Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics

Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics

female secondary sexual characteristics​

Daftar Isi

1. female secondary sexual characteristics​


Explanation: For females, secondary sex characteristics include relative lack of body hair, thicker hair on the head

1. Growth of Chest

2. Public and armpit hair

3. Voice Deepens because of changes in the larynx

2. female secondary sexual characteristics

For females, secondary sex characteristics include relative lack of body hair, thicker hair on the head (in some cases), rounded hips/figure, a decreased ability to generate muscle mass at a fast rate, decreased upper body strength, breasts, ability to nurse children, a menstrual cycle, and increased body fat composition.

3. similarities of male and female secondary sexual characteristics​


body size

canine size

crest size

long arm hair

silver saddle

it is all can be found in evidence of sexual dimorphism and evidence for within sex variation.

4. when do we usually observe the physical list above for the secondary male and female sexual characteristics? ​


People usually start going through puberty between ages 8 and 14. Females often start puberty before males do. Puberty doesn't happen all at once — it comes in stages and takes many years. You might have some signs of puberty at an early age, while other changes show up years later.

5. these are the two sex hormones from the ovaries that cause secondary sexual characteristics of female​


Estradiol and Progesterone



6. listing the common secondary sexual male and female characteristics tig 5 bali 10 lahat thankyou​


Differences in size between sexes are also considered secondary sexual characteristics. In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males.



1. Increase muscle mass and strength

2. lower body fat percentage

3. chest hair

4. enlargement of larnyx

5. deepening of voice


1. Widening of Hips

2. most prominently underarm

3. Enlargement of breasts

4. Erection of Pimples

5. The inner lips of Vulva

7. there are two sex hormones from the ovaries that cause secondary sexual characteristics of females​


Estradiol and progesterone are steroid hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy. Estradiol produces secondary sex characteristics in females, while both estradiol and progesterone regulate the menstrual cycle.


pabrainliest po please

8. What sex hormone stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females? A. Estrogen B. Follicle-stimulating hormone C. Progesterone D. Testosterone


,c po Yung sagot Dyan Sana po maka help

9. Secondary sex characteristics (female)​


For females, secondary sex characteristics include relative lack of body hair, thicker hair on the head (in some cases), rounded hips/figure, a decreased ability to generate muscle mass at a fast rate, decreased upper body strength, breasts, ability to nurse children, a menstrual cycle, and increased body fat

10. the common secondary sexual male and female characteristics?​


Secondary sex characteristics are features that appear during puberty in humans, and at sexual maturity in other animals. ... In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males


In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include public hair, enlarged breasts and windened hips of femelas, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males.

11. what sex hormone stimulates the maturation of the female sex organs and the development of the secondary sexual characteristics​


Estrogen is the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption; it is also responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females. These include breast development, flaring of the hips, and a shorter period necessary for bone maturation.

12. identify the secondary sexual characteristics for both male and female ​

In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males.

13. 1)Male secondary sexual charactiristics?2)Female secondary sexual charactiristics ?​


1.Examples of secondary sex characteristics in humans are whiskers, beard, and the Adam’s apple in the male and typical development of the breasts, shape of the pelvis, and greater development of fatty tissue in the female

2.Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.

Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.

Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.

Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults.

Upper arms approximately 2 cm longer, on average, for a given height.

14. When do we usually observe the physical change listed above for the secondary male and female sexual characteristics?



In both sexes, these stages reflect the progressive modifications of the external genitalia and of sexual hair. Secondary sex characteristics appear at a mean age of 10.5 years in girls and 11.5 to 12 years in boys.

15. Why is the occurrence of secondary sex characteristics important in the FemaleReproductive system?a. Without it, a female is considered sexually matureb. It indicates readiness for their productive rolec. Reproduction is by-passed through hormones​

Letter B is the answer

16. please helpdistinguish the secondary sexual characteristics at puberty of a male and female listen below using the venn diagram providedMale:Similarities:Female:​


male. female

1.voice deepens. 1.body gets curvier

2.growth of penis. 2.hips became wider

3.increase in height. 3.enlargement of breast

4.broadering of shoulder. 4.increase in size of

5.growth of scrotum and vagina and uterus

testes. 5.ovaries produces

6.hair starts to grow and hormones to start

chest. menstruation cycle


1.increase in body odor

2.growth of pubic hair and under arm

17. What are the male Secondary Sexual Characteristics​


For males, secondary characteristics include facial and chest hair, increased body hair, pelvic build (lack of rounded hips), upper body muscular build, and the ability to generate muscle mass at a faster rate than the female.


