Difference Between Technical Writing And Creative Writing

Difference Between Technical Writing And Creative Writing

Differences between technical writing and creative writing

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1. Differences between technical writing and creative writing


The differences between creative writing and technical writing are that creative writing is written mainly to entertain with the creativity of the mind and technical writing is written mainly to inform in a formal manner or to incite the reader to make an action such as purchase the writer's product.


Hope it Help.

2. Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast creative writing from technical writingDifferences of technical writingdifference of creative writingAnd simalarites of between technical writing and creative writingP.S HELP PO​


gagawa pukayo ng bilog tapos basa hin nyo po yung story

3. what are the difference and similarities between technical writing and creative writing?use venn diagram​

What are the difference and similarities between technical writing and creative writing?

Technical Writing

Facts and concepts are the foundations of technical writing.Technical writing focuses on content that is factual and straightforward.The reader/audience for technical writing is very specific.Technical writing's goal is to inform, instruct, and educate the user.It is written in a formal and standard way.It provides readers with technical information or instructions on how to complete a task.Tables of contents, indexes, labels, charts, photographs, and graphs are all used in the text.Technical writing has an objective tone.It is built on a particular lexicon.It's laid out in a logical and systematic order.Graphics are used in technical writing to add to the topic's information.Any conclusion, research, or knowledge, for example, is dependent on technical writing.

Creative Writing

General writing relies on the imagination and creativity of the writer.The focus of creative writing is on symbolic and imaginative content.Creative writing appeals to a broad audience.The goal of creative writing is to amuse, provoke, and inspire others.It is written in a casual and artistic style.It provides readers with a topic, message, moral, or lesson that is useful in their daily lives or provides momentary amusement.Conflict, character, theme, place, and resolution are all used in the story.Creative writing has a subjective tone.It's built around a broad, emotive vocabulary.It may or may not be organized in a systematic or arbitrary fashion.Graphics are used in creative writing to draw attention to the issue.The writer's schedule and mindset have a role in creative writing.

What are the differences and similarities between technical writing and creative writing?



4. what is the example of technical writing and creative writing​


Belen Jane lemme na one lane hand he means na I'm


babe haha leave knang Jeanne Jan

5. based on your understanding what is the different of technical writing to creative writing​


Technical writing focuses on factual and straight forward content. Creative writing focuses on imaginative and symbolic content.

6. Distinguish Technical Writing from Creative Writing. ​


Technical writing focuses on factual and straight forward content. Creative writing focuses on imaginative and symbolic content.

7. • What is the difference of the Technical Writing to the other types of correspondence (such as Journalism, Expository Writing, Expressive Writing, and Creative Writing?

Technical Writing :

Technical writing is a piece of writing which focuses on factual and straight forward content and technical papers are published to inform and instruct and educate the user about some specific topic. There exists specific readers who prefers technical papers. It gives readers information about some technical topics or it gives directions on how to do something.

For example writing any articles on GeeksforGeeks related to computer science field comes under technical writing.

2. General Writing :

General writing refers to any piece of writing which focuses in general subjects of writing and general papers are published for amusement of the reader. But sometimes many general topics also gives life lessons, moral, inspiration etc. There is not such specific set of audience or readers like technical writing. It is written on subjective tone and purely personal style.

For example writing any prose or story which will be published in a local magazine comes under general writing.

8. similarities of technical writing and creative writing?​


Technical writing focuses on factual and straight forward content. Creative writing focuses on imaginative and symbolic content

9. What are the differences between technical writing and other writing genres?​


The difference between technical and literary writing lies heavily on its use of language and style of presenting information as required for specific formats. While literary writing can be informal and personal, technical writing is strict to being formal and impersonal in tone and voice.


yn po answer ko

pa brainliest po

10. what is difference between technical writing and imaginative writing

Technical writing is any written form of writing or drafting technical communication used in a variety of technical and occupational fields while Imaginative writing is a writing that expresses the writer's thoughts and feelings in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way.

11. How creative writing is different from other types of writing such as narrative, technical or descriptive writing? *​


Part of the difference between creative writing and other kinds of writing is the use of language. Creative writing doesn't only deal with factual information or uses language to communicate flat meanings. It has color. ... In creative writing, images, stories, and feelings are both source and methodology.

12. similarities between technical and creative writing​


Both creative writing and technical writing require the following:

•a good vocabulary

•good grammar

•some editorial skills

•audience analysis skills

•project planning

•the ability to pick the right word to communicate what you’re trying to say

•the ability to craft a good sentence

•the ability to craft a good paragraph

•the ability to keep writing no matter what (writing is fun but it is also boring at times; it is CERTAINLY “work”)

•good-to-great typing skills

•computer knowledge (smacking down Word and other programs is a vital skill for writing these days)

•a decent office chair

13. differenciate of creative writing and technical writing ​


Technical writing has its specific reader/audience. Creative writing has general reader/audience. ... The purpose of technical writing is to inform and instruct and educate the user. The purpose of creative writing is to entertain, provoke, inspire.

