How Do You Make Your Diet Schedule Brainly

How Do You Make Your Diet Schedule Brainly

how do you make your diet schedule?​

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1. how do you make your diet schedule?​

How to arrange your diet schedule?Decide how many meals you need to prep and for how many days. Beginners should prep a max of 2 meals per day so that they can build their confidence. Start small! ... Build a food list! Decide which foods you want to eat. This is easier than building each meal individually.Be cautious of making a diet plan, and dont ever try to starve yourself as it only makes you even more hungrier and you'll end up eating a feast.



2. how do you make your diet schedule?​


Always eat eggs with no rice


Hope it helps

Di ako nag diet eh

Pero saktong oras lang dapat yung kain mo tsaka wag masyado marami kainin

3. how do you make your diet schedule


Search a healthy diet schedule


1.Finding a good healthy schedule can benifit you because it doesn't harm you in any way.

2. Try it out- By trying it out you'll learn if it really works for you.

3. Try not to base your diet schedule on only one schedule, try to alternate it as you can get pretty bored in it.

4. Mix and match some diets that worked out for you, in some cases, some diets affect us in a certain way, mixing it with other diet habits can improve you and learn about your body more.

4. how do you manage your diet. is it balance? support your answer​


1. I eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day (see 5 A Day)

2.base meals on higher fibre starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta.

3.have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks)

5. Make a list of essential doing that you will do that you must include in your diet.


You need to Exercise like Running, Biking or basic ones.

6. how do you schedule your time in this pandemic? ​


•Plot your schedule.

•Designate spaces.

•Explore productivity apps.

•Treat free time like work meetings.

•Minimize social media distractions.

•Be transparent with your manager.

•Set boundaries that work for you.

7. 1. How do you make your diet schedule?​


How to arrange your diet schedule?

Decide how many meals you need to prep and for how many days. Beginners should prep a max of 2 meals per day so that they can build their confidence. Start small! ...

Build a food list! Decide which foods you want to eat. This is easier than building each meal individually.

Be cautious of making a diet plan, and dont ever try to starve yourself as it only makes you even more hungrier and you'll end up eating a feast.



by not eating rice in morning and always exercise in morning and evening


hope it help

8. 1. Do you think the schedule is useful? Why or why not?2.vDuring this pandemic, where you are studying at home answeringdifferent modules, how would you manage your time?3. Make your own daily schedule.​


1. I think schedule is useful because it would organize what we should do first. It would help us to not be able to forget our agendas.

2. I would manage my time by doing some house chores that are assigned to me and then I would start answering modules that are somehow easy, and I would answer the hard ones the next day.

9. how do you use your time? Make a one week schedule of your activities and household sagot ng maayos.. ​


Monday: working on my School task and studying Tuesday: working on my School task and studying Wednesday:working on my School task and studyingThursday: Reviewing my answersFriday: taking important school notes Saturday: cleaning my room (also the house) and play with my petSunday: preparing to go to church and after that i'll prepare my modules


-I dont know  if your doing the same thing that im doing but  i hope this might help you ^^

10. how do you make your diet schedule?​


hindi po ako ng didiet eh..tinatanong ko kung panu mg pa taba

11. how was the experience while preforming your schedule diet?​

it is very easily to do it and make us more encredible to do itwe know how to follow what's been written

12. how to Make an excuse letter that you will be absent in your scheduled examination. ​


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: Please accept this letter as formal notification that I was unable to attend work on (date) due to illness. I have already completed the tasks for this week that I missed during my absence

13. How do you present your food diet?


How do "you" present your food diet daw bat kami tinatanong mo



14. How do you consider egg as nutritios in your diet?​


Highly nutritious

They are useful sources of some of the hard to get nutrients like vitamins D and B12 as well as the mineral iodine. Eggs are regarded as a 'complete' source of protein as they contain all nine essential amino acids, which we must obtain from our diet.


Hope it helps you

please click brainliest

This answer is true, trust me

Eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, good fats and various other lesser-known nutrients.


