Writer s Position

Writer s Position

What is the opinion of the writer about the text? (State the writer ‘s position) ​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the opinion of the writer about the text? (State the writer ‘s position) ​


As we live in technological world, we need technology in every single matter of our life. For instance,



2. 1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology? (State the writer 's position)​


as we live in technology world we need technology in every single matter of our life, technology has built the strongest communication in the world

3. 1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology?(State the writer 's position)​


As we live in technological world, we need technology in every single matter of our life. For instance, technology has built the strongest communication bridge among the people of the world which they can communicate to each other no matter where they are, and they can travel wherever they want.

4. Activity 2. Let's Evaluate! After all, the title Kita Kita, or "I see you," is meant to be touching. It's probably meant to symbolize how Tonyo sees through Alessandra's guardedness, and how Alessandra because of her blindness, is able to love Tonyo for who he is, even if he's not conventionally good-looking. After all, isn't that all anyone wants—to be seen and loved? But because Tonyo started out as a stalker, the words "Kita kita" take on a more sinister tone (Gutierrez 2017)1. Give one positive impression the writer has about the movie 2. Give one negative impression the writer has about the movie. 3 What expression/s was/were used by the writer to present both positive and negative impressions?​


1. The writer have done a great job when it comes to the lines and plot twist

2. Some scenes is not written or acted well but still, the movie is great.

3. Happy, sad , excited and sorrowful.

5. 1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology? (State thewriterposition)'s​


the missing one ang probinsya of the pupils are girls what is an advantage of that ingredients for the weekend to sell the pupils are number

6. fill in the blank with the correct word/s to complete the statement 1,__________is a way of wording or structuring so it appeals mostly to emotions and it distorts fact.2,__________is writing which is slanted toward one opinion3,an__________article would present both sides of the issues 4,to detect bias,you need to be the_________and_________whether what magazine newspapers and news programs are telling you is fact or opinion 5,_________is a convincing method to show they are just common people6,__________is transferring positive qualities associated with a place or person for the writer's or speaker's own cause7,_________is only presenting information that positive to an idea and omitting the contrary8,Who uses propaganda __________'__________'__________'__________'__________'help​


1 this


3 your

4 should

5 opinion

6 may

7 mayo

7. MELCs: Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes, defend a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidence, and write various kinds of position papers DIRECTIONS: Write T if the statement is TRUE and E if FALSE: Write your answers on long pad paper. 1. In writing, the meaning of the word "argument is same as the meaning used in the real world where an argument denotes "light" or "conflict 2 Analyzing an argument means breaking it down into is components in order to determine whether or not it is strong or weak, effective, or not. 3. A writer's appeal is a group of statements or reasons used to persuade the readers that what he/she believes is true. 4. Deductive arguments proceed from specific ideas or facts to the general 5. The three major ways authors present arguments are through reasoning, argument, and appeal 6. A claim is also called an opinion. 7. Logical appeals contain the authors' support to their claims can also draw from a variety of techniques such as citation of recognized experts on the issue and illustration of deep knowledge on the issue 8. In logical appeals, authors use logic to support their claims by including a combination of different types of evidence 9. Authors cannot appeal to the emotions of their readers. 10. In presenting your claims, you can fabricate what the meaning of a sentence was or add/subtract words to suit your needs 11. The position paper includes a thesis statement 12. Using passive voice in your position paper strengthens your arguments. 13. A position paper presents one side of a debatable opinion about an issue 14. Considering the other viewpoint may help you understand both sides of an issue. 15. You do not have to choose a side and argue in favor of your point of view in a position paper because you can be neutralPA ANSWER PO PLEASE! THANKYOU​


Sculptures on Relief. - High Relief. - Low Relief. - Bas Relief. - Sunken Relief.

Carved Sculptures.

Full Round Sculpting.

Cast Sculptures.

Modeling Sculptures.

Assembled Sculptures.

Installation Sculptures.

Kinetic Sculptures


8. read "should homework be mandatory?" and answer the questions below.Guide questions :1.what is the position paper about? 2.what is/are claim/s of the writer? 3.if you were the writer what will be your stand? Defend your answer. ​


1. The position paper talks about whether homework should remain mandatory in the school setting.

2. According to the writer, homework should no longer be mandatory for students because it is distracting, unhealthy, too much work, and not the best way to learn. It should be optional instead.

