Price May Change Without Prior Notice

Price May Change Without Prior Notice

John, a 48 yrs. old nurse has a fever, dry cough, and is feeling very tired.He should go immediately to his physician without prior notice. A)True B)False​

Daftar Isi

1. John, a 48 yrs. old nurse has a fever, dry cough, and is feeling very tired.He should go immediately to his physician without prior notice. A)True B)False​



diko alam Kung bakit A Ang sagut Basta Yan Ang sagut ko A




kailangan muna pakiramdaman kong d na ba nya kaya bago sya pumunta sa immediate physician or konsultahin muna ang pakiramdan nya kong malala na ba talaga

2. this type of speech is delivered without prior planning​



Extemporaneous and impromptu may both refer to speeches given without any preparation: an extemporaneous (impromptu) speech. ... Impromptu also refers to poems, songs, etc., delivered without preparation and at a moment's notice.




synonym study for extemporaneous


Extemporaneous and impromptu may both refer to speeches given without any preparation: an extemporaneous (impromptu) speech. ... Impromptu also refers to poems, songs, etc., delivered without preparation and at a moment's notice.

3. should people be accorded notice and hearing prior to the cancellation of her passport?​




Because it's her right.

4. This process involves letting the mixture stand prior to pouring the liquid components into another container without disturbing the sediment at the bottom.​




The method you used to separate the mixture of sand and water is called decantation.This technique is applicable for mixtures where the components are of different weight,meaning one is heavy and the other is light,the heavy particles sinks at the bottom.

Hope these helps :)

Please mark me as the brainliest ;)

5. true or false1. rates are subject to change without prior notice.2. please do not remove inventory items. 3. for security reasons, visitors are permitted in the hotel room.4. hotel shall always respect your privacy, however ,illegal activities or disorderly conduct inside the rooms and and within the hotel premises are strictly prohibited.5. room capacity shall not be strictly observed.​








sana makatulong.

6. natural disasters is most feared because it can strike anytime and anywhere without prior warning​


(where's the question)


Explanation:Without warnings can cause stress, panic and weakened because of our body freezes by fear. For it is impossible that there were no news for everyone in the world.

7. what is the trem for an activity done without prior preparetion

done, spoken, performed, etc., without special advance preparation; impromptu: an extemporaneous speech. ... speaking or performing with little or no advance preparation: extemporaneous actors.

8. it is a speech given on the spot without any prior preparation A.motivational B.informativeC.persuasiveD.impromptu​


The answer for this question is letter

D. Impromptu

9. Is a style of singing without prior reparation or practice in leader chorus form.​


Ibaloi Badiw


Ibaloi Badiw

It is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in the leader-chorus form. Vocal genres among the indigenous communities may be identified according to their functions

10. what vocal music of cordillera has a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in leader chorus form?​


IBALOI BADIW is the answer

11. 4. Did you notice the result of using power tool prior to the reading of the manual? What was the outcome?


A power tool is a tool that is actuated by an additional power source and mechanism other than the solely manual labor used with hand tools. The most common types of power tools use electric motors. Internal combustion engines and compressed air are also commonly used. Other power sources include steam engines, direct burning of fuels and propellants, such as in powder-actuated tools, or even natural power sources such as wind or moving water. Tools directly driven by animal power are not generally considered power tools.

Power tools are used in industry, in construction, in the garden, for housework tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and around the house for purposes of driving (fasteners), drilling, cutting, shaping, sanding, grinding, routing, polishing, painting, heating and more.

Power tools are classified as either stationary or portable, where portable means hand-held. Portable power tools have obvious advantages in mobility. Stationary power tools, however, often have advantages in speed and precision. A typical table saw, for instance, not only cuts faster than a regular hand saw, but the cuts are smoother, straighter, and more square than what is normally achievable with a hand-held power saw. Some stationary power tools can produce objects that cannot be made in any other way. Lathes, for example, produce truly round objects.

Stationary power tools for metalworking are usually called machine tools. The term machine tool is not usually applied to stationary power tools for woodworking, although such usage is occasionally heard, and in some cases, such as drill presses and bench grinders, exactly the same tool is used for both woodworking and metalworking.



