Drawing Parody

Drawing Parody

What is a parody? Give examples of parodies

Daftar Isi

1. What is a parody? Give examples of parodies


a literary genre that specializes in the imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect


Ex: The Hunger Pains, Pride and Prejudice With Zombies is a parody of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, etc

2. the article in the newspaper that you need has a satire or parody, what makes the article a satire or parody​


I think it is editoryal page


Hope it helps

3. 10 example of parody



"Police Academy" (spoof on police movies of the 1980s)

"Austin Powers" (spoof on James Bond movies)

"Spaceballs" (spoof on Star Wars movies)

"Airplane!" (spoof on disaster movies of the 1970s)

"Blazing Saddles" (spoof on American Western movies)

"Young Frankenstein" (spoof on classic monster movies)

"Robin Hood: Men in Tights" (spoof on all Robin Hood movies)

"Scary Movie" (spoof on horror movies)

" A hunted house"

"paranormal activity"

4. What do you think was marcelo h. del pilar’s goal in writing a parody of that prayer? what was his message in that parody?


Marcelo H. del Pilar's goal in writing a parody of the prayer is to insult the frailes and to enlighten all Filipinos that the fraile are not as holy as they thought. It is a message to all Filipinos that the frailes greed for money and taking the money of our society. Marcelo H. del Pilar's want all Filipinos to know that their offerings to the church for God are taken by the frailes for their greed of money.

In my opinion, the purpose of Marcelo H. del Pilar in writing a prayer parody is to open the Filipino minds to the abuses of the foreigners who occupied and colonized us then. Del Pilar wants us to be aware of the oppression and abuse of foreigners to Filipinos in the past. He also wanted foreigners to know his grievance and his opposition to their wrongdoings. He also wants us to learn to fight against abusers.




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Considering what I have seen, Marcelo H. Del Pilar's goal in creating a prayer parody was to educate Filipinos about the wrongdoings committed by the foreigners who had conquered and occupied us at the time. Del Pilar wants us to be conscious of the historical persecution and mistreatment of Filipinos by outsiders. Additionally, he wanted outsiders to be aware of his complaint and resistance to their wrongdoings. He also wants us to have the ability to combat abusers. Roberto H. The purpose of del Pilar's parody of the prayer is to mock the frails and show all Filipinos that they are not as holy as they formerly believed. All Filipinos should take this as a warning that some people are weak and just care about their own financial security. Roberto H. All Filipinos should be aware that the feeble take the contributions made to the church for God out of their need for money, according to the del Pilar family.

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[tex]\large \color{red} \bold{@LukeCha15}[/tex]

5. Which of the following is the primary purpose of a parody?

to entertain.......... .!. ............

6. Give example of leron leron sinta parody​


leron leron sinta buko ng papaya

7. Most famous and parodied portrait​


I think it's MONA LISA by Leonardo Da Vinci

8. Types of IntertextualityUnderstandingParody​

What is intertextual give an example of it through mentioning a title of a literature?

Intertextual figures include: allusion, quotation, calque, plagiarism, translation, pastiche and parody. ... Examples of intertextuality are an author's borrowing and transformation of a prior text, and a reader's referencing of one text in reading another.


9. The most famous and parodied portrait​

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa

10. What is the most famous and parodied portrait?​


Mona Lisa and The Last Supper


Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and The Last Supper occupy unique positions as the most famous, most reproduced, most parodied portrait and religious painting of all time.

11. Is it fine to make a parody of a religious show?


yes if u have their permission

12. make a parody song of your choice​


"Go the distance" is an example of a parody of a song

13. a roman Catholic parody church​

Answer: The Catholic Church has been a subject for humor, from the time of the Reformation to the ... Sperm Is Sacred" (1983) which is a satire of Catholic teachings on reproduction which forbid masturbation and contraception by artificial means

14. Can a satire be a parody? Explain. ​

A parody is any kind of work which mimics a familiar style (of artist, genre, or work) to invoke humour. Like satire, parody relies upon exaggeration to deride its target, but its primary aim is to amuse by aping something which others can recognise. ... It may feel like satire, but that doesn't mean that it is.

