Body Anatomy Drawing Organs

Body Anatomy Drawing Organs

Draw an anatomy of typhoon.​

Daftar Isi

1. Draw an anatomy of typhoon.​


I already do my job draw that

2. How to draw a perfect Anatomy? ​


what do you mean you should watch to how to ddraw then you will learn how to draw

alright alright

3. draw and lebel the anatomy of an egg


The actual egg has 8 different parts: Shell, Yolk, Vitelline Membrane, Air Cell, Chalazae, Albumen, Inner Membrane and Outer Membrane. Each part of the egg serves a different purpose. Shell: This is the outer layer of the egg which is made up of Calcium Carbonate.

4. why we need to identify the different external anatomy and body parts of farm animals?​


to understand their anatomy


Identifying and understanding the external anatomy will help us in caring the farm animals.

If we do, we will know what they like, hate, need and want. We won't make mistakes that might cause diseases that might also lead to their mortality or death. This in turn will lead to lower gains/income.

5. Anatomy: The science of the __ and __ of organisms

1+1=2 2+2=4 3+3=6 4+4=8 5+5=10

6. which subdivision of anatomy involves the study of organs that fuction together?




systemic is a terminology in atomy that involves the study of organs that fuction together?


Term systemic


1. Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.

"the disease is localized rather than systemic"

2. Denoting the part of the circulatory system concerned with the transportation of oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the body in general, especially as distinct from the pulmonary part concerned with the transportation of oxygen from and carbon dioxide to the lungs.

7. how do you feel after leaning anatomy of the body in wellness message ​


Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:The relaxation response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touchMassage causes physiological changes in your body through:The relaxation response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touchMechanical responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:The relaxation response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touchMechanical responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues Together, these responses can produce physical and emotional benefits.Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:The relaxation response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touchMechanical responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues Together, these responses can produce physical and emotional benefits.What is the relaxation response?Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:The relaxation response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touchMechanical responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues Together, these responses can produce physical and emotional benefits.What is the relaxation response?In a massage, a caring, safe touch is an invitation to relax. This, together with pain relief, generally produces a "relaxation response."Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:The relaxation response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touchMechanical responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues Together, these responses can produce physical and emotional benefits.What is the relaxation response?In a massage, a caring, safe touch is an invitation to relax. This, together with pain relief, generally produces a "relaxation response."The relaxation response is a state in which your heart and breathing rate slow, your blood pressure goes down, your production of stress hormones decreases, and your muscles relax. The relaxation response also seems to increase the available level of serotonin, which is a chemical in the body that positively affects emotions and thoughts. While this information is promising, more studies are needed to directly confirm the relationship between massage and levels of serotonin in the brain.


8. Directions: Draw and label the anatomy of a transverse and a longitudinal wave on a separate sheet of paper.​


yan na


sana lang makatulong

9. what have you learned on anatomy of the the body in wellness massage​


Anatomy teaches therapists how muscles of all shapes and sizes can be improved through massage therapy. Not only does this benefit the client, but this helps the therapist learn how to work efficiently in order to have a long and healthy career.


Sana makatulong po pa brainlest po or pa heart nalang ty


That muscles of all shapes and sizes can be improved through massage therapy.

10. The other term for gross anatomy that deals with the larger structure of the body


Gross anatomy also known as macroscopic anatomy is the study of large body structures that are visible to the naked eye. For example, the lungs, heart and kidney. There are three ways of looking at gross anatomy: Regional anatomy, systematic anatomy, and surface anatomy. Regional is looking at all the structures in a certain area like the leg or the abdomen. Systematic is looking at the structures by system like the cardiovascular system. Surface is looking at structures through the skin for example the bulging muscles or certain blood vessels.

11. there's sculputure focuses on the human anatomy and professionally of the bodya. gothicb. romanc.greekd.egyptian​


Yung answer po letter C. Greek kasi mostly sa poise and proportion nung katawan Yung focus Nila before

12. Francis specializes in the field of anatomy which deals with the study of ______________ or part of organisms.

Francis specializes in the field of anatomy which deals with the study of ______________ or part of organisms.

The correct answer for the blank spot is structure.