3. I also do not think that homework should be a requirement. Homework can eat up time outside of the classroom but not teach the students anything. On top of that, teachers end up spending a long time correcting them. In my opinion, schools should instead focus on maximizing the time inside the classroom to free up the leisure time of both the teacher and the students.



Here is the definition of a position paper: https://brainly.ph/question/6638236

9. 1.What is the position paper about? 2. What is/are the claim/s of the writer? 3. If you were the writer, what will be your stand? Defend your answer.​

1.A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue – typically that of the author or some specified entity. Position papers are published in academia, in politics, in law and other domains.

2.A claim statement is a type of thesis statement in which you present the main idea of what you are writing in the form of an argument. Think of claims like a thesis statement in the form of an argument. Claims are matters of opinion, but they are stated as if they are facts and backed up with evidence.

3.im a journalism ,and as a writer,i stand for the balance of story.It should be not a bias-form of writing,but rather a fair and equal sight for the both sight


#carry on learning

10. ASSESSMENT #4 Instructions: Wnte TRUE # the statement is correct; if false, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answers on your paper. 1. The elements of the music effectively convey the main idea of a story. 2. Allegro and lento refer to the dynamics of the music. 3. Positive or intense emotions are expressed through loud music 4. The main idea is communicated through music 5. Script makes the whole musical theater alive. 6. The actions in a musical play are always physically and emotionally expressive 7. Musical theater is a combination of songs, dances, dialogues and acting. 8. The elements of music refer to dynamics and tempo. 9. The main writer of a story is what the passage is all about 10. Dynamics refers to the fastness and slowness of a music​:)


asan jan yung naka underline?

11. 1.What is the position paper about? 2. What is/are the claim/s of the writer?3. If you were the writer, what will be your stand? Defend your answer.​


1. A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinions about an issue — typically that the another or some specified entity.

2. homework helps a

students to understand materials more deeply.

3. if I were the writer I will still tell that the homework will still be the best way.

12. 19. Which of the following is NOT a character to evaluate for a moral criticism?A. MaturityB. SincerityC. CourageD. If the literature seeks corruption or positive influence20. How could you determine that the story or movie you are studying / watching deals withfeminist criticism?A. Deals with female characters and women's issuesB. The female roles in a storyC. Finds that all women characters face patriarchy system in their environmentD. All of the above21. Which statement below refers to historical criticism?A. Mary had a Little Lamb was based on actual incident when Mary Sawyer took her lamb to school.The site of the little lamb following her was so delightful. Sarah Josephina Hale wrote a poem andpublished it in 1830.B. Mark Twain was a writer who both reflected the prejudices of his time through the dialogue ofthe characters and challenged the attitude of an 1800's American that in many ways accepted (oreven promote) racist attitudes.C. Historist attempt to understand a work like Huckleberry Finn in the context of late 1800'sAmerica,D. All of the above22. This is a writer's explanation of a short theme idea or issue.A. ExpositoryB. PoetryC. MoralistD. Assonance​







sana po. tama







I dont know what to explain

13. 13. Which of the following states how critiques benefit the writer of the text being critiqued? a Critiques help the writer make his work better b. Critiques give the writer concrete ideas for a new text. Critiques help the writer understand his work. d. Critiques encourage the writer to pursue a different line of work С 7 s, wyo 14. Which of the following is not a goal of crítical review? a Prove how flawed a literary work is b. Understand the author's purpose C Recognize a work's strengths and weaknesses d. Recommends whether a book is worthy to be read 15. Critical analysis is simply paraphrasing or summarizing what an author has stated a. True b. False L-9X SO! 16. Analysis should mention not only positive sides, but also negative sides of the article. a. True b. False os 17. Olivia is critiquing a persuasive text. Which of the following should she include in her critique? a whether the text is interesting c. whether the arguments are logical b. whether the text is for kids or adults d. whether the text is emotional