15. how do you plan your healthful diet?​


A healthy diet includes:

Eating lots of vegetables and fruit. This is one of the most important diet habits. ...Choosing whole grain foods.Eating protein foods.Limiting highly and ultra-processed foods.Making water your drink of choice. Water supports health and promotes hydration without adding calories to the diet.

[tex]hope \: its \: helps \: [/tex]

16. How do you make sure projects and tasks stay on schedule?

by making sure that we understand our schedule

17. how do you make sure projects and tasks stay on schedule? make it sentence.​

by putting it in your sticky notes/reminder notes or something like that

18. how do you make sure projects and tasks stay on schedule?


Determine the Project's Scope and Objectives. ...

Coordinate and Communicate. ...

Reserve Time for Unexpected Issues. ...

Break Down the Project into Smaller Tasks. ...

Review the Project's Progress Frequently.

19. how do you make your diet schedule


Have at least three meals a day

like thos↓

Typical diet rules include:

Eat three meals and two small snacks each day

Never skip breakfast

Avoid eating after dinner1

Eat x number of calories per day

Keep carbohydrate intake under x percent

Don't eat white starches: white rice, white bread, or white pasta

Don't eat foods with ingredients that you can't pronounce

20. how was the experience while performing your schedule of diet​


feeling not well




avoiding too much of some foods and making sure you get enough of others. Stock up on healthy foods such as fresh produce, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. Limit foods like chips and candy and other empty calories.

22. how do you make your diet schedule


NASA pick poh!

Thanks me later!

23. 3. Do you think the schedule is useful? Why or why not?4. During this pandemic, where you are studying at home answeringdifferent modules, how would you manage your time?5. Make your own daily schedule​


(This is just based on my Idea)

3. Schedule is useful because we can manage our time properly

4. I can manage my time in studying at home by making a schedule for every task that I should do.



-Tle = 8:00-9:00

-Mathematics = 9:00-10:00

-Mapeh = 10:00-11:00

(You can add more subject, it's up to u)


(Repeat the time and subjects)


(Repeat again)


(Repeat time subjects and time)



24. how do you manage your diet. Is it balance? support your answer.​


A balanced diet also includes avoiding too much of some foods and making sure you get enough of others. Stock up on healthy foods such as fresh produce, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains.


avoiding too much of some foods and making sure you get enough of others. Stock up on healthy foods, such as fresh produce, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains.

25. how do you manage your diet. Is it balance? support your answer​


no it isn't


because i dont eat food and it is harmful to the body which can cause ulcer and other effects.

26. at this time of pandemic, while we are under quarantine, how do you start your house work? how about school work? do you still make schedules to organize your activities?


How do you start your house work?

After exercising, I sweep the floor and mop it including washing the dishes.

How about school work?

I usually do my homework after doing house chores.

Do you still make schedules to organize your activities?

Yes, I always follow my schedules even if its saturday or sunday.

Marking me as the brainliest or just simply clicking thanks and rating my answer is much much appreciated, thank you.


27. Make a list of essential doing that you will do that you must include in your diet. 5 sentences


For you to have a balanced diet you need to Eat Vegetables and Fruits. You must also be hydrated by Drinking more water. Another thing to do is to engage in Physical Activities. You should also remain consistent on your diet plan. Think of different activities that could boost your health.

28. make a plan on how are you going to sanitize your kitchen with schedule​


make a plan on how are you going to sanitize kitchen with schedule

29. how do you make your diet schedule​


Decide how many meals you need to prep and for how many days. Beginners should prep a max of 2 meals per day so that they can build their confidence. Start small! ...

Build a food list! Decide which foods you want to eat. This is easier than building each meal individually.


Have at least three meals a day

like thos↓

Typical diet rules include:

Eat three meals and two small snacks each day

Never skip breakfast

Avoid eating after dinner1

Eat x number of calories per day

Keep carbohydrate intake under x percent

Don't eat white starches: white rice, white bread, or white pasta

Don't eat foods with ingredients that you can't pronounce

30. how was the experience while performing your schedule of diet?​


Relaxing as well as making yourself more healthier and stronger.

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Kategori physical_education