Modern Concept Of Police Service

Modern Concept Of Police Service

What is the modern concept of police service?

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1. What is the modern concept of police service?


It is the implementation of social services in which crime prevention is the end view. The police service of this concept considers the police as a mechanism of crime prevention. Its benchmark is the absence of crime in the society.

2. What is modern concept of police service? explain​


Social activities are the primary instruments of the police in counteracting crime.


It is the implementation of social services in which crime prevention is the end view.The police service of this concept considers the police as a mechanism of crime prevention.

hope it helps

pa brainly

3. What is the difference between CONCEPTS OF POLICE SERVICE, the OLD CONCEPT and the MODERN CONCEPT?​


Old Concepts -this old philosophy means throwing more people in jail rather than keepingthese out jail. ... Modern Concept -police service today has broadened its activities to include certain aspect ofsocial service for the welfare of the people. Their yardstick of efficiency is the absence of crime.

4. discuss the concept of police organization​

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The concept of police organization​.

police, body of officers representing the civil authority of government. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing.



‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵

5. importance of patrol as a backbone of the police service


Introduction. Police patrols play an important role in public service by responding to incidents, deterring and preventing crimes. It can give a sense of security to people who need protection and discourage those who may commit crimes in the absence of a patrol.

Patrol operation - the basic police function - forms the backbone of policing. This type of police operation is conducted to deny opportunities to commit crimes, and reduce the risk of citizens becoming crime victims. It also involves responding to calls for assistance and intervention.

6. Why is it so important for the police officers to have an ethical standards in police service?​


Many officers become caught in situations in which they have to make ethical decision to make and it again depends on the ethics of that officer whether he or she is making the right decision or not. And this decision play a vital role and have severe impact on both of his official and personal life.


pa brainliest, thank you :)


Many officers become caught in situations in which they have to make ethical decision to make and it again depends on the ethics of that officer whether he or she is making the right decision or not. And this decision play a vital role and have severe impact on both of his official and personal life.

7. what is normal policing period​ vs modern policing period


°The concept of “police” in the early modern period was far removed from our present understanding. From the end of the Middle Ages as used in legislative texts, the term was used to mean the maintenance of good order, at first frequently in a local or regional context, extending later to a territory or kingdom. It entailed practices of authority notionally described as “police,” associated with the concept of sovereignty and attempting to regulate the relations between individuals. In an era in which kings began to lay down laws defining social norms, this legislation extended to everything but the affairs of the court, the justice system, taxes, and the military. In practice, however, irrespective of the laws passed and contrary to their intention, social order long continued to be established and maintained at local or regional level.


°pa brainliest po

8. Discuss the theories of police service.



= is the theory of police service which

maintains that police officers are servants

of higher authorities. This theory prevails

in the continental countries Iike France

Italy and Spain. ... It is also the police

service which prevails in country with

decentralized form of government.


:) Pa like

9. What concept of police service does the Philippine national police adopt? explain your answer briefly​


The concept of the Community Oriented Policing System was launched in 1993 by the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) and the Philippine National Police through the project Police-Patrol Lingkod Bayan. for the Criminal Justice System is to reduce the crime and the fire of crime.

10. what concept of the police service is utilized by PNP organization​


Community and Service-Oriented Policing

hope it's help

11. discuss the theory of police service​


THEORIES IN POLICING • Continental = is the theory of police service which maintains that police officers are servants of higher authorities. This theory prevails in the continental countries like France, Italy and Spain. ... It is also the police service which prevails in country with decentralized form of government.

  right        him  m  ay      i d  k  . _ .

12. why is there a need of innovating modernizing policing worldwide?​


Smart policing innovations are transforming the future of law enforcement.. But at its core, law enforcement requires the same dedication to communities, the same. He specializes in advising federal, international, and private sector clients.


13. what concept of police service that pnp adopt?

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Community and Service-Oriented Policing

2015-342, enjoins the PNP to adopt the Community and Service-Oriented Policing (CSOP) System as the foundation of community-oriented policing and crime prevention strategy in the country

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Good police i think?