Sana makatulong

14. Belile jumbled letters and come up with the correct word/s suited with the given description.Wordnaha1. RRPDUOCE= ProducerDescriptionThe person who takes the play from a mere concept to an actual finishedpresentationS m2. TORDICERThe overall artistic coordinator of the3. SESDR ARSHELAER =lyaAlso known as technical rehearsal since it is performed in full costume and make4. REOREHPOGCHRA =He or she not only plans out all the dance steps to suit the music, but also reheathe actor until they are able to perform the dance skilfully.5. PAWYLTIRGH =The writer of a script intended for stage performance.6. PSCTIRThe basis of the entire production which contains the exact lines of dialogue thaach character will memorize and deliver on stage.It may be realistic and filled with authentic details or it may be minimalist, meresuggesting.7. TES8. NGBLIKCOIt refers to the positions and movements of the actors on stage.9. CUTOSEMDistinctive style of dress or cosmetic use to express each character's personalitydistinct qualities in stage performance.It is considered as critical because it creates the mood of each scene in the play,highlighting the dramatic moment.10. INGTHGIL​

ProducerDirectorDress RehearsalChoreographerPlaywrightScriptSetBlockingCostumeLighting



pang collage na po ATA Yan grade 5 pa Lang po ako

15. Directions: Write T if the statement is true. If not, underline the word/s that make/s it incorrect, then write the correct term/s on the space provided before each number. 1. Evaluative statement presents criticism based on a set of criteria. 2. Evaluative statement must present comprehensively the strengths and weaknesses of a paper. 3. Evaluative statement is also called critic paper. 4. Facts are true information based on evidence. 5. Judgment is a belief based on person's judgment without certainty. 6. Inference is a process of reacting to a conclusion. 7. Fake news is the term for using invalid or faulty reasoning. 8. Opinion is a decision which is a product of careful thought. 9. Position paper is an end or sum up as a result of something. 10. A counterclaim is an opposition you make about the claim of the writer. (Pakibasa po muna yung direction bago sagutan) Direction: Analyze the text and formulate an evaluative statement. Face to face classes have significant effect to the academic performance of Grade 11 students. (Eto rin po sasagutan)


face to face classes have significant effect to the academic performance of grade 11 students

16. 3. PassageThe critics are wrong about Lily Evangelista’s first collection of short stories entitled Breaking the Shell. The varying writing styles used in each of the stories do not show that Evangelista has yet to find her own style as a writer; rather, it actually portrays her flexibility and ingenuity in choosing a style that would best fit the story she wants to tell. Many critics also disliked the use of colloquial language and deliberate wrong grammar in the dialogues in two of the stories in the collection. However, this actually makes thecharacters a lot more relatable, and it lends a certain uniqueness and freshness to the stories, making this collection a cut above the rest.QuestionWhich of the following persuasive techniques is used in the given excerpt of a critique?A. giving an exampleB. attacking an opposing viewC. defending an opposing viewD. using statistics4. Which of the following is done by the writer when he or she presents not just evidence for his or her own stand but also evidence for ideas opposing his or her position?A. providing balanced informationB. giving concrete examplesC. presenting statisticsD. presenting statements of authoritiessomebody helppakitulong plssschoices lang po to​


1. Anong uri ng enerhiya ang matatagpuan sa lahat ng substance?

2. Ang enerhiyang pantunog ay nabubuo sa paanong paraan?

3. Sa anong porma dumadaloy ang enerhiyang radiant Ipaliwanag

4. Saang porma maaaring mabuo ang enerhiyang electrical?

5. Bilang mag-aaral, alin sa mga pormang enerhiya ang pinakamahalaga kaugay ng

ayong pagbabasa sa gabi? Bakit?

