Functions Of Communication Essay

Functions Of Communication Essay

Essay about functions of communication

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1. Essay about functions of communication


What is communication function essay?

Every creature in the earth has developed means to in which they convey their thought, emotions and feelings to one another. However, humans have the ability to use words to convey their messages which set them apart from other creatures.

What are the 7 functions of communication?

Instrumental. Used to ask for something.

Regulatory. Used to give directions & direct others.

Interactional. Used to interact & converse with others in a social manner.

Personal. Used to express a state of mind or feelings about something.




2. essay about nature and function of communication?​

Communication has a symbolic nature and is an act of sharing one's ideas, emotions, attitudes, or perceptions with another person or group of persons through words (written or spoken), gestures, signals, signs, or other modes of transmitting images.

The essential elements of the process of communication are the message, the sender, encoding, the channel, the receiver, decoding, acting on the message, the feedback, and the communication environment. Both the sender and the receiver play a role in making communication effective.

It helps the individual to personal effectiveness. à It helps the individual network with the other people. à It helps the people to mingle with the others at the workplace. ... One can understand the nature of communication by examining the factors that make communication a dynamic process.

3. the functions of nature and process of communication essay 500 words​

Human beings are poor communicators but our communicative competence can be improved by learning and practising effective communication skills.

Communication has a symbolic nature and is an act of sharing one’s ideas, emotions, attitudes, or perceptions with another person or group of persons through words (written or spoken), gestures, signals, signs, or other modes of transmitting images. The transmission of ideas always encounters barriers that reduce its effectiveness.

The essential elements of the process of communication are the message, the sender, encoding, the channel, the receiver, decoding, acting on the message, the feedback, and the communication environment.

Both the sender and the receiver play a role in making communication effective. The sender should encode the message accurately after considering the level, expectations, and needs of the target audience (receiver); the receiver should listen or read carefully to try to understand the intended meaning of the sender.

The universal, common elements of communication are the communication environment, the use of symbols, and the presence of mental filters.

Some basic facts about communication are that perfect communication is impossible; the meaning of a message is in the mind/perception of the receiver; and personality affects the effectiveness of communication.

To communicate effectively, one should develop not only skills, but also a sense of empathy with others

4. Each cell in the body is special. Small as they may seem, these cells form groups to carry out their unique, specific functions. As a member of certain group, you, like the cell is vital to the holistic well-being of that group whether you are in your own family, community and the nation as a whole. During these pandemic you as a single "cell” can contribute to the well- being of the country through preventing the spread of COVID-19 disease. You can also be an example and a catalyst of change through living sustainably at home during the pandemic and adopting eco-friendly practices. Directions: Write a brief essay on how you, like the different types of cells, is vital being a part of a something (a group or unit where you belong and functioning as a member).​

Answer: Sperm cells and Egg cells

Explanation: To make babies

Call me ( 09618741477)

5. What I Can DoPICTURE ANALYSISDirections: Below is a digital artwork on Philippine culture and tradition. Analyzethe picture and write an essay about the role, functions, and characteristics of the21st Century Arts.Digital Painting (Philippine Culture and Tradition)By: Christian Rey R. Ricarzeanswer: 1: communication and art for social cause the image reminds us the disadvantages of too much use of mobile phone2: communication art for social cause and art for medical purpose the digital image shows mental health awareness3: communication art as a free zone art for social causes art for propaganda the digital art reflects the modern heroes who fight the covid 19 global pandemic​


1 communication and art for social cause the image remind us the disadvantages of too much use of mobile phone

6. Essay. Own words. Explain the emotional expression as a function of communication.


The emotional expression is one of the commons that we use daily. Just like when we talk to others we will say something about her/him or about how he/she looks. Every conversation we do there is a emotion expression happens because of the words that we can say.


based on what i understand

7. ICTActivity # 1: Essay Relate the importance and functions of the internet particularly the search engine in today's current situation (pandemic) and how it affects education, business and community. ​



Activity # 1: Essay

Relate the importance and functions of the internet particularly the search engine in today's current situation (pandemic) and how it affects education, business and community



Activity # 1: Essay

Relate the importance and functions of the internet particularly the search engine in today's current situation (pandemic) and how it affects education, business and community.