Further explanation:

Francis Crick was a British molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist who is most noted for his discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953. He, along with James D. Watson and Maurice Wilkins, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material". 

Anatomy is the study of the structure and function of the human body. Anatomy is the study of how the parts of the body work together. It includes looking at the bones, muscles, and organs to see how they are put together and how they work. It is a branch of biology that includes the analysis of organs, tissues, and cells. Anatomy is used to understand how the body works and to diagnose and treat diseases.

Anatomy is divided into two main branches: macroscopic anatomy, which deals with the structure of large organs, and microscopic anatomy, which deals with the structure of cells and only can be seen with a microscope.

Macroscopic anatomy is further divided into gross anatomy, which deals with the overall structure of organs, and histology, which deals with the structure of tissues. Gross anatomy can be studied using cadavers (dead bodies), while histology requires the use of tissue samples.

The human body is made up of several different types of tissues, which are grouped together to form organs. Organs are then grouped together to form systems, such as the digestive system or the respiratory system. Each system has a specific function or group of functions.

Learn more about the inventor of anatomy here:


13. 1. Make an introduction about External Anatomy and Body Measurements of Farm Animals.2. Make an objectives about External Anatomy and Body Measurements of Farm Animals. ​

External Anatomy and Body Measurements of Farm Animals1) Introduction:

External anatomy and body measurements of farm animals are essential aspects of animal science that involve the study of the physical structure and measurements of animals. This includes observing and measuring external features such as height, weight, body length, chest girth, hip width, and other body dimensions. These measurements are used to determine the overall health and productivity of farm animals, and are also important in selecting animals for breeding and determining their market value. Understanding the external anatomy and body measurements of farm animals is crucial for farmers, veterinarians, and animal scientists in ensuring the health and welfare of these animals and optimizing their productivity.

2) Objectives:

The objectives of studying external anatomy and body measurements of farm animals include:

Assessing the health and welfare of animals: Body measurements such as weight, height, and chest girth can be used to monitor the health and well-being of animals, identify any signs of illness or injury, and track changes in their physical condition over time.

Evaluating productivity and performance: External measurements of animals can be used to evaluate their growth rates, muscle development, and overall productivity. This information is important for farmers and breeders in selecting animals for breeding and determining their market value.

Determining nutritional requirements: Understanding the external anatomy and body measurements of farm animals can help farmers and veterinarians determine their nutritional requirements and ensure that they receive the appropriate diet and supplements.

Improving breeding programs: External measurements of animals are used in breeding programs to select animals with desirable physical traits such as size, muscle development, and body conformation. This can help improve the overall quality and productivity of farm animals.

Enhancing animal welfare: Monitoring the external anatomy and body measurements of farm animals can help ensure their welfare and identify any areas where improvements can be made in their living conditions and care.

14. Draw and label the anatomy of a transverse​

yan po sa pic ang mga parts ng transverse of wave


sana makatulong

15. it is a medical imaging technique that use to investegate the enternal anatomy of the body?​




is an imaging technique that uses the transmission of high-frequency sound waves into the body to generate an echo signal that is converted by a computer into a real-time image of anatomy and physiology.


computed tomography


pa brainliest. correct if I'm wrong in comment section

16. what is the anatomy of bicepts in trinology when the human body becomes a watery​

Function. Primary functions of the biceps brachii is flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm. In fact, it is the prime mover of forearm supination. Since it crosses the gleno-humeral joint, it also serves to assist shoulder elevation.


hope it helps im not sure this guys

17. Which of the following is an organ that is part of the 8 systems of the human anatomy?​


8systems of the human anatomy are


√ Integumentary System,

√ Skeletal System,

√ Muscular System,

√ Nervous System,

√ Endocrine System,

√Cardiovascular System,

√ Lymphatic System,

√Respiratory System,

√ Digestive System,

√Urinary System, and Reproductive System

pa brainleist po thanks

18. only one stanza, 4 lines about body cavities in anatomy​



The anatomy of the human body is composed of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Cells are the building blocks of the basic structure of organisms. Tissues are intermediaries between cells and organ systems. Organs are then made by combining functional groups of tissues and organ systems are systems that function to move the body, maintain body posture and balance,How to study the anatomy of the human body will include:Making the initial stages from the skeleton to the internal organs of humans.See pictures of the structure of the human body.Trying to decipher the composition of the human body organs one by one.Anatomy is one of the foundations of medical science. The science of the morphological structure of living organisms studies the various parts, their positions, and their interrelationships with each other.Organ systems are the parts that make up the human body. This system consists of various types of organs, which have specific structures and functions. Anatomy is also the basis for knowing the body's physiology and pathology or structural changes in relation to disease. Without knowing the structure, it will be difficult to understand the physiological processes of a healthy person's body.Learn more about the human anatomy