17. Text:1Parents are always trying to find ways to encourage healthy eating in their childrenDitlerent scientists and educators have different strategies for promoting a well-rounded dietwhile still encouraging body positivity in children David R. Just and Joseph Price suggest intheir article "Using Incentives to Encouruge Healthy Eating in Children" that children aremore likely to eat fruits and vegetables if they are given a reixard (855-856). Similarly. ElenaPearl Ben-Joseph, a doctor and writer for Kids Health, encourages parents to be role modelsfor their children. She states that "parents who are always dieting or complaining about theirbodies may foster these seme negative feelings in their kids. Try to keep a positive approachabout food" (Ben-Joseph) Martha J. Nepper and Weiwen Chai support Ben-Joseph'ssuggestions in their article "Parents Baniers and Strategies to promote Healdy Eatingamong School-age Children." Nepper and Chai note. "Parents felt that patience, consistency,educating themselves on proper nutrition, and having healthier foods available in the homewere important strategies when developing healthy eating habits for their children." Byfollowing some of these ideas, parents can help their children develop healthy eating habitswhile still maintaining body posiüvityText 2Parents are always trying to find ways to encourage healthy eating in their childrenDifferent scientists and educators have different strategies for promoting a well-rounded dietwhile still encouraging body positivity in children. David R. Just and Joseph Price suggest intheir article "Using Incentives to Encourage Healthy Eating in Children" that children ur more likely to eat fruits and vegetables if they are given a reward (855-856) Similarly, ElenuPead Ben Josephu a doctor and writer for Kids Health, encouragan parents to be role modelefor their children. She states that "parents who are alivays dieting or complaming about Ourbodies may foster these same negative feelings in their kids. Try to keep a positive appronchabout food" (Ben-Joseph). Marthe Nopper and Weiwen Chai support Ben Joph'ssuggestions in their article "Parents' Barriers and Strategies to promote Healthy Entingamong School-age Children." Nepper and Chai note, “Parents felt that pntience, consistency.educating themselves on proper nutrition, and having more healthy foods available in thehome were important strategies when developing healthy eating habits for their children" Byfollowing some of those idons, parents can help their children develop healthy eating habitswhile still maintaining body positivity1 What is the text all about?2. Most likely, what source type was/were used by the writer? List down two3. Was there a change in the ideas of the first text? What was its effect4. In the second text, what transition was used to show evidently the relationship of ideas?S. Which text best illustrates a well synthesized information? Which one does not?​


1. its all about family

2.intelligent and smart

3.yes, its really pain

4.love is not money its about if you how you love the person


hope it help, Love u all keep safe

18. C. ACTIVITY 1: LOCATING THE MAIN IDEAResource: Courier from Warsaw by Jan NowakWhen I reported for duty in a small town of Dubno, on the Russian border, my Second Squadron of HorseArtillery had already left and was in its battle position on the opposite side of the country, facing the Germanfrontier. The reserve soldiers were collected in the barracks. When I left early in the morning to have breakfastin the officers' mess on Friday, September 1, 1939, I saw another officer running toward me. Waving his hands,he shouted excitedly, "The war has started --- the fighting started at 5 A.M.!"Study Tip (s):1. Writers like variety in the way they present their idea. As a result, you need to look at several places inthe paragraph to find the main the idea.Study Guide Question (s):1. How do you determine the main idea of a paragraph?2. Where is this located in the paragraph?Output (s):On a paper, write down the main idea of the passage, and list down the supporting details.​


1. How do you determine the main idea of a paragraph?

- By reading and understanding the text thoroughly.

2. Where is this located in the paragraph?

-In the last sentence

19. Position Paper: Should Homework be Mandatory? Questions: 1. What is the position paper about? 2. What is/are the claim/s of the writer? 3. If you were the writer, what will be your stand? Defend you answer.


1.The position paper about Should Homework be Mandatory.


Sorry po Yan lang po Alam ko,,,,

20. omprehensio estions NOT Directions: After reading the selection above, answer the following by writing the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each item. Iqx3 1. What is the starting point at which one can look for a location sideward? A. Equator C. Prime Meridian D. North Pole. B. Latitude 2. What divides the globe into upper and lower hemispheres? B. South Pole - A. Equator 3. What do you call the lines that are parallel to the equator? A. Meridians B. Latitude 4. Which of the following A. 49°N 10 W C. Prime Meridian D. North Pole C. Prime Meridian locations is nearest to the equator? B. 65'S 96°E C. 15'N 82°E D. 35'S 25 W 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? D. Longitude A. Searching for a location, look first the degree measures. B. The North Pole is the starting point of the latitudinal positions. C. Find a location, determine the direction, then identify the degree measures.nl D. Use the latitudinal positions to direct sideward. 6. Based on the passage you have read; which characteristics best describe Mara? A. Intelligent and wise B. respectful and diligent 7. Why is it important to learn how to find a certain location? A. because it provides information and directions about the place. B. because it encourages people to pursue Geography. C. because it focuses on enhancing the visual acuity. C. easy go lucky D. disrespectful and arrogant D. because it tends to inspire someone to travel around the world. 8. In the following statements, what is the writer's main point of view? A. Everyone must travel around the earth before learning the locations of different places B. It is important to memorize the locations on earth. C. Rely on the more knowledgeable person to learn locations. D. Learning locations take into consideration and emphasis on the directions, positions, and measurement.​