14. How do you appreciate the significance of the Theories of police service and Concept of police service?​


Our theory states that the police function, in its modern form, is linked to economic specialization and differential access to resources that occur in the transition from a kinship- to a class-dominated society. This theory shows the incremental steps by which this transition may come about, both historically and cross-culturally. In addition, we examine the implications of these steps for modern police-community relations.


I am thankful you are there to protect us and may God bless you all! Thank you for all you do. Some officers go out of their way to help and that is much appreciated. Especially when we are in the middle of a pandemic, many people are suffering but you are always there. To guide us, thank you for your services.

15. Who is the Father of modern policing? ​


Sir Robert Peel's Principles of Law Enforcement 1829

Sir Robert Peel is said to be the father of modern democratic policing.


Sir Robert Peel is said to be the father of modern democratic policing.


16. identify the concept of police service?Justify your answer?​


Nasan ba yun story ba yan ate? Eh wala namang explanation po

17. State the purpose of police service ?​


They are the ones that responsible to ensure public safety and hold individuals accountable for violating the law

18. Choose the best theories and concept of a police service which you think the most effective way in eliminating / minimizing criminality.​


For me to effectively reduce plagues on society or criminals, by being investigative in any move when you find something wrong that is prohibited. and be critical of people's actions be smart in figuring out how to catch criminals more easily.


A police force is a group of people with a job or occupation that maintains peace and order, enforces the law, investigates crimes, and provides protection to the public.



19. identify the concept of police service?Justify your answer?​


Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities.

20. doctrine of command responsibility in police service​


command responsibility, a superior may be held criminally responsible for a crime committed by his subordinates if it is proven that despite his awareness of the crimes of subordinates, he fails to fulfil his duties to prevent and punish these crimes.


hope its help.

21. Differentiate the policing system between modern and old.​


For me and my colleagues, the old days of police work were fun. We enjoyed going to to work and working our shifts. Most of the outlaws knew us and knew if they did not resist, we would not beat them up when they had to go to jail. I think that concept has pretty much gone away.


sana maka help

22. what is the significant findings about modern policing​


Purpose of policing

The purpose of the police has changed in modern times. At first the role of the police was to: Their role and purpose is also now increasingly focused on crime prevention. Each force has Crime Prevention Officers who visit schools and attend community meetings such as PACT.

23. discuss the concept of police service​


Police, body of officers representing the civil authority of government. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. ... Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities.




24. Discuss the the two theories of the police service


The work of Weber and Durkheim is regularly mentioned in police science, but the relevance of these two scholars to the field of study often remains implicit. Each perspective concentrates on one of the two core elements that characterise the police ; the power to use force and the moral-symbolic meaning


25. why is there a need of innovating or modernizing policing worldwide?​


The policing innovations shaping the future of law enforcement

New technologies, new methods, and new ideas have brought significant change to law enforcement. Police and law enforcement agencies across the country are driving the change, pioneering creative ideas, adapting to changing contexts, and incorporating insights from officers and community partners. The innovations that are shaping the future of law enforcement begin with emerging technologies that support new concepts of operations, enabling the interventions and relationships that keep society safe.

26. What is old concept of police service? Explain.​


ul><li>Old Concept – police service is looked upon the police as merely as repressive machinery. This old philosophy means throwing more people in jail rather than keeping them out of jail. Under this concept, punishment is the sole instrument of crime control.


ul><li>Old Concept – police service is looked upon the police as merely as repressive machinery. This old philosophy means throwing more people in jail rather than keeping them out of jail. Under this concept, punishment is the sole instrument of crime control.


27. Difference Early Policing System from the Modern Policing System.


Modern Policing is TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE; that is, without compromising on-going investigations, police are to be publicly open in their actions, their policies, practices, discipline, and training methods — and when and how often they use force.

28. what are the theories and concept of police service ​


in qualitative research,the data ia usually gratheredvusing structured research instrument

29. identify the concept of police service that was employed​


Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities.

30. Differentiate the policing system between modern and old.​


In the old concept of police, they were wanted by the citizens. In todays concept of the cops. The citizens wish wanted posters on them. Dead for x amount.

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