Donny s Girlfriend

Donny s Girlfriend

what is the invention of donnie A ramos​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the invention of donnie A ramos​


Molecular cloning, recombinant protein expression and immunological characterization of allergens for diagnosis and immunotherapy of allergies

Genetic marker identification using single nucleotide polymorphism analyses of allergy candidate genes

Development of diagnostic kits for allergic diseases through monoclonal and polyclonal antibody production

Immuno-pathological and genetic mechanisms of allergic diseases

Screening of natural products as acaricides


2. In adding (3x² - x + 1) and (-4x² - 2x + 6), Donnie's answer is x² + 3x -7. Is the answer of Donnie correct? Justify your answer​



Step-by-step explanation:

the whole polynomial is divided/multiplied by a negative to make the leading term positive



Step-by-step explanation:

yan po ang solution ko.

3. Do u think B T S has a secret girlfriend?​

pa add bjorn kyle Masculino


4. 1. Anu-ano ang mga suliraning kinakaharap nina Leanna at Donnie?​


mis or sir pinipilit ko pong basahin kaya Lang po Hindi po maayos ang pag kaka picture niyo

5. What's the difference between "Sorry but I have a Girlfriend" and "No I have a Girlfriend"​

To say, "Sorry but I have a Girlfriend" is an apology, you shouldn't be apologizing. Two, it's implying that you would go after her if you weren't together. But saying, "No I have a Girlfriend"​ is saying "I DON'T WANT YOU, I HAVE WHO I WANT".

There are two sides to every conversation. Therefore, both sending and receiving messages must be accomplished in order to develop excellent communication skills. Understanding the goal behind the message is a key component of effective communication, which goes beyond simple information sharing. Making decisions and addressing problems together more effectively is facilitated by effective communication.

The following are some of the techniques which help in developing effective communication skills:    Be a good listener    Be aware of other people's emotions    Pay attention to non-verbal signs    Minimize stress    Maintain a positive attitude    Express your thoughts and feelings in an open and honest way    Learn to develop a good body language    Don't use unnecessary conversation fillers    Put away all the distractions    Keep your message brief yet specific    Learn to handle conflict in a positive way    Try to get feedback from your receiver to ensure you were properly understood during the communication process

Learn more about communications here:


6. donny pushes his heavy car[tex]mass \: 100kg \: 500 \: newtoon \:force \: acceleration \: m2s[/tex]​


Asaan po yun picture kaylangan po ng picture yan

Sorry po talaga



donny pushes his heavy car Mass 100kg 500 newtoon force


Mass - 100 kg

Force - 500 N

Answer & Solution:

[tex]\sf A = f÷m[/tex]

[tex]\sf A=500 \: N÷100 \: kg[/tex]

[tex]\sf A= \boxed{\bold{5 \: m/s {}^{2} }}[/tex]

Therefore, the acceleration is 5 m/s^2


7. Si Belle And Donny endgame, diba? diba? diwag pangt.​

opo Kkansdkdkednx


8. have you ever watched hes into her, by donny and belle.

no never did,no,ididnot,idontwatchit

9. Give the hidden meaning in the sentence, “Donnie is a protective mother cub when guarding the ball.




because the mother is the love in the garden


Iwas Outraged When Isaw That I bully Pushing the smaller boy

10. Anu-ano ang mga suliraning kinakaharap nina Leanna at Donnie?(Grade 7)​


ang sagot Ko ay nagsamasama sila sa suluranin

Anu-ano ang mga suliraning kinakaharap nina Leanna at Donnie?

11. donnie wants to discover more about the life and teachings of Jesus. What book in the new testament should he read?​

The book in the New Testament that talks about the life and teachings of Jesus are the four Gospels.

The four books of the Gospels talks about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. From the time of Annunciation to the Ascension of Jesus including all his miracles and teachings.

The Four Gospel Books

1. Matthew - this gospel talks how Jesus fulfills the prophecy in the Old Testament. It connects the teachings in the old testament to the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew focuses on the concept of Jesus as the King of Jews.

2. Mark - this is the shortest gospel. The Gospel describe Jesus as the suffering servant. The content of the gospel is more on the acts or works  that Jesus did.

3. Luke - this gospel is the longest among the four gospel books. The theme of the gospel is about Jesus as the savior of all. St. Luke wrote the life of Jesus in sequential manner.

4. John- this gospel talks about Jesus as the Son of God. The Gospel of St. John focuses more on the miracles of Jesus so that who ever will read it will believe and gain eternal life. John main point it to show the divinity of Jesus.

You can read more about the four gospels:

Synoptic Gospels  are the gospels of St. Matthew, Mark and Luke. This are called synoptic because they narrates the life of Jesus in similar manner.  While the Gospel of St. John has a different approach and different story line.

Example: the synoptic gospels started in the birth of Jesus while in the gospel of St. John it started in the baptism of Jesus.

Each gospel has a different approach and theme. But all in all they only want to show who is Jesus the Son of God and his teachings for us his beloved brethren.