8. Can someone help on my essay, Thankyou Many children have parents who are Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). discuss how these children communicate with their parents. In your discussion, use the concepts learned in this lesson, for example, the different levels and functions of communication

Please check the picture, I cannot post the text because it keeps getting rejected and I can't seem to find the rude part. Hope this helps.

9. write a 250-word essay about an objective observation highlighting the functions of communication used by the speakers. oral communication ​


Saa makatulong pa mark ohayo

10. C. Directions: Read each utterance below. Then, identify the function of communication of these utterances. Write your answer on the space provided for. 16. "Believe in yourself. You can always do it." 17. "I will present to you the steps in writing an argumentative essay." 18. "Take your medicine 3 times a day." 19. "I'm so glad that you came into my life.” 20. "Do you prefer distance learning over face to face classes?"​





11. write a 200 word essay evaluating tv news anchor of your choice based on his/her use of the different function of communication ​


a 200 word essay evaluating tv news anchor of your choice based on his/her use of the different function of communication


you told me to write that

12. in a world where change is constant, we are all after peace. effective communication can help people resolved conflicts without violence, and can work together to improve the quality of lives. for that right an essay discussing the importance of communication to install peace among individuals after learning is definition, nature, process and functions. your essay must have at least 3paragraph. please help me po​


love you anser ka baby ko galingan mo hah ayiee owshiii micdrop

13. what I have leamedActivity 9. I am a scientist. A simple Essayupon learning about community, you may write a short essayObout the human society and its personal relationship focusingon your own culture and religion. You may also give emphasison how the local government unit (LGU) work to how the ruentiesFunction as a whole,-pakisagutan po ng tama kasi po kailangan na bukas plss​


I'm sorry scan mo na lngp


Black Lives Matter (BLM), international social movement, formed in the United States in 2013, dedicated to fighting racism and anti-Black violence, especially in the form of police brutality. The name Black Lives Matter signals condemnation of the unjust killings of Black people by police (Black people are far more likely to be killed by police in the United States than white people) and the demand that society value the lives and humanity of Black people as much as it values the lives and humanity of white people.


15. On the space below, write a 250- word essay about a particular global issue as a way of showing your appropriate reaction and response on the said manner, remember to observe the different functions of communication. (You can use an extra sheet if you don’t want to use the space below, then staple it to this page.)​


may answer ka na? pakopya

16. similarities, differences, disadvantages, and advantages of the functions of communication. (essay) respect



what gonna do essay?

17. Make a short descriptive essay on how you do you your function as a student and be active to other people in the midst of community quarantine?


During these hard times that the world is experiencing, it is easy to panic and get upset. Especially during the quarantine, when you feel isolated and very lonely. It may seem that your previous life would never return. Those negative thoughts and feelings can really get to you sometimes. I don’t know about you, but they certainly come to me.

18. ASSESSMENT 1. Write a 250 - word essay evaluating the news that you have watched this week. Focus your evaluation on how the mass media is using the different functions of communication in their news delivery


wag muna Ngayon kci may tinuturoan paako


ok po understand

19. write a 250 word essay about the speaker james baldwin-pin drop speech. -observe and evaluate the various functions of communication and strategies used by each speaker. -also,take note of how you would adapt them in your day to day conversations and other activities -was there communication breakdown/barriers present during the speech? -if not, how did he avoid it? ​ ​


soreey i dunno


banana na


Well, the purpose of speakers is to persuade their audience by relaying their message with information and facts according to their topic or research. Their strategy is to speak with posture,confidence and clear voice to properly communicate their words. To captivate the audience attention is the first step, introducing your objectives is the next and finally convincing them to believe and understand your message.

21. essay about discussing the importance of communication to instill peace among individuals after learning its definitions, nature, process and functions.​

Communication is an integral part of human development and understanding.  Open and healthy communication would lead to deeper understanding and better comprehension.  Communication is not a sole tool for better understanding, but must go hand in hand with clear comprehension.

