Poster Making On Social Issues

Poster Making On Social Issues

make a poster on how you can help solve the social issue​

Daftar Isi

1. make a poster on how you can help solve the social issue​


I can help the social essue by helping the people by it cleaning the problems of the issue of the problem.

pa brainliest po



2. Section: POSTER MAKING Make a poster showing the social issues that we are facing today. (USE ANOTHER SHEET OF BOND PAPER FOR YOUR OUTPUT) 3

poverty is the social issues we are facing now

3. POSTER-MAKING in a short bond paper, create a poster that shows possible solution of the social issues/problems found in the Philippines today.​

According to the Direction above, you have to make a poster in a short bond paper that shows possible solution of the social issues or problems found in the Philippines today.

(refrain to the picture above for an example.)

4. performance task"be a catalyst" to connect the concept of catalyst to society you will serve as catalyst for certain causes. knowing what catalyst does to a chemical reaction you may apply the same principle on social issues. situation may be related to the schools needs, the local government, or international community. you will make a brochure, flyer, or poster as your final output. will be given one week only to work on this activity. you will be graded using the following rubrics below.​ please pahingi answer


performance task"be a catalyst"to connect the concept of catalyst

5. 1. You will create an advocacy campaign by making an ADVOCACY POSTER2. For your poster, you will Choose 1 from the following themes:a. Ending Violence (Human Rights, Rape, Women, and Children)b. Rights of Childrenc. Fake Information/Newsd. Generation Alphae. Electing Public Officials/Voting people to power/ Abuse of Authorityf. The missing culture and identity of the Filipinosg. Government response to health issues in the countryh. Responsible and ethical use of social media platforms​


1.a 2.g


sana makatolong sayo to✔️✔️✔️✔️

6. 2. Write a slogan or make a poster on how to eradicate these social issues. Write a brief explanation about your output.english​


easy and do you have a or not nice to see you tomorrow I come over to me and I

7. 2. These are words/ phrases that are used to inspire emotion or influence an audience by using appeal to emotions.A. Bias B. Credibility C. Loaded Language D. Preference 3. All of the following are indicators point to bias EXCEPT:A. The writer’s lack of citation C.The writer’s use of impartial languageB. The writer’s omission of crucial facts D. The writer’s use of vague statements4. It is an attempt to make the subject view a certain item in the same way as they view another item, to link the two in the subjects mind. Although this technique is often used to transfer negative feelings for one object to another, it can also be used in positive way.A. Bandwagon B. Emotional Words C. Testimonial D. Transfer5. Are quotations or endorsements, in or out of context, which attempt to connect a famous or respectable person with a product or item.A. Bandwagon B. Emotional Words C. Testimonial D. Transfer6. Nike use people as advertisements because they know that once everyone will buy them because they want to be like others.A. Bandwagon B. Emotional Words C. Testimonial D. Transfer7. It is most likely considered social issues.A. Corruption B. Post - natal depression C. Poverty rate D. Teenage pregnancy 8. Indirect and creative approach to convert impossible situations into the possible ones.A. Lateral B. Logical C. Moral Issue D. Moral Concern9. The village is a microcosm of the whole country. Based on the sentence what do you think is the meaning of the underlined word? A. Microscope B. Miniature representation C. Small country D. Small village10. It refers to a various kinds or forms; multiform. A. Diverse B. Heritage C. People D. Shared 11. It refers to a reflecting surface, originally of polished metal but now usually of glass with a silvery, metallic, or amalgam backing. A. Literature B. Heritage C.Mirror D. People 12. Telephone interviewing allows for a large number of responses in a short time and at relatively low cost. Moreover, the method permits interviewers to reach respondents at specific times of the day; this is an important consideration in the study of radio and TV listening habits. A. Addition B.Comparison C. Contrast D. Time13.Some people in New Jersey built their houses very close to the shoreline. Consequently, they have had to spend a lot of money trying to protect their property from the sea. A. Addition b. Cause and effect C. Contrast D. Result 14. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and ___ . A. A game of cards B. Play cards C. Playing a game of cards D. Play nothing 15. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than ___. A. I watched the movie version. B. Watching the movie C.To watch the movie D. To watch movieDirections: II. A. Tell whether following sources belong to primary and secondary. Write on the lines provided PS for primary SS for secondary sources______16. Works of arts and literature ______18.Bibliographies ______17. Photographs, drawings and posters ______19. Textbooks​


A. BiasD. The writer’s use of vague statementsB. Emotional Words C. TestimonialA. BandwagonC. Poverty rateB. LogicalA. Microscope C. PeopleC.MirrorB.Comparison b. Cause and effect C. Playing a game of cardsB. Watching the movie

8. i Answer the questions that follow (5 points)1. What social issue is evident in the article?2. Cite facts or evidence from the article as to why the social issue should be addressed2. In your opinion, what may be the cause/s of this social issue?II. Poster Making. In your own way as a student, how could you help solve the problem?This time, you will create a simple poster based on your answers on this question​


What are 5 social problems?