19. draw the anatomy of a wave and labeleach part of it​



the cost of producing x tools by a company is given byC(×)=120×+5500 what is the cost of 100 tools?

20. why do we compare the anatomy of organisms


Scientists compare the anatomy, embryos, and DNA of living things to understand how they evolved. Evidence for evolution is provided by homologous structures. These are structures shared by related organisms that were inherited from a common ancestor.


malinaw po answer ko

21. Make an introduction of external anatomy and body measurement of farm animals.


Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in Australia. Only one in 10 workplaces are farms, yet they account for one quarter of all work-related deaths. Children under 15 years and adults over 65 years are more likely than others to be injured or killed on farms. Males are more likely to be injured than females.You can reduce the risk of farm injuries and illness at your farm by evaluating the risks and minimising them. Accidents can be prevented through better farmer and worker education, making sure equipment is well maintained and has adequate safety features, having safety procedures in place, and training every worker and family member about potential dangers.


#kabataan pagasa ka ng bayan

22. draw and label anatomy of a honey bee inside the box provide​


Mag drawing po kayo ng honey bee sa loob ng box pa brainliest nadin



23. Why do we comparative anatomy of organisms?

Why do we study comparative Anatomy?

Comparative anatomy is important in evolutionary studies and provides evidence of evolution, such as homologous organs, analogous organs, etc. It is important in determining common ancestry and also in the classification of organisms based on their structural similarities and complexities.

if u want a more simple answer:

It's so that scientists are able to understand how they evolve.

parang may kulang na word sa question mo kaya di ko alam Kung tama Ang sagot ko.

hope it helps nalang. stay safe,godbless

24. draw and label the anatomy of waves ​


Jan po ako natuto so Tignan Nyo nalang po king Interested lang po Ask lang po kayu sakin

Pa like din po ng page ng gumawa

Stay safe po

25. 8. It is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of theanatomy and the physiological processes of the body is a medical imaging technique used inradiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body​


Tomography is the imaging by sections or sectioning. The main such methods in medical imaging are: X-ray computed tomography (CT), or Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan, is a helical tomography technique (latest generation), which traditionally produces a 2D image of the structures in a thin section of the body.

The reason is that when u make an animation u need to have a rig to animate and to make a good cgi character u need to reference it to reality

like in the lion king movie before they did the rig they first studied anatomies of animals so that the animals will move properly and will look realistic.

27. Comparative anatomy investigates the homologies, or inherited similarities, among organisms in bone structure and in other parts of the body. O TrueO False​

answer is true beacuse it is similarities

28. draw and label the anatomy of waves ​

Parts of the wave with label

29. draw and label the anatomy of the egg​


Hope its help Brainliest baka naman

30. Why do we comparative anatomy of organisms?


Comparative anatomy is important in evolutionary studies and provides evidence of evolution, such as homologous organs, analogous organs, etc. It is important in determining common ancestry and also in the classification of organisms based on their structural similarities and complexities.

Comparative anatomy is the study of the similarities and differences in the structures of different species. Similar body parts may be homologous structures or analogous structures. Both provide evidence for evolution.

The study of comparative anatomy predates the modern study of evolution. Early evolutionary scientists like Buffon and Lamarck used comparative anatomy to determine relationships between species. Organisms with similar structures, they argued, must have acquired these traits from a common ancestor.


I hope it's help you

Comparative anatomy is important in evolutionary studies and provides evidence of evolution, such as homologous organs, analogous organs, etc. It is important in determining common ancestry and also in the classification of organisms based on their structural similarities and complexities.

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