Not enough information provided in the selection to determine



21. Search for a sample position paper. Then, list down the positive sides of the issue, the negative sides of the issue and the interesting side of the issue. Title of the Position Paper:___________ Writer/s: _________ -Positive -Negative -Interesting​


picturan mo para masagutan ko


need picture po

22. C. ACTIVITY 1: LOCATING THE MAIN IDEAResource: Courier from Warsaw by Jan NowakWhen l reported for duty in a small town of Dubno, on the Russian border, my Second Squadron of HorseArtillery had already left and was in its battle position on the opposite side of the country, facing the Germanfrontier. The reserve soldiers were collected in the barracks. When I left early in the morning to have breakfastin the officers' mess on Friday, September 1, 1939, I saw another officer running toward me. Waving his hands,he shouted excitedly, "The war has started -- the fighting started at 5 A.M."Study Tip(s):1. Writers like variety in the way they present their idea. As a result, you need to look at several places inthe paragraph to find the main the idea.Study Guide Question (s):1. How do you determine the main idea of a paragraph?2. Where is this located in the paragraph?Output (s):On a paper, write down the main idea of the passage, and list down the supporting details.​


1. By reading the text thoroughly.

2. In the last sentence.

23. "Shoud Homework be Mandatory?" 1.What is the position paper about?2.What is/are the claim/s of the writer?3.If you were the writer, what will be your stand? Defend your answer.​




24. Parts of an Exposition / Expository Writing An expository writing begins with a statement of position which states a writer's point of view. This gives us the signal that an argument is about to go next. The argument part has lots of logical facts and evidences that supports the argument. It aims to convince or persuade the readers. This writing will be closed by the restatement of position(s). Each writing should have an ending, and we end an exposition by summarizing the facts that we used to support our argument and restating or repeating our stand about our topic. This signals that our writing is about to end. Directions: Below is a sample expository text already divided into parts. Read, analyze and identify which arnong is the statement of position, argument, and restatement of position (15​


1.) Every day, COVID-19 seems to reach a new and tragic milestone.

More than 210,000 cases have now been reported to WHO, and more than 9,000 people have lost their lives.

Every loss of life is a tragedy. It’s also motivation to double down and do everything we can to stop transmission and save lives.

We also need to celebrate our successes. Yesterday, Wuhan reported no new cases for the first time since the outbreak started.

Wuhan provides hope for the rest of the world, that even the most severe situation can be turned around.

Of course, we must exercise caution – the situation can reverse. But the experience of cities and countries that have pushed back this virus give hope and courage to the rest of the world.

Every day, we are learning more about this virus and the disease it causes.

One of the things we are learning is that although older people are the hardest hit, younger people are not spared.

2.) Parents Perspectives

Online learning is new, unknown and different for students, teachers and parents. It’s especially difficult for lower grade students. Parents of these young learners more often have to spend most of their time, helping their children navigate through platforms, working with them on homework and explaining the curriculum. This is true of parents who work from home, but what about those children whose parents go to work? How can these parents help their children? With this online learning, they need to find more time, concentration and focus to support their children to learn and master the subjects. Those parents who don’t have IT skills face greater problems, and need to seek help from relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. Parents and students from vulnerable communities also face difficulties, as many don’t have the means to provide their children a computer or smartphone to attend classes.

3.) As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and people are forced to stay home, workers are losing their jobs, health care systems are being stressed, local businesses are at risk of closing permanently, and the country is bracing for recession. The crisis has laid bare the inequities and injustices that threaten people’s well-being, safety, and lives.