Types of social issues

Social stratification.

Economic issues.

Social disorganization.

Public health.

Age Discrimination.

Social inequality.

Education and public schools.

Work and occupations.

9. be a catalyst" to connect the concept of catalyst to society you will serve as catalyst for certain causes. knowing what catalyst does to a chemical reaction you may apply the same principle on social issues. situation may be related to the schools needs, the local government, or international community. you will make a brochure, flyer, or poster as your final output.​



be a catalyst"to connect

10. directions: Gather current information about the crucial events happening in thePhilippines. Choose one among the suggested activities below for yououtputA. Banner-On a piece of short bond paper, create a banner containing a slogan about the current event you have selected. Include designs in your output. B. Poster Campaign- Make a layout or poster to be posted on your social media account if there is any. Message of the illustration you will make shall be based on the topic you have selected.C. Short Video- Be knowledgeable about the current issues in the Philippines to day. Create a short video to be forwarded to your subject teache. Leave a clear message to your viewers.Pa sagot po nito Brainlist ko ang May magandang sagot​


The Wonderful thing about Television is the immediate impact of pictures of current even

hope it helps ❣️

11. Performance TasksGENERAL DIRECTIONS:CHOOSE ONE FROM THE TWO ACTIVITIES THAT BUITS YOUR PREFERENCEPUMILI NG ISA SA DALAWANG GAWAIN NA ANGKOP BATYONG KALAGAYAN.1. (EOR MODULAR LEARNERS): HOW DOES IT SOUND?percussive sounds. (A Maglagay ng maliit na item sa loob ng isang bag. Isama ang mga barya, para pinmaliit na kampaniya, at iba pa.)withB. Pour the bag's contents on a hard surface and remember the sounds that are produced(maririnigprodut the items back in the bag, then pour them out and again the ember the sound that aresonra burnos iton meting bigyan pansin ang tunog. Tandaan ang mga pagbabago sa pagitan ng dalawang lain taposD. Using the Venn diagram, list down words that describe and differentiate the two wounds(D. Gamit ang Venn diagram, maglista ng mga salita na naglalarawan sa dalawang tunog.)E. Draw the Venn diagram in a short bond paper. You can add designs to make it morepresentable and attractive. (E. Gumamit ng short bond paper para sa paggawa ng Venn diagram. Maaari kangmagdagdag ng mga disenyo upang mas mapaganda ito.)EXAMPLE OF A VENN DIAGRAMSecond SondPirat SoundBoth sound111.222333ARTPROCEDURE1. Choose a current issue in society that you feel needs to be addressed. (Pandemic, ECO,Vaccination, Community Pantry, Ayuda)2. Select art materials that are readily available, such as one whole sheet of oslo paper; acrylicpaints, poster paints, or any available paint materials; markers, crayons, pastels, or coloredpencils; scissors; glue or paste; and pictures from magazines, newspapers, or calendars.3. Plan how to use these materials to express your message about your chosen social issue.4. Create your own expressionism artwork (Note: Remember that expressionism made use ofvery strong images and colors and expressed deep emotions.)5) Decide on a title for your artwork

The next thing you were going to the participate in this convert to a family that you were in a democratic process of paper in the previous part of your emotion

12. Performance Task.Reflect on how you are doing as a HUMSS student who is at the same time a child, a grandchild, a friend, a neighbor and has many roles to play in the society. Make a diagram, a poster, a song, a poem, a dance, a meme, an artwork, a rap composition, a vlog or something academically acceptable that tell a message of hope or something positive to help solve social issues especially in time of crisis like the one brought by COVID-19 or those victims of calamity like typhoon Odette. Make your work simple. A very short rap composition is enough. A stick-figure artwork or even a 2- minutes vlog is acceptable. Be creative and be nice to yourself. In applying what you learned into real life situations or concerns, just be honest and be sincere. Remember the principles and concept you learned about communication to deliver your message effectively.​


HUMSS will give every learner a deeper understanding of culture, politics, literature, arts, and society - how these factors' complexity is appreciated during the pressing issues concerning them. HUMSS immerses its students to different critical thinking and understanding activities in the learning process.