15. parody of a song of acommon Lover​


common hater parody song



16. Make at least five example of parody​


Austin Powers (character parody of James Bond) · Spaceballs (parody of Star Wars) · Young Frankenstein (parody of Frankenstein) · Robin Hood: Men in Tights ...


frozen parody



17. is zsazsa zaturnnah is parody​


hindi po yun lang po


ok na

18. what are the two types of parody? ​


A spoof mocks a genre than specific work.

A satire, on other hand, uses irony humor to mock political or religious view.





19. a mask dance that is rich in parody and humor​


diko alam yan wait search ko tulungan kita

20. the most famous and the most parodied painting​


i think mona lisa


well..i hear it all the time it is well known and famous,there are also a lot more famous paintings but i cant name them ALL

srry hope it will help

21. ho is being parodied in the given situation below?


where is the situation?

22. make a parody song of your choice ​


when i look at you


i wish i could sing it

23. Who is being parodied in the given situation below?


wait anong situation?


24. commercial parody PaHelp​

shampoo commercial po tas yung gaganap is kalbo haha ems

what do you mean?!i dont understand bro

btw kumain kana?

25. create an example of intertext particularly on PARODY. remember that parodies are often exaggerated in the way they imitate the original in order to produce a humorous effect. ​


Definition of Parody

A parody is an imitation of a writer, artist, subject, or genre in such a way as to make fun of or comment on the original work. Parodies are often exaggerated in the way they imitate the original in order to produce a humorous effect. While parodies are generally intended to amuse, they are not always comedic in nature and sometimes take on fairly serious subject matters. Parody, whether in literature, art, music, or other forms, find something to ridicule within the original, whether lightly or harshly.


#Stay safe po

26. the most famous and the most parodied painting​


Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci


27. what are the characteristics of satire or parody? ​


Satire is witty, ironic, and often exaggerated. It uses extremes to bring its audience to a renewed awareness of its ethical and spiritual danger.


i hope this help. pa BRAINLIEST PO TY


Satire and parody are both forms of humorous or satirical expression that use irony, exaggeration, and ridicule to critique or comment on social, political, or cultural issues. While they share some similarities, there are some distinct characteristics that differentiate satire from parody:

Intent: Satire is intended to ridicule and expose the flaws or vices of a particular person or group, while parody is meant to imitate and mock a particular work, genre, or style.

Target: Satire targets real-life people or institutions, while parody targets fictional or cultural figures.

Tone: Satire is often biting and critical, while parody is usually lighter and more humorous.

Purpose: Satire aims to provoke thought and spark social or political change, while parody aims to entertain and amuse.

Style: Satire can be presented in various formats such as literature, film, or art, while parody is often presented in a specific medium or genre, such as music or literature.

Context: Satire often requires an understanding of the social or political context in which it is presented, while parody can be understood and appreciated on its own.

Overall, satire and parody are both effective tools for exposing and critiquing societal issues, but they differ in their approach and purpose.

28. What is Fair use by Parody means?​


Answer:Fair use of a copyrighted work is the reproduction of a work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. ... A parody is fair use of a copyrighted work when it is a humorous form of social commentary and literary criticism in which one work imitates another

29. the most famous and the most parodied painting​

MOna Lisa is one of the best historical art in the whole wild world.

Mona Lisa

is the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world.

30. the most famous and most parodied portrait​


10 of the most parodied artworks of all time

American Gothic, Grant Wood, 1930

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, 1503

The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai, 1829–1832

The Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli, 1484–1486

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1495–1498

Girl with a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer, c.1665

The Scream, Edvard Munch, 1893

The Thinker, Auguste Rodin, 1880–1904

Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh, 1889

Nighthawks, Edward Hopper, 1942

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