12. the score of Donny in his 5 test 45, 50, 55, 47, 63 what is the range?​


ayaw KO nga ano ka gold

Step-by-step explanation:


13. guy's Don't be @ItAllen girlfriend or friends because he is s t u p i d and dûmb​


ok you say so


so thanks for the point

14. Choose the correct/best sentence.•Wearing a purple sweater, the girl is Oliver’s girlfriend.•The girl wearing a purple sweater is Oliver’s girlfriend.•Having worn a purple sweater, the girl is Oliver’s girlfriend.•The girl, wearing a purple sweater, is Oliver’s girlfriend.•Oliver’s girlfriend wearing a purple sweater is the girl.​


sa tingin ko yung ikalawa

15. hi! free poinťs for you, btw i need a girlfriend, #no girlfriend since birth​




sainyu Nayan

aral muna

bago first

16. donny pushes his heavy car Mass 100kg 500 newtoon force​



donny pushes his heavy car Mass 100kg 500 newtoon force


Mass - 100 kgForce - 500 N

Answer & Solution:

[tex]\sf A = f÷m[/tex]

[tex]\sf A=500 \: N÷100 \: kg[/tex]

[tex]\sf A= \boxed{\bold{5 \: m/s {}^{2} }}[/tex]

Therefore, the acceleration is 5 m/s^2


17. donny pushes his heavy car..[tex]100kg mass \: acceleration \: 0.5ms2[/tex]​


what is science


what is science

18. gusto libutin ni donny ang timog-silangang Asya.Alinsa sumusunod na mga lugarang maaring niyang bisitahin


pwde nyang bisitahin Ang Indonesia, Thailand, Philippine, Vietnam, Singapore,malaysia

19. In the movie "Love Is Color Blind" by Belle and Donny, what do you like and dislike about it? ​


They break up that was i hate in that movie thoo

20. Donny and belle have two brown-eyed children. both donny and belle are brown-eyed (bb). brown eyes is dominant over green eyes. they think that their third child will have green eyes. which of the following statements predict the eye color of the third child


I don't know maybe because it's



don't forget that

21. Donnie corker, more famously known as dirtwoman


Ok sinabi mo nga ang answer (dirtwoman) so


hindi na namin kailngan magsagot sa iyong tanong

yes it's true


please pa brainliest na man po

22. donna and donnie are blithe kids.they always greet everyone with a this sentence,the word blithe means?​


thank you po sa points god bless


pa brainlist


yessssssssss btw ty sa points

23. lets apply A. underline the phrase/s used in the sentence 1.edmar wrapped an expensive gift for her girlfriend​

Wrapped an expensive gift for her girlfriend

24. Donny and Belle often go out for lunch together. adverb of intensity. adverb of frequency. ​


Adverb of frequency po


adverb po sana makatulong

25. 5.Allan is overly jealous when it comes to the friends of his girlfriend.He cannot seem to accept the fact that his girlfriend enjoys very much the company of others. Clientele: Characteristic/s: Specific need/s:​


Eto po answer ko sna makatulong

26. in adding (3x² - x + 1) and (-4x² - 2x + 6), donnie's answer is x² + 3x - 7. is the answer of donnie correct? you can justify your answer

pwede paki ayos Ang questionplsss

27. Dialogue 2: Donnie and His FriendsFriend 1: Hey, Donnie is it true that you took Arthur's money and books?Donnie: Yeah, you should have seen the look on his face when I threw his booksat the bin. And when our teacher asked about it, I made sure Arthur would notsnitch on me.​


thank you for the dialogue


Its quite great

28. Anu-ano ang mga suliraning kinakaharap nina Leanna at Donnie? ​


tanong bayan?


sino si leana at donnie kompletohin mo nga ang storya

29. Vicente lugagay Profile? Contributions? Donnie bunting Profile? Contributions?


Jelo Cruz Yung mataba na nang away ng bata sa Jollibee yan


Vicente lugagay


VICENTE LUGAGAY: He Received P300,000 In Prizes As 2018 Gawad Saka Winner In Fish Culture

Agri News

zbsarian January 14, 2019


A 53-year-old former ordinary farm worker in a fish farm quit his job and put up his own tilapia hatchery in Brgy. Rizal, Santiago City in Isabela. In 2018, he was the Gawad Saka winner in the Fish Culture Category and received P300,000 in prizes from the national and regional levels. Of course, that’s peanuts compared to his income from the sales of his tilapia fingerlings.

Vicente Lugagay produces 300,000 to 500,000 fingerlings a month which he sells not only in Isabela but also in other places in Nueva Vizcaya, Cagayan, Pampanga and the Cordillera Administrave Region.

Lugagay won his national and regional awards because of the practical and innovative technologies he has adopted in running his tilapia hatchery


MORE STURDY FINGERLINGS – Lugagay also installed a special pump in his conditioning tanks instead of the conventional flow-through and aeration system. This allows for more sturdy fingerlings, thereby higher survival. Sex reversal is achieved in only four days instead of the usual 21 days.

Donnie bunting


Donnie Bunting started out in the dairy industry but decided to farm tilapia to stay ahead of the curve. Now, his family-owned business has expanded and produces tilapia, redclaw crayfish and Malayan prawns.


The farm size is 150 hectares, with 40 hectares devoted to aquaculture. We grow tilapia along with redclaw crayfish and Malayan prawn in the same ponds. We also grow vegetables and raise sheep on the rest of the acreage.

We currently sell 4,000 kgs tilapia each week on the live market. About 50 percent retail and 50 percent to small wholesalers. We have been culturing redclaw from 1993 with average yields of about 350 kgs per 0.4 hectares.

30. If you were given a chance para baguhin ang kwento nina Leanna at Donnie, Paano mo ito gagawin?


Who again


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