Maintaining good communication and deeper comprehension pave way for instilling peace among individuals. This takes place when people of differences are connected in such a manner that caters to their personal perspectives and opinions.  Proper and ethical approach in communication allow the right delivery of one’s thoughts and that is a requisite for a peaceful understanding of others.  We cannot draw better understanding from an inefficient and toxic communication.  There must be a good approach and an open mind.

Read the link about effective communication:




22. 250 word essay about an objective observation highlight the functions of communication used by the speaker


please send picture please because Jam not undwrstand

23. what is your overall learning in this chapter? Has it added insight toward understanding of the different functions of communication, speech acts and speech style? How?write an essay​


I don't know


sorry ganda lang

24. Write a short expository essay answering this question: Explain why are Filipino values relevant in the realization and fulfillment of being a functional entity of in the community as a citizen? Minimum of 5 sentences, maximum of 10 sentences.


Modern Filipino values serve as their guide not only on their performance in rendering direct patient care. They also added that it is important to be fueled by modern Filipino values because as a person it serves as one's mirror of personality. ... These values help them maintain their good character and manner as humans.

Filipinos reiterate the importance of values related to society such as good governance, love for country, honesty and integrity. As for personal values, value of the self, life and purpose, resilience, and happiness are important.Filipinos are known for having strong and close family ties. They place high regard and put importance on their family before anything else. They work all day and do all they can to feed and provide for their family. In other countries, when a person turned 18, he/she can live away from his/her family.

25. write a 250-word essay about of your objective observation and evaluation of the communication activities using the functions or purpose of communication.


what are the different communication

26. List the similarities, differences, disadvantages, and advantages of the functions of communication. essay po ito



27. Click the attached video and listen to the speech of World Health Organization spokesperson, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on covid-19 pandemic. *Considering the functions of communication, evaluate the speech by writing a 250-word-essay citing your objective observation.


Where is the link please?

28. write a 250 word essay about the speaker james baldwin-pin drop speech.-observe and evaluate the various functions of communication and strategies used by each speaker.-also,take note of how you would adapt them in your day to day conversations and other activities-was there communication breakdown/barriers present during the speech?-if not, how did he avoid it? ​

The works of James Baldwin are directly related to the issues of racism, religion and personal conflicts, and sexuality and masculinity during Baldwin's years.James Baldwin's works, both fiction and nonfiction were in some instance a direct reflection his life. Through close interpretation you can combine his work to give a "detailed" look into his actual life. However since most writings made by him are all considered true works of literature we can't consider them to be of autobiographical nature.

Religion Personal Life

Baldwin reflected his own life in various forms. These include autobiographical essays to fiction and drama. His first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, and play, The Amen Corner, mirror his childhood experiences in the storefront churches of Harlem where James and his stepfather, David Baldwin, preached. The "Autobiographical Notes" section of Notes of a Native Son and the "Down at the Cross" section of The Fire Next Time provide a seemingly realistic view into Baldwin's childhood and his growing involvement with the civil rights movement. Filled with a number of autobiographical passages in Nobody Knows My Name, No Name in the Street and The Devil Finds Word join together to provide a general, somewhat realistic, autobiography. One interest in particular is Baldwin's view on his relationships with Richard Wright ("Alas, Poor Richard") and Norman Mailer ("The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy"), both of which are included in Nobody Knows My Name .(Werner, Craig 45-48)

When Baldwin was three years of age his mother married David Baldwin, a Southerner who had made the journey to New York as part of the large stream of black migration north during the times following the First World War. James, t...

... middle of paper ...

...aesthetic: James Baldwin's primer of black American masculinity." African American Review 32.2 (1998): 247. MasterFILE Premier

Werner, Craig. "JAMES BALDWIN." Research Guide to Biography & Criticism 1.(1985): 45-48. Book Collection: Nonfiction.

Baldwin, James Preservation of Innocence." Zero 1.2 (Summer 1949). Rpt. in Out/Look 6 (Fall 1989), 40-41

29. Write a 250 word essay about your objective observation and evaluation of the communication activities using the functions or purposes of communicationpasagot po please please ​


ito po follow and brainlest hehe

sana po makatulong

30. essay about the importance of communication to install peace among individuals after learning its definition nature process and functions​


Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well

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