13. For this task, make a poster that will illustrate and interpret one among the social issues by showcasing possible solutions to the problem in consideration with the different social science theories. In a separate sheet of bond paper, make a short statement expressing the work with not more than five sentences.​


i need your photo caan i answer your question

14. make a poster how you can help our country or government in solving social issue ​


you need do draw


draw a trees or clean place

15. A Neo primitivism B Cubism C. Realism D. Surrealism E Fauvism F. Dadaism For number 1-5 refer your answer inside the box 1. What is the style that characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, band visual tricks and surprises? 2. What style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world that seemed to endist beyond the logical conscious, physical one? 3. A girl won a first place in poster making because of her art style that used bold, vibrant colors and visual distortions, which style did she use? 4. Which art style did Amedeo Modigliani used were oval faces and elongated shapes are incorporated? 5. What style derived its name from the cube, which has three dimensional geometric figure? 6. What art movement emerged in the second half of the 19th century? A cubism B. fauvism Cimpressionism D. neo-impressionism 7. Who was a post-impressionist painter were works remarkable for their strong, heavy brush strokes and intense emotions and colors? A Auguste Renoir B. Claude Monet C. Edouard Monet D. Henri Matisse _8. Who was one of the founders of the impressionist movement and best known for his landscape paintings? A. Auguste Renoir B. Claude Monet C. Edouard Monet D. Pablo Picasso 9. What art movement that shows emotional force rather than with realistic or natural images? A. Abstractionism B. Expressionism C. social realism D. Surrealism 10. What is the difference between installation art and performance art? A. Installation art makes uses of camera while performance art uses contemporary issues B. Installation art it can happen anywhere while performance art creates an entire sensory experience of the viewer C. Installation art makes use of space and materials in innovative way, while performing art makes use of the human body, facial expressions, gestures, and sounds 11. Which of an artist emphasize that social realist used their work to protest the injustices, inequalities, immorality, and ugliness of the human condition? A Ben Shahn B. Henri Matisse C. Joan Miro D. Pablo Picasso 12. Which of the following is an art of Paul Cezanne? A Bedroom at Arles B. Boy in a Red Vest C. La Promenade D. The Sower 13. How can you identify that the artwork is an OP ART? A. arose in the mind of the artist B. a form of action painting C. color painting D. popular art 14. What style of painting is Salvador Dali known for? A. Dadaism B. fauvism C. social realism D. surrealism 15. What art movement expressed the artists' social role? A futurism B. mechanical style C. non objectionism D. social role


1. Surrealism

2. Surrealism

3. Realism

4. Fauvism

5. Cubism

6. Impressionism

7. Claude Monet ( not sure)

8. Claude Monet

9. Expressionism

10. Installation art it can happen anywhere while performance art creates an entire sensory experience of the viewer

11. Ben Shahn

12. Boy in a Red Vest

13. a form of action painting

14. surrealism

15. social role

16. Direction:Read the following a personal social issues problem that affecta person of a group of people it is an common problem we see happening in our world. choose one issue from the illustration below then make a slogan or poster about that issue​


I chose the discrimination


Slogan:Respect must value, Discrimination must to cease.

:brainliest me and follow to help u more again. :)

17. -- Apply the social science disciplines in the activity below.a. Research on campaign materials, whether in print or in television media (e.g. speeches, poster,tarpaulin, television debates, interviews, etc.) which were used in previous national elections.b. Identify the major issues normally outlined in these campaign materials.c. Analyze which arnong the disciplines of the social sciences was used to address the social issue.d. If you were in the shoes of these national candidates, what other measures would you proposeto make your recommendations more effective? Apply the scientific method in a specificdiscipline in the social sciences.​


ree political advertising allows politicians to address voters directly. In most European countries,

candidates and/or political parties are granted free political advertising or spots, primarily (but not

exclusively) in the public service media (PSM). In practice, the candidates and/or parties themselves

are responsible for the content of their spots. The European Broadcast Union (EBU) in its Principles

for Election Coverage3

allows PSM to put the production facilities at the candidates' or parties'

disposal, if they are reimbursed for their technical costs either by the State or directly by the parties.

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