12. it is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in leader chorus form​


Ibaloi Badiw

It is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in the leader-chorus form. Vocal genres among the indigenous communities may be identified according to their functions


Ibaloi Badiw


Ibaloi Badiw - One of the vocal genres considered to be the signature form for specific cultures in Cordillera is the Ibaloi Badiw.

13. A style of singing without prior preparation or practice in leader chorus form.




theyre voice is very high notes

14. it is a style of singing without prior prepararion or practice in leader chorus form?​


Ibaloi Badiw



15. A style of singing without prior preparation on practice in leader-chorus form

Ibaloi Badiw. One of the vocal genres considered to be the signature form for specific cultures in Cordillera. It is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in the leader- chorus form.

16. This process involves letting the mixture stand prior to pouring the liquid components into another container without disturbing the sediments at the bottom. *


this process is what we so called "decantation" in order to separate the two components, you need to wait for the particles settle down at the bottom, by that you can now separate the two components.

17. Stage of learning that has an intuitive, holistic grasp of a situation without having to ignore the problem prior to determining a solution


Nasa g o g g l e Po Ang answer po


good night Po sweet dreams stay safe

18. A change in accounting policy requires that the cumulative effect of the change for prior periods be shown as an adjustment to


beginning retained earnings of the earliest period presented.




19. Cordillera style of singing without prior preparation A.dagay B.Ibaloi badiw C.oppia​


B.Ibaloi Badiw


It is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in the leader-chorus form.

sana nakatulong:)

20. What are the possible risk if you engage yourself in mountaineering activities without prior preparation?​



Falling accidents


Lost in trail


21. what significant learnings changed or added to your prior knowledge of base?​




brainstorming provides a free and open environment that encourages everyone to participate. Quirky ideas are welcomed and built upon, and all participants are encouraged to contribute fully, helping them develop a rich array of creative solutions.

It increases the richness of ideas explored, which means that you can often find better solutions to the problems that you face.

22. a speech given on the spot without any prior planning or preparation ​


A speech given on the spot without any prior planning or preparation is an Impromptu speech.


Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is given with little or no preparation, yet almost always with some advance knowledge on the topic. When called to speak "off the cuff" on the "spur of the moment," is is usually because the speaker is quite knowledgeable about the subject. For example, if called on to speak in class, a student might give a short impromptu speech about a topic that was in the assigned readings. Business meetings also use a "check in" to tell everyone else about a current project. In small informal meetings, the audience will interrupt an impromptu speech and ask questions, which helps guide the speech and the information that is presented. When campaigning, politicians sometimes respond to reporters or voters almost anywhere and at any time.


23. a variable can be used without prior declarations but are suffixed with the following symbols. (this is a question).

Answer: When you assign a variable, you use the = symbol. The name of the variable goes on the left and the value you want to store in the variable goes on the right.


24. Can you go to the next level without the prior level? ​




Because everything happens in a sequence.

25. from your own prior knowledge how does society change​


you ma and mustard seed and belief on the way home now and released

26. 3. Can probation be denied without prior investigation? Explain.​


Post-sentence Investigation. No person shall be placed on probation except upon prior investigation by the probation officer and a determination by the court that the ends of justice and the best interest of the public as well as that of the defendant will be served thereby.

27. prior knowledge of climate change​


Global warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near the Earth's surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere. Global warming is causing climate patterns to change. However, it represents only one aspect of climate change.

28. which of the following is TRUE?A. Without prior knowledge, new learning is impossible.B. Prior knowledge makes learning easier.C. Activating prior knowledge can only be done with a teacher.D. The less you know about a subject, the easier it is for someone to teach it to you. ​


answer:Prior knowledge makes learning easier.


kasi mas mahalaga pa ang magtuturo sa aten para may matutunan tayu

29. this type of speech is delivered without prior planning a.impromptu b.manuscript c.memorized d.extemporaneous​

A. impromptu goodluck

30. What are the possible risk if you engage yourself in mountaineering activities without prior preparation?


can cause injury, accident because of lack preparation and sometimes hunger because lack of foods to eat

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