14. TRUE OR FALSE______________1. Creative writing and technical writing share the same format and style of writing. ______________2. Figurative language is commonly used in technical or academic writing.______________3. In terms of vocabulary, creative writing uses specialized words which are specific to a group of people.______________4. The main purpose of technical/academic writing is to inform, to instruct, to persuade, or to sell which is different from the main purpose of creative writing. ______________5. Some of the examples of creative writing are position paper and concept paper.______________6. The subject of creative writing is about life and human experiences.______________7. The tone of technical/academic writing is similar to the tone of creative writing.______________8. The target audience of creative writing is anyone or the general audience, while technical/academic writing aims specific group of people who might have the sameinterest or profession. ______________9. Creative writing is connected to different types of literature like prose andpoetry. ______________10. Technical/academic writing is more straightforward than creative writing.​


1) false

2) false

3) false

4) true

5) true

6) true

7) false

8) true

9) true

10) true


correct me if i'm wrong!

15. what is the difference between research and technical writing​


Research are composed customarily by an understudy at a university or college, and the work is ordinarily alloted. A technical article is a piece, of around a subject that has as of late investigated or surveyed and composed by an master in that field.

16. Compare creative writing and technical writing?​

creative writing is used to exlress our ideas and imagination, it describes or interpret something while the technical writing aims to inform, to instruct and to persuade. technical writing is objective meaning to say that it is based on fscts and unemotional, it is straight forward, accurate and concise

17. sample of technical writing and creative writing​


gothic letter

italian letter

18. create a venn diagram showing the similarities and differences of creative and technical writing​



creative writings is any writing that goes

outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative

craft, character development, and the use

of literary tropes or with various traditions

of poetry and poetics.


academic writing is also used for publications that are read by teacher

and researchers or presented at conferences. A very broad definition of

academic writing could include any writing assignment given in an academic

setting. Here is a list of documents where

academic writing is used.


i hope it helps :)

19. what is the difference between technical and non technical writing ?


Technical writing is clear, precis and straightforward while the other one is artistuc, figurative, symbolic or even vague. and it should involved only technical information while non technical one is subjective...


Pls just tell me if I'm rong

20. 1. Explain the difference imaginative of creative writing versus technical/academic and other forms of writing.​


Creative writing uses senses and emotions to capture the reader's mind, unlike other forms of writing, which has facts and information. Some examples of Creative Writing involve writing short stories, novels, poems, plays, blogs, non-fiction narratives, etc. Creative writing doesn't begin with the intellect.

The differences between creative writing and technical writing are that creative writing is written mainly to entertain with the creativity of the mind and technical writing is written mainly to inform in a formal manner or to incite the reader to make an action such as purchase the writer's product.

Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of writing has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing or business writing.

21. similarities of creative writing and technical writing​


Similarities between technical and creative writingRefund

The principal between creative of them is that, creative writing is written to differentiate, entertain and arouse a technical writing in a writing, whereas technical writing is to show the viewers with the factual knowledge and is launched in a logical writing.


hope this help

22. sturcture in creative writing and technical writing​


hand tools are explonted


ady tool dexprode

23. What are the similarities of creative writing and technical writing?​


In creative writing you could create your own style of letters or characters, you can do calligraphy and much more, but it's hard to practice your hand writing and fast writing at the same time. And once you het faster your handwriting will be a mess.

Same with technical writing, typing is hard because sometimes you misclick a letter and it's really challenging if you would make it faster, without misclicking.

24. why do we have to learn the difference between creative writing ang technical writing?​


to be successful


sana Po makatulong

25. Make a brief comparison between Creative Writing and Technical writing​


Smit like butter and jelly Belly dance and music


Technical writing focuses on factual and straight forward content. Creative writing focuses on imaginative and symbolic content. 03. Technical writing has its specific reader/audience.




26. research is a creative writing or technical writing?​


•Technical writing


Yan ata ang sagot.. di ako segurado...

27. Which of the following is not a branch of creative writing?Technical Writing is a form of creative writing​

Technical Writing is a form of creative writing​

The distinction between creative and technical writing is that creative writing is written primarily to entertain using the mind's creativity, whereas technical writing is written primarily to inform in a formal manner or to compel the reader to take action, such as purchasing the writer's product.

The distinction between creative and technical writing is that creative writing is written primarily to entertain using the mind's creativity, whereas technical writing is written primarily to inform in a formal manner or to compel the reader to take action, such as purchasing the writer's product.

Engineering, computer hardware and software, chemistry, and biotechnology all make use of technical writing. Owner's manuals, staff handbooks, and online articles are additional instances of common technical writing.

Technical writing is a form of creative writing true or false brainly.ph/question/6146889


28. how does creative writing different from technical writing in terms of forms, language, purpose and style?​


Technical writing has its specific reader/audience. Creative writing has general reader/audience. ... It follows formal and standard style of writing. It follows informal and artistic style of writing.


Goodluck! Stay safe


29. How does creative writing differ from technical writing?


The differences between creative writing and technical writing are that creative writing is written mainly to entertain with the creativity of the mind and technical writing is written mainly to inform in a formal manner or to incite the reader to make an action such as purchase the writer's product.

30. write about the difference between creative writing and technical writing based on the present lesson used 200 to 300 words​




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