v = 2m/sec


velocity = distance / time

v = d / t

v = 500m / 250sec

v = 2m/sec

10. a backyard measuring two meters by three meters contains 250 seedlings​


an answer that xaty common litre is seedling cordal


ang mga mga ay mga asap na agap po ang

11. A tube well is bored 80 meters deep. The 1st meter costs ₱1 250 and the cost per meter increases by ₱250 for every subsequent meter. Find the cost of boring the 75th meter and the total cost incurred for the entire job.

                                       Arithmetic Sequence and Series

Formula :

                                           [tex]A_{n} = A_{1} + (n - 1)d[/tex]   and

                                           [tex]S_{n} =\frac{n}{2} [2A_{1} +(n-1)d][/tex]

1.  Given :

      [tex]A_{1} = 1,250[/tex]

        [tex]n = 75[/tex]


   Find the cost of boring the 75th meter

            Solution :

                                  [tex]A_{(75th)} = 1250 + (75 - 1)250\\\\A_{(75th)}=1250+(74)250\\\\A_{(75th)} = 1250 + 18500\\\\A_{(75th)} = 19,750[/tex]

Find the total cost incurred for the entire job

                                  [tex]S_{80} =\frac{80}{2} [2(1250)} +(80-1)250]\\\\S_{80} = 40[2500 +(79)250]\\\\S_{80} = 40[2500 +19750]\\\\S_{80} = 40[22,250]\\\\S_{80} = 890,000[/tex]

12. what is 250 meters in kilometers​


0.25 kelometers

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps


[tex]0.25[ Kilometer]

13. Convert 250 millimeters to meters

[tex]1 \ millimeter =0.001 \ meter \\\\250\ millimeters =250\cdot 0.001 =0.25 \ meters[/tex]

14. Convert 250 millimeters to meters............................................

1 millimeter = 0.001 meters
250 milimeters = 0.001*250 meters = 0.250 meters = 0.25 meters

15. convert 250 centimeters to meter​


2.5 Meters Sana makatulong


2.5 meters.


16. A tube well is bored 800 meters deep. The 1st meter costs $250 and the cost per meter increases by $50 for every subsequent meter. Find the cost of boring the 750th meter.

The cost of the first meter is 250 dollars.

The cost of the second meter is 250+50.

The cost of the third meter is 250+50+50, or 250+50(2).

The cost of the fourth meter is 250+50+50+50, or 250+50(3).

Based on the pattern we see from above, the formula for finding for the cost of the nth meter is 250+50(n-1).

Using this formula, the cost of boring the 750th meter is 

The cost of boring the 750th meter is $37,700.

17. Find the circumference of circle whose area of 250 square meters

Given :

A = 250 m^2

A = π(R)^2

250 = π(R)^2

(R)^2 = 250/π

R = sqrt(250/π)

R = 8.92 m

C = 2πR

C = 2π(8.92)

C = (446/25)π or 56.05 m

18. A tube well is bored 80 meters deep.  The 1st meter costs ₱1 250 and the cost per meter increases by ₱250 for every subsequent meter.  Find the cost of boring the 75th meter and the total cost incurred for the entire job.​


[tex]cost \: of \: 75th \: = 19750 \: pesos \\ total \: \: cost = 21000 \: pesos[/tex]

19. 4. How do you compute for the average speed of each othlete?a. Divide 250 meters by the recorded time of travel.b. Divide the recorded time of travel by 250 meters.c. Multiply 250 meters by the recorded time of travel.d. Divide 250 meters by twice the recorded time of travel.​


To find the speed you must devide the distance travelled by the time.

250 meters is the distance.

The answer is A. Divide 250 meters by the recorded time of travel.

20. What was your displacement upon reaching the vaccination site in school? * A. 250 meters B. 250 meters Northeast C. 300 meters North D. 400 meters East


b.250meeters Northeast

paki brainliest po pls

What was your displacement upon reaching the vaccination site in school? *

A. 250 meters

B. 250 meters Northeast

C. 300 meters North

D. 400 meters East


I hope this is help

21. Express 2 kilometers as a Percentage of 250 meters.


2 kilometers is 800% of 250 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

2 kilometers = 2000 meters

2000 meters / 250 meters = 8

8 * 100% = 800%

22. Glen walks 500 meters in 8 minutes. How long will ittake him to walk 1 250 meters?​


20 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

Carry on learning


20 mins based on what u said

23. If the circumference of a circle is 250 meters, how long is its radius?


r≈ 39.79m

Please rate 5 stars

This is correct answer

Hope it helps

24. 1. How many hectares is a piece of land which is 376 meters long and 250 meterswide?​



Step-by-step explanation:

How many hectares is a piece of land which is 376 meters long and 250 meters wide?(4375) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! Area = 376m * 250m = 259200m^2. Hope this helps.

25. Convert1 250 meters to kilometers


2.5 kilometers ang answer

26. Нow many meters are there in 1, 250centimeters​






There are 12.5 Meters in 1250 centimeters.


27. 1. A trapezium shape has a base of 300 meters and height of 250 meters. What is the total land area? ​


550 ang answer po that was real check po

28. 1. How many hectares is a piece of land which is 376 meters long and 250 meterswide?​


9.4 hectares

Step-by-step explanation:

29. express the ratio of 250 meters to 5 kilometers in its simplest form​


They are not the same unit so you need to convert km into meter. 1000 meter is equivalent to 1 kilometer. There was 5 kilometer you need to convert it into meter so 5x1000=5000

The ratio is:

250:5000 or 1:20

30. if the distance is 250 meters and the time is 40 minutes what is the speed rate ​


6.25 m/m

Step-by-step explanation:

s = d ÷ t

s = 250 ÷ 40

s = 6.25

;) hope it helps u


Speed = 50km/h

Distance = 250km

Speed =distance/time


Both units of speed and distance are same so,no change in units

Time =250/50 km/h

It will take 5h to cover 250km with speed 50 km/.

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