Amid these uncertain and challenging times, we are asking and answering: How can the nation respond in the short term to keep all people safe and the economy afloat? What policies could help all of us recover in a way that is inclusive and equitable? And how can families and communities become more resilient to global health, economic, climate, and other shocks, even as we seek to prevent them from happening again?

The Urban Institute was built for this moment. We answer tough questions with unbiased, rigorous research and evidence-based solutions. For 50 years, we have studied what it takes to strengthen social safety net programs, dismantle structural racism, protect workers and families, and build community resilience. Using advanced analytics, data science, technology, and decades of expertise, we equip changemakers with the facts and insights they need to accelerate solutions.

We will be updating this page regularly in an effort to provide clarity, insight, and evidence-based solutions as this global crisis evolved.

25. Score Name Teacher: MOLAL. Pio Subject SCIENCE B - Da Vina Lesson Quarter 1 Week 6 LAS 3 Activity Title The Equation of Relationship Learning Target Calculate the given problem using the Ohm's Law formula Reference(s) SLM- Grade 8 (Quarter 1 Module 7) LAS Writer Marchael T. Cubi It is sometimes easier to remember this Ohms law relationship by using pictures. Here the th V. I and R have been apply into a triangle ( called the Ohm's Law Triangle) giving voltage at the top resistance below This arrangement represents the actual position of each quantity within the Ohms law fa need to find voltage, current, or resistance, simply place your finger over what you're trying to find the formula TIR R V=IxR I = VIR R = VA​


Disagree because the people I care for in a few weeks ago have been very busy in a couple and I am not a single parent of a single woman so I'm not sure what to look at though lol and yes we

26. refers to writer 's position on an issue. a. concept b. claim c. manifesto d. research ​


claim :: claim or often called as the 'thesis statement' states the writer's position or stand on a particular issue. ©iarchives

27. Directions: Search for a sample position paper. Then, list down the positive sides of the issue, the negative sides of the issue and the interesting side of the issue. Title of the Position Paper: _______________ Writer/s: _________*Positive *Negative *Interesting​


scan nyo nalang po para masagotan nyo


nandun po lahat dun po tama sagot

28. Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes. Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidences.1._______opposing viewpoints 2_______the position on the issue 3._______is the reasoning behind the claim 4.________are the facts used to support the warrant 5.________a general statement that supports the claim 6._______is the bottom-line conclusion of the argument 7._______problem or controversy about which people disagree 8.______are claims backed by reasons that are supported by evidence 9.______reasons and evidence that the claim is reasonable and should be accepted 10.________is a published declaration of the intentions, motives or views of an issuer 11._______ideas that are targeted toward needs or values that readers are likely to care about 12.________consists of facts, statistics, experiences, comparisons, and examples that show why a claim is valid13.________What is the lesson all about?14._______Write the complete name of your subject 15._________Write the name and surname of your subject teacher.​​


I don't know how to answer

29. Whal's More -Activity 2- READING. (pages 13-14) Use a separate sheet if needed ABOUT SHOULD HOMEWORK BE MANDATORY?1. What is the position paper obouts 2. What is/are the claim/s of the writer 3. If you were the writer, what will be your standa Defend your answer.​


the missing assignments and the inventors of a blank number 5 ang mga patlang isulat ang graphic design jobs in a match for another one ang probinsya of the

30. Directions: Write A if the statement is TRUE. If not, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. 1. Creative writing and technical writing share the same format and style of writing. 2. Figurative language is commonly used in technical or academic writing. 3. In terms of vocabulary, creative writing uses specialized words which are specific to a group of people. 4. The main purpose of technical/academic writing is to inform, to instruct, to persuade, or to sell which is different from the main purpose of creative writing. 5. Some of the examples of creative writing are position paper and concept paper. 7 6. Creative writers used lines with non-literal meaning to artistically convey their message to the readers. 7. Sensory imagery involves the use of descriptive language to create mental 8. Figurative language is phrasing that goes beyond the literal meaning of words to get a message or point across. 9. Diction is a vital element or aspect of the language of creative writing. 10. Writers create figurative language through figures of speech and literary devices.​












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