Keep On LearningPa brainliest#copynpaste?

18. which hormone is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females?​

Paki correct kung mali, thanks

: have a nice day


Estrogens - a group of steroid hormones responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females.


19. Male secondary sexual characteristics​


-Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair.

-Growth of facial hair.

-Enlargement of larynx (Adam's apple) and deepening of voice.

-Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average.

-Heavier skull and bone structure.

20. Secondary sexual characteristic at puberty Male SIMILARITIES Female​


Differences in size between sexes are also considered secondary sexual characteristics. In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males.


sana makatulong

pa heart at brainliest pls.

21. it is the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption; responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics femaleA. estrogenB. progesteroneC. follicle stimulating hormoneD. luteinizing hormone​


A.Estrogen is the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption; it is also responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females.


hope it helps

22. lesrning task 2:direction:Complete the table. write the different secondary sexual characteristics of male and female.(1st box)MALE SEXUAL SECONDARY CHARACTERISTICS (2nd box)FEMALE SEXUAL SECONDARY CHARACTERISTICS pasagot po please, SCIENCE 3RD QUARTER ​


(1st box)

ExThe increased secretion of testosterone from the testes during puberty causes the male secondary sexual characteristics to be manifested. In males, testosterone directly increases size and mass of muscles, vocal cords, and bones, deepening the voice, and changing the shape of the face and skeleton. Converted into DHT in the skin, it accelerates growth of androgen-responsive facial and body hair but may slow and eventually stop the growth of head hair.[citation needed] Taller stature is largely a result of later puberty and slower epiphyseal fusion.[citation needed] Male secondary sex characteristics include:

Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair.

Growth of facial hair.

Enlargement of larynx (Adam's apple) and deepening of voice.

Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average.

Heavier skull and bone structure.

Increased muscle mass and strength.

Broadening of shoulders and chest; shoulders wider than hips.

Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands.

(2nd box)

In females, breasts are a manifestation of higher levels of estrogen; estrogen also widens the pelvis and increases the amount of body fat in hips, thighs, buttocks, and breasts.[4][6] Estrogen also induces growth of the uterus, proliferation of the endometrium, and menstruation.[4] Female secondary sex characteristics include:

Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.

Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.

Widening of hips;[4][6] lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.

Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults.

Upper arms approximately 2 cm longer, on average, for a given height.

Labia minora, the inner lips of the vulva, may grow more prominent and undergo changes in color with the increased stimulation related to higher levels of estrogen.


i hope this answer helps- QwQ

tell me if i'm wrong- TwT

23. secondary sexual characteristics at puberty​



Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.

Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.

Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.

Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults.

Upper arms approximately 2 cm longer, on average, for a given height.


hope it helps


In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males

24. It is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics that develop in the female during adolescence

Answer: The hormone responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics that develop in the female during adolescence is estrogen. Estrogen is produced primarily in the ovaries and plays a key role in the development of breasts, widening of hips, growth of pubic and underarm hair, and onset of menstruation.


25. What hormone is responsible for the secondary female sexual characteristics during puberty stage?​



Not sure but I hope it help.

26. what are the primarily and secondary sexual characteristics of male and female?​

Ayaw ma add ng answer,may word kasi na di tinatanggap.Hope it help.

27. Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics ?


Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics

28. what are secondary sexual characteristics​


any physical characteristic developing at puberty which distinguishes between the sexes but is not directly involved in reproduction.


brainliest Sana.



voice quality, facial hair, and breast size

29. What hormone is responsible for the secondary female sexual characteristics during puberty stage?​


Estrogen is the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption; it is also responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females. These include breast development, flaring of the hips, and a shorter period necessary for bone maturation.


the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption; it is also responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females. These include breast development, flaring of the hips, and a shorter period necessary for bone maturation.

30. What are the 5 common secondary sexual characteristics in males and females?


Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.

Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.

Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.

Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults.

Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults.Upper arms approximately 2 cm longer, on average, for a given height.



❣︎Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.

❣︎Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.

❣︎Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.

❣︎Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults.

❣︎Upper arms approximately 2 cm longer, on average, for a given height.


❣︎Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair.

❣︎Growth of facial hair.

❣︎Enlargement of larynx (Adam's apple) and deepening of voice.

❣︎Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average.

❣︎Heavier skull and bone structure.


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